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Peoria/Springfield, IL Discussion: Surprisingly active o_O! That's good eats.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
"And also, after playing Melee again, I realize I'm going to need to play ALOT more often to get better again, it seemed a little hard to do all the ATs I use to be able to do.

Anyways, I guess ask if maybe me and a friend could mosey on over if we ever get the chance without crowding the place up too much. Going to have to practice a bit though to not be nooby if I were to show up :p"

"Anyways, currently playing Melee, I miss its awesomeness so much! Send a suggestion to the dude at GS to hold a SSBM 1v1 standard rules tourney on like the 29th or whatever it is, maybe he'll play it."

"I'm fine with Melee or Brawl, although I'll probably get **** on more on Melee because I'm still SD'ing with Falcon too much :p"

BP: "This is funny because I live hella close to Pekin, I live in the downtown Peoria area. But I refuse to play a Brawl tourney. Make this Melee and I can bring several people to this tourney =)."

"Btw, I watched your combo video, you're way better than I expected xD! I'd probably get pooped on with my C. Falcon vs. your Fox if I were to go next week or whenever I got the time to, but eh, it's how people get better."

"Next month though, I'm probably going to primarily be working on my Melee game because I've noticed I like it a lot more because it's much more fast-paced and less noob friendly in my eyes, but I do give Brawl props because mind games still separate the good from the bad. Plus, I really never play Brawl online anymore because the little bits of lag really screw me over all the time, so they're basically both LAN-only games and I like Melee more ^^"

"Btw, loving Melee so much more than Brawl right now, the speed makes it soooooo much fun! Then when I have to play Brawl with one of my friends who's not so good at Melee, I feel almost...crippled ;_; You can tell by just using Captain Falcon on Melee, then Brawl, and go, "Oh, that's why he's bottom of bottom tier..." <3 ACTUAL COMBOS"

BP: "Ugh, seriously guys lol. I want to see a Melee scene in this area,There are still way too many Brawl lovers who still don't understand what makes a truly good game. If you guys need practice or pointers in Melee, me and my homies will gladly help we're not those elitist people who refuse to help people I love showin nubies the way of the game. I'm tempted to not show up at all if there isn't enough Melee entries though because showin up just for a Brawl tourney in Pekin will not amuse me at all lol."

Josh: "Well the only thing i really need to learn is how to use wavedashing effectively...i can do it but not with purpose :/ and probably L canceling too" LOLZ

Bunch more in the old thread....http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=193083&page=10

Slowly approaching the one year mark ;D


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
**** gooey nice quote finds, i don't think i was here when BP was posting. I've known about Smashboards since 2006-07, but i never found out about tournaments, local players, etc. (though i tried). Freshman year was when i found out about advance techniques from the wak videos, then so on..

Think first character i ever played was actually bowser (i was playing on hyrule with 3 other kids 5 years older than me, babysitting, it was all three of them vs me, I camped on that little platform on the bottom of stage.I had ratio 8 and they had ratio 3 handicap [dunno how i remember this]). After that, i decided to main fox since i played him in 64, but he was too fast, so i think i jumbled around a lot of characters (i think fox, marth, Roy, and kirby [i thought kirby was the easiest beginner character ever). And mainly i'd play sean most of the time (when it came out till like 6th grade). 7th grade i didn't realy play smash nor the start of 8th. During the end of 8th grade, we came back to melee sorta and i decided to main Marth (and Roy or ICs?). Played them for the most part,

then I think when i was graduating from jr high, sean showed me a vid of Ken vs Aniki on Youtube(first pro smash vid i ever saw). I was amazed. I didn't understand how they were soo fast. lol Oh, actually i think 6th and 7th grade, i played justice a bit ever time he came over. We did marth dittos everytime on hyrule, no items of course. 6th grade, justice mained Mewtwo, i'd woop his @$$. Told him to play kirby for the most part too.

After the Aniki vs Ken vid, i searched up more vids... mainly M2k, Ken, PC Chris, and Bombsoldier. Just watched them and wondered how they did it. I remember trying to figure out what they were doing then never could after a lot of tried. Right before brawl was announced, I found out about the Wak vid of Advanced Techniques from Sean. I was like wow! I tried to wavedash with Samus or Marth?, not sure. It was too hard. Did his tutorial step by step. I got it, but i don't think i ever used it played smash against sean ever, and this was freshman year.

By the end of freshman year, i think brawl was announced. I was hyped up. Me and Sean even played melee more after school. I watched the Wak vid a couple of more times. So i tried to play Dr. Mario and ICs, just cuz their Wavedash was uber easy to do. Though i did try and main them, i never really could. But i did stick to ICs a bit but still fully mained Marth.

While preparing for brawl, after school, i'd come to Sean's house and play Marth vs. Link matches i think almost everyday. It was always, Marth vs Link, FD, 4 stocks. We never played anywhere else. For the most part, we never knew about CPs or stages until brawl came out.

I think by the start of sophomore year, I started playing ICs a lil more, bc of wavedashing and Chudat. I watched Chudat vids really intently. I think about this time, i found out about Smashboards. I remember looking for players and crap, i even registered a couple of times ( i think i have like 5 accounts on here) before making this official account. I tried to find locals but never could and I never attempted to post looking for ppl either. I did post in the *introduce yourself* section though. ANd oh yea, everytime me and sean played, If either one of us were up a stock or two, we'd suicide because of cockiness lmao. "its cuz i'm that good". so we did this everyday, watching vids of ken or aniki, and getting better (but never doing ATs.) When brawl came out, that was a totally another story.

Updating later.

K when brawl came out in japan, I looked up vids of it. I watched prolly 100 vids and decided I'd main D3 (just cuz i saw that CG). I was like, "i'm gonna own everyone" Everyone i knew that had brawl (mainly asians [johnny, sean, vincent, me]) came togethor, called each other, got our friend codes (gay), and played online. It was very fun. Everyone left cept me and sean. And we played our mains. Sean mained Falco. We had an epic D3 vs Falco match online which i still have recorded on my and seans wii.

