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Plairnkk's Guide to playing Sheik! Icies vid up 3/23/07


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Alright, so I guess rather than just telling everybody what they're doing wrong all the time, I'll try to tell people what to do right. I'm not going to get too technical, using frames and such, because I want the guide to be appealing to everyone. I'll touch on important %'s though.

Table of Contents
1. Basic play/advanced techniques needed to move on.​
2. The Arsenal, Sheik's moves
3. Needles​
4. Character Matchups
5. Sheik Tricks
6. Q+A/F.A.Q​

1.) Basic play/advanced techniques needed to move on.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=42749 Read and understand AlphaZealot's Smashterms if you are new to the boards, then revisit this guide so you understand better!

2.) The Arsenal, Sheik's moves

Don't worry about the general descriptions too much, there will be more in Depth answers in the matchup specific section​

F-air: The Slap
Damage: 13%
General Description: Sheik's F-air is a great tool for all Sheik's, obviously. Though often thought of as "overly powerful", if the opponents DI the F-air correctly, they can usually live to ~150%.

B-air: Long *** Leg
Damage: 9-13%, depending on strength of hit.
General Description: Arguably Sheik's best move. This move is going to be your main utility for edge guarding.

N-Air: Sex Kick
Damage: 9-14%, depending on strength. The strongest part of her neutral air is actually the back of her right knee, which extents backwards while the left leg goes forward.
General Description: Along with the B-air, a great tool for edgeguarding, both forward and backwards.
Video: *Later*

D-Air: The Underdog
Damage: 11%
General Description: Though not used often by less experienced Sheik's, the D-air is a very useful tool. It is mainly used to pop the opponent up and set them up for a U-air or F-air. Great for tech chasing/rising platform game.
Video: *Later*

U-Air: Floaty Killer
Damage: 9-12%, depending on strength of hit.
General Description: Also potentially one of Sheik's best moves. Has the power to kill vertically, which is much easier against some characters than killing horizontally (Peach, Samus, Jiggs, Kirby, you know, the floaties.)
% That U-air Kills characters: Remember the U-air has three main hitboxes, so i'm only talking about the strongest one right now. Characters will be updated in the future with %'s, and DI taken into consideration. These numbers, however, are assuming there is no DI on the Uair, and it's sweetspotted. The number is what their percentage will have to be BEFORE it hits, for the move to kill. These are done on POKEMON STADIUM, which has a bit lower ceiling than FD, but yeah, they may very a bit on other levels. This is assuming the character is at the height they would be hit at from a down throw-->Uair combo. A Sheik grab usually does 5 damage or so, and you can jab a few times, keep that in mind.
Bowser: 136%
Kirby: 97%
Mario: 119%
Pikachu: 112%
Peach: 107%
Ness: 118%
Samus: 113%
I'll do the rest later.

F-tilt: God of all tilts
Damage: 7%
General Purpose: Great for setting up combos to fair, uair, etc. However, don't be overzealous and spam it. Though it may not seem like it, the F-tilt IS punishable. Can be used to edgeguard if people don't sweetspot, and then combo'd to a F-air.

D-tilt: Roundhouse Tilt
Damage: 8%
General Purpose: Dtilt sets up for combos a lot longer than ftilt. If a character is at too high of a % for a ftilt-fair combo, try d-tilt f-air or d-tilt u-air. It also goes under shields, so a l cancelled F-air into a D-tilt can a lot of times go under someones shield and set up for another f-air.

U-tilt: Double hitter
Damage: 8%+3%
General Purpose: Utilt is good for continuing combo's on fast fallers, such as fox/falco, it can rack on just the % you need before you f-air them to finish the combo off. Also, utilt is good for cancelling out attacks coming from above. I.E., it will trade with fox or falco's drill kick if they are coming in from above.

Neutral A- Jab
Damage: 4%
General Purpose: Sheik's jab is amazing, possibly the best in the game. Against a lot of characters at any % you can Jab-->running grab. Once characters get to higher %, you can combo Jab-Fair, for a quick combo they aren't always ready to DI. Jab can also lead to tilts, or downsmash, depending on their character and %. Jab comes out VERY quickly, so it's a great way to cover yourself. However, if your opponent catches on and starts crouch cancelling the jabs, STOP JABBING. They;re free to do whatever they want after a crouch cancelled jab.

U-Smash: Tip it!
Damage: 13-18%, depending on strength. Strongest at tip of hands meeting.
General Purpose: Can be used to tech chase, leads right to a forward air. If you are sure of their tech, go there and Usmash, suspends opponents for a long time. Also, some stages you can get under a platform and tip a Usmash/get low % KO's on your opponent. If you have the opportonity, do it.

F-Smash: Two hits
Damage: 5%->14%
General Purpose: Should be used sparingly. The problem with it is even if you hit someone with the first part, they can react and crouch cancel the second and retaliate. Also very easy to be shieldgrabbed from. However it can have nice combos on Fasterfallers if you do land it.

Damage: 13-30ish%
General Purpose: Sheik's best smash move. It hits multiple times, so if someone is spamming sidestep/spot dodge too often, you can just dsmash whenever you think theyre going to spot dodge,and it will hit anyway once the dodge is done, since it hits multiple times. The front side hits faster, its quicker to TURN and dsmash, rather than dsmashing someone behind you. Can be used to edgeguard, if you are very close to the edge it hits below the stage and can prevent people from sweetspotting the edge, namely falcon/gannon.

Neutral B- Needles
Damage: 3%-16%, depending on number stored.
General Purpose: Needle storing: Hit L or R while charging needles. Once your character starts flashing, you're fully stored. Needles can be used so specifically I'm actually going to give it an entire Section later.

Up+B: Recovery
Damage: 12%-22%, Can hit twice
General Purpose: Getting back to the stage. During the invisible part of Sheik's recovery and a bit before, She is invulnerable. Take advantage of this when recovering. You can come from high, low, everywhere and should be able to sweetspot. Practice it. Her up+b is very useful, but I'll list more of that in the "Sheik Tricks" section.

Down+B: Don't do it
Damage: Loss of the match
General purpose: To make you lose matches

Forward+B: Chain
Damage: Depends: initial hit is 3%, then damage racked up while they are stuck in.
General Purpose: Not much of any. It is decent for edgeguarding space animals and other characters, but there are just so many better moves that it shouldn't really be used.

3.) Needles

I'm going to devote an entire section to needles. Needle storing, Needles-->Grab, Needles for edgeguarding, Reverse needle cancelling, ETC.

4.) Character Matchups

The number after each name is the % of favorability for that character as sheik. For example, if I say bowser is at 90%, that means the match is 90% in Sheik's favor.

