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Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
The only change I urgently want is to have Antony Del Rio do the voice in SSB4. Moveset stuff I'm happy to leave in the hands of the developers, but I'd also like to see a different final smash. May as well be the Great Sacred Treasure as others have suggested.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Random idea time, but should Pit have an alternate costume that makes him look like his classic design? You know, something like the design used for his trophy in Melee:



Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Holy Angel ****, ever heard about spoilers man?

Also, in a magazine interview it was once said that Pit should use mallets, like he did in Kid Icarus. You know, the original. :rolleyes: I was actually quite surprise that Pit didn't use mallets in Brawl because of that.

Well, technically, Pit uses mallets in Brawl... when Pit picks up the Hammer item from the Donkey Kong arcade game or the Golden Hammer from Wrecking Crew, he starts swinging it like Mr. Game & Watch. His animations are just how Pit pounded mallets in the original NES/GB games. :awesome:

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I never did get why Pit was so aerial based in Brawl.

The boy can't fly.
Brawl made me think he can use them to take extra jumps (enough to lift him few times), glide with them and even descend his jumps with 'em (Kid Icarus FDS-version and Myth Of Monsters).

He can't fly, but so far despite what so many sources seem to say, Pit's wings aren't just for decoration. (I think they're kinda like less developed than most wings but still bit good to go to help him be so aerially based like he is now).

My headcanons, my headcanons. :rolleyes:


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I presume that Pit being unable to fly is because of him being injured when being in the underworld dungeon and his wings never fully recovered, or it's because Pit has some sort of birth defect that makes his wings not function properly like a normal angel. One thing for sure is that it's heavily suggested that him being unable to fly is not normal for an angel.

...Which makes me wonder if there are other angels. I find it weird how Pit and his clone Dark Pit are the only angels we've ever seen in any of the Kid Icarus games, you know despite the world the Kid Icarus series is set in being called Angel Land.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Zeus was an angel in the original NES/GB games. The Centurions, of course, are angels.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
The Centurions are not angels, they're in a different category.

Also technically "Zeus" is a god, not an angel. The only time he looked liked an angel was in Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters, which is non-canon.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Here's full moveset I made for when he's in Super Smash Flash 2. I'd figure I'd share it here since it could be plausible for Super Smash Bros. 4. Read and Rate:

Name: Pit
Universe: Kid Icarus
First Appearance: Kid Icarus (1986)
Current Appearance: Kid Icarus Uprising (2012)

Description: At the beginning of the first game, Pit began as a young angel boy, trapped in the Underworld. Palutena, the Goddess of Light, had been imprisoned, so she entrusted Pit with a magical bow and the duty of gathering the Three Sacred Treasures, defeating the Dark Goddess Medusa, and saving Angel Land. Pit must journey through the Underworld, Overworld, Skyworld, and, finally, the Palace in the Sky in order to gather the Three Sacred Treasures and free Palutena. 25 years after the first game, both in-universe and in real life, Medusa is revived and resumes her conquest. However, a now-teenage Pit is tasked with defeating Medusa and her army of monsters by Palutena, who gives him the Power of Flight, which allows him to fly once more though for only five minutes. Other than his Bow of Palutena, Pit gets more weapons both long and short-ranged and melee capabilities to use at his disposal. While fighting off Medusa's forces, Pit encounters Magnus and Dark Pit. However, it is only after Medusa's defeat that Pit learns his true enemy is the God of the Underworld, Hades.

Intro: Pit appears on the stage through a pillar of light while saying "Preparing for battle!"

Idle Animation: An energetic stance where he is bobbing and twirls his Angel Bow blades afterwards.

Notable Pallete Swaps: He has Dark Pit, Game Boy Pit, and Classic Pit.

Walk Animation: Pit does a short hoping movement.

Run Animation: He runs at full throttle.

Dizzy Animation: Kneels and holds his head, writhing with exhaustion and exaggerated sweat.

Special Ability: Gliding and multiple jumps.

