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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Everything went really smoothly. There were 4 guys who decided to go see the black knight over coming to the tourney.

About the Ottawa brawl scene, I think the main problem is the majority of the guys don't even see it as a viable competitive game. If you all want to get better at a quicker rate you are going to need to raise the stakes so that there is more of an urge to win, rather than using ganon during the tournament (Arsenic). Though it is mass lulz you aren't really helping others get better. You guys actually have more COMPETITIVE players than we do. 10-16 is a good number believe it or not. I remember my melee tournaments we had before and they consisted of like....9 people. And we took it very seriously, why? Because there was lots of money on the line. It is the root of our competition. Though you guys would see it as a waste. Start at something small. Like 3 to 5 bucks. The other thing is what percon stated, have a goal in mind, a BIG one. This is exactly what Niagara did at brawls release, and it REALLY payed off. All of us who weren't even that good are now contenders at each of our tournaments. Not too mention the countless rivalries and feirce competition that gets brought in from Sauga and Toronto

I'll do shoutouts tomorrow. I'm tired.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Everything went really smoothly. There were 4 guys who decided to go see the black knight over coming to the tourney.

About the Ottawa brawl scene, I think the main problem is the majority of the guys don't even see it as a viable competitive game. If you all want to get better at a quicker rate you are going to need to raise the stakes so that there is more of an urge to win, rather than using ganon during the tournament (Arsenic). Though it is mass lulz you aren't really helping others get better. You guys actually have more COMPETITIVE players than we do. 10-16 is a good number believe it or not. I remember my melee tournaments we had before and they consisted of like....9 people. And we took it very seriously, why? Because there was lots of money on the line. It is the root of our competition. Though you guys would see it as a waste. Start at something small. Like 3 to 5 bucks. The other thing is what percon stated, have a goal in mind, a BIG one. This is exactly what Niagara did at brawls release, and it REALLY payed off. All of us who weren't even that good are now contenders at each of our tournaments. Not too mention the countless rivalries and feirce competition that gets brought in from Sauga and Toronto

I'll do shoutouts tomorrow. I'm tired.
Well I don't think that's going to happen in Montreal, I believe many of us are veterans or have played melee long enough so that we stick to that. And then we saw Brawl being a campy *** game and only MK and Snake wins most tourneys.. how are you suppose to raise the stakes? And why can't I win with my favorite character, Ganon? It's not fair and it's bull****.

Thatguy, probably top 30 too?


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
There were 4 guys who decided to go see the black knight over coming to the tourney.
Whether you like Brawl or not, anybody chosing to see the Black Knight (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Knight_(film)) over Brawl deserves to be shot. The Dark Knight, on the other hand... I just back from watching it and my only complaint is that I have nothing to ***** about. Nothing. It was the only time I've ever felt like I got my money's worth from going to the theaters.

Niko: I'm totally going to work on my Lucas and his invincible and always reliable up-smash so that I can dominate everybody with it! It was great having you over. Playing against a Peach, let alone a good one, was a very rewarding experience. I learned quite a bit more about her than I thought I would. I might actually play as her one day... when I'm drunk... and I confuse her blond hair for Lucas'. :laugh:

GAYOSvsORDER(I feel so clever now :chuckle:): Yeah! Challenger picks the level is a great way of doing things. We'll be doing that here from now on (although I faintly recall wanting to do that for a while now). Heck, sticking with the usual tournament rules of loser picks level, winner has option of changing character, loser picks character would probably be best.

Percon/ThatGuy/Divinokage: Thanks for the input guys. Yeah, stirring up a community seems to be the hardest part. I think that advertising has something to do with it. I mean, I didn't even know about Smashboards until Locke mentioned it at that small tournament thingy I went to (which I only found out from the host advertising it in youtube comments).