Bowser: 90% I'll give a brief walkthrough of this matchup, but if you're losing, shame on you, HA.

Grabs: Grabs absolutely **** bowser. First of all, you can chainthrow 0-90% or so. If you don't feel the need to chainthrow the beast, just combo him. Against Bowser I can't even suggest any set combos because essentially EVERYTHING works.

Edgeguarding: Although Bowser's up+b is good, he's still a breeze to edgeguard. You can just hang on the ledge, and if he goes low ledge hop nair or bair, or if he goes high get up and punish him when he lands. Careful when he lands though, he has almost no landing lag from the up+b.

Approach/Priority: The only thing at all to be careful about against bowser is his up+b. Any decent bowser is going to abuse the hell out of that move, so beware of it. It's hard to actually do since it's BOWSER, but make sure you respect the up+b. It has really good priority+it comes out very fast. Against a GOOD bowser you need to make sure you space moves well so that they can't hit you with up+b out of shield and throw off your rhythm.

Captain Falcon: 65% Alright, against Captain Falcon there are a few important things to do. Sheik should win the matchup with relative ease, though.

Grabs: Grabs are great in this matchup. You have a few options. If your opponent isn't that experienced, you can down throw-->neutral A jab--> dash regrab. The jab resets the falcon, so he will just be standing there with his shield on instead of teching. If the falcon catches onto this and gets away when you try to regrab, take note of what they do (a lot of the time they will roll away). So next time you dthrow-->jab them, Just run like you're going to jab and chase their roll into another grab or a dsmash. Though this is effective vs. people who aren't so experienced, the best thing to do against Cfalcon is just to Dthrow-->follow tech regrab. This takes experience and reaction time, but if you tech chase him well, he can't get away. If the falcon doesn't tech, just wavedash back out of his get up attack range and then wait for his tech. Falcon has a slow tech, and this is a terrible weakness for him. If you grab falcon near the edge, never hesitate to throw him off the edge so you can...

Edgeguarding: Falcon is one of the easiest edgeguards in the game, and you have basically a million options. If you hit falcon off the edge and you're standing on the stage, i prefer to get on the edge and edgehog. You can then hop up and back air or neutral air if they come low. Don't be fooled by falcons who fake going on the stage then drift backwards and grab the ledge, be weary tons of falcons do that. Also, if the falcon is far enough out, you can just hop out and forward air them. One of the cheesiest edgeguards vs falcon is when he is recovering low, you need to roll the very edge of the stage. If sheik is on the VERY edge of the stage, when she downsmashes her head actually hits BELOW where falcon can sweetspot. If you time the dsmashes right, falcon is then just stuck getting Dsmashed over and over until he can't recover. So silly!.

Approaches/priority: Needles. I'm a big fan of needles in most matchup, but they're great in this one. A lot of falcons dash dance camp and wait for grabs, which can do BIG damage if the falcon knows how to combo. Needling stops them from dash dancing around and forces them to be on the offensive and go for more than just grabs. Tilts. Don't spam them too much, but sheik's tilts have great priority over falcon's moves, along with her Nair.
Overall your goal against falcon is to get him off the edge and gay him. Grab him, tech chase him, throw him off, gay him. :p

DI'ing Falcon's silly combos: Make sure you DI away from falcon at low %'s to escape the Uair juggles, but at high %'s be careful. At high %'s (70-90 or so) a good falcon can link a uthrow-->Knee, so be careful and just DI straight up, you can probably live through a knee at that percentage depdning on the level. Because knees are so easy to reverse, make sure you're DI'ing UP first, then when u see which direction you're sent, shift your DI towards the stage.

Vids and examples: Coming later!

Doctor Mario: 55% Can be tricky :p

Grabs: Doctor Mario is a sucker to Sheik's grabs, as are most characters as you've noticed. At low %'s, when you grab doctor mario if he DI's away you can run and regrab, much like against Peach or Marth. Also, if he DI's behind you and doesn't jump early enough, you can hit with that Usmash then combo. If they DI slightly up and away or behind you and jump, all you can do is jump up and hit with a nair/fair, though that's still a hefty 20 dmg. At higher %'s feel free to dthrow-->fair Doctor Mario no matter how he DI's and just edgeguard, Doc's recovery is pitiful.

Edgeguarding: Doctor Mario's recover is bad, so edgeguarding to abuse it is very helpful. I find hanging on the edge to be the best approach against Doc's recovery he rarely has a good enough recovery to make it to the stage. Basically, ledge hopped nair's during doc's up+b are amazing. They trade with his up+b, hitting you back on the stage while he goes flying just out of recovery range (most of the time, save low %'s.) Also, a lot of Doc's try to pull towards the sweetspot when they're recovering. If they try to do this just dash under all the pills, run out and F-air doc in the face.

Approach/priority: Against Doc make sure your spacing is good. You don't want to get grabbed, Doc's chaingrab can beast sheik to around 60%. If the Doc is pill spamming, just remember not to be afraid of the pills. You can cancel them with almost anything. Against a spammer, once you get pressure applied stay on them, don't give them room to run. A lot of Doc's sidestep a lot so be aware of that and be prepared to wait for it and grab. Either that or Dsmash when you think they'll sidestep, either one works with Sheik.

Donkey Kong: 70% Donkey Kong can combo Sheik really well, but it's still not a fair trade for what he suffers in this matchup.

Grabs: You can't chaingrab Donkey Kong, but since he's such a large target it is easy to combo him. Again, like bowser, it's hard to say set combos for Donkey Kong, but just do what you see fit. Uair combos into more uairs like usual, usmash is good, tilts, the works. Grabs are good in this matchup, but surprisingly not as important as most.

Edgeguarding: Edgeguarding DK can be tricky since his up+b has good priority and if you get hit with it you take 30% damage sometimes, but once you get the edgeguarding down it's not bad. Needles **** dk's recovery, so if you can SH needle him at any time go for it. Also, back airs go through the up+b, as well as nair but the timing needs to be right, so practice it.

Approach/Priority: This is the most important section against DK. I don't usually say this much but. SPAM MOVES INTO HIS SHIELD. Dk's shield is ****ing pitiful. It will be too small to block anything after about two moves. If you just continue to spam spaced l-cancelled moves into DK's shield, he has NO answer. Keep the pressure on DK and keep him shieldless, you'll find him quite easy to ****. Make sure you space your moves so he can't hit you with that devestating up+b out of shield. If DK is up-air comboing you, try to jump out asap but also make sure you're DI'ing the last hit so you don't get F-air'd to your death.

Falco: 40%: Falco's gay.

