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Phase 3 - Nov 14th - Dallas TX - 1. Dojo 2. Ultimaterazer 3. LeeMartin


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Tournament Thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=254443


1: Dojo - MK - San Angelo
2: UltimateRazer - Snake - Houston
3: Lee - MK - LA
4: FK - ZSS - OK
5: Fogo - DDD/Lucario - Dallas
5: Dphat - MK - Dallas
7: DMG - Wario/MK - Dallas
7: Sethlon - MK - Dallas
9: UTD Zac - Dallas
9: Ice - Dallas
9: Damien - Dallas
9: Light - CS
13: Chuck - OK
13: Awestin - Dallas
13: Bwett - Dallas
13: iBeah (BadNewsBear) - Dallas
17: Afrotastic - OK
17: Echo - Dallas
17: Stacy - Dallas
17: Tyson - San Angelo
17: Chic - Dallas
17: PhoenixAlpha - Dallas
17: Chuky - Dallas
17: Brett - Denton
25: Furbs - Houston
25: Shuz - Dallas
25: Freddy - LA
25: Katie - Dallas
25: ALSN - Ft Worth
25: Sundown - OK
25: DMP - Ft Worth
25: Boose - Irving
33: Ran - LA
33: Srsc@
33: Fish - Ft Worth
33: Kovu - Ft Worth
33: Dennis - Dallas
33: Blind - Irving
33: Raymond - Dallas


1: UTD Zac & DMG
1: Dojo & Lee
3: Dphat & UltimaterRazer
4: BadNewsBear & Damien
5: FK & Chuck
5: Richard & Marcus
7: Bwett & Shuz
7: Chic & Chuky
9: Khaoz & Take
9: Furbs & Fogo
9: Awestin & Tyson
9: Light & Freddy
13: Blind & Boose
13: Fish & ALSN
13: Adis & Fernando
13: Katie & Cross

Low Tier Teams

1: BadNewsBear & UltimateRazer
2: PhoenixAlpha & Sethlon
3: UTD Zac & Bwett
4: Dojo & LeeMartin
5: Damien & Awestin
5: DMG & Dphat
7: Ice & Furbs
7: Take & Brett
9: Katie & Ales
9: Shuz & Raymond
9: Chucky & Chic


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Dallas - The Land of The Killers

Dojo - First place always get's that whole "congrats on winning" shoutout, but I'm not gonna do that. It was great to see you and I had fun in our set in Low Tier doubles
(congrats on winning, <3)

UltimateRazer - It was nice to be able to chat with you a bit at this tournament, even though it was brief. Winners/Grand Finals were a blast. You have a sexy Ike. I think that about covers it.
I HATE you for down tilt spiking me thru Brinstar

Lee - I'm glad I got to play some friendlies with you this time around when you visited. I love you Louisiana guys. Please come to Dallas more.

FK - After our Tokyo One trip post HOBO I thought you were a Wario main! You sure surprised me. It's always the quiet ones that come out of nowhere. Congrats on your placing.

Fogo - Your smash games trash talk/commentary always cracks me up. Stay cool. It's no fun when everyone's dead serious all the time.

Dphat - For the first time in Smash I really felt like you had my back at Phase 3. It was cool. Thanks for covering my entry, like always. 10homos. Don't worry about your so-called regression. It's in your head.

DMG - Butthole Perfect. I have nothing much to say here except I love it when we show up to the same events. Makes it better.

Sethlon - Thanks for teaming with me for Low Tier doubles. This was the most fun I've had at a smash tournament. Sorry for Up Smashing you in Game 5... I want to go get our victory frosties soon. Seriously. I had a blast. I hope you had fun, too.

UTD Zac - Thanks for running an amazing tourney. With you at the laptop we get things done quick and clean every time. Low tier doubles was fun, too. I got dibs on you next time. =P

Ice - Did you know Goku can shoot kamehameha waves from his feet?!

Damien - Way to rep bowser for low tier. You and Awestin were doing some hilarious stuff. I hope you find a character you feel comfortable with. Low tier is too fun.

Light - I had fun hanging out with you this tourney. We usually don't. PPL was fun. We'll have our money match on an N64 next time for sure. no johns. <3. Oh, and your sheik is disgusting.

Awestin - I wish every recorded match that included you had your commentary in it. You are way too funny. Keep repping Ness for us...

Bwett - Congrats on winning our set... too bad I got 3 stocked in that third game... Low tier friendlies and doubles were fun like usual. I hope you keep climbing the ladder with Diddy. I'll probably be sticking to low tier for a bit longer. ;)
... WHY DIDN'T YOU SPOT DODGE!?!?... get *****

iBeah (BadNewsBear) - My favorite part of grand finals was hearing you mutter under your breath every time I healed: "this is ****ing bull****".
13 Games against you guys. That was a lot of fun. Congrats on winning low tier doubles. You guys really earned it.

