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Parachute Parade! - GnW Social Discussion


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Gjøvik/Trondheim, Norway
Gardy, what "good" players have you beaten?

Desti, Light, Chiii and Schwa are probably my biggest feats.
Also I went 1-1 with Crysis before switching chars and losing like the unconfident guy I am.
Beating Draqo in crews after just taking out Tay was also fun :troll:

Should've had Istudy under my belt, but SDing vs a Sopo when he's at last stock high % and then losing 2-1 is fuuuun


Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2011
Tucson, AZ
Far too long.

Oh by the way, during the downtime, my desktop broke. I can't run windows on it anymore and I need to get a new power supply I believe. In other words, I won't be able to continue with the combo video anymore :urg:

SFA Smiley

The SFA King
Jan 19, 2010
Went to Vegas this weekend. I did well in friendlies but I'm thinking i have dark peach syndrome. I perform really badly in tournament. I lost to people I had ***** that morning like it wasnt much. I'm legitly for the first time thinking of quitting, it's just really frustrating traveling long distances just to screw up. I was flipping between Melee and Brawl but I don't want that to be my john i'd rather just get good enough that it doesnt matter. I really wanted to go MK but you know i'm a GW main so I stuck with him. Lost to Falco (My current worst matchup) and Marth.

But yeah i'm not saying I am quitting I'm just thinking about it. I hate to be a quitter when the going gets tough but it's just, it feels unfair that even being the better player and practicing as much as I do I still just lose. And I realized that I play worse when people are watching too. I guess I get nervous and never realized. I will be ****** people but as soon as I realize people are watching I find it harder to focus and I start to make a shizload of technical mistakes and start pressing the wrong buttons and stuff. This also explains why whenever I do crews I get *****.

I'd hate to stop playing before genesis and evo but i'm REALLY feeling down about my performance. If I do stop playing though I'll lt you guys know. I'd rather quit before I become a solo MK or Peach main. A few months ago I would've disagree'd but in the last few months I've realized how important being a GW main is to me. Like I used to not care about my accomplishments as Gdubs only my accomplishments as a player but being a part of something bigger and doing my part to represent the character is really awesome and gdubs doesn't have a lot of mains I feel like i'd be abandoning every Gdubs that struggles against the Marths, and the ICs, and the Snakes etc etc etc

hate to sound cheesy but thats really how I feel


Smash Master
May 20, 2008
New York
Pappppeeeer did so well
GJ to oki too.

About that set, I noticed snake trying to nair onto stage a couple times, paper went for his nair which is definitely the safest option but downtilt also works tooooo. Dtilt would have stolen snake's second jump and sent him offstage forcing him to cypher, airdodge into you(lol) or go for the ledge in which you can just downtilt him again. Then you force snake to cypher literally in front of you where you have a a number of options (fair,judgement, dair spike maybe). It's most effective in early percentages.


Ness 682

Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2012
Mesa, AZ
Went to Vegas this weekend. I did well in friendlies but I'm thinking i have dark peach syndrome. I perform really badly in tournament. I lost to people I had ***** that morning like it wasnt much. I'm legitly for the first time thinking of quitting, it's just really frustrating traveling long distances just to screw up. I was flipping between Melee and Brawl but I don't want that to be my john i'd rather just get good enough that it doesnt matter. I really wanted to go MK but you know i'm a GW main so I stuck with him. Lost to Falco (My current worst matchup) and Marth.

But yeah i'm not saying I am quitting I'm just thinking about it. I hate to be a quitter when the going gets tough but it's just, it feels unfair that even being the better player and practicing as much as I do I still just lose. And I realized that I play worse when people are watching too. I guess I get nervous and never realized. I will be ****** people but as soon as I realize people are watching I find it harder to focus and I start to make a shizload of technical mistakes and start pressing the wrong buttons and stuff. This also explains why whenever I do crews I get *****.