I can't feel too bad about Brawl's popularity problem for now though. Street Fighter III, the best fighting game ever made (according to Screw Attack, and they're never wrong), was very unpopular when it first came out. It took two interations of it before they finally got it 'right' (barring the ****ty music and backgrounds). With Nintendo clearly having run out of games, perhaps there's a chance that Super Brawl Turbo HD IV will be released with no infinites, a toned down Snake, and Necro. :)


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Full results:


1: Forward Smash 2.0 (Arsenic + SAUS)
2: Team NeverGonnaGiveYouUp (Fogel + Fox)
3: Team No Id3a (Jan + Justin)
4: Team Puffball (Retlaf + Chris)
5: Team Pucas (IvanEva + Niko_K)


2: Niko_K
3: Justino
4: Fox
5: IvanEva
5: Fogel
7: Chris
7: Arsenic
9: Jan
9: Retlaf

Jan + Justin knocked Derek+Randy out of Winners' bracket, good job guys! You'll have to tell us how you did it, Orlando and I want first for once :p


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
I got 4th? Thought I did worse than that for some reason. Good job to Justin, especially outplaying Harold at his own strategy/level. Teams was heart breaking, but good job to Randy and Derek for tanking it, Dedede is just too much :p.


At T9 :(
1: Ambrose (Game&Watch/Various)
2: JL (Wario)
3: MDK (Meta Knight)
4: KingAce (Meta Knight)
5: Danny(Snake)
5: Minus (Meta Knight/Lucas)
7: Boxer(Game&Watch/Metaknight)
7: Fatal(snake/wolf)

We need more results like this one
At C3:

1: chillin ddd/snake/falco
2: Azen Zagenite lucario
3: g-reg snake
4: Chu Datz kirby
5: Plank MK
5: Forte mk
7: Nacker robot
7: Neo marth
9: Okin lucas
9: DT ike
9: wayup diddy
9: Yo pit


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Sadly it looks like the majority of the time it's Super Smash Bros. MK and Snake. Props when people win using different characters :) If people really want to 'play to win' they should probably switch mains to one of those two.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Pfft. That's nothing. From what I'm reading at Shoryuken.com, Street Fighter IV's Rufus is turning out to be leagues above everybody else. Now, I don't know about you guys but I'd much rather lose to Snake, Metaknight, Marth, Fox, Falco, or Shiek than to some fat, yellow, abomination of a character design.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
Better yet, why not lose to a cute girl that fights with puppets, a cute girl with a scythe, or a cute super fast bat girl?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Stolen from the Montreal Thread:

Soul Calibur 4 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svsbMNCPoRM
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiXL6NWzVXM
Street Fighter 4 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmXJeheIugU
Street Fighter II HD Remix = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMsLBUagAp4
King of Fighters 12 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwiRs...eature=related
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XmvnCzzS-c
Battle Fantasia = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ee8J...eature=related
Arcana Heart 2 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_CfTt5FyG4

Other Possible Brawl alternatives. Although most probably wont appear on the Wii.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Normal smashfest this Friday. If people want to try and be more serious at Brawl they are welcome; personally I expect to play a lot of other games :p

Harold, if you're down for it please bring Street Fighter, I didn't get to play last week :(

You might be joking Cameron, but it looks like things are heading that way fassst.
I think most people will quit Brawl if it comes down to that, playing MKs and Snakes all day is no fun.

Better yet, why not lose to a cute girl that fights with puppets, a cute girl with a scythe, or a cute super fast bat girl?
I know you're referring to that game with the crazy name you guys played last Friday, but what's sad is that this could be referring to Arcana Heart as well :p


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Brawl alternatives? I find Brawl fun enough on its own... but for an alternative I would only go to either game in the Street Fighter anniversary collection or to Soul Calibur 2. Every other fighting game is just a rip-off of some Capcom game or another.

Looking at those two lists (T9 and C3), you have to acknowledge that Snake and Metaknight aren't the end of all things. The top two spots look relatively SnakeKnight free.


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
Just because MetaSnake aren't at the top spots now doesn't mean they won't be soon. It is sadly inevitable and when the day comes I will choose not to play against any MetaSnake player. Play to win is never satisfying enough and will never overthrow Old Manondorf vs Capt Falcon battles. Its people that play Toon Link, Ike, Mario, G&W, Wolf, Yoshi and others that make the game interesting.