After that, we played brawl for the most part almost after school everyweek. D3 vs Falco.
Sean learned about Chaingrabs (accidentily by himself). It was uber gay. So i had to develop better spacing and set up for swallowcides a lot. Then, i went on smashbrawlrankings.com and played a lot of brawl online. I played Tapion (1st best on it), Nova (3rd ), and Ally (7th, also known as AllyOrNotAlly ) on the site. I beat Nova in a ranked match, who did beat Ally constantly at the time. I barely lost to Ally. and I got wrecked by Tapions fox in brawl (i got it recorded). Then, I found out about Allisbrawl. Played there, did ladder matches, joined a few clans online. Did clan wars, it was fun at the time. All online of course.

Then, I went to look for Peoria ppl on Allisbrawl... Found Dart and Hastule i think, then i went on Smashboards and went to the Peoria Pekin Thread. Introduced myself and found out about a Gamers Sancatuary Tournament (RIP). Talked on there for a bit and posted. Fun fun. Told sean about the tournament, he didn't want to go, but i convinced him >D. Justice found out about it last second, and he got to go and Colin was there also (cuz he spent the night). My dad took us to Pekin. When we went there Colin hilariously said, "its a Virgin Paradise". When the tournament started, I didn't know who was who. I was anxious to meet the brawl champion Dart (lmao). At first, I thought Drake was the brawl champion (yea the wario dude) not gonna lie. I was about to introduce myself, but i was like i don't think that him, cuz Sean just beat him 3 stocked during the 1st round. My first round I played a Sonic. I hated him from playing him online. GAYEST MATCHUP EVER AND STILL IS. I think it was 1 to 1 stock. but i beat him with an uptilt. this was when it was one match one win, FD 2 (?) stock.

We continued, Colin watched for the most part, Justice was in with TL. I left to eat Subway near the area, and when i came back, ppl were like OMG this ICs were too good and this CG. I'm like wtf (cuz i mained D3 and ICs at the time), and justice knew the CGs i did. He said it wasn't like any i did before. I was like WHAT?! I thought it was hastule, but i wasn't for sure. Later, i was watching some dude (david) vs some other dude (stoner). I hear random yells, and i'm like wtf. haha

Then afterwards, it was justice vs soom dude(Hastule). Justice convinced him to play D3. I was thinking justice was gonna lose for sure if that dude knew the matchup, but i thought he had a slim chance. The whole match was a camp match. Linkjectiles vs Dees. both above 100% last stock. Told justice to do a running Upsmash but he was too pssy. At the and, i think he won with a Dair or an Utilt. I was like OMG YEA!! That was the first semi finals

Then it was Sean vs. Dart. I was like go Sean, i thought he would win, but he didn't. Darts gyayy campiness was too good. I felt sorta bad, sean couldn't even get a CG in. Then it was finals. It was a Round robin, b/t me, Dart, and Justice (lmao i dunno how). Justice, Sean, and me agreed to split pot. So first match was Me and Dart. I was nervous as hell, not gonna lie. Fun fun, 1 stock of the set, I was 147% while josh was 78%, I went to the side of the stage, Josh does an upsmash, and I fastfall swallowcide making it even. lmao. The rest of the match was CGs and soon-to-be-known Gooey kept on yelling OVER 9000 and internet meme quotes (lmao).... I won. Then it was me vs. Justice. I won against justice, (he just let me). Justice vs Dart, Dart easily owned. Then It was Me vs Dart. Nervous ****. Remember i won with an Utilt. and Justice jumped on top of me with glee. I won like 100 $ i think. I got metal gear solid 4 from it.

Dart called for Snake mirrors (who the hell says that, its dittos). I played, it was pretty much even until the end where i SDed on purpose cuz my dad was pissed off (johns). I left and posted on smash boards about it. I'm the new reigning champ of the GS. lol. It was fun, then i went to the next GS tournament and won. this time only Hastule and studly legion was there, no dart or gooey. I got more money but it was on a reciept instead of a check this time. And the ink faded AWAY!!! I want a refund!!.

Then, I hear about a tourney in Springfield. TIMS2 during the summer. I'm like i'm definately going. I think this was when i decided to main Falco and ICs (not fox cuz he was still too fast). I practice tech skills and the sort, this is when i actually utilized ATs first time ever.. Trying to get in contact last minutes with josh (literally i talked to Dart like the day before the tourney). My dad took me to his place and he talked to josh's mom. Josh kept on laughing histarically b/c of my dad's laugh, which was ****ING ANNOYING. then we went to the tourney, and everyone remembers that. crew battles etc. Met Rashad for the first time, unconfortable to sit with, prolly cuz he was black (jp =P) . Josh's mom was there and Josh's step sister with humongous melons was there. fun fun. Drive was fun, drive back was fun. Me and josh played uber late too, like 5AM when everyone was asleep. we were Tech Gods, but had gay mindgames. Laughing about nonsense ****.

Then, TTR happened and kels and vro and jazzness, then WAIT 2 and chewyys gay *** ICs and Me and joshes Ultimate Weapon MINDGAME, then SMYM10 and M2k and Mango, and finally TIMS3 with Josh's 3stock on tink... and the rest is present.

Yea thats most of my smash scene life in a bag. Some parts might be confused with other parts, but w/e.bad grammar, but no teacher around, so good with me.

Btw Reneblade, we generally don't SD as much as the one in the vids, i think it was just the time of day. Not really johning..


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
Probably 3/4 of the SDs were from me. I rock.

Wasn't too many SDs at TIMS3 though...that 3 stock on Tink's Fox ruled Josh =D. Making him have to switch to Peach to beat you...even better xD. Tink taking a big sigh of relief and rubbing his hand across his head after the set was over...best.

