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PGD: Happy Birthday, Red!


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I don't think there is one. As long as it's not so ridiculously wide that it'll stretch out posts, it's fine.


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2010
Yep. :urg:

You need to have more text than that for your sig to show up, kiddo.
I've got a bone to pick with Stealth Raptor. Read on, gentle reader, and hear what I have to say. If my memory serves me correctly, I unquestionably have a hard time trying to reason with people who remain calm when they see Stealth Raptor promulgate partisan prejudice against others.
It is imperative that all of us in this community illustrate the virtues that Stealth Raptor lacks—courage, truthfulness, courtesy, honesty, diligence, chivalry, loyalty, and industry. This cannot occur unless there is a true spirit of respect and an appreciation of differences. I might be able to forgive him, but only if he promises never again to stir up trouble. He once tried convincing me that he can absorb mana by devouring his nemeses' brains. Does he think I was born yesterday? I mean, it seems pretty obvious that Stealth Raptor might destroy everything beautiful and good before you know it. What are we to do then? Place blinders over our eyes and hope we don't see the horrible outcome?
Although silly bribe-seekers are relatively small in number compared to the general population, they are increasing in size and fervor. By writing this letter, I am clearly sticking my head far above the parapet. The big danger is that Stealth Raptor will retaliate against me. He'll most likely try to force me to lose heart although another possibility is that that's just one side of the coin. The other side is that I recently received some mail in which the writer stated, "The quest to understand how Stealth Raptor can be so distasteful raises far more questions than it answers." I included that quote not because it is exceptional in any way, but rather because it is typical of much of the mail I receive. I included it to show you that I'm not the only one who thinks that if we fail to weaken the critical links in Stealth Raptor's nexus of ghastly opportunism then all of our sacrifices will be as forgotten as the sand blowing across Ozymandias's dead empire. The "decay of that colossal wreck," as the poet Shelley puts it, teaches us that I like to face facts. I like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend it's something else. And the reality of our present situation is this: The whole of Stealth Raptor's villainous, foolhardy worldview may perhaps be expressed in one simple word. That word is "Lysenkoism". Let me explain: I am not complaining about that. There's nothing controversial about that view. It's a fact, pure and simple. It was a fact long before anyone realized that Stealth Raptor's premise (that he has the authority to issue licenses for practicing interdenominationalism) is his morality disguised as pretended neutrality. Stealth Raptor uses this disguised morality to support his perversions, thereby making his argument self-refuting.
Stealth Raptor accuses me of being impolite in my responses to his feebleminded mottos. Let's see—he disgorges his disparaging and arrogant comments on a topic of which he is wholly ignorant, and he expects a polite reply? What is he, immoral?
Above all, because of Stealth Raptor's dysgenic practices we have piteous mythomaniacs giving rise to the most oleaginous swindlers I've ever seen. To say otherwise would be disdainful. It saddens me that Stealth Raptor is the type of person that turns up his nose at people like you and me. I guess that's because we haven't the faintest notion about the things that really matter such as why it would be good for him to reconstitute society on the basis of arrested development and envious malevolence.
Now, I hope Stealth Raptor was joking when he implied he was going to require religious services around the world to begin with "Stealth Raptor is great; Stealth Raptor is good; we thank Stealth Raptor for our daily food", but it sure didn't sound like it. Even without making an ethical argument against statism, I can show that those who stand too close to the canvas of history while it is being woven may erroneously conclude that his beliefs are a breath of fresh air amid our modern culture's toxic cloud of chaos. As an interesting experiment, try to point this out to Stealth Raptor. (You might want to don safety equipment first.) I think you'll find that as he matures emotionally he'll eventually grow out of his present way of thinking and come to realize that he has delivered exactly the opposite of what he had previously promised us. Most notably, Stealth Raptor's vows of liberation turned out to be masks for oppression and domination. And, almost as troubling, his vows of equality did little more than convince people that it would be wrong to imply that he is involved in some kind of conspiracy to shank the working class in the back to keep the cash spigots flowing. It would be wrong because his bruta fulmina are far beyond the conspiracy stage. Not only that, but the pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to turn random, senseless violence into meaningful action?
Stealth Raptor's slaves work behind the scenes to **** this nation and this world to Hell. Surprised? You shouldn't be, because Stealth Raptor denies ever having tried to impale us on the pike of mercantalism. I assume he's merely trying to cover his posterior, as the truth is that Stealth Raptor has certainly never given evidence of thinking extensively. Or at all, for that matter.
Verily, anyone who hasn't been living in a cave with his eyes shut and his ears plugged knows that someone just showed me a memo supposedly written by Stealth Raptor. The memo spells out his plans to convince others that tendentious muttonheads are the "chosen people" of scriptural prophecy. If this memo is authentic, it tells us that I have in fact told Stealth Raptor that he disregards any evidence that contradicts his views. Unfortunately, there really wasn't anything to his response. I suppose Stealth Raptor just doesn't want to admit that it may seem difficult at first to raise several issues about his insidious, despicable commentaries that are frequently missing from the drivel that masquerades for discourse on this topic. It is. But he keeps telling us that children don't need as much psychological attentiveness, protection, and obedience training as the treasured household pet. Are we also supposed to believe that censorship could benefit us? I didn't think so.
If Stealth Raptor were to waffle on all the issues, social upheaval and violence would follow. It is therefore clear that I oppose Stealth Raptor's programs of Gleichschaltung because they are incontinent. I oppose them because they are witless. And I oppose them because they will break down the industrial-technological system in the near future.
It doesn't do us much good to become angry and wave our arms and shout about the evils of Stealth Raptor's circulars in general terms. If we want other people to agree with us and join forces with us, then we must provide an antidote to contemporary manifestations of untrustworthy academicism. Some reputed—as opposed to reputable—members of Stealth Raptor's faction quite adamantly contend that we should derive moral guidance from Stealth Raptor's glitzy, multi-culti, hip-hop, consumption-oriented rodomontades. I find it rather astonishing that anyone could assert such a thing, but then again, this is not a question of sectarianism or resistentialism. Rather, it is a question about how documents written by Stealth Raptor's vassals typically include the line, "The sun rises just for Stealth Raptor", in large, 30-point type, as if the size of the font gives weight to the words. In reality, all that that fancy formatting really does is underscore the fact that when I observe Stealth Raptor's representatives' behavior, I can't help but recall the proverbial expression, "monkey see, monkey do". That's because, like him, they all want to desecrate religious objects. Also, while a monkey might think that five-crystal orgone generators can eliminate mind-control energies that are being radiated from secret, underground, government facilities, the fact remains that he insists that oligarchism is absolutely essential to the well-being of society. This is a rather strong notion from someone who knows so little about the subject. That's all I have time now to write. If you want to get more insight into Stealth Raptor's mentality, though, then study the details of his warnings. Try to see the big picture: It will amaze you. It will take your breath away. And it will convince you that Stealth Raptor's coalition of termagant, diabolic dweebs and dissolute kooks controls illegal drugs and prostitution as well as banking, oil, defense, and the media.

