Holy **** dude I thought you were kidding. Sorry to derail the thread but I had to comment. Daily Mail is an untrustworthy tabloid and that whale.to site is just bat**** crazy. It has all sorts of fake medical information and stuff that is just literally insane. Here's a quote from whale.to about porn:
"A creation of the Reptilians, their Suppressing sexuality mind control creates the market of porn workers and the customers. Porn produces sexual energy which they feed on (Energy robbing), and the on planet Reptoids can enjoy the market sexually and financially, while destroying the Christ souled non-Luciferian culture."
I don't even need to say anything else, that's Scientology-tier madness.
Here's something much more credible with respect to psychotronic weapons.
I have a little inside knowledge on the subject and you'd be shocked at how advanced this extension of the CIA's
MK-ULTRA program has become. This technology literally allows someone's voluntary and involuntary body functions to be controlled remotely. This is the reason that President Obama started "The Brain Initiative" - to handle the ethical issues which are coming up because of the exponential rate of advancement with respect to psychotronic devices.
Oh, all the cool kids are gonna go with the PS4/Wii U combo this time around as that represents the best value for serious gamers who want high end HD games and all the Nintendo IP's like Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart.
Needless to say, don't buy a Xbox One because its little more than a NSA Trojan Horse to hack your mind.