As for Soul Calibur 4, please bring back SC2's announcer! And I'm not too sure if I enjoy the shiny glowy graphics. I'm sure I'll like them but I'm really hung on SC2. I will probably get it though.

I'll see you all this Friday for some awesomely stupid battles!


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Hey guys, chill out. The MK/Snake thing isn't as bad as we think it is. Just pay attention to the matchup and you'll do fine, I discovered this over the weekend. After placing 2nd at my tournament using Peach.



Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
It's not bad now but it will only get worst. The more I play Brawl the more MetaSnakes I encounter. Not to say I cannot kill them, it's just royally annoying to fight them 50% of the time.

How's your White Controller holding up Niko?


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Metaknight and Snake have turned you people into babies.
You guys must have nightmares where those two characters beat up your mains.
Stop whining, you guys must have never played any fighting games where there are top tier characters.... Wait thats all fighting games!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
MetaSnake doesnt bother me, just some other stuff. Im probably gonna get back into melee and play both games at a (hopefully) high level. The thought of SF2 living 20 some years makes me think that melee might not completely die, although interest seems to have faded in smash altogether. Unless they make a new smash some time in the future or as Harold has said, a Brawl HD remix.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Haha, so true. Plus, it's not like anybody in Ottawa really uses either Metaknight or Snake. Justin used him a bit but I have no trouble killing his Metaknight. It's his Olimar that gives me trouble. That and Derek. I want to play at least 100 matches against Derek this time around. No more losing to him and his blasted Ike!


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
Metaknight and Snake have turned you people into babies.
You guys must have nightmares where those two characters beat up your mains.
Stop whining, you guys must have never played any fighting games where there are top tier characters.... Wait thats all fighting games!
As I said before, I don't have a problem killing them, it just sucks the fun out of the game if you are constantly fight them, especially if the MK player thinks he's leet for mashing the B button. :laugh:

I usually get turned off Fighters by 1. Fighting only top tier characters or 2. Fighting a button masher.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Metaknight and Snake have turned you people into babies.
You guys must have nightmares where those two characters beat up your mains.
Stop whining, you guys must have never played any fighting games where there are top tier characters.... Wait thats all fighting games!
Okay, we are attempting to have a discussion and we do not need the whole "stop being babies" bull****.

Look at melee? Sure there was a lot of foxes, but i would say there were enough falcos, marths, shieks, peachs, captain falcons, ice climbers, and samus' that the game was still fairly spread out in terms of characters. I was unable to participate in ToS5 but from what i heard it was meta knights and snakes 90% of the time. Correct me if i am wrong.

If every one has to collapse to the only two tournament viable characters then brawl will die, because a fighting game with two characters just sucks balls. Maybe that won't happen with brawl, because people are still doing well with some of the other characters but a "2 character tournament viable roster" vs a "8 character tournament viable roster"(with the occasional links and ganons", i think the 8 character one would win.

ps this was not a melee vs brawl argument, i was just using melee as an example of a fighting game, with a larger usable tier, but still had top tier characters.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
You weren't even at Tos5... (it wasn't 90% snake and Metaknight so you heard wrong, for instance a Wario came second, there wasn't even any metaknight in the top 3.) and you guys don't even play this game seriously enough to know that there is JUST as many useable characters as in melee. Just not at a noob level.
There are just as many tournament characters if not more in brawl:

Falco, marth, peach, captain falcon and Jiggs become : Falco, Marth (LOL), Dedede, ROB, Wario, Lucario and so on.

Learn the truth, everyone loves to use 3S as an example but holy **** have you seen how many people play Yun, Chun and Ken?

Once again, Brawl is NO different from Melee, or any other fighting game when it comes to character balance. So no my advice to "stop being babies" isn't bull****.