Me barely losing to Lixivium...worst. Why the F do I pick dumb *** stages like Brinstar in brackets, especially as Falcon? I should've known an Ice Climbers player would have a secondary in the case that I pick a gay stage!!!! JOHNS JOHNS JOHNS!!!! I don't think I'm banning FD next time I play him...I don't know why, but I feel like I'd perform so much better on that stage against ICs than on a ******** stage such as FoD.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Man i want to watch that 3 stock on tink. It better be recorded. btw, i was ****ing bored when i wrote that smash biography.

Btw, everytime i open my mouth when i play like i do, tell me everytime lol. I need to get this bad habit out. lol (saw pics)


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
Springfield, IL
sup peorians, I was at work today and thinking, if I ever get a saturday off of work within the next two years, how down would you guys be if I drove up to play like 8 hours of doubles or some ****? I don't wanna make you guys drive down here every time, so I guess I'm kinda inviting myself to peoria?

BTW I saw you anthony in the picture of us 2 doing dubs against those kids, and your mouth was looking mad cute, idk if you can tell, but I do wierd stuff with my jaws when I play.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
lol, i never notice u doing it. ppl notice me most of the time.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
pEoRIa iLLi NoiS
im way to lazy to post about gamers sanctuary right now it was def some good **** tho i sucked sooo bad... all i can remember was being pissed facing drakes DK nd not teching when he threw me under the ledge oooh my god soo gay

anyway melee kicks soo much ***.. TIMS was soo much fun my doc got hella better but i really need to learn how to play doubles


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
approaching 1 year aniversary, i'm gonna spam a lil more to get 500 posts. Its my birthday on wedn.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
For the memories of SF4

not gonna lie. i'm a post count whorre. almost to 500, gonna do something special. my b-day is on wedn.


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2008
illinois peoria area
pssshhh me and studlys first tourney was EVO midwest like an entire half year before the GS shenanigans. not sure why we went since we sucked so bad and I was maining jiggz and ike without even using short hops. First GS tourney we went to was free 4 all with final smashes and it was gay. Then I remember going to a singles tourney FD only were I saw joshes snake and was amazed but later I realized that snake was just a *** and anyone could pwn with him. I completely mained marth but falcon was like my second because of his sexiness. I dont think I even liked melee much until I saw falcons sexiness and I guess fox is pretty sexy too. Any way, brawl marth is way cooler than melee marth but falcon himself is cooler than brawl


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
I'm a Smash Ace Yes. Alright, what ppl doing this saturday? I can't hang out all week until after my ACTs. =\


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
sup peorians, I was at work today and thinking, if I ever get a saturday off of work within the next two years, how down would you guys be if I drove up to play like 8 hours of doubles or some ****? I don't wanna make you guys drive down here every time, so I guess I'm kinda inviting myself to peoria?

BTW I saw you anthony in the picture of us 2 doing dubs against those kids, and your mouth was looking mad cute, idk if you can tell, but I do wierd stuff with my jaws when I play.
dunno how i missed this. lmao yea that picture was when i falcon punched and lost that match...... hahaha. well yea, i'm pretty sure most of us would be down for u to come by, definately tell us in advance though.

Deleted member

haha,I remember that fight I had against that toon link.I remember I SDed my last stock :( as D3 I wanted to go down low on the map and then up-b my way back,hopefully landing on him to get the match over with but I up-b'd to soon :( hahahaha


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
oh, haha. Hastule switch to melee! u A$$ hole! ICs can CG, its uber fun.and Wavedashing and the sort. we need an ICs main in our melee crew. >=O


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
I'm was on and off of them for a while. Now, i'm officially done with them. They're soo gay. After trying to use them as a CP, it's like wow i suck with them now against everyone else, cept spacies... I'm sticking with Puff and Peach (daisy) as my mains, and Falco, Fox, Marth, Falcon or Sheik as my secondaries.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
East Peoria, IL
hahaha yeah...i hate myself sometimes no johns though he got me :/. well its aight though it trades off and on sometimes i give the business and sometimes he ***** me XD


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
East Peoria, IL
My smash history present, and maybe future?

Oh god since everyones bringing up ancient history i guess its my turn...

Years back, my cousin tells me nintendo is coming out with something called a gamecube, this was around the time i became a Playstation fanboy and didn't really care for much else. He told me they were making a new "smash bros game" i was like noooo way. Well it finally comes out and he calls me and tells me about it.

Its amazing, i hear they have bowser, peach, ganondorf and zelda and freakin mewtwo! he and i play with items on and we have crazy fun matches, i sorta miss them actually. So as the days go by i realize that i never actually win...and this is the first time i ever thought about getting "better" at a game.

Well i pick up my first cube and melee, all black. oddly enough, the black controller from the cube and melee package is the controller i use now. Well this is around the time where the youtube vids "ATs" start to show up. Like anthony i go step by step doing them all. i found that wavedashing with marth was the easiest for me, plus i loved his dair and tipped fsmash.

I would mess around with my friends all the time before brawl came out...my friend danny and i would play, he went sheik doing typical dash attacks to fairs cuz i didn't know about DI then. i would still beat him all the time though surprisingly. We'd always say stuff like "man this is fun, but i can't wait for brawl"

Brawls release and we say goodbye to melee, at this time i seriously thought i'd never play again. i thought about selling my cube and melee. forever. As we all know, that gladly didn't happen.

Release night was crazy. we had that noob tournament and everyones having a crazy time. Dave was there, he went D3 and lost in the first round. I make it to semifinals and lost to a whorenado spamming mk, go figure. my friend danny wins by spamming smashes with link hahaha

School starts up again, Dave and i actually start becoming friends too, weird we knew each other 2 years before that and never really had much interaction lol. well as time goes by Dave tells me from what i remember about that place in pekin having tournies. i go there, and hear about it.