Grabs: Refer to fox

Edgeguarding: Refer to fox

Approaching and priority: Here's where this matchup differs than fox, due to Falco's ability to SHL. One of the most important things for someone to be able to do against Falco is to consistently Powershield. The easiest way to powershield is if you are running at the person, and right before the laser hits you, slam your shield down. Effectively mastering this ruins the falco's shl almost completely. Aside from that, just try to stay off the ground if the Falco is spamming lasers. Waveland off platforms into aerials, space aerials into their shield, etc. The main thing you have to accept about this matchup is that FALCO WILL USUALLY BE IN CONTROL. The thing is, though, once you get the upperhand, you need to try to stay on them, and pressure them. Once you get a falco off the edge, you don't want them back on. His recovery is so poor basically any letting them back on is a mistake. Sheik needs to be aggressive against falco and once she gets a hold of him, never let go. Don't crouch cancel much against falco, his D-air goes right through it. Never try to shield grab a decent falco, it just sets you up for a combo. Roll away before the shine its. Also, if you stand there when the falco hits your shield and then shines,what does the falco always do right after? Jump and Dair again. So you can just wait for the falco to Dair-->shine, then as soon as the falco shines jump out of your shield with a quick nair and knock the falco away.

Di'ing vs. Falco: Mainly against falco you are going to want to DI the initial shine away, and you can escape all combos. However if you don't and are stuck in a pillar combo, make sure you tech when you hit the ground. Don't Mash the tech button, though, because if you press the tech button at the wrong time, you can't tech for the next 1 second of game play, most people get ***** by falco because they dont know that. Di' falco's Fsmash Up and slightly in if you get it, you can live to ~150% if they try to punish your up+b with fsmash.

Vids and Examples: I have a few videos up from about 4 months ago when I wasn't nearly as good as I am now. However, they still somewhat show how i play against Fox/falco, so i'd watch them if you have questions on either matchup. They have some little tricks and stuff that are good to know. I'll have newer vids up soon.

Fox: 40%: One of Sheik's not so good matchups, but it's still completely possible.

Grabs: Grabs against fox are crucial. Again, the good ol' tech chase if very very reliable against fastfallers, Dthrow->wait for tech->react->grab. If you notice someone is teching in place all the time or not teching, the next time you grab them just Dthrow-->Dsmash if it will hit them off the ledge. Most people have very predictable tech patters, take note of which way spacies tech and punish the techs. If you grab a space animal near the edge, don't hesitate to thow them off and edgeguard.

Edgeguarding: To edgeguard fox and falco is very fun, and is one of the most effective in the game. The most very simple edgeguard that will work against almost any new/only decent fox, is if you just Back throw them near the edge, turn around and needle (they'll jmp into it out of reflex) then jump out and F-air them in the face during their firefox. This works for falco too. If the fox likes to illusion at the spot so it sweetspots, you have a few options. You can either walk up to the ledge and time the Dsmash (Start the Dsmash when you hear the TING from the illusion), or you can fall off the ledge and jump with a neutral air, then up+b to the ledge and edgeguard with back airs. I prefer just throwing the fox off the edge and edgeguarding with back airs.

Approach/priority, the tricky thing: Basically what I do in this matchup is wavedash around a lot and wait for grab opportunities. Also do needles off of a platform-->aerial. Needles-->grab are also very useful in this matchup, any way to get a grab is good. If the fox comes from too high, you can utilt his approach. if he comes too low, you can dsmash it. If the fox isnt experienced enough to come from the right angle you should be able to stop them approaching pretty easily. Needles are good if the Fox is dash camping, because his dash dance is so good. Also, take note of what a fox does when you run at them. Do they sidestep? If so, downsmash next time. Do they always jump out of their shield and try to do an aerial? If so, just jump above their shield and smack them with a F-air. L cancel aerials into tilts is good, but be careful of getting predictable. Just play solid and don't leave yourself too open, grabs will get you massacred.

DI'ing vs. fox: I'm sure a big problem most people have against fox is the Uthrow-->uair combo. Basically with experience and reaction time you will learn to DI the initial throw, which is 1/2 the battle. If the fox isn't that good at Uthrow-->Uair, you can usually DI the throw then hit them with a F-air when they come out. Against a good fox, you have to Di away from the throw, then SMASH DI back in the other direction after the first hit of the uair hits. This will stop the 2nd (and stronger) part of the uair from hitting. When you see yourself get shined, vs a good fox, just immediately start DI;ing away because you know the wd-->uthrow is coming, or if not then the Usmash is, which u still want to DI so you don't get uair'd afterwards.

Vids and examples: Coming later!

Ganondorf 70%: Ganondorf can be a tricky matchup for Sheik, but done correctly shouldn't be a problem.

Grabs: Ganon is one of the characters I feel no mercy at all chainthrowing. This is partly becomes he's one evil mother****er, and partly because he can do it back to me just as badly. You can chainthrow ganon til about 80, then just do an aerial and edgeguard. If he lives, all grabs after that just do dthrow-->aerial.

Edgeguarding: Be a bit more careful with your spacing because he can grab you more easily than captain falcon. Also, stay alert because his down+b helps him recover a lot. If he grabs you when you go to hit him, and you're near the stage, be ready to tech the throw. Aside from that, **see captain falcon**.

Approaching/Priority: First and foremost, BEWARE THE DOUBLE JUMP. All Ganon's ***** double jump-->Fair. So don't fall for it. Don't try to shieldgrab ganon (or anyone really) because his jab comes out really fast and is powerful. Your tilts go through ganon decent, but be careful not to spam them because a well timed F-air can mess you up. Needles **** ganon. He can't get near you if you spam him, they're as good as they are vs Captain Falconx10.

Ice Climbers 40%: Ice climbers are a pretty bad matchup for Sheik, but it's still better than Zelda and possibly against the majority of ice climbers. Don't let people tell you different. BAN FINAL DESTINATION AGAINST ICIES ALWAYS.

Grabs: Many people think you can't grab icies at all, that's not true. The only problem is getting close enough to grab is risky. However, if you do have a grab opportunity feel free to take it. Just make sure you grab Popo (the player controlled ice climber) and not Nana. Down throw him right away, and the animation will knock Nana away when she goes to break it up. You can then combo. When it gets down to one ice climber, grab away. Grab fair, grab Uair, you know the drill by now.

Edgeguarding: Once you get the iceclimbers off the edge, at least try to kill off nana. You can interrupt the spin with most of your moves and force the ice climbers to up+b. If they do that and nana lands on the stage, take her out while you have your opportunity. The back of your knee in your Nair works well for edgeguarding icies if you're hanging on the ledge to prevent them from sweetspotting.