Tyson - I love you man. I hope you can find the time to come visit more. Abuse those free flights. Keep repping that EarthBound with me.

Brett - Good to see you show up. Glad you decided you could squeeze it in. Sorry about bored, though. It would have been hella fun to play double ikes!
Good job fighting off Samus in our friendlies. I hate Spamus... lol

Furbs - Well, we didn't get to play any, but chilling with you was cool. We'll listen to that Disney music next time. Oh, and your "Monica voice" made me laugh so hard.

Shuz - I didn't see much of you this tourney... but I did get to see a lot of you holding last stocks and fighting like hell to stay in. I love it. Keep it up.

Freddy - It was nice to meet you this week. Hope the MK treats you better next time.

Katie - Thanks/no thanks for all the hype. I'm conflicted...
See you at the next fest/Phase!

Sundown - Good set. I hope you had fun coming out to Dallas and that you'll do it again. I love OK smashers!

Boose - You walked in... said hi, and then I never saw you again. gay.

Ran - You're a cool dude Ran. I had fun in friendlies, Mario Kart 64, and Duelist. Don't waste an opportunity to come up here. Your marth is clean for being so new. Keep up the good work.

Srsc@ - I've seen your driving. Hopefully we run into each other more. We haven't really seen much of each other lately

Cross - Thanks for the friendlies and helping me with the Sheik matchup. I'm sure we'll get to play more soon.

Take - glad you're closer to Dallas now. I didn't realize you were such a chill guy.

Monica - Thank you so much for hosting a great tourney and housing so many people. I cannot stress enough how great it was to have a comfortable venue and we ALL appreciate how you went above and beyond to provide drinks, snacks, and brownies for all of us. You are awesome. Plain and simple.

To all of the Live streamers -
For those of you who offered your words of encouragement for my Lucas, I really appreciate it. It's true that I decided to pick up MK but I did not use him this tourney. Even when I'm not winning and not even doing that great, it's nice to know that there are people supporting me in my decision to use a crappy really crappy God-awful character. I want to stick it out
for a bit longer ;) Thanks to all of you.


Let's rock, baby!
Apr 11, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
I need to point this out, but my gamer tag is not ALSN, it's ALSM. A-ero L-ink (the) S-oul M-aster. ALSM. Thx in advance. =) Well, not bad placement for a Link player, I suppose.

Also, lol at DMP placing higher than the rest of Ft. Worth. Can't wait for Phase 4. =)

chic - it was fun playing against your Weegee. =)
Fogo - thx for the customization, though it's not complete yet.
chucky - ggs with your Kirby.
Awestin - ggs, crazy stuff happening in our match.
Blind - you'll definitely get better. Keep going to tournaments and show up at smashfests. ^_^
Dphat and Fogo- I need to play against you sometime. Pwz, and yes, Fogo, I do want to play against your DDD; I think it's a fun matchup. =)
Cross - ggs on the Link dittos. We should team up as Link in low tier singles. You know, I should start doing Link ditto money matches. Anyone want to Link ditto money match?
Ice - well, we didn't get to do our money match, but maybe next time. =)
d4ba - it's been a while, but we should play again sometime.
UTD Zac -arrgh on the tag typo. But it was nice playing against and with you in doubles. =) We have to play a singles match sooner or later.
DMG - .... you're Wario's gay. =P lol
Bored - I guess you didn't show up, but I'll be ready next time.

And..... that's it off the top of my head, if I missed anyone, ggs. =D


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
good **** everyone, I had a lot of fun, can't wait for the next one.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
1: Dojo - San Angelo -> You have the most amazing crazy eyes I have ever seen. You're also a sofa ninja, like wtf.

2: UltimateRazer - Houston -> Good **** little man. Everyone said they were going to beat you today, and I suppose you proved them wrong.

3: Lee - LA -> If you've got the money honey, I've got the timeeeeeeeee.

4: FK - OK -> I didn't get to see you play, but I was glad that we got to talk a good bit. Good job at knocking Zac out.

5: Fogo - Dallas -> One day we'll do a friendly. I loved your epic mind game on Furbs, that was hilarious.

5: Dphat - Dallas -> Thank you so much for housing us. It was great to chill with you. Thanks for all of the friendlies, even if it was in an evil match up. <3

7: DMG - Dallas -> Keep doing teams, at the very least. It was nice talking with you, but I don't think we did a singles friendly. =(

7: Sethlon - Dallas -> Epic time in the car, and the unfortunate let down of Mario not being released on Friday. q.q You're an amazing player, I'm glad that I got to have friendlies with you.

9: UTD Zac - Dallas -> Good luck with your tournament program. I hope that my insights will help you out with it. Tournament was fun.