Weeks later, i show up and Dave and Krieg are there. We talk and stuff before the tourney, i really thought that the people at the tourney would whip my ***. We head back into the backroom and the lights go down, i get super pumped. Round one starts and Dave is shouting memes like no other. So i instinctively shout "SO I HURD U LIEK MUDKIPZ" and i must say that was the start of Dave and my true smash/friendly relationship ^_^

I finally get called up, im nervous as hell. I pick snake and the room makes this big "aww" sound. AJ the TO says, we haven't seen a really good snake yet...good news for me. My opponent steps up, he's a link.

At the time i thought link would beat my ***. the match starts and i dash forward and mortarslide. I'll tell you what, i've probably never blew a crowds mind like that ever in my life. Well first stock i knock him around then spiked him with fair, people really liked that. second stock i spike him again, this time using snakes box taunt.

Third and final stock i decide to please the crowd. I hear, who im guessing was dave say, *techchase downthrow...* so i grab the link and go to town. About 6-7 downthrows into what i would call the uptilt heard round the world to clinch what would be my first of many victories in my first ever tournament.

After my match people flock upon me and basically meat ride me...sadly. this is when i first meet hastule his brother, drake, and the rest of the tremont guys. I think lucas you were there and maybe adam? i don't remember.

Second round i get called up. I'm to face the current "champion" his name is dave, he plays wario...coincidence gooey? Well its close but i come out on top. At this point im on cloud 9. I sit back down and people just garner me with so much praise...i felt really good :)

Fast forward to the very end of the long tourney. I win, get my money and sit back down, talk with the tremont guys, dave and krieg, and i hear there is a melee tourney the next day...this is where it all begins...i'll continue in a second post if you don't mind.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
East Peoria, IL
Shall we continue?

Finally, my first time getting back into melee. i'll never forget. Mom drops me off at GS and i meet krieg and dave there. We talk etc and then the tourney starts up. theres like 18-20 people there *sigh* well first round dave is called up. he plays if i recall a kid who plays ness. obviously whips him and sits down.

My turn, i play what i remember to be AJ's little cousin? or kid i think. idk but i win. Kriegs turn, he plays a yoshi and almost loses *come on krieg jeeeeeze*

Next round dave plays krieg, *if im wrong feel free to correct me dave on this* Dave wins a pretty close game.

Im up again. i play a kid who uses samus. This is the first time i ever feel the heat the from nervousness, my heart beating like a drum, blood is pumping so quick. Its quite possibly the best feeling i ever get while playing. We play a close set, i win, he wins. This time i switch to ganon...and barely pull out the win.

Semifinal round pops up and i get Good ol gooey, ahh the memories. first round he double knees me first stock. i have no idea is going on. This is my first run-in with comboes. well our second stock dave hits me off stage and jumps out at me and whiffs, i try to recover and he up bs me into FD...i tech jump off the wall for the first time in my smash career and edgehog him. In the end he goes falco SHLs me and i can't do anything, he wins and goes on to **** this DK main

afterwards Dave tells me to learn l cancelling and about a guy named rashad. I ask him who he plays as, he says fox, this is where i actually started to consider tier lists ever. well he gives me his aim and rashad and i set up our first meeting to smash.

I get there, nervous as hell. i just wanted to make a good impression. We play our first game on pokemon stadium. He 3 stocks the **** out of me. Second game i win by one stock...cuz he suicides. >.>

After a few games dave comes over, we play til like 11:30 that night. So rashad tells me he's free every tuesday and thursday. This would turn into the precursor to what we call "peoria crew smashfests"

As the weeks turn into months it becomes december. Rashad mentions what would later become the very first REAL tournament that i would attend. He says its in February and that we need to train up. Well every tuesday and thursday we do just that. Finally BlackPanther finally informs us that he can record. Weeks later we go on to record our first matches

January is where Peoria Crew finally starts to branch out. We meet someone on AIB named Tomacawk, he's interested in getting central IL setup for melee. he tells us he plays with one of the greatest roys around...i think, "roy? man he must be good cuz roy sucks" He also tells us that if we need a ride that they could pick us up....

SMYM9 happens. We lose to Gambit and Oranos, vowing revenge someday. I meet Sveet, a fellow marth main. We play a close set with me winning the first on FoD and him winning yoshis story. Final match i suicide with falco and lose. I play IHSB and get 4 stocked. I meet pikachad. learn about smash DI etc.

we get back and i play rashad in sets afterwards at his place and he really sees my improvement.
I finally start to ken combo, ill never forget it. Rashad btw you need to put that set up where i ken combo you across FD for the win.

I didn't mention it earlier but i met anthony along the way and we became like uber friends super quick :)...TIMS 2 happens and this is where anthony starts to really come out of his shell.

Wait 2 anthony and i get second place in doubles. i get 3rd in singles. During the tourney Ripple and i play some melee. I beat him everytime, as of right now i haven't lost a set let alone a game since this tournament to him. i stay at ripples that night, we play alot of games. he beats me alot in brawl we play melee and its about even

SMYM10 happens. omg so many memories

TIMS3: Dave and i get our just revenge against our teams rivals Oranos and Gambit. I 2-0 Sveet, this is when i realize how far ive come in marth dittos. I 3 stock tink, win a hell of a lot of respect from all the STL and chicago guys. Especially tink, he was scurred mang.

and the rest is the present. My marth and ganon, getting better. Dave picking up sheik for doubles. Anthony finally deciding his mains. Rashad still working kids with fox. Krieg finally steps up and joins Peoria crew.

