Went to Vegas this weekend. I did well in friendlies but I'm thinking i have dark peach syndrome. I perform really badly in tournament. I lost to people I had ***** that morning like it wasnt much. I'm legitly for the first time thinking of quitting, it's just really frustrating traveling long distances just to screw up. I was flipping between Melee and Brawl but I don't want that to be my john i'd rather just get good enough that it doesnt matter. I really wanted to go MK but you know i'm a GW main so I stuck with him. Lost to Falco (My current worst matchup) and Marth.
But yeah i'm not saying I am quitting I'm just thinking about it. I hate to be a quitter when the going gets tough but it's just, it feels unfair that even being the better player and practicing as much as I do I still just lose. And I realized that I play worse when people are watching too. I guess I get nervous and never realized. I will be ****** people but as soon as I realize people are watching I find it harder to focus and I start to make a shizload of technical mistakes and start pressing the wrong buttons and stuff. This also explains why whenever I do crews I get *****.
I'd hate to stop playing before genesis and evo but i'm REALLY feeling down about my performance. If I do stop playing though I'll lt you guys know. I'd rather quit before I become a solo MK or Peach main. A few months ago I would've disagree'd but in the last few months I've realized how important being a GW main is to me. Like I used to not care about my accomplishments as Gdubs only my accomplishments as a player but being a part of something bigger and doing my part to represent the character is really awesome and gdubs doesn't have a lot of mains I feel like i'd be abandoning every Gdubs that struggles against the Marths, and the ICs, and the Snakes etc etc etc
hate to sound cheesy but thats really how I feel
He he, Smiley, you've summed up my experience against how I feel when I play in general or when against Marth, Snake, G&W, etc. Look at me, I've said that I'd get a secondary some day, yet here I am still playing Ness, knowing all of the negatives that he holds (and not to mention, he's worse than G&W), but knowing what positives he has (throws, air game, jab lock). Heck, you beat me all the time, yet there were times where I beat you once in pools, and even won (even though emotions do play a big role in both of our situations). I say if your feeling negative and losing faith (even when in the middle of a tournament), take as much time as your given to calm down and come to your senses. In matches, run away from the player to take your time and think about how you can overcome your enemy. Wait the full time when you've lost a stock.
The ONLY reason I haven't been doing this is because I'm afraid that I'd be stalling and making others wait. Well guess what, this is a game that's stupid for the wrong reasons. Know this, and you won't feel too bad fighting characters and running away from them (in other words, giving yourself time to plan a strategy or to even time them out). I can promise you that this is what I'm going to be doing at our next tournament were in together
Also, about the people, yeah I know your pain, I want to make them happy and myself, but some things you can't do both ways. Do what works best for you and yourself only. Anyone else would feel the same way. It's true when people say that those who don't take their time with an action/try to show off and be flashy (example: In doubles, grabbing one character to death through 2 characters is looked down upon/hated by other players, but when this game gives this option to any player playing, WHY NOT USE IT?! THEY CAN DO IT TOO!).
I hope this made you feel better coming from a Ness player (Sorry people, I don't play G&W, but I'm helping out my friend here

Have a good day!