Approaching and priority: DON'T GET GRABBED! If you do get grabbed, DI towards the edge and try to get either off the stage, or to a platform. Be careful, though, ice climbers can sneak a dsmash in during anytime in their chaingrab to hit you off the stage while you;re DI'ing wrong. Basically what you want to do in this matchup is camp platforms. Needle camp, and make the icies come up to you with their weak aerials. Ic's Smash and grabs are their strong point, if you limit those you have a chance. L cancel platform wavelanded attacks into the icies shield. If you space things well enough and L cancel, they can't do a single thing about it. Play this matchup PATIENT and just stay on platforms. It's long, it's gay, it's boring. But they're icies, they can't complain.

Di against icies: Nothing really that special to know about Di'ing against them... Di the Dsmash and stuff the usual up and slightly in, and if they only have one popo and down throw you just try to get off the stage or to a platform (they can still chaingrab).

Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l14EsrF-Gl0

Jigglypuff 70%: This matchup is heavily in the favor of Sheik and with correct game play, you shouldn't have trouble against Jiggs.

Grabs: Grabs **** jigglypuff if you can get them in, BUT BE CAREFUL. Jiggs can duck or sidestep your grab and it leads to a rest, so don't just throw them out there. Some Jiggs dont have a style like this and you can get away with grabs, but some just duck/sidestep and rest. Against this style of jiggs, the only way you should grab is shieldgrab laggy moves (fsmash) or needle-->grab, and perhaps tech chase grab if you know you can get them. Don't get rested. Grab-->running Uair is great to kill jiggs, otherwise just grab Fair. Be quick or else a gay jiggs will try to rest you out of your grab combos.

Edgeguarding: Edgeguarding can be tricky against Jiggs due to her *pound*. Overall you want to try to kill jiggs up, but if you can't do that for some reason the best way to edgeguard her is to bait the pound. Pretend you're going to go out or something, then capitalize on the pound lag. Her pound goes through sheik's F-air, back air, and nair, so you don't want to get hit by that, she can then edgeguard into a rest. However once she pounds, she has lots of lag for you to go in and hit her with a bair or a fair.

Approaching/priority: Like i said before, be careful about your grabs. If you miss, you're rested if the Jiggs is good. So instead of a grab heavy game, play an aerial game. Spaced Bair's hurt Jiggs bad on the stage, create ur own Sheik wall of pain. Throw needles if they're WOP camping. Make them come to you. Space aerials into tilts and keep your distance, that's how sheik wins, but once you get in on the jiggs try to keep the pressure game on.

Zomg Jiggz missed a rest, what do i do?!: When Jiggs misses a rest, Sheik has 2 options. At low %, you should charge up your needles if they aren't charged, then do a down air-->aerial combo on the jiggs. At higher %'s (65%+ is when it starts killing on stadium with no DI) you should just charge a Usmash right next to the jiggs. You could also try Dair-->uair at higher %'s, but thats escapable if the Jiggs is quick enough.

Di and recovering against Jiggs First off, when jiggs does her dthrow to you, make sure you DI away so the jiggs doesnt get a silly rest. You have like 3 seconds to react since the grab animation has her like rocking back and forth. Also, if jiggs hits you off the ledge with a back air, you have to DI the first one away, or else she can just keep WOPing you off. It's hard because your mentality wants you to be back on the stage, but if you DI the first one slightly away or even just DON'T DI IN, you can avoid the rest of the back airs. When jiggs rests you at 0-15% or so, DI up and slightly in and you can live depending on the stage. If you're above about 20%, try to DI as fast as you can to the side of the stage so you die off the side instead of the top. Dying off the side allows you to come back faster and punish the jiggs, rather than getting the animation of dying off the top. When recovering against Jiggs, try to up+b as far onto the stage as you can if you have no way to get onto the ledge. If you up+b right onto the stage right next to the ledge, the jiggs can hop up and do a ledge hopped rest during your lag.

Kirby 90%: Kirby is an easy matchup for Sheik, even though there's speculation around of Kirby being a "Sheik counter". Lol@that, Kirby sucks!

Grabs: When it comes to grabbing a kirby, the game is very simple. Don't bother tilting kirby, same with Jigglypuff. He's too floaty and the tilt will end your combo without doing good damage. At low %'s, Dthrow-->Fair if they DI away, or Dthrow Nair since its a bit more damage. Also at low %'s if they DI up instead of away, you can do a uair-->another aerial depending on if they DI correctly. Above ~80%, just dthrow-->Uair no matter how they DI, with the running uair if they DI away.

Edgeguarding: Edgeguarding Kirby is rather simple. Basically you edgeguard him the same as Jiggs, but without worrying about the *pound* knocking you backwards. You can hit him with Bairs when he's coming high, but if he's coming low just hang on the ledge and wait for his up+b, then jump up with a neutral air and he'll die. Needle, hop out and Fair, do back airs, hell, be creative, IT'S KIRBY.

Approaches/priority: The only thing that can be tricky at all about playing Kirby is his super-low duck. To solve this problem just use sh'd needles. Needle-->grab ***** kirby terribly. Otherwise, just play smart and don't get sucked off the edge or any of that stupid stuff, and you will be fine.

Link 85%: Sheik ***** link.

Grabs: If you feel like being gay, chaingrab!! Sheik can chaingrab link to like 80 or 90, into a tilt-->aerial. If not, She has also combos on Link as well. Dthrow-->tilt-->fair, Dthrow->dash attack-->utilt -->fair, etc. It depends how they DI, but the combos can be deadly. At high %,s just dthrow-->Fair and edgeguard, link is heavy so he's harder to kill off the top.

Edgeguarding: Needles **** link pretty bad when he's recovering. wait until he tries to airdodge-->grapple on and hit him with a needle, it will take his grapple away and then you can edgehog his up+b. Also, hang on the ledge and wait, your neutral air will go through his up+b. Also if you time it right, if the link is hanging down with his grapple, come up with a neutral air as he's coming up from his grapple and you'll ****. Also you can look for an opening and back air him away, or Fair if you get the opportunity. A lot of sheik vs low tiers is improvisation because you have so many openings.

Approaches/Priority: You have to keep the pressure on Link, because if he can spam projectiles he can combo well off of them, believe it or not. Stay on him and keep him on the defensive, Link has a decent offensive game against Sheik. Space aerials, tilts, bait out grabs and punish the hell out of them. Needles do wonders against Link as well, since he's pretty slow. Make sure you don't get grabbed at 70+%, because no matter how you DI he can Dthrow-->up+b you. Make sure you space well so he can't up+b out of shield and hit you.

Videos against Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeOeFqnttK4

Luigi 65%: The matchup is strongly in Sheik's favor, but you really have to know what you're doing. RESPECT THE NAIR!