The End.

p.s. "what the **** did we leave in champaign?" <3 melee/Peoria crew. Thanks again dave.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
*grabs tissue*

I wish I remembered stuff as well as that, ****! Although, you got one bit wrong. I didn't play the Ness first, I ended up playing Krieg first and we had a close set until I went in with the mindset "he's worse than me, I should use **** that owns noobs lolol" The Ness dude you were thinking of was actually that Fox dude who was gigantic in the X, Y, and Z axis. Who thought it was gay to edgeguard so he didn't do it(probably should have) I also remember for the whole tourney doing crowd requests and ****ing them up such as picking ICs or Pichu, then just sealing the deal with Falcon lol. Hey, what can I say? Winning this tourney payed for my little bro's X-mas =P

What I want though is one more GS Melee tourney where none of us get matched up first round then for me to play that Sheik(Anthony's friend) again that shield grabbed me too **** much. Maybe play Michael as well for revenge for when he beat me like...oh a few months leading up to Brawl when he beat me in a Melee tourney with his Marth.

The memories from Smash just ALMOST want to make me cry. I will not. I am a Falcon main.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
Alright well since I didn't really post about my Smash history, I might as well join the bandwagon as well.

SO HAPPY TOGETHER!!! Oh. My. God. Greatest commercial I had seen in my ****ing life. SSB64 was to be released on the day I first saw this commercial and I had to have it. I seriously CRIED at whatever age I was until eventually later on that day my parents said we had to go out and scoop up dog **** which at the time, I did not want to have any part in because I was crying. Lo and behold, inside the Kroger's grocery sack is a brand new ****ing copy of SSB64. One of the greatest days of my life. My older brother Kevin and I put that **** straight into the N64 and got to playing MP with items on and all that good ****. By far my most played game on the 64, I literally played it everyday until the game did not function anymore and I had to buy a new copy. Which I lost eventually. This game established my love for Fox, I thought I was sooooo good with him since I had **** near beat Very Hard with just 1 stock no continues and was thinking I could unlock Metal Mario. ****ing liars. **** you Fighting Polygon Team for killing me. Fox's uair *****.

Come oh...Xmas time when the Gamecube was going to come out and so was...OH. MY. GOD. A SEQUEL TO MY FAVORITEST GAME AT THE TIME? SSBM was to come out with the Cube or something like that. I was so pissed off because I had decided to have half ownership of a PS2 that me and Kevin would split since it was a present to both of us for Xmas. I just told my dad it'd be neat to maybe have the Gamecube as a present for my bday(July 1st) anyways. Come Xmas morning, however, I noticed Kevin and I both had big presents and I hastily opened mind to probably the greatest present of all time: a Nintendo Gamecube and a copy of SSBM. Insert hugs and kisses then rushing to my room to set up the game and I remember my first character unlocked was Dr. Mario, but I didn't have a memory card yet lolol. Insert the same **** I did with SSB64, played Fox and my bro still played Link, still had items, etc etc. I was still losing to my brother, and was losing even more once he picked up Marth(explains why I hate this ****ing character) items still on and all that. Eventually my Cube crapped out and couldn't read discs because I touched that little sensor when I was pulled out a disc once and yeah, got the Cube replaced thanks to my dad. SSBM slowly slipped out of my mind as I was playing other Cube games like it was my job.

Come a few years later, I decided to see what was up on my favorite site at the time, GameFAQs. Checked out the SSBM message boards, and noticed this topic about advanced techniques and all that jazz. Also had a link to Smashboards which I checked out as well. Found a link to an instructional guide on how to install the DC++ program which is where pros/casuals talked to each other commonly and you could also download videos off the program. I believe I talked to M2K and a few other pros every here on there, and this is where my first Gamertag was made, FireFoxxx. I remember the first combo video I ever saw, Shined Blind. I thought this was the greatest video of all time and that Zelgadis was a freakin god, lawl. I also read CunningKitsune's complete Fox guide which took like the whole entire night lmao. I eventually tried out shorthopping with FOX. Holy hell. I would try to press the **** Y button as lightly as possible instead of just pressing it fast. I thought this was going to be an impossible AT to master, but then I did the usual noob thing, started playing as Luigi. I think this is why I love the green plumber so much...not only because I always had to play as him in the SNES days because I was the younger brother, but because he made learning the ATs so much easier. Eventually frustrations were arising with Fox, my dairs weren't combo'ing like the pros, and I was illusioning wayyyyy too much. People suggested I play as Falcon because he has the speed like Fox but isn't so haphazardous. I laughed at them. Eventually, time wore on and I was still losing to my brother even with these advanced techniques that I couldn't do consistantly and I started to slow down in how much I was playing again. Smash was slowly starting to become just a pick up game again, but at least I had started to play without items.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
Come around Xmas time again, my 3 little cousins came over and we played doubles with the 2 older ones and my little brother Dustin who has a disability. I remember getting shine spiked by my little cousin Josh who thought he was hot ****, I mean the little ******* had even taken my tag, FFOX. I switched characters from Fox to Falcon just because I was still doing alright against these nubs and figured I'd joke around. My partner/cousin Zack and my other cousin Josh get eliminated in doubles on Green Greens and so it's me vs. Dustin, the upside down controller playing master. We're both at one stocks and like everyone's cheering my little bro on when all of the sudden, I try out Falcon's fair when my little bro's Kirby pops out of rock form(You know why he was in rock form....) sweetspot knee. I **** my pants. Like seriously, I was in complete awe of how powerful that **** move was and that's when it all started. Me maining Captain Falcon. I watched tons upon tons of Isai videos and I continuously got more interested in playing this character. I started to learn that using the C-stick for aerials was soooo much better and yeah...I was starting to take matches from the older brother who was slowly stopping his playing of SSBM. I kind of stopped for awhile too, and eventually stopped to play other stuff like Halo 2 on my bro's Xbox, Runescape forever and became a respected member of GameFAQs, Maple Story and became EXTREMELY known by the old vets because people were actually cool and not fad ******s like they are now, and then some other crap as well.