I'd hate to stop playing before genesis and evo but i'm REALLY feeling down about my performance. If I do stop playing though I'll lt you guys know. I'd rather quit before I become a solo MK or Peach main. A few months ago I would've disagree'd but in the last few months I've realized how important being a GW main is to me. Like I used to not care about my accomplishments as Gdubs only my accomplishments as a player but being a part of something bigger and doing my part to represent the character is really awesome and gdubs doesn't have a lot of mains I feel like i'd be abandoning every Gdubs that struggles against the Marths, and the ICs, and the Snakes etc etc etc

hate to sound cheesy but thats really how I feel
He he, Smiley, you've summed up my experience against how I feel when I play in general or when against Marth, Snake, G&W, etc. Look at me, I've said that I'd get a secondary some day, yet here I am still playing Ness, knowing all of the negatives that he holds (and not to mention, he's worse than G&W), but knowing what positives he has (throws, air game, jab lock). Heck, you beat me all the time, yet there were times where I beat you once in pools, and even won (even though emotions do play a big role in both of our situations). I say if your feeling negative and losing faith (even when in the middle of a tournament), take as much time as your given to calm down and come to your senses. In matches, run away from the player to take your time and think about how you can overcome your enemy. Wait the full time when you've lost a stock.

The ONLY reason I haven't been doing this is because I'm afraid that I'd be stalling and making others wait. Well guess what, this is a game that's stupid for the wrong reasons. Know this, and you won't feel too bad fighting characters and running away from them (in other words, giving yourself time to plan a strategy or to even time them out). I can promise you that this is what I'm going to be doing at our next tournament were in together :)

Also, about the people, yeah I know your pain, I want to make them happy and myself, but some things you can't do both ways. Do what works best for you and yourself only. Anyone else would feel the same way. It's true when people say that those who don't take their time with an action/try to show off and be flashy (example: In doubles, grabbing one character to death through 2 characters is looked down upon/hated by other players, but when this game gives this option to any player playing, WHY NOT USE IT?! THEY CAN DO IT TOO!).

I hope this made you feel better coming from a Ness player (Sorry people, I don't play G&W, but I'm helping out my friend here :p).

Have a good day!

SFA Smiley

The SFA King
Jan 19, 2010
It's more than just Gdubs being hard.

After I lost one of my matches this weekend someone basically told me: If I know i'm gonna flop I shouldn't go out of state and make AZ look bad.

They didn't say it exactly but i'm not stupid and it's basically what they said and it just made me feel like absolute ****. I've never felt so helplessly bad, nobody ever sees when I do well and nobody ever will because i'm choke master deluxe. And It's ****ing lame driving long distances just to get bad results.

I'm not gonna keep playing unless I can fix it. I just don't know how. Everyone keeps telling me to not care but it's not that easy, I obviously do care. It's why I come here. It's why I ask for critiques, it's why I spend 700 bucks traveling to new jersey just to get ***** by M2k in pools. There's no way I can just stop caring and I wish people would stop telling me that, **** isn't helping. Can I get some methods or strategies or some **** please? How to fix my problem instead of basically telling me not to get nervous?

And Marth is -3 that matchup is god forsakenly impossible (not really but damn near close to it) I have an easier time with ICs than marth. To date i've beaten multiple ICs from different regions with Gdubs, even taken a stock off 9B but I get 3 stocked by terrible marths just because I can't ****ing get inside his stupid ass zone and I die to tipper fairs at the ledge because he's too ****ing stupid. I'm going Metaknight from now on and I vow to never lose to another marth for the rest of my life i'm gonna become god at that matchup with MK and make Marths fear me, then **** their secondaries with Gdubs as soon as I figure out how to stop screwing up in tournament.

o'kbsrv';ohus;oha;oabo; IM SO MAD ;OUBFA;BKZDK

SFA Smiley

The SFA King
Jan 19, 2010
I'm watching Kaak vs Mr.R on youtube again and it's such a stupid matchup. We almost literally trade with marth everytime we get a hit in. No matter how well he spaces his bair or tries to juggle marth Gdubs always gets hit with something reactionary on hit. There's no way this matchup is -2. It's harder.