9: Light - CS -> Thanks for all of the friendlies in a match up that I'll never use. =D But seriously, you did teach me a valuable lesson. Sometimes it's best NOT to play a match up as it is meant to be.

13: Bwett - Dallas -> I enjoyed our friendlies. Your diddy has come so far, and your Yoshi is still amazingly sexy. It makes me question the bestiality laws.

13: iBeah (BadNewsBear) - Dallas -> Good matches. You made me break my No-Snake pledge, but due to rust he wasn't up the task. I wish that we could have finished the friendly beyond the first stock. Lol.

17: Echo - Dallas -> I believe you were the Olimar I played in friendlies. It was fun. Especially the forward smashes. All three of them.

17: Tyson - San Angelo -> It was great to chill with you and play all of those friendlies. You're Ness is so legit. I hope that all of the advice I gave you helps your game improve even more.

17: PhoenixAlpha - Dallas -> I heard from a very reliable source that you are the best Lucas in the universe. I had a lot of fun playing with you, and Mario Kart ftw. Toad is top tier in Battle Mode, no matter what anyone thinks.

17: Brett - Denton -> Snake's Forward Smash > Ike's Up Smash. Amazing friendlies. Good luck on your research paper.

25: Furbs - Houston -> We had a really amazing set in the tournament. Dang, it was so close. I'm glad that I stuck with using Marth against you even though I really wanted to go Snake. By playing you with Marth, my character matured a ton.

25: Freddy - LA -> Fun car ride. =P Stop getting good at MK for no reason.

25: Katie - Dallas -> I'm sorry for stealing Lee away from you. It was nice to play you at Dphat's.

33: Ran - LA -> Noob, use Snake next time.

33: Srsc@ -> We so ran the tournament. It was very nice to chill with Mario in person.

33: Fish - Ft Worth -> We had a really close Marth ditto. Good games, I hope that we can play again.

TakeUrLife - Thanks for all of the dittos. <3

Cross -> It was fun playing with you, you Tetris beast.

Monica -> Thank you so much for housing us for two nights. It was nice meeting you and your family. I hope that we didn't leave that big of a mess. I tried to entertain your parents with stories of New Orleans after Katrina. >>


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.

First I'd like to thank monica for hosting :)

annnd I love you all, especially

Dojo: for believing in me

Zac: for being awesome in teams and watching heroes with me

Billy: bileeeeeh

lee: for beating me up on shadow Moses ;)

josh: for liking my funny stuff

FK: for being too legit/gay <3 :p

shuz: for getting taco bell from the movie phone with me

Gnes: for legit trolling and name searching

and most importantly, Samboner for being my inspiration and showing me that there is hope to be truly amazing some day.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
1: Dojo - San Angelo - MK
2: UltimateRazer - Houston - Snake
3: Lee - LA - MK
4: FK - OK - ZSS
5: Fogo - Dallas - D3 and Lucario (I think)
5: Dphat - Dallas - MK
7: DMG - Dallas - Wario
7: Sethlon - Dallas - MK


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.

1: Dojo - MK
2: UltimateRazer - Snake
3: Lee - MK
4: FK - Zss
5: Fogo - DDD/Lucario
5: Dphat - MK
7: DMG - Wario/MK
7: Sethlon - MK


Smash Shinigami
Jul 30, 2007
Kirbykid's ruleset, TX.
Oh ****!

My boy razaaa of course, for spiking me way too much and growing a rat tail for me. And for saving my phone from the drink ice flipped on. And for jv 3ing doj on seige :)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Dallas, TX
I'm too lazy to type stuff right now.... everyone was fun to play with. Sorry I couldn't do more friendlies like you guys wanted, but we had to get on the road and not die. Lol. :)

Dojo <3 <3 (I'm scare of your MK...for real.)

UltimateRazer <3 <3

Lee: <3 <3

Fogo: <3 <3 <3

Dphat: <3 <3 <3

DMG: <3 <3

UTD Zac: <3 <3 <3 <3 (Rage quit!)

Light: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Furbs: <3

Shuz: <3 <3 <3

Boose: <3 <3

Ran: <3 <3 <3

PheonixAlpha: <3 <3 <3 (Great work in low tier doubles man.)

Oh, and everyone who played Pokemon Puzzle League. That was awesome.

Marie Antoinette

Smash Apprentice
Oct 6, 2009
Many <3 to Monica for hosting this event which I can say was truly awesome (loved the brownies). I always fail to commit arriving early anywhere, but I least I had my friendlies and mm's with some of the wonderful people who went. <3 to Fogo and Casey and your awesome D3 and Peach respectively.

Congrats. to everyone in the tournament :bee:

The Truth...

Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2009
OH ****! Typical texas results lol!

but anyway GOOD **** TO RAZER my fav snake yo! and DOJO FOR BEING A BEAST! 2nd best meta right thurrrr!


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I only have one shoutout to make:

Dphat: Bad things happen when you team with little kids.



Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
*Dphat curls up and does the turtle*

I've learned at this tournament to never question good things, and to always question bad things.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2009
FM, Texas

1: Dojo - MK - San Angelo: Why did you have to **** my sonic in crew battles?:( lol :p

2: UltimateRazer - Snake - Houston: Blahhhhhh razertoogood. srsly what do I say here. besides that youre awesome

3: Lee - MK - LA: I love you even if you did cg me on shadow moses lmao:(no but really, i hope you had a great weekend<3

4: FK - ZSS - OK: daaaaang wtf 4th with Zss? ****?

5: Fogo - DDD/Lucario - Dallas:FOGES ily, my best fran. even though i didnt get a shoutout</3

5: Dphat - MK - Dallas:HOLLA ily

7: DMG - Wario/MK - Dallas: you ran from the love i was giving. stop running from everything LOL:p

7: Sethlon - MK - Dallas: Sethlon, sethlon, sethlon....ALEX

9: Ice - Dallas: WTF ICE 27!!

9: Damien - Dallas: greedy *** poker player

9: Light - CS: **** good to see ya again light:)

13: Awestin - Dallas: McBad LMAO

17: Tyson - San Angelo: WTF almost beating razer?

17: PhoenixAlpha - Dallas: Like, what was I supposed to do? Its PhoenixAlpha, the best lucas ALIVE.

17: Brett - Denton: yougay

25: Furbs - Houston: good hangin out with you furbs, singing my favorite songs LOL youve gotta be kitten me!

25: Shuz - Dallas: Shuz, dont be frustrated. We're gonna practice together and get better together. DONE!!!

25: Freddy - LA: nice meeting you, too good with mk after like 12 hrs of brawl LOLwtf

25: Katie - Dallas: you effin suck

33: Ran - LA: you didnt take me with you:(:(

good weekend. thank you sooo much for hosting monica<3


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Monica- Thanks for all of your hospitality, and for letting everyone stay. Had a blast.

Light- **** yeah man, it was awesome chillin with you, if you're ever in Baton rouge feel free to find me and we'll play/ chill. Too fhuckin cool man.

PhoenixA- You;'re a pretty chill dude..

Dphat- Ya fhuckin f@ggot11 ahaha I love you man.

Katie- Was awesome to meet you.

Furbs- Mah home dog that was so fun, next tourny we need to go meditate with the green genie.

Ice- U BI
DMG- <3

Sethlon- cool seeing you again man, twas fun. Next time you should serenade us with your sexy voice.

Dojo- Grats on winning we should chill next time ahaha.

Razer- Who would have ever thought such a little boy could camp so good with snake ahahah. You ******. Good job on second, you place rly good man.

insert everyone else I forgot here.

Lata noobs.


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
kate - thanks for being my team mate :) we would of dominated if we had more practice.
ran - marth dittos are too good , it helped me learn and beat light's sheik in a money match :)
light - thanks for teaching more and more about sheik. i promise i wont roll anymore. only if the opponent has lag frames xD
alessandra - thanks for listening to my story, yea im a narcissist
tyson - i love you toooooooooooooooooooooooo
fogo - is tooooo chill
razer - cool kid
noah - i'm sorry. calling my sheik trash made me :(
alsm - fun link dittos.

i promise guys i ll play singles at next tournament.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
I'm quite happy that everyone had a good time. :) It was no problem doing any of it, my parents were happy to go along with it, and I'm just happy that it went off without any problems and everyone had a good time. :) That's all that matters when it comes to my tournaments.

I hope to see you all back on the 5th!!! <3


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Lee only used MK during the bracket. He wasn't really 'feeling' any of his other characters the days before the tournament at Dphat's.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
He used Lucario a little in teams, and Wario too. But besides that, yeah.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
low tier 2vs2

1: BadNewsBear & UltimateRazer
2: PhoenixAlpha & Sethlon
3: UTD Zac & Bwett
4: Dojo & LeeMartin
5: Damien & Awestin
5: DMG & Dphat
7: Ice & Furbs
7: Take & Brett
9: Katie & Ales
9: Shuz & Raymond
9: Chucky & Chic

Would somebody please help me fill in the characters for this list? I keep track of low tier stuff so this list is really important to me. Oh and Razer/bear, im super proud of you two.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Nope don't be proud of little kids. They are our future. You can't steer them down the wrong path with "kindness". You need to toughen the soul, you need to be like "Good Stuff in Low Tiers, too bad you didn't win regular Doubles B****. "

Naw they did good.
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