Edge Grab: Holds onto the ledge with one hand and holds the Angel Bow in another.

Basic Attacks
A,A,A: Slashes three times, spins the blades together back and forth, hitting repeatedly with the Angel Bow.
Forward+A: Slashes with the First Blade
Down+A: Swipes with the Tiger Claws while crouching.
Up+A: Does an upward stab with the Rose Staff.
Dash+A: Does a flying kick.
Air+A: Spins both blades together in front of him, hitting multiple times causing 11% if all hits connect. This can stop weak projectiles if executed at the right time.
Air Forward+A: Thrusts both blades forward and quickly brings them apart, slashing horizontally doing 14% damage.
Air Back+A: Thrusts sword behind him. Quick and very powerful, Pit's highest knock back aerial move. Not easy to short hop with. Causes 15% damage.
Air Up+A: Spins his blades together above his head, hitting multiple times causing 12% if all connect. can be used after down throw to hit heavy/fast falling characters reliably.
Air Down+A: Slashes under him causing 12% damage. high priority, can be used up to 5 times in the air if used right after initial-midair jumps the 5th is only if you use WoI.
Glide Attack: Slashes both swords in a 160 degree arc from bottom to forward. 12% damage, and a good knockback attack; making this a great killing move.
Edge Attack: Does a dashing slash with both Angel Blades.

Smash Moves:
Forward + A: Does an open hand palm thrust with the Ninja Palm.
Up + A: Thrusts the Crusher Arm upwards, which clamps afterwards for more damage.
Down + A: Pit swings the Atlas Club around himself while crouched.

Neutral: He reaches out his right arm.
Grab+Punch: Knees them in the gut, dealing 2% damage.
Forward+Throw: Slashes opponent doing 10% damage. Can chaingrab at very low percentages against heavier characters.
Down+Throw: Throws the foe on the ground and shoots an arrow shower for the finale.
Back+Throw: Twirls around with the enemy in tow, slamming them on the ground and launches him backward resulting in 8% damage.
Up+Throw: He tosses the foe in the air and blasts him/her with the Ball Cannon.

Special Moves:
B: Angel Bow: Pit used his bow to shoot an arrow. It glows overtime to indicate the charge level (a la R.O.B.'s Robo Beam). Uncharged: Like Palutena's Bow, Mid Charged (3-4 seconds): He shoots a flurry of arrows, and Full Charged (5-more seconds): He shoots a large arrow shaped blast at the foe.
B + Forward Angel Rush: Pit gets into a steady pose with his wings outstretched and both Angel Blades in his hands. He then rushes at the foe at high speed while saying "For victory!". Not chargeable.
B + Up: The Power of Flight: This makes his wings glow a blue color, and gives him the ability to fly for approximately 3 seconds. The initial "flash" will stop a projectile for a split second, but interrupt the move. It also pushes enemies and items away. When this move is done in midair, Pit may slightly lose altitude.
B + Down: Orbitar: Pit summons a floating shield to protect himself from any attack. It lasts for a few seconds and the position of the shield can be changed from forward to behind.

Final Smash: Great Sacred Treasure: Pit yells "Great Sacred Treasure activate!" and the GST forms around him as he flies off. The Great Sacred Treasure takes aim at the stage and fires a volly of arrow like shots at the stage, then switches into Pursuit mode where it rams into the stage making opponents fly into the air, and finally enters Ultra Light mode where the GST fires a volly of laser blasts at the opponents finally sending them flying.

1. Spins his blades in each hand, then crosses them. He says, "Prepare to meet the light!".
2. He does a "V" getsure with his hand while smiling.
3. Slices at the air. He says, "I serve the Goddess of Light, Palutena!".

1. Pit does a short hop and a punching gesture afterwards like when you continue in Kid Icarus Uprising.
2. Pit jumps in the air with his fist upwards while saying "Enemy defeated!"
3. Pit sings the last few lyrics of his Victory Song while dancing ("Gracious goddess of light watches from up above! At dinnertime, I always show the cook some love!").