Although Falco, I do admit that one is just a matchup i'm terrible at. it's probably -1 I just have to learn it.

edit: and now on top of that this weekend I learned that my car has a 3000 dollar minimum problem and now an unrelated problem is causing my car not to start. I'm so mad at the world right now =(


Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2011
Tucson, AZ
Smiley, if you want to be treated as a legitimate threat you need to act like one. When you go to punish someone, don't go for the flashy hammer. You play like someone who doesn't care about winning, and unless you start playing more seriously, you won't be treated as such. Play GnW like Wario. Weave in and out of their comfort zones and punish the lag of their whiffed moves. If you play GnW like he is a 2d character who is used to net cool kills, don't expect to have any stable results. Your results will be as random as the hammer is.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
So, for no reason, I'm gonna play in a Brawl tournament on March 9th. It's gonna be Hobo 39 in Houston. Will try to stomp teams, as for singles I better get unrusty!

Also, mid-tier teams is banning G&W even though he's include in borderline tier list. Some bs

SFA Smiley

The SFA King
Jan 19, 2010
I started playing safer at the beginning of this year actually. If you see any of my more recent matches I stopped using hammer. I'm still trying to adjust to playing more defensively though it's not that I don't want to, it just that I'm still adjusting to playing a new way. I kind of don't know how, but it's something I have legitly been working on.

edit: @Zac: good luck. Maybe I'll try to come to that one since you and Valdens will both probably be there.

double edit: not picking up D3, besides I have MK.

Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
So, for no reason, I'm gonna play in a Brawl tournament on March 9th. It's gonna be Hobo 39 in Houston. Will try to stomp teams, as for singles I better get unrusty!

Also, mid-tier teams is banning G&W even though he's include in borderline tier list. Some bs
And for no apparent reason, someone will be 9'd. Good luck Zac.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2012
Connecticut/Cambridge, MA
Good luck zac! I remember watching your stuff on youtube in like '09, it's good to see that you haven't disappeared!

On another note, do you guys have any tips for a first time TO? I'm hosting a small tournament with like 15 friends this Friday. I think i should have 5 TVs/wiis, which hopefully should be enough? What else should i be concerned about?


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
Make sure you are strict when it comes to Singles. Make sure people don't wander around delaying everything. That's probably the biggest mistake, tell people to play their sets asap to get it done with quickly. Oh and in pools, tell people to not play a 2 sets in a row on the same setup, this will cause bottlenecks and slow it down quite a bit.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Good luck zac! I remember watching your stuff on youtube in like '09, it's good to see that you haven't disappeared!

On another note, do you guys have any tips for a first time TO? I'm hosting a small tournament with like 15 friends this Friday. I think i should have 5 TVs/wiis, which hopefully should be enough? What else should i be concerned about?

Here are some tips from my experience. I've hosted well over a dozen events, and been to nearly 50.
  • Expect to start 30 minutes after your start time. Smashers are notoriously late. If you say registration starts at 11 and the event starts at 1. They probably won't show up til 1 and you won't get going til 2. However, sometimes things go according to plan, so good luck.
  • Keep track of money. It's very easy to misplace some money for one event into another, or just not count it out correctly. If you are requiring venue fee, write down how much venue fee money there is or keep it completely separate. Once you have all the money collected, count it and make sure it adds up to what it's supposed to. Don't rely on TIO to track things for you.
  • Don't let TVs sit idle or friendlies take over tourney TVs. It's a tournament; there should be as many tournament matches taking place as possible. Once the tourney is over there will be plenty of time for friendlies.
  • Remember to bring extension cords and power strips. I commonly forget those
  • Plan around lunch/dinner breaks if possible. Whether you intend for there to be a break or not, people may come and go without telling you, holding everyone else up. Don't let the bracket bottleneck!
  • Most importantly, have fun! Don't get stressed. As long as people get to play smash, they'll be happy and you'll be happy.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Well I wouldn't worry about really focusing on character specific stuff, and instead just get a feel for how the character moves and the properties of his moveset. I think people get too caught up in trying to play characters a distinct way, when that's not at all what being good at smash is about. Being good at smash is knowing SMASH, not the character.

