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Ownapalooza XII Tournament - Concord, CA - January 9th, 2011


Smash Lord
May 31, 2010
Vancouver, BC
I go to tournaments to get experience in tournament matches.

It just isn't the same playing a friendly, and playing a serious set.

I go to tournaments to see how well I do, but that's like... almost irrelevant. I know I won't do well. I mainly go to improve at playing serious tournament sets.

I was totally in favor of the amateur bracket idea because it let us mediocre/bad players get more matches in. (Which is the same reason I liked Swiss.) More serious game time for us crappy players who somehow makeup the majority of the community.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2007
Whoops; forgot to mention that I was the dude in the green hat (Noah).

I had a lot of fun; thanks for making my first tourney enjoyable.
glad you had fun! =)

nex time if people are in favor of the non ranked bracket. Ill for sure start it alot sooner. probably around semis in teams. I think the biggest problem was just the down time. sorry german<3


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
@ lucien

atleast for me, i go to tournaments to see how well i could place.

smashfests are where i get better.

tournaments are where that practice is supposed to pay off, and if it doesnt, i find out what went wrong and figure it out, at smashfests.

but i generally see tournies as a test of skill to see how well **** payed off for practicing.

i think i just repeated myself 9324 times


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
I'm mostly in agreement with Boback. I see tourneys as a statistical gauge of how better I think I've gotten.

It's what gets me to keep going to tourneys. Why I'm always excited cuz I really wanna see how better I'm getting cuz I feel like I'm always improving in strides. I like going to a smashfest and playing amazingly and going to a tourney and seeing the improvement.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
i think the amateur bracket thing isnt a bad idea, but i wouldn't want to do it every tournament. i want to see how i stack up against the best in norcal.
if i wasnt able to make it through the amateur bracket, i would set my sights lower than trying to take on the best of the best


Smash Ace
Apr 28, 2010
I agree with Boback. When your good, good players gravitate to you when your on a TV at a smashfest. The test is to win and keep on winning until you get tired or hungry.

Tournaments however is the "lets see how much playing smash at 3am is going to pay off" time


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2006
I go to tournies so I can do some new combos on people so they can be on youtube LOL. Or try roy which won't happen when Phil is there...

Okay lets me serious...

Playing for so long I just go to tourneys, hang out and have a great time. I dont statistically measure myself at tourney because I know I play a LOT better in friendlies, its just tourney I fall under pressure so it just depends how well I can play underneath that pressure. Tourney are fun to measure who I can beat, what I can improve on in tourney only.

I try to improve but not so hard as I used to, not because I believe im at the peak of my level, but its because rather I do good that day or bad lol. If I was on point in my spacing/mind games or not. If I don't get tired/lazy of fighting doc/shiek and not wanting to play the gayest/whackest way...

Also... going to tourney helps me learn those matchups now that I think about it. I learn the matchup and play better then the other person.

Yea iono what im talking about cause its 4:15 am so yea gg.

My crew ***** we'll get them next time.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
why are all the not top tier characters so boring to play/play against? lol
Everyone but the elite four is boring to play because people really dont wanna work that hard (in friendlies mostly) to win.

I dont think they're necessarily boring to play against, I just think people who play the lite four feel the shouldnt be losing to those characters.

I like playing Peach/Doc however. Its a fairly even matchup that just flows. I never feel like im getting gayed, but I never feel like im out right dominating. I generally like playing peach vs all non-elite four characters. Just not Young Link, Zelda, and sometimes Falcon.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
why are all the not top tier characters so boring to play/play against? lol
i just have a dislike playing against samus, peach, ice climbers, young link, mario, doc, luigi and NESS. i hate ness. that just gives me one more reason to not like simna and his testosterone filled, manly, "the expendables" movie casted girlfriend..that b.itch needs to play for the nfl. (unless his gf is the brawl girl who wears ness gear, she's nice). there is only one question that comes to mind when i look at simna, that question is: "are your parents siblings?"

which crew battle?

can i get a link to it?
i recorded it so i can watch it. it's not uploaded yet i'm sure brandon will have it up by next week after gsg videos. also, it's about 45-50 minutes long.