Icon: The Bow of Palutena

Victory Music: A variation of the Skyworld Theme.

Kirby Hat: Kirby gets Pit's hair and laurel crown.

When Chosen: ("Prepare to meet the light!")

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
The style to let Pit use many of the different weapons from a bow to blade and all there is interesting and I do like it a bit, though he'd probably be better with just a bow (or a different weapon) with a modified moveset, but then again, I can't complain bout the logic though, since Snake pulls a mortar and RPG launcher outta nowhere just like Wario does with his bike, etc.

For Smash 4, I always felt that Pit would get a buff and have quite a bit of changes, and even special improvements ever since Uprising came about, and here's part of my thoughts.

For those who know about Uprising, there are 9 different weapon types: Blade, Bow, Cannon, Claws, Orbitars, Palm, Staff, Arm, and Club, with different variations of each weapon. Each weapon class has different attributes that make emI felt that there could be a similarity to that before you start a Chapter in the game, you choose your weapon, or in this case, Pit can be the same in a specific way, where the weapon you choose will decide Pit's fighting style. Examples (small briefing, not complete):

-Blade: All about balance. Compared to the Bow, Pit is granted more meleeing range to allow him to space better. However, he lacks a reflector and his projectile has less range than the bow (although slightly stronger). Pit will be equipped with the First Blade (or Palutena Blade, haven't decided) when using the Blade selection.

-Bow: The default choice, which is about versatility, with the good ability to camp. A modified moveset compared to Brawl's, but style around harassing and camping with a bit of damage-racking remains the same. Pit will be equipped with the Palutena Bow as usual.

-Cannon: Revolves around power, a bit of range, and some area-of-effect attacks via explosive capabilities. Pit may be slower this time around (this includes slower gliding), but he now has more firepower and is heavier than usual. He has no reflector either, and must rely on average range and explosive capabilities to do the damage. Pit will be equipped with the EZ Cannon.

-Claws: All about speed and close-ranged combat, this grants Pit a speed boost, both in the ground and in the air (that includes gliding), and has the ability to wall jump. He, however, has no reflector or projectile (maybe the weak projectile with very poor range) to help him camp, is a bit lighter weight-wise and is easier to KO, and must rely on speedy aggressive tactics to claim victory. Pit will be equipped with the Tiger Claws when the Claw weapon loadout has been chosen.

-Orbitars: This weapon resolves around projectiles and multi-hit moves. For Pit, compared to the Bow, Pit has more projectile capabilities (able to shoot projectiles in more than 1 way), is slightly more mobile and lighter since he isn't holding a weapon (ironic since Pit actually moves a bit slower when using Orbitars in Uprising) than usual. Meleeing attacks are weak, but almost each of them are multi-hit moves for at least a bit of shield-pressuring capabilities. To KO best, Pit must rely on his stronger projectiles. He'll be equipped with the Standard Orbitars when the Orbitars weapon loadout is chosen.

-Palm: A strange style revolving around tricky moves and hoping to be unpredictable while battling opponents. Pit mainly has lower-than-average melee power, with certain moves having fair range, mediocre projectile that has good homing and can be set to have different traveling speeds, and moves slightly faster (ironic again since Pit seems to move a bit slower with a Palm in the game). He'll be equipped with the Violet Palm.

-Staff: All about range, keeping distance, and defense. Pit is given a variety of projectiles, with the stronger ones taking a while to charge, but having supreme range and speed. To help with keeping range, Pit is given a different Reflector (probably the Reflect Barrier power from Uprising), and thanks to the Staff's length, is also given great melee range, but extremely poor melee KO power. The KO power is all in Pit's strongest projectiles that even surpass Samus's charged shot. The disadvantages are that melee KO power is very weak, Pit's a bit slower than usual (for those who played Uprising, Staffs make you move slower), and that to be more effective with the projectiles, you need to be good at aiming (similar aiming to how you use the Cracker Launcher item, but more details later) and timing, just like you needed to aim well in Uprising. Pit will be using the Insight Staff if the Staff weapon loadout is chosen.