Grabs: Dthrow-->aerial. That's it. At any %. Don't try for more. The only time it's acceptable to go for more than that is at mid %'s u can do Dthrow-->uair-->uair because if you space sheik's uair right it doesn't get ***** by luigi's nair hitbox. Aside from that, from a grab just do one hit and get away so you don't get nair *****. At 100% or so, you can start trying to kill Luigi with a Uair. Even if he DI's away you can still hit him with a Uair. Run-->uair.

Edgeguarding: Needles **** luigi's recovery. Luigi's recovery is extremely predictable. Gauge where he is going to go and go punish it. Aside from that, remember luigi's up+b goes 100% verticle so you can just wd on the ledge before he gets on. If the luigi can't efficiently do the Tornado recovery it should REALLY be a breeze to edgeguard him. Aside from that, Sheik's ledge hop nair ***** luigi like it does most characters.

Approach/Priority: Needles are good to stop luigi's silly wavedashing everywhere. Also be careful of sidesteps, a lot of Luigi's are giant sidestep scrubs. Most Luigi's will sidestep right after they land with an aerial, so just wait for the sidestep and grab. The main thing to remember is to wait for the Nair. Don;t get greedy with combos. If you chain 2 moves together you're LUCKY against Luigi, so don't go for more. Overall, be patient, chip damage, edgeguard. Abuse needles, abuse tilt priority, grab-->uair. Together, those will do the trick.

Mario 55%: Mario is a very similar matchup to doctor mario. See doc for a lot of other advice.

Approach/Priority: Since you don't have to worry about pills being so annoying, this matchup can be a bit easier. Tilts go right through any approach mario has, so those are good. See Doc for other advice.

When Mario grabs you: Try to DI to escape the chaingrab, but you can't get out til around 60%. At this point, or any point past like 40 mario can Dthrow-->fsmash you. So make sure you are ready to DI up at any point when you see that happen.

Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv2dxS7O9Dg

Marth 55%:Often thought of as a **** matchup, but it's not too bad for Marth if he knows exactly what he's doing. Still, though, if the Marth doesn't know exactly how to play it, you should **** him badly.

Grabs: Sheik's grab game against marth is awesome. At low %'s, you can regrab Marth if he DI's completely AWAY. If he DI's behind you or in place, you can Usmash and if he doesnt have the timing perfect, he will get hit by it into another aerial. at mid %'s, the standard dthrow-->tilt-->aerial works if they don't DI the tilt well, but if they start DI'ing the tilt well just do throw-->aerial to get more damage. At higher %'s Dthrow-->fair-->edgeguard can be deadly as well as Dthrow-->dash forward-->sweetspot back air. Once marth is at ~100% before you grab and jab a few times, you can kill him with an up air.

Edgeguarding: Edgeguarding Marth is tricky but can definitely be done. Needles are great to ruin his momentum and you can hop on the ledge if you hit him with one. Also, just hanging on the ledge is effective against Marth. You can time back airs to hit him between his Fair swipes. If he always saves his jump and goes low, you can go down and time your back air for when he always jumps. Just remember to switch it up. Also if you're hanging on the ledge, when Marth is about to up+b you can jump up with your neutral air and trade hits. Usually Marth's up+b will hit you into the stage, so make sure you tech the wall. The traded Nair will kill him usually. At low %'s, you can crouch cancel-->down tilt marth's up+b if he doesn't sweetspot perfectly. Same with Dsmash. ALso every once and a while you can just run out and Fair marth in the face between swipes. Be careful though, if you do this too much you'll be very predictable.

Approaching and priority This is probably the most tricky thing against Marth. If you're playing a Marth who just dash dances around, THROW NEEDLES. Hell, if you're playing any marth, THROW NEEDLES. Needles **** marth. They ruin his ground game and him approach in the air where he's not nearly as swift. If the Marth just spams Fairs, crouch cancel into dtilt or dsmash them at low %'s. You have to play patient against Marth and capitalize on openings. Grab combos **** so strive to get grab combos in. Wavedash around, Dash dance around him when hes landing and wait for his move then run in and grab. Wavedash out of shield is cruical as well against Marth, if he misses a Fsmash it shoudl be a free grab for you.

Recovering and DI Against a marth that Fsmashes all the time, make sure you recover from under the stage and sweetspot. If you try to recover high, most Marth's will just spam an fsmash and try to hit you. If the marth catches onto this and slides onto the edge so you have to up+b onto the stage, then jsut try to switch it up and confuse them, but usually you can jsut always sweetspot from below vs. Marths. Di is very important against Marth. I typically don't die to Marths until ~150-160% each stock. Always DI the Fsmash UP, and slightly inwards towards the stage. When Marth up throws you, wait until you KNOW you can get out of it and then jump and get away. Be careful though, if you lose your double jump you're in for some nasty combos. If marth is F-air comboing you, you should DI away so that the next Fair will send you far enough for the previous to not hit. Be sure to DI away when Marth throws you forward, or else you're set up for a nasty Fsmash. When marth throws you back, be careful not to jump if the marth is smart, because a lot of marths will just wait for the jump and then jump up and back air you out of your double jump.

Overview: Be careful, avoid tippers. Throw needles. Abuse grabs. Abuse back air/Nair edgeguards. DI correctly and survive. Play gay. Play smart.

Mewtwo 90%: I'm not even going to lie, I don't know what to do against mewtwo. I'd probably throw needles or something. He's light too so uh..uairs?

Mr. Game and Watch 70%: Mr. GaW is a good matchup for Sheik, but he has his array of tricks he can use.

Grabs: You can chaingrab gaw to about 40-50% if you so please. After that, you can do your usual dthrow combos. If the gaw di's wrong above like 50%, you can dthrow-->usmash which will kill gaw at EXTREMELY low %'s if you tip them. Feel free to go for crazy combos on GaW, he has nothing to interrupt them.

Edgeguarding: The ledge hopped nair absolutely ***** gaw's recovery. His recovery doesn't even trade with it, so you can just keep doing it over and over. Ledge hopped nair, wd onto ledge, repeat. Aside from that, needles **** his momentum as well. You can also dtilt-->Fair or uair because a lot of GaW's will miss the sweetspot. But if that doesn't work, don't keep trying it.

Approaching/Priority: Gaw has a bad shield, so again spamming spaced l-cancelled moves into his shield and keeping pressure on him is the way to go. Aside from that, needles do well vs Gaw as he doesn't really have a huge counter to them. Be careful of getting grabbed, was GaW can do some sick combos to sheik, including chaingrabbing 0-25 into some aerials. Tilts are good against GaW since he lacks range, and you can get the usual tilt-->fair if they don't DI well. Watch out for GaW's umbrella, and make sure you don't jump up into it after they throw you.