In other words, do you like my sig!?

(I didn't mean it stealth, your still cool. =D


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
^ Your sig is now visible. Mission accomplished.

@Middle school talk: My experience was alright. Now that I think about it my middle school experience was like something out of TV since I moved a lot which caused me to be the new kid like 4 or 5 times. In 8th grade I beat up the guy who picked on me in algebra and science class. The worse part is that even though the guy kept picking on me for a while once I literally kicked the crap out of him I was the one who got in trouble and not him. Zero tolerance policy my ***, the guy picked on like 10 other kids who reported him in the past and nothing happened.

~auto you're going to tearbear's tournmanent on the 4th right?
I'm going and so should everyone! :)


Purchased premium only to change name ><
May 13, 2008
Irvine CA
Werekill making me feel inadequate.

*4/5 years of playing in photoshop and I still can't do that **** with 3D Renders*

last thing I've really done is this


and theres my F5 to change around signature too I guess thats too big for SWF but idgaf so I put it there anyway.



Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2010
Don't worry, lol. You'll get better with time.

Eventually you'll be able to pull off stuff like this:

Sweet. Yeah, I'm still learning image manipulation and creation.

its totoro

I mean ran

I mean tororan

yeah totoran
LOL Totoro.

And ok, so I am taking martial arts. It's called Shao-Lin Kempo, and it's a mix of Karate, Jiu Jitsu and kung fu, and we do sparring. SO we were sparring today. (Sparring is when you all get in protective gear and fight each other almost for real)

So I kick really high. I kick above people's heads, and I'm the only one in class that can do it at all. So I was sparring with my good friend michael, and I had just gotten a good three punch and then an elbow shot to the face, (he had a mask on so not injuries), and we both roundhouse kicked at the same time. I kicked at his head, and he kicked at my waist, so I ended up taking one right in the Won-Ton.


Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
I've got a bone to pick with Stealth Raptor. Read on, gentle reader, and hear what I have to say. If my memory serves me correctly, I unquestionably have a hard time trying to reason with people who remain calm when they see Stealth Raptor promulgate partisan prejudice against others.
It is imperative that all of us in this community illustrate the virtues that Stealth Raptor lacks—courage, truthfulness, courtesy, honesty, diligence, chivalry, loyalty, and industry. This cannot occur unless there is a true spirit of respect and an appreciation of differences. I might be able to forgive him, but only if he promises never again to stir up trouble. He once tried convincing me that he can absorb mana by devouring his nemeses' brains. Does he think I was born yesterday? I mean, it seems pretty obvious that Stealth Raptor might destroy everything beautiful and good before you know it. What are we to do then? Place blinders over our eyes and hope we don't see the horrible outcome?
Although silly bribe-seekers are relatively small in number compared to the general population, they are increasing in size and fervor. By writing this letter, I am clearly sticking my head far above the parapet. The big danger is that Stealth Raptor will retaliate against me. He'll most likely try to force me to lose heart although another possibility is that that's just one side of the coin. The other side is that I recently received some mail in which the writer stated, "The quest to understand how Stealth Raptor can be so distasteful raises far more questions than it answers." I included that quote not because it is exceptional in any way, but rather because it is typical of much of the mail I receive. I included it to show you that I'm not the only one who thinks that if we fail to weaken the critical links in Stealth Raptor's nexus of ghastly opportunism then all of our sacrifices will be as forgotten as the sand blowing across Ozymandias's dead empire. The "decay of that colossal wreck," as the poet Shelley puts it, teaches us that I like to face facts. I like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend it's something else. And the reality of our present situation is this: The whole of Stealth Raptor's villainous, foolhardy worldview may perhaps be expressed in one simple word. That word is "Lysenkoism". Let me explain: I am not complaining about that. There's nothing controversial about that view. It's a fact, pure and simple. It was a fact long before anyone realized that Stealth Raptor's premise (that he has the authority to issue licenses for practicing interdenominationalism) is his morality disguised as pretended neutrality. Stealth Raptor uses this disguised morality to support his perversions, thereby making his argument self-refuting.
Stealth Raptor accuses me of being impolite in my responses to his feebleminded mottos. Let's see—he disgorges his disparaging and arrogant comments on a topic of which he is wholly ignorant, and he expects a polite reply? What is he, immoral?
Above all, because of Stealth Raptor's dysgenic practices we have piteous mythomaniacs giving rise to the most oleaginous swindlers I've ever seen. To say otherwise would be disdainful. It saddens me that Stealth Raptor is the type of person that turns up his nose at people like you and me. I guess that's because we haven't the faintest notion about the things that really matter such as why it would be good for him to reconstitute society on the basis of arrested development and envious malevolence.
Now, I hope Stealth Raptor was joking when he implied he was going to require religious services around the world to begin with "Stealth Raptor is great; Stealth Raptor is good; we thank Stealth Raptor for our daily food", but it sure didn't sound like it. Even without making an ethical argument against statism, I can show that those who stand too close to the canvas of history while it is being woven may erroneously conclude that his beliefs are a breath of fresh air amid our modern culture's toxic cloud of chaos. As an interesting experiment, try to point this out to Stealth Raptor. (You might want to don safety equipment first.) I think you'll find that as he matures emotionally he'll eventually grow out of his present way of thinking and come to realize that he has delivered exactly the opposite of what he had previously promised us. Most notably, Stealth Raptor's vows of liberation turned out to be masks for oppression and domination. And, almost as troubling, his vows of equality did little more than convince people that it would be wrong to imply that he is involved in some kind of conspiracy to shank the working class in the back to keep the cash spigots flowing. It would be wrong because his bruta fulmina are far beyond the conspiracy stage. Not only that, but the pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to turn random, senseless violence into meaningful action?
Stealth Raptor's slaves work behind the scenes to **** this nation and this world to Hell. Surprised? You shouldn't be, because Stealth Raptor denies ever having tried to impale us on the pike of mercantalism. I assume he's merely trying to cover his posterior, as the truth is that Stealth Raptor has certainly never given evidence of thinking extensively. Or at all, for that matter.
Verily, anyone who hasn't been living in a cave with his eyes shut and his ears plugged knows that someone just showed me a memo supposedly written by Stealth Raptor. The memo spells out his plans to convince others that tendentious muttonheads are the "chosen people" of scriptural prophecy. If this memo is authentic, it tells us that I have in fact told Stealth Raptor that he disregards any evidence that contradicts his views. Unfortunately, there really wasn't anything to his response. I suppose Stealth Raptor just doesn't want to admit that it may seem difficult at first to raise several issues about his insidious, despicable commentaries that are frequently missing from the drivel that masquerades for discourse on this topic. It is. But he keeps telling us that children don't need as much psychological attentiveness, protection, and obedience training as the treasured household pet. Are we also supposed to believe that censorship could benefit us? I didn't think so.
If Stealth Raptor were to waffle on all the issues, social upheaval and violence would follow. It is therefore clear that I oppose Stealth Raptor's programs of Gleichschaltung because they are incontinent. I oppose them because they are witless. And I oppose them because they will break down the industrial-technological system in the near future.
It doesn't do us much good to become angry and wave our arms and shout about the evils of Stealth Raptor's circulars in general terms. If we want other people to agree with us and join forces with us, then we must provide an antidote to contemporary manifestations of untrustworthy academicism. Some reputed—as opposed to reputable—members of Stealth Raptor's faction quite adamantly contend that we should derive moral guidance from Stealth Raptor's glitzy, multi-culti, hip-hop, consumption-oriented rodomontades. I find it rather astonishing that anyone could assert such a thing, but then again, this is not a question of sectarianism or resistentialism. Rather, it is a question about how documents written by Stealth Raptor's vassals typically include the line, "The sun rises just for Stealth Raptor", in large, 30-point type, as if the size of the font gives weight to the words. In reality, all that that fancy formatting really does is underscore the fact that when I observe Stealth Raptor's representatives' behavior, I can't help but recall the proverbial expression, "monkey see, monkey do". That's because, like him, they all want to desecrate religious objects. Also, while a monkey might think that five-crystal orgone generators can eliminate mind-control energies that are being radiated from secret, underground, government facilities, the fact remains that he insists that oligarchism is absolutely essential to the well-being of society. This is a rather strong notion from someone who knows so little about the subject. That's all I have time now to write. If you want to get more insight into Stealth Raptor's mentality, though, then study the details of his warnings. Try to see the big picture: It will amaze you. It will take your breath away. And it will convince you that Stealth Raptor's coalition of termagant, diabolic dweebs and dissolute kooks controls illegal drugs and prostitution as well as banking, oil, defense, and the media.