-Arm: Another melee-based weapon, with no projectiles or reflectors present. Unlike the Claws, the Arm is stronger with slightly more range, but slower, heavier, and has less multi-hit attacks. This style is for those who like being aggressive and want strong attacks. It's similar to how Donkey Kong is, but slower and less power. Pit will be using the Crusher Arm when chosen.

-Club: It's "almost" all about power for this. Think of the style being like Ike, except with many changes. Pit's slower and heavier, has strong attacks with good range, a slow, but strong projectile that goes through walls (only 1 can be out at a time), and some "swinging" attacks from the Club can deflect enemy projectiles just like it does in Uprising. Pit is limited to 2 midair jumps, glides slower, and has a different method of Up-B recovery due to the weight of the weapon. He'll be equipped with the Ore Club.

My ideas behind this is that not only will Pit get an improvement, but he'll be able to retain a lot of things from Uprising, while at the same time, for those who like/love using Pit or just wanna use him, there's a type of Pit for each person's wanted and preferred playstyle. This is especially true to those who want a fast, close-combat Pit or perhaps a powerhouse Pit, you get the idea. As for those worried about Final Smashes, perhaps something along the lines of modifying the special attacks Pit has during air battles in Uprising, or something that can have similarities to the selected Pit style, like Daybreak for Cannon Pit, or some powerful, but aiming required super sniping shot for Staff Pit.
Oh, and how will you be able to choose these different Pits? You know how you pick Zelda, then click on the Sheik icon to have Sheik, or PT and click on one of the 3 Pokemon to start out with first? Perhaps something similar to allow you to choose what weapon you want Pit to have. Take note that once you choose your weapon, you're stuck with it for the current match.
I'm more than welcome to hopefully create movesets for many of the sets there (probably except Arm, and Palm, I'm not that creative), since I do like this kind of idea. So what do you think so far?


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Pit should simply stick with the Palutena Bow. As an extensive user of Pit, his moveset is fine, it just needs tweaks to perfect it. In particular his somewhat low power which is further emended by the stale move negation. Pit is one of those characters that struggles to make kills, so having a slight buff in power would not hurt. Aside from that, Pit it a perfectly capable character. The real question will be whether Pit will benefit from whatever mechanics get thrown at him in the next game.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I suppose. Killing power and poor physical range compared to many others *glares at MK and Marth* have always been problems for poor Pit, and that Up-B gimp issues of his, provided he gets hit. He still is a great character to me despite those disadvantages. However, I'm expecting at least a bit of influence from Uprising for him to accompany him in Smash4, which got me that type of idea. I personally don't expect all of those weapon classes to even make it in, well except the Blade, since he starts with one in the game. However, we'll see how it turns out. As long as Pit's improved, or as little as still in (which I know he will be in the game), I'll be happy.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Well, moves I wouldn't mind being replaced is the neutral aerial attack and the Angel Ring. The neutral attack into a sex kick and his side smash replaced by something akin to Wings of Icarus from Project M. Also changing the properties of his down aerial to become a spike would be appreciated.

But let's just clarify that Pit isn't going to be heavily influenced by Kid Icarus: Uprising, but rather what goes around him will. Music, stages, trophies, have at it. It's just the idea of tempering with a perfectly fine move set just for the sake of being relevant to a recent title is a foolhardy disposition considering it can easily make or break a character.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I'm not fond of Side-B either, so-so on N-air. I would love to see Pit have some kick as well that isn't U-tilt or the "get up from ledge" attack. I didn't mean Pit will drastically change. I meant Pit having different movesets depending on the weapon you choose before the match. Take example, regular Pit has his bow, or you can choose his Blade, or even Claws, each with. Like I said, only 1 weapon choice per match. Besides, this would be another unique thing for Smash Bros to have as far as characters go. I mean we got Zelda who turns into Sheik and vice versa, you got ICs who has you controlling 2 characters at once in a sense (though you're still Popo), PT being 3 characters in one, Lucario who gets stronger as he has higher damage, Olimar with different Pikmin colors with different attributes, and becomes weak if he has less Pikmin with him, you get the idea. This would perhaps be a new type of thing if Pit was given the ability to choose his weapon (in most cases, I'd consider between the Bow, Blade, Claws, or Cannon) before the match as said before, just like you can choose your weapon before you start a chapter in Uprising, where each weapon has different styles, moves, and attributes that affect Pit. I can describe the different feelings I have in mind on each of the weapons (remember there's 9 weapon classes in Uprising).

