The melee scene in Tally is having a horrible time hitting the threshold for people to join, at least for me. Who else went through this mindset: "I want to enter, but only if there's X amount of people." I guess when everyone thinks this, essentially no one ever enters. It's no one's fault really, but if we don't show melee some commitment soon, she's gonna break up with us!
I entered w/o getting a headcount last time. For commitment and I got to play like 3 tournament matches before it was grand finals lol.
I don't even mind losing in brackets. I just want more people to play against in melee than just parker lol. No offense parker your fun to play with

Just not for me to drive 2 hours to play only you lol.
I've played plenty of people I believe could take me out of brackets. Not easily though mind you.
Parker went from getting 3 stocked by me every match to taking off 3-5 matches from me last tourney. Although I believe only 1 win was from a tourney match? dunno can't remember. Anyways, I'm really not THAT great at ssbm for people to fear not winning melee. I didn't even get out of pools @ TGMTSBCO. Granted I was like all Zelda >.>;
btw when I get the chance I want to play your shiek more groceries, I don't get punished enough for forward smashing shieks shield like you punish me

to keep me from doing it.
I talked to some people and alot of people didn't enter cuz they told me"There is no point, we can't win when Blah blah is here" Only the same amount of people can win brawl but everyone keeps entering that game. So makes me wonder if Me, Green Mario, Taco, HarrietTheGuy, Gmoney Ect just didn't go. Would everyone enter cuz they think they can win now? Makes me wonder.
For the record I've never won a melee tournament except 2. And i've been to like 20. You don't get better playing only friendlies which has no pressure, and your fear of anything is gone. You have to lose some money before you get some. The way of business.
All I'm trying to say is, Enter it, you won't regret it. First talahassee tournament Green mario 3-2'd me It was exciting. Because frankly I really believed I was going to get flat out *****. I think unless your winning everything, people just tend to have low confidence at the boot until proven otherwise, which is bad cuz confidence is a big factor, atleast on my game.