Eventually the time came again and I saw one of Silent Spectre's combo videos because I was just flat out bored and I really wanted to start playing Smash once again. I started playing my friend John and I remember always getting frustrated having known all these ATs and was still trading matches with him although he didn't really main any characters, just played whatever he liked. This is where I became more serious about Smash. I started playing level 1/9s or just empty controllers relentlessly to get my tech skill to a decent level. I started more consistently stomping John's *** in matches and I started to see the frustration rise. According to my friend Derrick who I also occasionally played against, there was going to be Melee tourneys every week at the Washington Gamestop leading up to Brawl's release. Oh yeah, I was mad hyped for Brawl because I was checking the site for updates on a 24/7 basis, even in computer class. First tournament, and the manager Brian seems to know what he was talking about. He had mentioned playing people like Bob$ at like an ISU tourney or something and playing all these good people and he wanted to just hold tourneys leading up to the release, so he did just that.

Well...first tourney sucked. Insert Gooey's great bracket luck. Oh yeah, little off track here but the story behind Gooeybanana. Started playing WoW, and needed a name for my Blood Elf Mage on Demon Soul. Looked at Brawl items on the site, took the Gooey from the Gooey Bomb item and then the Banana item and combined them. New name, created this account on Smashboards. So anyways, I ended up playing Michael(Anthony's friend, didn't know this at the time) who was the best and got 1st at the tourney first round. I played as Falcon and played on Battlefield, just my luck. Lost, so I CP'ed Falco and the rules were janked so he could pick the stage and went FD. I almost won and he complimented on my Falco, something I didn't want to hear lmao. John got his *** whooped, nothing new here. Second tourney, this older black dude and like...his whole family show up along with Michael and his Sheik friend. I play Michael's friend's Sheik and got beat pretty badly...in friendlies though and he said he hoped to see me in the finals. Well, good ol' luck...played the black dude who mained Peach, and I lost first match and CP'd Marth and he went Temple? WTF BRIAN? Ended up losing a close match and Brian complimented me on my stupid, simple, not death defying wall tech. Yayy...John got whooped again and we went home. Third tourney, I was on fire and kicking *** and taking names. Beat everybody and this is where my cockiness began. I started picking dumb characters and winning with them and then would joke around and talk during matches. Yayyy...this meant I qualified for the Brawl tourney on the midnight release, which was the whole reason I came to these tournies in the first place!!!

So I was doing my research on Brawl, and had decided that D3 would be my main, no questions asked. Hell, M2K was a D3 main at the time, I was not going to complain with my decision. Midnight release comes and I don't have a Wii yet even ROFL. I ended up getting blessed with the sideways Wiimote controls which I had no clue how it functioned...and got beat by my friend Christian's spam happy Metaknight. Christian beat Josh's Ike as well. I swear there was like 80 Ikes at this **** tourney, I **** you not. Oh yeah...that tourney I won? Didn't amount to **** because everyone could enter the tourney if they wanted to >_> Oh well, they were free anyways and I didn't have to pay for gas every weekend so it was all good =P

Finally got a Wii one fateful morning when I scavenged my enter room for every possible source of income I had, I literally had $50 in change, poor Wal-Mart clerk. Had a **** vehicle, but it was nonetheless a vehicle so I drove over to Wal-Mart at 4 in the morning and sat in a 10 person line waiting for the Wiis. Derrick was already there, wtf? Awkward but I'm not going to ask questions.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
Went home with the Wii, set it up, and did not go to sleep until I unlocked all the characters. John was obsessed with Sonic, and well he got punished for picking that stupid character. Disgrace to my childhood I tell ya. Anyways, after playing WiFi a ton against good people I started to hate D3, and started to main all kinds of characters like Pikachu, DK, MK, Olimar, Luigi, and finally Wario. Wario was the bee's knees. Falcon made me want to vomit, **** you Sakurai. I got like a 2-0 record on Gamebattles and then it went to like 2-7 and I was pretty much pissed at Brawl for eternity. Krieg started to play and picked Olimar and eventually I heard over the radio about a store called the Gamer's Sanctuary. I heard they were going to have a Brawl 1v1 tourney on some Saturday, and so I told Krieg and we went. Once again, my cockiness was shown at this tourney. Dair spams, spot dodge/air dodge spams, you name it, I did it. Butt taunts aplenty. Got to the finals just by a slim margin...semi finals I played a D3 on Big Blue and he was ahead until I fsmashed him, he landed on the moving ground below, and was sucked off the stage and so I had the stock advantage and jumped all over the place until a platform was sooo friggin high in the air and I double jumped, bike jumped, and camped up there for the last 5 seconds. Win. Finals, I played a Lucas on Green Greens and got worked. Like I fell for everything, I did not know how to play Lucas at all. Kind of like me vs. Ripple on FoD during the P-town vs. Team IOWA crew battle. So yeah, rivalry that was never meant to be of me and Andrew Conrad. I never got to play the guy again, and the only other opportunity I had was for not because they changed the time of the next singles tourney and I was late and couldn't enter. Oh yeah, the buyback round I lost to an Ike in sudden death because he countered my bike WTF.

