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People need to understand the real reason for our disappointment:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 20, 2007
I'm pretty sure it was more than one year in development.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 20, 2007
Except faster clones do have their different things going for them.

Besides, i've played enough fighting games to know that sometimes their are going be clones...no one really complains that ken pretty much has the same moves as Ryu.

Besdies its only 5 clones(and they're not even complete clones) out of a roster of 35.
That would be fine...if there were 45 characters. But there aren't.

Clones + most of melee roster = not much new stuff = sad.


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2007
That would be fine...if there were 45 characters. But there aren't.

Clones + most of melee roster = not much new stuff = sad.
And it doesn't matter that there aren't 45.

Not much new stuff? 16 new characters,an epic story mode,a stage builder,etc.

..No offence, but are you blind? and if it pissed you off that much then don't buy it and stop and let it go.

And again its not the first or last fighting game with ''clones''.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2007
And it doesn't matter that there aren't 45.

Not much new stuff? 16 new characters,an epic story mode,a stage builder,etc.

..No offence, but are you blind? and if it pissed you off that much then don't buy it and stop and let it go.

And again its not the first or last fighting game with ''clones''.
Notice how no one asked for story mode or stage builder. 7 years from now, story mode will be nothing more than an option able time consuming chore. I'm already writing up a feedback comment for Sakuria to express my disappointment in the hidden character roster.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Notice how no one asked for story mode or stage builder. 7 years from now, story mode will be nothing more than an option able time consuming chore. I'm already writing up a feedback comment for Sakuria to express my disappointment in the hidden character roster.
Just the hidden characters?

Finn Macool

Smash Apprentice
Sep 27, 2007
when he said he was treating this as the last smash bros game that didnt mean he was going to try and make as mnay poepe as possible happy with this roster it meant the opposite, he knew he couldnt make everyone happy with the time and resources he had so he just said screw it and made the roster without thinking of how he could please the fans but made it with the intention of making a good fighting game with a roster made to suit the game not the fans


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Ok this is just stupid, everyone hava a right for an opinion, I understand that peopla is mad because of the three Fox clones and WW Link (that could have been such an original character), but still, they are just four clones out of a 35 roster game, Melee had more clones.

Some people around the boards said that they wont buy the game now, well, if you want to loose the chance to play of one of the best fighting games ever made because of four characers with similar animations go ahead.

Now people is saying that Sakurai shouldnt have done a story mode and add special Features and that he should have care more about the roster, that's very stupid, if that would have happened people would go and say: "Why Sakurai just made another smash game without any special atribution to the series?" People will always complaing about something. If Sakurai would have done that he would have just made Brawl an updated version of the Last game, with just more characters and such. The changes from Melee to Brawl are one of the most improving ones made in a videogame. Anyway poeple will always complaing about something.

Poepla is also complaining that Sakurai made the game without the fans in mind, really? look at P.Trainer, Sonic, K. Dedede, Marth etc. all the charactes in the top ten poll made it, excepting for Ridley who is a Boss and Geno who have some issues with Square-Enix.

The Real reason to our disappointment is poeple like you, who intead of looking at all the effort made to the game, they just look at those four clones, they look at that over all the 35characters, the story mode, masterpieces, Customisable controls and stages, a way to make justice to all franchises represented (Pikmin and Olimar, PT, Wario, Snake, Sonic), online game and more.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2007
Oh my goodness just shut up. Maybe you all should make the next smash game, then we can start the real complaining.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
when he said he was treating this as the last smash bros game that didnt mean he was going to try and make as mnay poepe as possible happy with this roster it meant the opposite, he knew he couldnt make everyone happy with the time and resources he had so he just said screw it and made the roster without thinking of how he could please the fans but made it with the intention of making a good fighting game with a roster made to suit the game not the fans
Huh, you do realize he made a poll for people to suggest what characters they wanted, right? So yes he was thinking of the fans when making the roster (or at least I thought he was). He even said himself he wanted to please the fanbase. >_>


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2007
Just the hidden characters?
Yes, most of the hidden characters are veterans. I'm tired of seeing the same faces and then on top of that, they clone people they KNEW they shouldn't have cloned (ie Ganondorf and Toon Link).

