hey scumfevah i see no gif

. also i'm voting kat putting him at 2 votes
lets go through this monster. focusing on how rockin interacted with dudes
hey mentos. you town? can you promise me that youll never play like this ever again? youre aware that "i was purposely acting scummy" is one of the most bull**** things you can possibly say? youre forcing me to consider a scum paranoid cop more than id expect and its a pain in the ***. circus and i were pretty confident there was scum between you/kevin and kevin looks like a gg right now. can you scumhunt today? i dont know who you find suspicious. im sad that theres no vig as he shouldve shot you d1/n1
ugh. chaco needs to learn the difference between "to" and "too" and "you're" and "your". rereading this is making me weep for america's school systems
145-148 = kevingg
184 = scumkin pouncing on sinz and swords the easy town targets
185 = macman's "wow what an awful post" reaction makes me more confident in swords being town. changed his mind but whatever. circus also felt that swords was one of the towniest players in the game. dont think i'll be voting swords for the rest of the game
From what I read, I don't really find anything suspicious about Gheb. However, I do question at least some of his logic in his posts (like that one about outing out a PR). But so far, I don't see any scumminess with Gheb.
I'm undecided in Rockin's case. Chaco has been playing a very destructive game so far but I'm not sure about whether he was scum or dumb. I'm going to give Rockin the benefit of doubt (for now) and assume that he just had to take the place of a VI, not a scumbag. Still got my eyes on him.
these are important
239 - initial reaction is rockin's fanning an argument against cacti (by riddle/kat) implying different alignments. furthers my opinion of cactown
251 - more of scumkin trying to pound swords the easy target
275 - pierre's d1 strawlist. i wonder what it is now?
282 - just want to reiterate how awful this post of riddle's is. it's very bad
286 - riddle: "grrr im angry so made a case". his going for macman reminds of wonderland when he made a similarly terrible case on macman. he was scum there
290 - riddle: "baww no defense from macman" reminds me of how earlier in this game he was crying over no defense from cacti. defenses are overrated and im wondering if he was trying to exploit this
334 - rockin: "i didn't like that swords wasnt defending himself with so many votes" is crap. the rest of this post is terrible. he gives himself ins and outs while subtly voicing suspicions towards many players everywhere. what a scummy slimeball
350/351 - riddle/rockin *****ing at each other. hm
as you and Marshy commented, Mentos hasn't really been commenting most of the game, which I do find odd. He's usually good at contributing discussion and is fairly active. However, him trying to stealthfully sneak on by makes me wonder. If he still continues to coast, I wouldn't mind him being the play. If we're going to lynch him because of coasting/not answering questions, then wouldn't someone like Ace be in that pool as well?
another important post
463 - me saying that i'm okay switching to truth. this was a distancing act. i pm'd him to claim mason around the time i made that post
that's d1 rockin. maybe ill force myself to do d2 later
conclusions: cacti/kevin/swords = ggs
riddle/kat = bg
662 - on further thought pbpas are overrated. they can be used to make nearly anyone look scummy. people just shouldnt do them. however i get heavy gg vibes from this post because it lines up with towncop. note that mentos does all this **** instead of just claiming cop to bag a mislynch. also macman and i thought 'wow how terrible someone vig this guy' when kevin threw his fit over riddle during d1 twilight. i'm assuming mentos investigated kevin at least partly because of this which lines up with the way mac and i were thinking
737 - scumkin is fencesitting with kevin HARD here. furthers my opinion of kevintown
764 - rockin's repeatedly listed kevin/riddle after swords for his lynch preferences. this is bothering me. what do others make of their interactions?
conclusions: kevin/mentos = ggs
859 - scumkin's trying to get into kevindoc's head on why he's protected who he has. it gives the scumbags a better idea on how to handle the doc at night. gg points for kevin
884 - scumkin is annoying me more with his interactions with riddle. more feedback on riddle/kat please. it looks like he's just going for an easy target here
900 - look at steel being a noob mod. pfft. pretty sure those arent even from phoenix wright
937 - cacti is the first vote on scumkin. gg points
964 - scumkin: "everything riddle said while he was here is possibly null and void". this post coupled with 967 come off as possible outs for his scumbuddy while staying noncommittal
1125 - pierre votes rockin which pushes his lynch over the edge. huge gg points
conclusions: kevin/cacti/pierre = ggs
overall conclusions: swords/cacti/kevin/mentos/pierre as ggs leaving riddlekat/gheb. least confident about pierre being town in my list of ggs. now that we have a scumflip get back into this game folks