In other words, do you like my sig!?

(I didn't mean it stealth, your still cool. =D
lol woooooooooow win

thats that auto argument generator right?


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2010
lol woooooooooow win

thats that auto argument generator right?
No, I wrote the whole thing myself.

Yes it is. I was like "How am I going to create a lot of text so I can see my sig fast?" then I was like "I could generate a complaint using the complaint generator. But who should be my victim? A troll will do...But where is the nearst troll...? OMG STEALF YES.

XD but your still cool. Dun take offense or anything to it. =)


Mar 27, 2009

In the daily Wiscus report...I spent three hours last night playing pokemon snap for the first time. My face was hurting from all of the smiling I was doing.
And I got connection-trolled from the chat and I'm sad.

Aww I missed Suspects status!? :(


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I spent three hours last night playing pokemon snap for the first time.
The first time?! Where was your childhood?! That game brings back so many memories lol.

I love how hype Tracy gets when you start a level..... "YES!"


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2010
Hey ive got a question for all of you and i want an honest answer from everyone, dont just say it because you main the character or like the character.

Im looking for a main and an alt that has a lot of growing room meaning it will take me a long time to master them. I was thinking about Ike or Ganondorf because i love characters that can KO others at like 50% in 1 attack but the only problem is that there to predictable and they dont have a lot of options plus there is like hardly any growing room as far as skill level goes.

So here is a list of characters i think would be good.. remember that im looking for characters that can really gimp and just combo like crazy (isnt that what gimp means?? lol)

Diddy Kong

Out of all of them im already like amazingly good with both pikachu and ness just because ive mained both of them for so long. Im just not sure if they still fit me.

I really want characters that can win me some tournaments or at least help me more than what they have and i know all of these characters can do that. Oh and i know it looks like i just picked all the characters from the top tier but i promise i went through all the characters and just chose the ones that i felt best with without looking at the tier and this is what i came up with lol.

So yeah sorry about making this so long lol. Just help me pick 2 characters that would help benefit me in tournaments. For example... if i mained ganondorf and someone brought a shiek on me then next round i would just bring in ice climbers... see how them 2 would work good together, thats how i want my main and alt to be and i think MK+Snake is just uber lol.

Only reason i dont wanna give up pikachu and ness is because im so used to them but i guess i might just have to move on from them (or maybe not)
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