Bob Money

Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2004
Low tier/middle tier characters suck and you can abuse 2-3 moves vs them with certain spacing and they can't get around it without putting themselves at a risk to be comboed to death. That's why its boring, you have to play the matchup like that. Believe me I don;t think its fun to downtilting marios shield 30 times in a row with marth. Or crouch canceling roy anytime he touches me. or back airing the eff out of people with fox because that moves beats your character. Obv its not that simple and it is at the same time. There's a reason why they are low tier/mid tier , its because they have weaknesses that can be abused and they dont have a "safe"solutions to rely on. But even if its a boring playstyle, its fun to learn the matchup and get better at it for the sake of getting better.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2010
is fuddruckers the venue where they serve pizza? i remember one of these tournament venues serve pizza!


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Low tier/middle tier characters suck and you can abuse 2-3 moves vs them with certain spacing and they can't get around it without putting themselves at a risk to be comboed to death. That's why its boring, you have to play the matchup like that. Believe me I don;t think its fun to downtilting marios shield 30 times in a row with marth. Or crouch canceling roy anytime he touches me. or back airing the eff out of people with fox because that moves beats your character. Obv its not that simple and it is at the same time. There's a reason why they are low tier/mid tier , its because they have weaknesses that can be abused and they dont have a "safe"solutions to rely on. But even if its a boring playstyle, its fun to learn the matchup and get better at it for the sake of getting better.
idk what this is in response to but it's a really good post


Smash Ace
Apr 28, 2010
Playing against low/mid tiers only sucks when you dont know the match up. You ever play German's zelda on FD with fox? Its not fun until you learn what zelda can do. Until then, your either camping or spamming "win moves" cause its safe.

Its like playing checkers with someone when all your pieces are kings.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
Union City, CA
i think i go to tournies to just chill, i don't wanna say that cuz that sounds mad generic but it's prolly true

cuz im not really going to see how i do

nor am i like trying to get better

if i do try to get better its little **** like not getting 3 stock by phils marth everyday

i should prolly stop entering until i start using doc again

instead of bull****ing with alts

plus i dont wanna spend $5 to go win 1 lose 2

cuz now i feel like a **** when i win (when in some cases i woulda lost if i went doc LOL)

i barely have a purpose to enter, let alone use doc

i mean don't really care about where i place that's why i just use whoever i want, if i did im pretty sure id just use doc

part of it to is just getting an ego and having some odd fear of not wanting to lose tho, so i just take the easy way and **** around

its a little bit of both i think: fear and no real reason to get better lol

but yea idk man ****......


The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
Friendlies are where it's at lol. The tourney scene is still as legit as it gets for figuring out where you stand in terms of skill in your community, but it's a lot harder to really enjoy yourself, even when winning. Friendlies you can just sit back and do whatever you want, so long as there aren't 5 other people in your rotation waiting to play.

And whether it comes to tournies or friendlies... just play the characters you love lol. Everyone goes through the whole "alts" thing, sometimes more than once. It can have some nasty side-effects, like being stretched so thin between your characters that you don't know who to use anymore / lose confidence in your matchups, but it also lets you find a character that fits your speed & playstyle. So long as you're adept with the character you've chosen and actually enjoy the playstyle that character affords, success isn't far away. Not to mention you'll like playing the game a heck of a lot more lol.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
yep! play to fun!

the only thing i hate is other people ruining my fun, usually by picking kirby!

otherwise they can do whatever makes them happy too


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
i think i go to tournies to just chill, i don't wanna say that cuz that sounds mad generic but it's prolly true

cuz im not really going to see how i do

nor am i like trying to get better

if i do try to get better its little **** like not getting 3 stock by phils marth everyday

i should prolly stop entering until i start using doc again

instead of bull****ing with alts

plus i dont wanna spend $5 to go win 1 lose 2

cuz now i feel like a **** when i win (when in some cases i woulda lost if i went doc LOL)

i barely have a purpose to enter, let alone use doc

i mean don't really care about where i place that's why i just use whoever i want, if i did im pretty sure id just use doc

part of it to is just getting an ego and having some odd fear of not wanting to lose tho, so i just take the easy way and **** around

its a little bit of both i think: fear and no real reason to get better lol

but yea idk man ****......

brandon why are you so conflicted?

seems to me you're not having fun anymore

why go to tourneys if you're not having fun?

a little break is all you need. then one day youll wake up and be like "**** i havent smashed in forever, time to go **** a tourney up"
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