Ness 75%: Ness is an extremely easy matchup for sheik, grabs+range ****.

Grabs: You can chaingrab ness until like 50-60 I believe. After that, you can just combo like usual out of grabs. Ness is easy to kill up so if you get the opportunity to KO with an up air, take it. If not, slap him off the edge and go edgeguard.

Edgeguarding: When Ness is recovering with his up+b, you want to go out and disrupt him before it hits him. Either hit Ness so he's further out and has to up+b again, or, for an isntant death, knock his little blue thingy away so that he just plummets to his death. Needles can be useful against his recovery as well if he up+b's in the wrong spot. If Ness gets himself hit with his up+b, DON'T TRY TO EDGEGUARD HIM until he stops flying really fast. He has basically priority over EVERYTHING at that point. Once he's almost to the end of the up+b, you can hit him with basically any move.

Approaches/Priority: Ness has next to no range, so tilts do well in this matchup. Needles can also keep him away decently. Be careful to DI his throws correctly so they don't combo into a back air, Ness's back air is painful. Ness is pretty slow, so you can basically run around and wait for/bait an opportunity to grab, then destroy him off of that.

Peach 50%: Peach is possibly my best matchup and I love playing against her. This is a very even matchup if the Peach knows how to play it right and throws a lot of turnips! YOU HAVE TO PLAY SMART AGAINST A DECENT PEACH, OR YOU WILL NOT WIN.

Grabs: Ok these are incredibly important in this matchup. Reaction is key, too. At low %'s if you grab peach and dthrow, if she DI's completely away you can regrab. If she Di's right behind you, you can usually Usmash if the peach isn't that experienced, which leads to another aerial. For example, i grab a lot of peach's at 0%. Dthrow->regrab->regrab (when they DI away) then they will DI back, and Usmash, aerial. That's like 50% right there. If the peach doesn't DI right behind you, or uses slight DI forward just ftilt-->fair. Be careful and learn when she can break out with a Nair, her Nair is nasty. At higher %'s, (90+), just go for the Uair. Peach will live if you Fair her and she DI's correctly until 160% or so, but a Uair can kill at 100. Dthrow, and even if they DI away from you, just run forward and hit them with a running Uair. It combos, believe me. A great thing about this is a lot of times they'll be DI'ing up to try to survive the Fair, and get Uair'd and die early. You should be able to Dthrow-->Uair peach from like 80% til 120% no matter how she DI's.

Edgeguarding: Back airs. Needles. If the peach is floating at a height where your needles can hit, don't hesitate to take her float. Once you do that, hop on the edge and just edgeguard hanging or with backairs. If the Peach is high up, you can jump out after her and back air, either causing her to umbrellas or air dodge. If she umbrellas, just get back on the stage and try to hit her out of it. If she air dodges, the next time you go out after her just fake like you're going to back air, then land back on the stage and punish her air dodge.

Recovering against Peach: A lot of people complain about Peach ****** Sheik's recovery with Dsmash, but its pretty simple. Most peach's will simply hang on the ledge until you up+b back on the stage, then get up and Dsmash, sending you back out. All you have to do is hold down for a little and crouch cancel the first hit of her Dsmash, so the 2nd hit sends you back onto the stage instead of the first hit sending you back out off the stage for her to continue doing it. Practice the timing, it makes a HUGE difference in the match.

Approaches/Priority: Play smart. Needle if she floats within range of needles. If she is floating at you, just Short hop a Fair in her face, it goes right through her floating moves. Most peaches sidestep/downsmash/roll a lot, so use that to your advantage. Bait these things. Wavedash back, dance around, needle, make them do something stupid and punish it. Try to keep pressure on the peach. You want to stay close enough that they can't pull turnips, but not so close that you're in danger range. At low %'s shffl'd aerials work well to rack up damage, at high %'s grab combos are best for killing. IMPORTANT INFORMATION COMING: When Peach is on a platform, 99% of Peach's WILL ALWAYS DOWNSMASH, just hoping to get that lucky 60% in. Just walk directly under a Peach on a platform and stand there, wait for the dsmash, then Jump up and Uair combo them or Nair.

Videos: Coming later

Pichu 80%: If you want to know exactly what NOT to do Versus Pichu, go watch me vs ChuDatz on youtube. I wanted to get more MM's at smashtality when playing those, so i didn't DI his combos. :D

Grabs: Sheik can chaingrab Pichu until like 80, into an aerial. It's devestating. Aside from that, pichu is semi-hard to combo with sheik due to his light weight and small figure. Dthrow-->Fair is painful against pichu, he's so light that he goes flying really far.

Edgeguarding: My favorite way to edgeguard against pichu is to ledgehop a neutral air onto the stage to cover the sweetspot so that if they try to sweetspot, they get hit. Then you can just go onto the stage and punish their lag from landing the up+b if they didn't go for the ledge. You can also stay on the stage and SH a needle towards the sweetspot for when the pichu would get onto the edge. That will force a lot of Pichu's to up+b onto the stage and you can punish them.

Priority/Appraching: Ftilt goes through everything pichu has. When Pichu Fair's you, make sure you DI away so he can't uair you again afterwards. When Pichu Fsmashes you, you can DI up and out of it as well before the strong part hits. Needles can keep pichu at bay if they just dash around, as well. Spaced bair airs can really stop pichu from doing anything as well.

Pikachu 75%: See pichu, same thing, stronger Usmash. Needle more, pikachu's slow.

Roy 80%:

Samus 65%: Sheik beats Samus pretty badly, though Samus does have some weapons against Sheik.

Grabs: Of course, again, grabs **** Samus. At low %'s Dthrow-->tilt-->aerial work. Be careful though, Samus can nair out sometimes and her nair is nasty. At mid %'s just try to get damage on her with grab-->aerials. At high % (100%+) you can dthrow-->uair samus no matter what way she DI's if you're quick enough. This is a hell of a lot easier than killing Samus off the side of the stage with her silly bombs. If she DI's away when you dthrow, just do a running Uair. Behind you, turn and running uair. Just takes practice.

Edgeguarding: Needles. Charge them when shes above the stage bombing, throw them when shes even with you/below. Snipe the bombs. Just taking away one Samus bomb can ruin her recovery totally. when she gets close, hop onto the ledge and jump up with a neutral air when she up+b's. It will knock her back off the stage with the back of your knee. If she grapples when you're on the ledge, wait for her to come up and then hop up with a neutral air. It will send her back out without a grapple so you can continue to egdeguard. Awesomeness.