It's shows a lack of effort not overall but in the roster. I want 100% effort in the products I buy. But overall, people really aren't that wise, most consumers and these other company worshipping fans can't see the flaws, thus we can't win. The people who cry for the same crap in their games tend to be the loudest and most heard on top of being the majority. Majority rules, majority gives the most money without hassle, thus majority wins. Video games have grown too popular. This is the reason I'm dropping out after this gen. I can't stay in the support of video games.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
Yes, most of the hidden characters are veterans. I'm tired of seeing the same faces and then on top of that, they clone people they KNEW they shouldn't have cloned (ie Ganondorf and Toon Link).

It's shows a lack of effort not overall but in the roster. I want 100% effort in the products I buy. But overall, people really aren't that wise, most consumers and these other company worshipping fans can't see the flaws, thus we can't win. The people who cry for the same crap in their games tend to be the loudest and most heard on top of being the majority. Majority rules, majority gives the most money without hassle, thus majority wins. Video games have grown too popular. This is the reason I'm dropping out after this gen. I can't stay in the support of video games.
Tired of seeing the same faces? Well, sorry, that's kinda the thing about sequels, especially one that includes the most popular characters in Nintendo history.

And I guess it just comes with growing up. Older people tend to see more things, have different reasons for wanting things, different wants, and see the big picture. Oh, the old days. For me personally, as long as video games can still take me into another world (oh I'm getting poetic), it'll always be something to come back to.

Magmar's Wrath

Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
In a house.
Look, I'm speaking as a huge fan of video games, primarily Nintendo characters. I like the characters, I like seeing them represent their series and bring the characteristics that make them them.

That's why I dissaprove of them being clones, at least that's just me. I want WW Link to represent Wind Waker, not just be Link. I wanna see that Skull Hammer, Leaf, and Baton, not just the same bow, boomerang and bomb. And don't get me started on Ganondorf.

I personally just wanted the characters to be their own. It may sound stupid to some of you, but I love my Nintendo characters. They should be their own. This isn't Mortal Kombat, where they have 60+ charcters in which only ONE of them (Sub-Zero) has had their own game. This is Brawl, for Nintendo, in all of their Nintendo goodness.

That's why I don't want clones. I want Wolf calling Leon and Panther to wreak havoc; Falco jumping in an Arwing and blasting the battlefield; WW Link causing a flood or tornado; Ganondorf with his sword and shooting blasts of deflectable energy; Ness using PSI Rockin Omega and his Earthbound abilities; and erm, more characters, but that's not the point.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Until someone quotes me. >_>


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2006
Texas, USA
I disagree with the original poster. People speak of Sakurai ignoring his audience when they clearly referring to the non-Japanese population. None of you know what requests he's received, or the number, and I'm certain that he appealed to his target population. So ****ing what if Krystal only got a speaking role in the game. If the Japanese preferred Wolf, guess who got in? Well, let's let the roster speak for me on that one. None of you, *none* of you, know what statistics Sakurai received. So stop complaining and just enjoy your game. You don't have the right to complain when you didn't put any investment into it. Laziness? Don't care? You ought to be ashamed of yourself for not viewing the game as a whole. Brawl is a game that is meant to be enjoyed both with friends and by yourself, yet Melee was barely capable of doing both. Fantastic multiplayer that we've all come to love, but a poor single player experience.

Every single one of you who is complaining is looking at this from the wrong perspective. Where was the development time spent? On developing the 'random' aspects of the game that will earn this game near-perfect scores, that's where. Look at the game as a whole, and appreciate the work of art that it is... instead of nitpicking about how you think the character slots should have played out. Your imagined potential is entirely subjective. Geno, Ridley, Megaman; sure I wouldn't have minded their inclusion, but the game wouldn't be any better or worse with them, except to those who actually put an emotional investment in them for whatever reason.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Directed @ OP:

Ugh, thank you so much... You hit the nail on the head; That's exactly how I feel... D:

It feels like this game was rushed like Melee was.....


Smash Rookie
Jan 18, 2008
personally, I'm happy with the final roster
the only complaint I have, like many others, is ganondorf :(
I mean even in one of his taunts he uses his sword!
Oct 12, 2007
Yeah, stupid Sakurai and his attempt at adding new content to Brawl instead of new characters.