Regardless, Pit will still get some boost thanks to Uprising. I don't expect him to be greatly influenced, but I do expect him to be improved at the very least. When looking back at Brawl, we didn't know much bout how Pit fights besides him shooting arrows from his older games, that and him having the 3 Sacred Treasures, excluding Wings of Pegasus, now being Wings of Icarus (not sure what to think of the arrows yet). With Uprising about, Pit will certainly get some changes, like the game's Melee Combo and Melee Dash Attack being Pit's jab combo and dash attack respectively, while Pit still has his infinite jab as an example of a slight improvement.
But who knows? That's just me and my imagination, but I expect Pit to improve a bit at the very least.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Personally I find the stance concept to be an unnecessary addition, especially considering Pit never did that previously in Super Smash Bros. While you can argue it would make sense in the context of relevancy, but then again being relevant was never a strong suit. If being relevant was such an important factor, then why do we have Sheik and Jigglypuff?

Ah well, if we're forced to use the gimmick for whatever bizarre reason, then hopefully it won't be a deal breaker. But I will say that Pit's bow changing the cosmetics based around the color scheme would be a nice touch. like the yellow costume using the Angel Bow, the black costume using the Silver Bow, and the red costume using the Fortune Bow.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Well many veteran characters have changed when they move on to the next game. Kirby's Dash attack has changed each time, Falco, Ganon, Luigi aren't that much of clones as they used to be in Melee, but you get the idea. It probably isn't as drastic as my idea, but what do I know? It would be interesting, but that's just me. I probably worded it wrong, but I'll get to that later.

Well it would be interesting if there were different bows for each Pit color, but each Bow has their different attributes as well. Angel Bow's slow, but great-homing heart projectiles, Silver Bow doing more damage the closer you are to the enemy, Fortune Bow being the opposite of Silver Bow, but you know. However, if they did recolor Pit's Bow for each Pit, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave the black Pit palette the Silver Bow color with silver rings on his arm (remember, Silver Bow does not have those 2 rings that Palutena's Bow has).


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2013
Pit in SSBB uses the 3 sacred treasures for most of his special attacks and some of his regular attacks, but in Kid Icarus Uprising they're destroyed. SSB characters are changed to the most recent version of the characters in the game (See Link), so will they replace these attacks with say, the various weapons you can obtain in KIU (Such as Claws, Clubs, Staffs, arms, ect)

and pit can glide in the game, and use short burst of flight on command using skills as he does in brawl


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Pit will probably stay mostly the same. With maybe a few changes. Maybe with Palutena, or Medusa coming along for the ride in Smash4.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
1. Super Smash Bros. is not canon. Pit can use the Sacred Treasures if he damn well pleases.
2. Relevance is not a prominent factor. If it's the case, why is the Zelda from Twilight Princess transforming to Sheik?


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2013
I just think it will be odd, like seeing Link use the master sword if a major plot point in the game is that he doesn't have the master sword.


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2013
Well many veteran characters have changed when they move on to the next game. Kirby's Dash attack has changed each time, Falco, Ganon, Luigi aren't that much of clones as they used to be in Melee, but you get the idea. It probably isn't as drastic as my idea, but what do I know? It would be interesting, but that's just me. I probably worded it wrong, but I'll get to that later.

