Develop your playstyle to rely less on constant reads, and adjust accordingly as you get a proper gauge of your opponent. As you say, bad players have awkward and oftentimes impossible-to-understand decision-making; which makes prediction a pain that might lead to having more trouble than you should in winning. Characters like Narukami and Chie, who can set up oki that auto-punishes anything that isn't blocking on wakeup, have it easier in this regard, but you can probably figure something out with Labrys' oki ground-sword, or Shadow Labrys' various options.
The general idea is, if they tend to block sensibly and mix in some disrespect here and there, you're up against a proper opponent, while if they consistently try to mash out of whatever they're dealing with on wakeup, you don't have to keep risking yourself to figure that out.
Of course, really bad players can be beaten by blocking until they pick something unsafe on block, then punishing with autocombo lol.