However with that said, there are somethings you should be aware of. Like getting down dthrow -> nair or ftilt really solid (not messing it up), and knowing what % that works at for each character. It's not too hard because it's mostly a universal thing, but it's worth looking at the character boards to know it for sure. Another thing I'd work on is being able to recover from really low, because doing thunders or even double thunders off stage for edgeguards is really good, but it requires you to be accurate with your quick attacks. I would also learn how to SH dair, and then fast fall after the first hit to get the grounded hit... It's fantastic at shield poking, and catches a lot of people off guard even when they expect it.

Other than that I'd just recommend testing out how you play the character, while making sure you get the guaranteed punishes down (like always converting your uair -> nair or something).

EDIT: Another tip I'd have is to pay attention to how fast nair actually is. You can surprise a lot of people by nairing right before landing, since they'll usually expect you just to land. A trick I like doing is ledge hop fair their shield and then after the move ends I'll have crossed them up and then just nair ASAP. The fair eats the shield, and people will either not tilt the shield, or if they do they'll tilt it up or something, making the nair easy to connect with in either scenario.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Alright. Well is there anything more specific you can ask me? Like personally when I started picking up pikachu I had a few years of having my most frequent practice partner maining pikachu experience, so I went out to try and change everything I thought he was doing wrong with the character. It's hard to name all the things, because it's not like he was bad with the character, it's just I knew he was doing a lot of things wrong that were hard for me to explain, so instead I just started playing him. I guess the most noticeable things I did was abuse pika's grab game a lot better, and used tjolt more intelligently. Both of those aspects of pika's game are, imo, his strongest features along with his amazing nair/uair frame data. Sometimes I do get a little nair heavy, but lately I've been toning it down and using bair out of uair instead, or approaching with bair just so I can keep my nair fresh for when I want to kill or send them off stage.

Shadow the Past

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2012
Portsmouth, OH
Usually in tournament, after you win the first match of a set, are you allowed to change characters?
It usually goes after a match that the winner bans a stage, loser is allowed to change characters, loser selects the next stage, and the winner is allowed to change characters.

It doesn't need to be strictly enforced, but if people complain about it, this is usually how it goes.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2012
Connecticut/Cambridge, MA
OK, thanks guys. My friend and I have been doing a few mock/practice sets recently and ran into a problem. He plays snake and falco, I play GW and Marth. His snake has a hard time with my Marth, but easily beats my GW. His falco can beat my marth, but can't beat my GW (which is weird). He got mad last time we played when I won first match Marth vs snake, and then said "If you go falco, i'm switching." But at most tournaments, winner of first match get the last character pick priority?

I guess the real question is, how do you decide which character to start with? Do you both go into it blind and hope it's the matchup you want?


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Normally people just play one character best, so they start with that game 1. Sometimes, like in your case, the last person to select their character has the advantage. This is one of those cases where you'd want to opt for a Double Blind pick.

Secretly tell a third-party individual what character you'll be playing game 1. Have your opponent select his character. Then have the third-party guy select your character. In this way, neither player knows what the other will be playing.

Shadow the Past

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2012
Portsmouth, OH
I'm struggling adjusting. This quickpost thing is nice, but I have trouble figuring out which topics have new posts, as the only way to tell is the thread text is bolded and from the most recent post date.


Smash Master
May 20, 2008
New York
Zac coming back???!!

or will he go to one tourney and quit again for 6 months lol:(

goodluck regardless

edit: On another note. Would anyone be interested in a G&W skype group chat? lol
I know some other boards have one and they're pretty lively


Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2009
Zac coming back???!!

or will he go to one tourney and quit again for 6 months lol:(

goodluck regardless

edit: On another note. Would anyone be interested in a G&W skype group chat? lol
I know some other boards have one and they're pretty lively
I think we had one long long time ago, but it became dead as it was rarely used.
Oh and welcome back judgement master Zac.


Smash Master
May 20, 2008
New York
dam :(
that's a shame then. Are you guys still in that group lol
Invite meh(Pentasalad). Alphicanss get in here toooo.
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