Free for All tournament. Tournament of bull**** and Zelda Din's Fire spammers. I played as G&W yeyeye. First match, I had some time to analyze how these Zeldas were approaching everything. Well, my plan was for me and John I believe it was(or was it Krieg?) to team on the other two people if we got put in the same match. Wrongggg...I was put in that situation by Hastule and I think his brother? Two Toon Links chasing me all over Temple. I took off one of Hastule's brother's stocks then just ran the timer out rofl. SUDDEN DEATH. Ok, so he goes down to the bottom left of the map and just camps the ledge so I'm like wtf mate? Oh...bomb ombs started spawning T_T. I seeeee....wellp, just kept short hopping in place right in front of him seeing if he'd budge, but he kept just dropping then UpB'ing right back up. I get hit with a bomb omb...OH ****! No biggie, I tech'd the ceiling lawlz. Then, I saw my opportunity. Two bomb ombs dropped with one in front, one behind, I bob back a little, then jump over the one in front, and grab the ledge and his Toon Link was dropping down, I grab the ledge and his Up B goes right through my invincibility frames somehow. I won xD. Then...dual Zeldas. I let them get all the final smashes, because they were 1HKOs so yeah...G&W's Final smash sucks lol. I just bucketed all their overbs and then ended up killing one of them off with the bucket as a finisher. Then, it was like me vs. that Tiffany dude. SUDDEN DEATH. Ffs, he hit me with like an usmash and I went bye bye in the star KO, and got up and started yelling. Then he thought he was hot **** and run around and got hit by a bomb omb and got killed by a bomb omb off the side blast box before I star KO'd. Cash money. Then the finals was a 1v1 between me and Dave the other Brown Wario and I lost. Woop woop, got some more bs finishes in the buyback.

Insert Josh's first appearance at these tourneys. I **** you not, Saw music started playing after the first match Josh had against that poor Marth I think it was on FD. I remember me telling Krieg that Josh was a nub at the release tourney and how he would be easy to beat. I was wrong rofl. I got owned by some noob and yeah...started my hate on Brawl. Went to the doubles tourney...beat the team of Scott Mays the terrible fat dude and the guy that beat Josh's Snake in Snake dittos. When I killed Scott, I jumped in the air and my controller ripped out of the controller port so ROB died off the stage =(. The other dude was nice and waited for me to plug it back it, but we won regardless, Krieg's MK was on fire yooo. Josh and Ryan owned us with Snake & Falcon, nuff said. Buyback round, we lost to ZSS and Ike, team attack off for the loss. I hated Brawl pretty much.

Blackpanther posted in our lil Brawl topic at the time...said to try out Melee sometime, and I honestly did. Played on Yoshi's Story and was having a good time, plus there was a tournament the next day after the before paragraph's tournament. I practiced up and got my knowledge down on Melee again and Krieg and I had been playing it a lil leading up to the tourney.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
Melee tourney at GS time. First match was against Krieg, and the crowd was going nuts at how close the match was. Somehow, Krieg ledge tech'd one of my moves, but he didn't capitalize lolol. I ended up winning, poor Krieg =(...next match was some large dude who had like marijuana stuff on his clothes and stuff, he said he'd pay me a dollar to use pink Falcon, so I did and I never got the dollar. I stilll ***** his dumb Fox lolol. Next match, I play some very, very unfortunate DK. Josh and Krieg yell out for me to triple knee him, and I DID LMAO! I love you, FD. He was not a happy camper lolz. Then I play Josh in the semifinals, and did some business against his Marth and then Krieg said to play as Falco so I did and won that match too. Get owned Josh. Then the finals were pathetic, I discovered for the first time ever that Peach was combo meat. Yay Dustin's Xmas present.

Oh yeah, might want to mention that I finally had met Rashad after talking to him ever since wayyyyyyy back when I was FireFoxxx. I had always thought I would only go there with a friend just in case, so I brought John along, which was a mistake because he always asked if we could play Brawl. Anyways, Rashad was "a friend I had met at a tourney" Wish I had said that like two years ago....I also met Oranos on the MLG forums as I was starting to get into H3, he saw my Illinois Players thread for Brawl. He mentioned some Jacksonville tourney, yippee for a 2 hour drive, I couldn't make it for sureeee lolz. So yeah, I never got to meet him and I was getting ***** by Rashad quite a bit everytime I'd visit.

Second Melee tourney, Josh and I get paired up first, F U AJ. I win, and then go on to win like another match or two, then play Michael's Sheik friend that I had played wayyyy back in friendlies at the Gamestop tourneys. FD was a pain...he'd hit me everytime I'd UpB with needles and I just got owned by shield grabs. I CP'd Marth on Yoshi's and won and then he went back to FD(Dave's Stupid Rule, ****er lolz) and I lost. Krieg almost lost against a kid's Yoshi when he was playing Peach on Yoshi's Story. It's named that for a reason kid. Michael ended up winning the tournament and I was hella pissed. Michael's friend told Josh to not get discouraged because I'm just really good and I'm assuming Josh took that well. This is where I started posting for help in the Falcon threads.

Insert more ***** by Rashad, and Josh started coming and getting ***** as well, Xmas was over and we had gotten word of SMYM9. Josh and I went to the last Melee tourney ever held at GS and Josh finally beat me, and won the tourney and I got 2nd. The turnout was like 8 people, if that. People did not like playing us and losing lolz. Insert tons of practice for SMYM9, we started taking a couple matches off of Rashad every here and there but not often.

SMYM9. Beat some kids from Minnesota in our pools 2-0, then got 2-0'd by every other team including Oranos & Gambit. Josh did semi-decent in his pools not getting 2-0'd by everyone, but I did get 2-0'd by everyone. One dude smelt like profuse cat piss. Mind games. I learned a lot from this tourney, especially learned Darkrain is a beast.

TTR. Not a big tourney at all, but still fun as ****. Met more people, found out Vro is a very cool dude that also understands that Captain Falcon is bad but still mains him. Josh was slowly getting good, and I was just learning I had been fast falling my aerials incorrectly this whole entire time...Studly and Legion/Nude were finally converting to Melee. Josh and I were getting better at doubles.

TIMS2. Nothing big to report on my part...lost to Oranos in winners because I guess I hate Sheik now, and ICs...and then lost to Samurai in losers. He played Marth...wtf? And I picked Falco...even more wtf lol. Josh and I beat Rashad and Anthony in doubles. I think we got 2nd in that tourney actually lol. Not too many teams though, so no bragging rights. I do love my two dair gimps on Corneria as DK(TEAM TITANS) against Blake and Luke. I got ***** in crews and probably was the reason we lost to Springfield.

