So guys and gals, I am having trouble sleeping lately because I forgot to turn off my alarm for school on my phone one day...Is there any solution without any form of drugs like a type of tea or fruit/food?
I figure you've probably worked this out by now, but just in case.
I've had to reset my sleep schedule multiple times for various reasons. The all-nighter is my method of choice. The morning after, when the new schedule starts, I also keep a 5-hour energy or other caffeinated drink by the bedside and set two alarms on my phone - one for the new wakeup time, one 15 early. When the first goes off, I down the drink, and it usually kicks in by the time the second goes off and allows me to get up.
It may take a few days of this to solidify things but it usually takes me no more than two. I have no corroborating reports, however, so if you give this a go your results may vary.
Also, in terms of actually going to sleep, KayLo's already mentioned most of my tips (girl knows what's up), but to emphasize one of them, reading is my secret weapon when I need to conk. It often works without my clearance, in fact, judging by how many times I pass out in the middle of some article. You'll also want to eliminate light sources around the bed as much as possible. Phones, handhelds, even digital alarm clocks if possible (just put 'em on the floor). I remember reading that blue lights are especially damning but I don't recall the reasoning.
How's everybody feelin' today? :3
Feeling phenomenal. Gonna be a good day.
Not me, shocking nobody. Time is no concern this year, money still is.
Who knows, though. Maybe I'll get competitive enough in Smash Wii U/3DS or Gen VI Pokemon to justify dropping by in 2015.