He said not to expect a comparatively big jump as we got with Melee.
He said not to expect a comparatively big jump as we got with Melee.
He said not to expect a comparatively big jump as we got with Melee.
He said not to expect a comparatively big jump as we got with Melee.
He said not to expect a comparatively big jump as we got with Melee.

The only thing that's at fault in your expectations being too high is Melee for setting them all the way up there.


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2007
Yeah, stupid Sakurai and his attempt at adding new content to Brawl instead of new characters.

He said not to expect a comparatively big jump as we got with Melee.
He said not to expect a comparatively big jump as we got with Melee.
He said not to expect a comparatively big jump as we got with Melee.
He said not to expect a comparatively big jump as we got with Melee.
He said not to expect a comparatively big jump as we got with Melee.

The only thing that's at fault in your expectations being too high is Melee for setting them all the way up there.
Expectations for the roster were reasonable enough.

Look, I'm speaking as a huge fan of video games, primarily Nintendo characters. I like the characters, I like seeing them represent their series and bring the characteristics that make them them.

That's why I dissaprove of them being clones, at least that's just me. I want WW Link to represent Wind Waker, not just be Link. I wanna see that Skull Hammer, Leaf, and Baton, not just the same bow, boomerang and bomb. And don't get me started on Ganondorf.

I personally just wanted the characters to be their own. It may sound stupid to some of you, but I love my Nintendo characters. They should be their own. This isn't Mortal Kombat, where they have 60+ charcters in which only ONE of them (Sub-Zero) has had their own game. This is Brawl, for Nintendo, in all of their Nintendo goodness.

That's why I don't want clones. I want Wolf calling Leon and Panther to wreak havoc; Falco jumping in an Arwing and blasting the battlefield; WW Link causing a flood or tornado; Ganondorf with his sword and shooting blasts of deflectable energy; Ness using PSI Rockin Omega and his Earthbound abilities; and erm, more characters, but that's not the point.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Until someone quotes me. >_>


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2005
My House
wait, wait, wait... the reason you are upset is because they rushed through and didnt put their best effort? oh noes... thats terrible

not sure if anyone stated this, too lazy to read 11 pgs, but... isnt the reason we love melee so much because they rushed through it? They slapped together a game for the release of GCN to get ppl to buy it, right? And because of this, many glitches were found over a period of time that are used by all somewhat decent players now? If you are upset about this being rushed through, shouldnt you be even more upset at melee because it was rushed through?


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2007
wait, wait, wait... the reason you are upset is because they rushed through and didnt put their best effort? oh noes... thats terrible
No. People are frustrated, because it seems they focused to much on things people really don't care about (like AT's), and were distracted from making the roster and individual characters (aka one of the most important parts of the game) all that it should have been.

Much effort was certainly given, just seemingly in the wrong areas.
Oct 12, 2007
For the love of God, people were expecting 40+ characters!

That's fifteen more!

And no clones either!

We got 14 new characters, that's six more than we got in Melee.

There is only one fact that can be stated, and that's that your expectations were raised high by nobody but yourselves. Sakurai delivered tons of stuff. He didn't deliver everything. Just like Melee.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2005
My House
No. People are frustrated, because it seems they focused to much on things people really don't care about (like AT's), and were distracted from making the roster and individual characters (aka one of the most important parts of the game) all that it should have been.

Much effort was certainly given, just seemingly in the wrong areas.
you do realize that every person on the development team wasn't working solely on the characters, other members of the team worked on the random modes nobody will ever touch. Just because they gave us a whole bunch of other "features", aka useless ****, doesnt mean they didnt work on the game. They did a perfectly great job of what they were trying to do, which would be killing off the competitive play to make it more balanced, but since they hadnt the time to work on it long enough, it still remains though not like in melee. If they would have spent any more time on the game, we wouldnt see anything competitive such as fox trot cancelling
Oct 12, 2007
Your list of what's random and useless **** is a list that no real Smash fan would ever agree with.

(and guess what? You bitter Smash fans are not those real fans.)

And may I add that you're just being a bitter idiot and accusing Sakurai of killing off competitive play by removing Wavedashing and L Cancelling?