Well it would be interesting if there were different bows for each Pit color, but each Bow has their different attributes as well. Angel Bow's slow, but great-homing heart projectiles, Silver Bow doing more damage the closer you are to the enemy, Fortune Bow being the opposite of Silver Bow, but you know. However, if they did recolor Pit's Bow for each Pit, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave the black Pit palette the Silver Bow color with silver rings on his arm (remember, Silver Bow does not have those 2 rings that Palutena's Bow has).
I think adding effects to skins would add to much unnecessary complexity to the game, it would lose a lot of its un-experienced players and no smashbros game had done anything like this before exept maybe with stickers in subspace.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Well it would be interesting if there were different bows for each Pit color, but each Bow has their different attributes as well. Angel Bow's slow, but great-homing heart projectiles, Silver Bow doing more damage the closer you are to the enemy, Fortune Bow being the opposite of Silver Bow, but you know. However, if they did recolor Pit's Bow for each Pit, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave the black Pit palette the Silver Bow color with silver rings on his arm (remember, Silver Bow does not have those 2 rings that Palutena's Bow has).
Well, just simply make it cosmetic for the sake of consistency. While it might be odd to think that, keep in mind that no costume offers anything unique.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Theoretically speaking, with Pit's 3 Sacred Treasures destroyed, his Down-B would have to be changed. A possible replacement would be Pit's Reflect Barrier. Since the Wings of Icarus aren't technically the Wings of Pegasus, Up-B would stay. We'll see, but I have a bit of faith that Pit will get a bit of buff. It would be fun to allow players to choose a weapon class (ask me more bout it) before each match.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I think Pit would be pretty broken or over-the-top Jack of All Trades if he was given the stance character thing of using many weapons from Uprising: he's good the way he's now, but like Habanero said, his killing power is piss-poor due stale moves which makes his damage and knockback output be thrown into abyss.
Or he can essentially become Sakurai's Mr.Game & Watch, which I bet would be just a ridiculous advertisement/relevancy-driven method of making a moveset.
Not to mention I would just not recognize him as the same bow-toting dual blade guy who was in Brawl. (or hell, the same bow-toting valiant from the NES cult classic).

Anyway, Smash Bros hadn't ever drastically changed anyone's movesets completely, so I doubt that Pit would get that kind of treatment. Unless he's gonna be the first one, which means Smash Bros will change movesets just for relevancy which is essentially going to mess the heads of the experienced players of the same character between the games. And I'd really hate Sakurai then and what he had done to Pit because it's gonna be harder for the flightless angel to keep his fighting style same due almost becoming Kirby-like all-weapon user of sorts.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I don't want him to be broken either. Just a bit better than he is now while maintaining his versatile style.
I guess you're right. It isn't really Pit without a Bow. At the very least, I thought that his other weapon styles (2 more at the very least, blade and claws most likely) should be like an unlock-able character that focuses on using the regular Pit, but again, that's just another one of my random ideas in which Uprising influences Pit. However, regular Bow Pit should be improved if anything as a result of improved training throughout the years, not to mention that the Bow is no doubt Pit's main weapon since the first game, but that's another story.

Well each Smash Bros game has added many different things as each game has been released.
From 64's 12 unique characters to Melee's additions (some characters being clones), to Brawl and such. So I wouldn't be surprised if Smash 4 added tons of new things besides new characters, items, stages, modes and all, even more character-exclusive gimmicks/uniqueness (ICs being 2 chars at once, the Lucario aura thing, etc.), but that's just me thinking of random things, mainly for Kid Icarus additions.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I don't see too much being changed with Pit. But his final smash could be changed to that super weapon he used in KI:U. Even though Pit uses many weapons in KI:U I could see said weapons being passed on to a second rep for the series.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I always found that Fox changed quite drastically between 64 and Melee, but that's about it. Maybe Luigi to, but that's to be expected.

Don't think Pit's moves should change. The bow is still the most iconic weapon of Pit. Though I wish they changed up his Side B. Maybe Down B to? Wouldn't know.

Pit's old Final Smash could easily be given to Palutena. I mean, she's even there and all in the background when Pit does this attack...

