Ok so I actually made it to a tournament and for the first time in awhile prepared beforehand, i.e. practiced a few techniques and played friendlies on wifi the day before and at the tournament so I wouldnt be rusty, slept early, ate well, etc. I didnt improve on anything but I dont have any johns either.
I was doing well in most friendlies beforehand, except when I had to play zekeys diddy and he was beating me worse than I usually do against diddys. So I was hoping I wouldnt have to play many diddys that day.
Doyle 2-0; a newby falco player. I didnt do CGs on him bc I felt bad, but told him about them after the set. He knew what he was doing with falco but didnt seem to know how to play correctly, I gave him some tips and encouraged him to go to more events and play more to get better
Lycan 2-1; probably the toughest player in my pool. Hes PRd 4th in Vegas and is familiar vs pika because of Z. He mains wolf but goes MK for pika. I actually had him in my pool at Genesis 2 and lost to him in a last hit set which prevented me from advancing. This set went last game last hit too, lost first game then won the next two. I was fortunate that he had some habits I took advantage of or I mightve not made it.
SteveO 1-2; This guy caught me off guard. Apparently hes ranked 7th in AZ and co-mains DK/Mario and is kiraflaxs brother. First game he destroyed my first stock with DK barely taking any damage, but then I remembered DKs bad and brought it back winning last hit with a soft hit nair offstage, lol. Games 2 and 3 I was up just maintaining a lead, but he gimped my second stock each game. Went into super mode and brought it back each game but it wasnt enough

. I didnt care too much since I thought Id at least get second seed anyways but it was a legit win, Ill need to improve on edgeguarding and recovering vs mario so I dont get gimped next time.
N-gage 2-0; a new fairly decent pika player in socal. Had some good games that I won 2-0.
Bracket: So for some reason I ended up third seed from a three way tie even though we each beat each other, won the same amount of sets, but I had a 7-3 record while SteveO had a 6-3 record >_> maybe Im missing something. Anyways, I ended up as third seed vs a first seed first round.
Willyo (Diddy) 1-2; Had to play a diddy right off the bat

. First game we start on BF, I walk a few steps and QA towards the edge and SD in the first 10 seconds of the game. Sorta just gave up the game after that. Game 2 I got back to BF and beat him pretty solid. Game 3 we go to SV and it goes to last hit and land kill moves that dont kill, and he clutches it out and I lose in a clincher. This match was saved so Ill put it up sometime. Post game thoughts: I think I like SV less than FD vs diddy and maybe shouldve banned it.
The Virus (ROB) 2-1; apparently he got first seed in his pool and is from norcal but I hadnt heard of him. I was scared of ROB so I went hard game 1 and 2 stock his ROB first game, second game he camps more though im usually ahead, but when I tried to stage spike him from the ledge with an nair last stock I fast fall it and die. Third game he camps again and its last hit, although I didnt really think I was going to lose and ended up winning so its all good :D
Vato Break (Diddy/MK) 1-2; at this point I realized the bracket was a bit weird if vato was in losers so early. We actually play on occasion so we know each others tricks, and he usually does better vs me with diddy so I had to play diddy again >_>. First game its even and I get a fortunate early kill fsmashing his getup attack second stock. I didnt realize till afterwards but I almost let the game go from a comeback. Second game its diddy on SV. I get an early lead but somehow lose it, and his second stock/my last stock I try to go for a gimp, but it backfires and I die early. Last game I pick CS and forget he has an MK, so he goes MK. Usually I can do pretty well vs his MK, but he just outplayed me this time.
My three matches with vato are here:
My first recorded tournament set ever. Feel free to critique, although now that I look at them I realize my playstyle is really ugly from very apparent shortcomings.
Future important improvements:
Execution: I tend to not care when I screw up in friendlies but now that I have videos I see that it seeps in everywhere. Shouldnt be upsmashing when I mean to uair, doing QAs that send me no where or to the wrong place, etc. and I dont have any johns since I was prepared to play to the best of my skill and atm my best is not close to good.
Mindset: I shouldnt be waiting till Im scared of losing to start trying to win. Other people have criticized me for this as well.
Lots of other stuff too, but I think these two especially held me back the most from otherwise capable wins and almost contributed to a few extra losses
Teamed with emily aka doll6. We played two rounds going double pika, but lost both

. Twas lots of fun though, and Im going to help her out with her pika in the future.