If that kills off competitive play, I'm just guessing that you're saying "Without Wavedashing and L Cancelling, I suck."
Oct 12, 2007
Am I even talking to you, SolidSnake?

You're not quite important enough to assume that someone is talking to you without even the slightest indication of such a thing.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2005
My House
Your list of what's random and useless **** is a list that no real Smash fan would ever agree with.

(and guess what? You bitter Smash fans are not those real fans.)

And may I add that you're just being a bitter idiot and accusing Sakurai of killing off competitive play by removing Wavedashing and L Cancelling?

If that kills off competitive play, I'm just guessing that you're saying "Without Wavedashing and L Cancelling, I suck."
why does every thread known to man turn to this?
Oct 12, 2007
This? I bashed you for insulting Sakurai.

No competitive play because two common elements in competitive play are gone?

I never said people who do those two elements suck without them. You more or less admitted to sucking without those two things. Only someone who sucked without them would say that he's trying to kill off competitive play.

Good competitive players can evolve. Bad ones can't.

You are not a member of the group of people mocked for wanting "Fox, no items, FD". Don't mistake me insulting you for insulting all the amazing new modes Sakurai has added as insulting Smash fans who are actually legitimate Smash fans.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2005
My House
This? I bashed you for insulting Sakurai.

No competitive play because two common elements in competitive play are gone?

I never said people who do those two elements suck without them. You more or less admitted to sucking without those two things. Only someone who sucked without them would say that he's trying to kill off competitive play.

Good competitive players can evolve. Bad ones can't.

You are not a member of the group of people mocked for wanting "Fox, no items, FD". Don't mistake me insulting you for insulting all the amazing new modes Sakurai has added as insulting Smash fans who are actually legitimate Smash fans.
can you tell me when i said that? Ive been sticking up for Sakurai in my posts. I can honestly live without WDing and l canceling. You are rather quit to judge people in my opinion and you need to stop acting like such a saint though you clearly arent. If I thought the competitive scene was dead, I would have said it. I have hope for the future even though 3 WHOLE DAYS have gone by.

and btw... I play peach... WDing and L canceling arent much of a thing for me anyways
Oct 12, 2007
"They did a perfectly great job of what they were trying to do, which would be killing off the competitive play to make it more balanced"

Unless I'm mistaken, that's you saying that they successfully killed off competitive play.

And sticking up for Sakurai? So much so that you called the years of hard work he spent making these amazing features ****.

You're a pretty bad liar.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2005
My House
"They did a perfectly great job of what they were trying to do, which would be killing off the competitive play to make it more balanced"

Unless I'm mistaken, that's you saying that they successfully killed off competitive play.

And sticking up for Sakurai? So much so that you called the years of hard work he spent making these amazing features ****.

You're a pretty bad liar.
1st of all... I said trying. 2nd, you didnt finish the sentence last time I checked. Sakurai himself has said that he wanted to make it more oriented towards the lesser experienced. I dont think I lied at any point. You support Sakurai, you should know this.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2008
"They did a perfectly great job of what they were trying to do, which would be killing off the competitive play to make it more balanced"

Unless I'm mistaken, that's you saying that they successfully killed off competitive play.

And sticking up for Sakurai? So much so that you called the years of hard work he spent making these amazing features ****.

You're a pretty bad liar.
You're taking his quote out of context, and digging a hole. He's pretty much on the same page as you and you're continuing to argue.
Oct 12, 2007
1. You can't kill competitive play unless you remove the ability to be competitive from Smash. Just because competitive players have to relearn how to be the best doesn't mean competitive play is gone.

2. If you thought that the features in this game were more than what you seem to believe, you wouldn't have described them as "features", which implies that they are not quality. And when you described the features as being useless ****, I'm confused as to how you support Sakurai.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2005
My House
1. this is very irrelevant. I have no idea where this is coming from. I think the competitive play will rebuild and people need to learn how to adapt. We are on the same page here. Shush pl0x

2. i support sakurai but not I could care less about all the extra stuff they added to sell the game. Please learn how to think like a logically next time you respond

3. This is a debate and is now irrelevant to the post. I will not continue this after this post because we are adding many posts of useless material.
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