Approaching/priority Play smart against samus and wait for sidesteps. Samus loves to sidestep. She also loves to crouch cancel, so don't tilt so much. Jabbing is good if you catch them off guard, but if theyre crouch cancelling you should stop. Basically just abuse grabs and grab combos that she can't crouch cancel. Throw needles if the samus doesn't like to approach. One needle cancels out a Samus fully charged blaster. Needles also stop the Samus from doing silly bomb in place stunts and such. She also can't do her wavedash back camp stuff so well.

Dealing with the missles: The first step in dealing with Samus's missles is realizing they aren't unpenetrable forces. Missles are easy to destroy. Tilts, jabs, smashes, aerials. Basically anything will cancel out a missle. Don't be afraid to try it, learn the timing. The best thing, however is to learn to consistently power shield. Run at the Samus when they're missling, and right before the missle hits you slam your shield. It takes timing but effectively stops missle spam all together. If you're ahead in the match and a samus just starts spamming missles, play gay. That's what i do. Stay on the ledge, stay on platforms. Don't deal with that ****. You're winning, they have to come to you. Don't get impatient and run into the ****.

DI'ing vs Samus DI against Samus is an awesome tool. You shouldn't really die to Samus until about 160-170% unless you get killed in a cheezy way. Di the usual up and slightly in against her Fsmash and Dsmash, and you'll stay alive. When you up+b back onto the stage, make sure you DI her Dsmash right or it will send you back off the stage. Be careful off the edge and BE CAREFUL NOT TO (tomH is a beast) jump into their missles/blasters. Not all the DI will save you from a blaster hit if you're off the edge.

Sheik: 50% Sheik dittos! Oh, gotta love those! Ha, well basically Sheik dittos can be broken down very simply.

Grabs: Chain grab, Sheik can chaingrab Sheik from about 0-90% if no platforms intrude. If the opponent DI's off the ledge, you can fall off and F-air them and then hop back on the ledge for an edgeguard. Though it's lame, people are going to do it to you, so get used to it. At the% which they can escape, do an aerial to get them off the edge. If you don't want to grab, do the standard Dthrow-->ftilt-->fair and just combo from there.

Edgeguarding: Sheik is one of the only characters you actually DON'T want to really go out after. In a few select situations you can hit her before she's invulnerable, but mainly just stay on the ledge and make her use her up+b onto the stage. If sheik lands back on the floor of the stage, you can grab and do a combo, or you can ledgehop an L cancelled Dair-->Fair if they're close enough for it to hit. If Sheik lands on a platform, I like to hit them with my F-air, but hit with the back part of it so it sends them backwards, right back off the stage. I'll have a video of this later, also VERY useful vs. captain falcon.

Approaches/priority: In this matchup, L cancelling and playing smart is necessary. DON'T GET GRABBED! L cancelled F-airs into a shield are good, and if their shield is low you can do a Dtilt to swipe right under their shield. Dtilt is great in Sheik Dittos. If your opponent still has plenty of shield, and doesn't come out of it, you can L cancel a F-air and then just grab them, something Sheik players don't do enough in any matchup. People expect Sheik's to just spam moves, so L cancelling against a shield into a grab is great. Sheik's Dsmash does well too, because a lot of Sheik's are spotdodge/sidestep happy. Ftilt Fair works well also, and Down airs are good if you can catch your opponent attempting to Down smash.

Di'ing Sheik's Gayity: Basically, you always want to attempt to DI away from Sheik. Her tilts away, her chaingrabs off the edge or to a platform. Make sure if you DI her chaingrab away, on the last throw when you fall off the edge, DI UP AND IN so that you survive the F-AIR when she falls off and does it. Hopefully, though, it's not FD and you can get to a platform. The best way to DI sheik's F-air is Up and slightly in, so if you're dying at 80% from it, you're probably DI'ing wrong.

Vids and examples: Coming later!

Yoshi 90%:

Young Link 65%:

Zelda: 90%

5.) Sheik Tricks

Sheik tricks will consist of little things that are useful for basically every matchup. Shackdaddy has a lot of them in his Sheik Tricks guide, so refer to that until I have more up on here. :p

6.) Q/A+F.A.Q.

Here I will have a section devoted to the most frequently asked questions for me. This way, people who are new can check this section and hopefully have their questions answered.

That's all for now! +rep if ya like. -rep if ya dont. I'll be adding as I can in my free time.


Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2006
The Netherlands
A Nice thing I always do With Fsmash is this:
When you often try to grab somebody and he is Spotdodging the grabs. Run towards him and wavedash into a Fsmash. The First hit doesn't hit but the second one (the stronger one)does ^_^

I don't use it that often, but in this kinda sutuation I use it once or twice. Your opponent is suprised and yeah, they maybe pop up to so you can fair them, lol.


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2006
Columbus, GA
Awesome guide Palirnkk. I'm really looking forward to you fleshing it out. I think the videos will be good too. Keep up the good work man.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Add fair to a dtilt as another potential if they shield the initial fair.
i had that one already under dtilt info :D, it's good cuz their shield is lowered from the f-air.

anyway, i jsut got home from smashing and i'm exhausted + work in 6 hours so i gotta sleep.

thanks for the support and ill add more tomorrow night

i'll update thread name with the date of each update i do


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2006
Fairfax, Virginia
one suggestion i'd make is instead of posting all the definitions for noobs, just say "Definitions: if you have any problems with definitions, refer to [link]" and just link AlphaZealot's definitions.

also, if you want the frame data but dont feel like dealing with it, im willing to do it at work tomorrow for ya. (last day of work WOOO!!)


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Yeah you're probably right, I should just make sure people read that or watch those vids before reading the rest here. Where is his link again? anyone know?


Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2006
sweet i was hoping to find something useful and readable for sheik....now i might even pick him/her up as my main :-)....imma change my avatar now too heh


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2006
Fairfax, Virginia
despite the entertainment value of the explaination of Down B right now, its probably good to point out that using it to get back to the edge, and then changing back to shiek directly afterward is helpful (something i didnt know until i saw someone.....maybe DSF do it or something)


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Good news, i got a VCR+the stuff needed to put vids up so i'll be recording clips over the next few days and preparing to add them in! I'm about to start doing matchups for a little while before i go to bed, so if anyone has a specific request ask quick! I'll start with the more popular ones.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
I think I'm finally getting the hang of Sheik v Marth, but it's still the most common matchup along w/ Fox, so do those two.

It's hard to get in on a really good Fox. Demonstrate how. What's the MO? Wait for them to come to you? Hop around in the air? I usually just sit around dash dancing, or standing still and punching them out of a move, or going in for a grab, or needling from above.