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
The only weapons that I see being passed onto other KI characters (provided that they're in) are:
-Wolf Claws, briefly used by Palutena in that one anime short, but Lady Palutena already has her staff as a weapon.
-Magnus and his sword (actually called a Magnus Club when used by Pit), but I see him being another "Ike" in a sense, so I'm definitely not fond of it.
-Silver Bow or DP Staff to Dark Pit, but I ain't fond of supporting Dark Pit to be in anyways, and plus the bow would probably make him a Pit clone, so yea...

I'm sure Side-B and/or Down-B could change, and there's many different ways. Perhaps it could involve using one of those powers used in Uprising (like where I mentioned the Reflect Barrier to replace Mirror Shield), but as long as Pit has at least 1 reflector still, which was also one of the reasons why I like him.

Yep, there's different possibilities for a new Final Smash for Pit, from the commonly-mentioned 3 Sacred Treasures or Great Sacred Treasure, to the Daybreak weapon from Uprising's Multiplayer, to even a massive rain of arrows, which was the Bow's special in the air battle of the game as well.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
The only weapons that I see being passed onto other KI characters (provided that they're in) are:
-Wolf Claws, briefly used by Palutena in that one anime short, but Lady Palutena already has her staff as a weapon.
-Magnus and his sword (actually called a Magnus Club when used by Pit), but I see him being another "Ike" in a sense, so I'm definitely not fond of it.
-Silver Bow or DP Staff to Dark Pit, but I ain't fond of supporting Dark Pit to be in anyways, and plus the bow would probably make him a Pit clone, so yea...

I'm sure Side-B and/or Down-B could change, and there's many different ways. Perhaps it could involve using one of those powers used in Uprising (like where I mentioned the Reflect Barrier to replace Mirror Shield), but as long as Pit has at least 1 reflector still, which was also one of the reasons why I like him.

Yep, there's different possibilities for a new Final Smash for Pit, from the commonly-mentioned 3 Sacred Treasures or Great Sacred Treasure, to the Daybreak weapon from Uprising's Multiplayer, to even a massive rain of arrows, which was the Bow's special in the air battle of the game as well.
Yeah, those Final Smash ideas are pretty cool. Namely the arrow rain one. And I agree, Dark Pit shouldn't be a separate character from Pit.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I love the raining arrows too. It reminds me of when I loved looping/raining arrows with Pit in Brawl, and this would look cool and amazing for him to do that as the Final Smash. Heck, there's probably other Final Smashes that Pit could probably use, but I'm fond of the arrow thing most atm. I prefer if Pit was in the air (or somewhere in the background) while doing this though, since he does do this special in air battles only.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Raining arrows might be a good substitute for Palutena's Army if it gets replaced, but at this point it's kind of mix up of varies things. One thing for sure is that Palutena's Army is a pretty crappy Final Smash. But whatever, Final Smashes are normally banned in competitive play anyway so it's not going to be a deal breaker regardless.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
They're banned for competitive play pretty much, yes, but it wouldn't hurt to have a bit of fun now and then, which brings up that Pit also needs an improved Final Smash, which Uprising can definitely influence.


Smash Rookie
Apr 21, 2013
City of Sins
Pit should be good. Like god tier. All his moves have high priority and when he flaps his wings everybody around him gets pushed down.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Pit should not be Meta Knight tier broken, as much as I would secretly like to. But I will say that Pit is better then people think, especially in tournaments where Meta Knight is banned.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
No one should be broken. The ideal game is where all characters can beat all characters equally (which is literally impossible to happen).

Unless some characters are imbalanced on purpose (such as "god mode" or joke characters), which I don't think Sakurai aims for.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Random idea time, but should Pit have an alternate costume that makes him look like his classic design? You know, something like the design used for his trophy in Melee:

I think every character that has had significant appearance changes over their games should have costume changes like this.
Plus he looks awesome there.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I just realized. This thread doesn't have enough Pit puns.

It's kinda the Pits. :troll:
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