SMYM10. I thought I'd begin to prove myself at this tourney, but not so much =P. Josh and I's pools set against Tink and Dope was 1-2, the 1 being a fluke kind of, but a solid finish at the end by Josh nonetheless. We ended up beating another team in pools...and I think it was Reneblade's team xP. DaBizWiz randomly walks up to me and I didn't know who it was and he asked about the crew battle. Apparently Anthony had been talking smack on Youtube? Regardless, they wussed out yo. First crew battle wuss out by E-ville yo. Singles pools was atrocious, my pool was difficult with Darkrain & Dope in it ;_;. 0-2'd by everyone but this Marth that exclusively used the C-stick, 2-0'd him and CP'd DK for the second match because I was "unsure of the matchup for Falcon on that map" Stalked Mango and M2K. Never played Scar in Falcon dittos =( M2K is too serious in friendlies, and Mango is funner than **** to play in Falcon dittos.

TIMS3. The week leading up to this tourney I was mad choking in friendlies but was also doing some work here and there. Josh finally decided to team with me at TIMS3, smart choice boi. Doubles pools were ugly...we should've easily beat Anubis and Iggy, but I SD'd twice on that FD match. Tink and Vro owned us, and we beat Kourck and that other dude pretty handily. Singles pools were the same, I got 2-1'd by Iggy and Lixivium, and 2-0'd by Blitz. More rage against the Falco matchup. Doubles brackets, we finally got our revenge in doubles against Oranos and Gambit with a close last match where Josh solidified the victory with a nice tipper edgeguard on Brinstar. Don't CP that stuff boys. I was enthused I got all 4 kills against Oranos, that's payback for those two bthrow kills on Pokefloats at SMYM9 when I was at like 10%. Got sent to the losers bracket by Darkatma and Geno in a hella close set, Geno was soo easy to gimp, and had I known the dsmash head edgeguard with Sheik before this set, I think we could've won. 1-2'd by them, then lost a dumb set against Luke and Microwave who were on fire. Oh well, we still got the closest to beating the #2 team. But we placed the same as Anthony and Krieg LOL. Singles bracket, I lost to Vro(he always ***** me in Falcon dittos...) and then beat Legion/Nude, then lost a very close match against Lixivium. I think losing to him sparked something in me, and I do not want to lose to him ever again...I let him get 7th for crying out loud, he did not deserve that AHHHH!!! Lol =P Josh got a lot of respect at this tourney and Anthony sort of did too, P-town was slowly getting more noticed!

P-town vs. Springfield crew battle rematch. Don't want to say we COMPLETELY deserved this because it wasn't their usual roster, Oranos left and Chewy played instead but still didn't rather well...Plus, I played probably the best I've played in a serious match in this crew battle so I'm just going to leave this at that. Now, I haven't been more inspired to play Smash since this tournament because I've noticed that I really have gotten somewhere in Smash compared to way back when when I was just a scrub that only won because I knew the game better than newbies. I'm glad a crew has slowly formed and has been getting noticed and I only hope that we start rivaling bigger crews in Illinois such at STL next time we meet up in a big tourney. I also hope I stop choking like a mofo because that is annoying as **** >_<

And that, my friends, is the gigantic story of Gooeybanana. Godfather of the P-town crew =3.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2006
Springfield-ish, Illinois
In general for the last 30 posts (or so)... tl;dr (Peoria history is boring and full of fail)

But we (Team IOWA and Peoria Crew) should do Teams Teams sometime against St. Louis sometime! amirite? (Teams Teams = essentially 2v2 crews)


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Well i pick up my first cube and melee, all black. oddly enough, the black controller from the cube and melee package is the controller i use now. Well this is around the time where the youtube vids "ATs" start to show up. Like anthony i go step by step doing them all. i found that wavedashing with marth was the easiest for me, plus i loved his dair and tipped fsmash.
I don't remember this lol.

Btw, i read everyone's posts cept david. reading that later. its so Fing long lol

Oranos, yea sure. id be down with with. not sure about the rest. btw, Springdield history is full of gay.

EDIT: done reading =) good stuff guys.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
*grabs tissue*

What I want though is one more GS Melee tourney where none of us get matched up first round then for me to play that Sheik(Anthony's friend) again that shield grabbed me too **** much. Maybe play Michael as well for revenge for when he beat me like...oh a few months leading up to Brawl when he beat me in a Melee tourney with his Marth.

The memories from Smash just ALMOST want to make me cry. I will not. I am a Falcon main.
lmao. Sheik person's name was George, and Michael is at Edwardsville near St. Louis, I'm gonna go down there next friday prolly - u should MM him.

lmao, Michael always told me about someone named David that does running shorthop to knee back in the days. I never knew or understood then.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
East Peoria, IL
If it ever happens i think P-town should agree to always split pot if we take 1-2 or 2-3 or whatever. i like that idea...makes playing the final matches less stressful if we're ever in a position for glory ^_^


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
so ur saying if one of us get 1st and second place >>> we split with everyone

Or u mean if 2 people in our crew get 1st and 2nd >>>we split.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
yea, generally, i think people will ask if u want to split pot for 1st and 2nd right before the finals. but i'd be totally down with that.

going to sleep...night


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
East Peoria, IL
peace...well ill let you guys sit on it.

just for the hell of it...who all wants to go to JAB2?


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
East Peoria, IL
****...to think of all the stuff i had missed til the 3rd page of the old threads discussion. ahh the memories


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
i'm pretty sure everyone wants to go, its just that if we can or not. =\ And yea, i'm back, i forgot to do homework....


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
East Peoria, IL
im just making a list...cuz if we have enough people to go then i won't need to hitch a ride with st louis


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2009
Springfield, IL
what are you *****es doing this tuesday, I might not have work or school, and if you guys aren't doing anything, I might come up with one or more springfield kids.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
yea idk if i'm free that day all day, got school. but most likely, at least one of us will be free.
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