And Falco. Those are the most common matchups, primarily because so many good people use those three. Falco is gay because it's hard to do an attack between the lasers that isn't outprioritized by anything Faloc can throw out. Ducking under lasers and dtilting never works, for example. My best luck is usually jumping / walking close to him and ftilting.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2006
Central NJ, Rowan Univ. PM to play.
As expected, a great post and guide by Plairnkk. I was looking forward to reading this and really liked most of the explinations and the matchup info. Thanks Plairnkk. I don't look forward to playing to in Sheik dittos when you come up here haha.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
When you say smash DI back the other direction from the first hit. you are saying DI up / right at where the second foot would hit?

For example, first hit is his left foot. You are saying smash DI to the right, so the right stronger foot misses?

I want to make sure I get it right, because I always attempt to smash DI it, but my success rate is iffy.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
When you say smash DI back the other direction from the first hit. you are saying DI up / right at where the second foot would hit?

For example, first hit is his left foot. You are saying smash DI to the right, so the right stronger foot misses?

I want to make sure I get it right, because I always attempt to smash DI it, but my success rate is iffy.
Essentially, yes. Watch a vid of Cort's peach (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qg8BZC3WQ8) and you'll see how it works effectively. It works the same with every character, the smaller the character the easier.

And @ everyone else, thanks for the encouragement. :)

Yomedreth/other foreign players, be careful. This guide is a bit off from PAL version. In PAL, sheik's Uair is weaker, and dthrow is nerfed. Be warned!


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
All you have to do is hold down for a little and crouch cancel the first hit of her Dsmash, so the 2nd hit sends you back onto the stage instead of the first hit sending you back out off the stage for her to continue doing it. Practice the timing, it makes a HUGE difference in the match.
This is quite ingenious.

What about when a Peach rushes you? When a Peach rushes you, it's hard to do anything. She can cancel all of her aerials into her slap, which is ridiculous, and her grabs are disgusting.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Just get away from her, you don't want to mess with her float cancelling. Fight her while she's still in the air, or after she's landed/done her moves, not the process in between


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2006
Great guide - should be stickied in a bit.

In PAL up-air is weaker. And the DI is changed on d-throw so that Peach can pretty much escape from it?


Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2006
Plairnkk....any news about the needles?....i have no clue how to use needles effectively...

and does anyone have a good sheik needle only vid?


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
Good news, i got a VCR+the stuff needed to put vids up so i'll be recording clips over the next few days and preparing to add them in! I'm about to start doing matchups for a little while before i go to bed, so if anyone has a specific request ask quick! I'll start with the more popular ones.
I'll be home in anothe week or so-looking forward to my Plairnkk fix. You can flesh out your Bowser match-up section <.<

BTW-excellent guide all around.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Thisis good stuff.It will help alot of noobs learn stuff quicker.Itll help some of my matchups too!Plus rep for you my good man.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
I'll be home in anothe week or so-looking forward to my Plairnkk fix. You can flesh out your Bowser match-up section <.<

BTW-excellent guide all around.
yay chris!!!! maybe we can get some footage recorded too, because i need some real-life people for a lot of the footage because those silly computers don't do waht real people do!. :D

True i kinda wanna wait til i can get footage up to do the needle section, stuff makes a LOT more sense that way. So hopefully next week I can get that working.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2004
Racine, WI
Best sheik guide ever...the only thing that woud make it better is an in-depth explination of a marth vs sheik match-up...ice climbers too, even though they are rare.


Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2005
Naples Florida
I think I'm finally getting the hang of Sheik v Marth, but it's still the most common matchup along w/ Fox, so do those two.

It's hard to get in on a really good Fox. Demonstrate how. What's the MO? Wait for them to come to you? Hop around in the air? I usually just sit around dash dancing, or standing still and punching them out of a move, or going in for a grab, or needling from above.

And Falco. Those are the most common matchups, primarily because so many good people use those three. Falco is gay because it's hard to do an attack between the lasers that isn't outprioritized by anything Faloc can throw out. Ducking under lasers and dtilting never works, for example. My best luck is usually jumping / walking close to him and ftilting.

ill get some vids up on how 2 fight fox with sheik and give em 2 plarinkk so he can have em.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Pretty good guide.

Against the IC's though, I'd suggest actually hitting Down+B. A decent zelda can thrash ice climbers easily, and even if you only have minimal experience with Zelda, you've probably got a better shot with her than with Sheik.


Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2005
Naples Florida
Pretty good guide.

Against the IC's though, I'd suggest actually hitting Down+B. A decent zelda can thrash ice climbers easily, and even if you only have minimal experience with Zelda, you've probably got a better shot with her than with Sheik.
sheik's chances in fighting Ic's are better imo in some ways. zelda has that toe but sheik has alot of junk. all u have 2 do vs ic's with sheik is space em out with back airs. don't do any floor moves except forward tilt and d tilts(only do those moves if ur away from them and u need 2 space them out) and short hop f air works good 2 but do a jab after that to a downsmash because 90% of them will try to grab u. and if u do the ledge infinite while there neer the edge they will get hurt badly.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
sheik's chances in fighting Ic's are better imo in some ways. zelda has that toe but sheik has alot of junk. all u have 2 do vs ic's with sheik is space em out with back airs. don't do any floor moves except forward tilt and d tilts(only do those moves if ur away from them and u need 2 space them out) and short hop f air works good 2 but do a jab after that to a downsmash because 90% of them will try to grab u. and if u do the ledge infinite while there neer the edge they will get hurt badly.
platform needle spam as well


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2006
Central NJ, Rowan Univ. PM to play.
Well said you two. I agree the IC matchup is in sheiks favor moreso then zelda, with the exception of the chaingrab. If its a really good IC they will just downthrow->Reverse diar->regrab combo you. works on almost all characters.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Well said you two. I agree the IC matchup is in sheiks favor moreso then zelda, with the exception of the chaingrab. If its a really good IC they will just downthrow->Reverse diar->regrab combo you. works on almost all characters.

Zelda can smash DI out of it, and Sheik can be chain grabbed without the dair.

Zelda has a good chance against the ICs just because all of her smash attacks are multi-hitting and push away except for her d-smash, which is excellent in killing nana. The toe is wonderful, her side-B and neutral B both do well to get rid of nana safely, and her dair cna be used as a spike against a recovering nana.

On platform stages, Sheik has a good chance, but on FD I'd just go Zelda.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Wow, there's actually going to be a Sheik guide, :O. So many people have been asking for one for a while. Good job so far plank. There's some good stuff vs Peach in another one of the threads where cablepuff talks to Neo and Marcus. Just letting you know. Keep up the good work!
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