Eternalgamer: Yeah it can be kind of a drag sometimes, they way I see it though is that being able to play against those 2 characters are the two most important matchups in the game right now, so if you can get tons of practise against them now it'll pay off.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
actually yes i was at ToS5(at least for part of it) but i didn't arrive until singles brackets began. I saw a lot of MKs after i had arrived. I am quoting orlando on this one

At T9
1: Ambrose (Game&Watch/Various)
2: JL (Wario)
3: MDK (Meta Knight)
4: KingAce (Meta Knight)
5: Danny(Snake)
5: Minus (Meta Knight/Lucas)
7: Boxer(Game&Watch/Metaknight)
7: Fatal(snake/wolf)

it seems as though everybody except JL(and maybe Ambrose, although i saw him use MK at ToS5) use MK or snake as a second. Who is to say that these people will not realize that their other characters are holding back their inner MK or Snake? Why bother learning another character when it's easier to learn and win with MK. At least fox had difficult tech skill to learn.

Anyways, just as a final note, i was not saying brawl wasn't good now. I'm just worried that in the future those falco, marth, dedede, etc mains will decide to just take MK as easy street.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Once again, Brawl is NO different from Melee, or any other fighting game when it comes to character balance. So no my advice to "stop being babies" isn't bull****
In meele, if someone went Fox, you go Marth. If someone went Marth, you go Sheik. Hell, you could even go mother****ing Pichu if you were good enough with him. In meele, all characters were playable, and the potential to be good (ex/ Gimpyfish figuring out Bowser, Taj figuring out Mewtwo, PKM's Donkey Kong, KDJ's Pichu). Characters had advantages and disadvantages depending on the character match ups.

But in Brawl (at least for now since the comeptitive side is still young and developing) there appears to be no one in the game who has a significant advantage against MetaSnake so far, the two are the characters to go too if you want to 'play to win' (or you could forfeit matches, whatever tickles your fancy), and all those characters who are bottom tier looks like are going to stay bottom tier because of all the MetaSnake domination in the scene, which I really don't want to play (call me a whining baby if you must, it is not like I care :p).

Plus, all the good MetaSnakes seem to have the same playstyle, Snakes camp, Metaknights use alot of d-smash and specials. At least in meele you could play according to your own playstyle, you could turtle with gannondorf if you wanted and you might do decently well.

Well there goes my rant of the day...back to business:

Cam, when does the Lan start/end? I really need to know because of car avalibility, so the sooner I find out the sooner I can find out times I might need the car.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Brawl alternatives? I find Brawl fun enough on its own... but for an alternative I would only go to either game in the Street Fighter anniversary collection or to Soul Calibur 2. Every other fighting game is just a rip-off of some Capcom game or another.

Looking at those two lists (T9 and C3), you have to acknowledge that Snake and Metaknight aren't the end of all things. The top two spots look relatively SnakeKnight free.
I'm up for some Soul Calibur 2 or some Street Fighter 2 this friday, or some arcana hearts :p


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
I found out the most epic news of them all! A counter to MetaSnake is..........BOWSER! can't you see it!? It's perfect!

Personally, I prefer the air.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Stolen from the Montreal Thread:

Street Fighter 4 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmXJeheIugU
Street Fighter II HD Remix = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMsLBUagAp4
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XmvnCzzS-c
Other Possible Brawl alternatives. Although most probably wont appear on the Wii.
These are the games I have my eye on, particularly SF4, and tatsu, which is a Marvel vs Capcom type of game.

Is the idea that the smashfests might branch out into other games? I'm fully in support of it.

Pfft. That's nothing. From what I'm reading at Shoryuken.com, Street Fighter IV's Rufus is turning out to be leagues above everybody else. Now, I don't know about you guys but I'd much rather lose to Snake, Metaknight, Marth, Fox, Falco, or Shiek than to some fat, yellow, abomination of a character design.
Yea I was reading about that, supposedly Rufus got stupidly buffed upon release. The games only been out for a few days though, and I can guarantee that people will learn to deal with Rufus better than they are now. Daigo's playing SF4 and beasting on everyone 92% wins, on those electronic ranking cards.

Capcom's also talked about how all their arcade machines link up wirelessly and that they have the potential to 'patch' the arcade machines. Also, the home version of SF4 is being worked on, which will include a lot of new characters, and tweaked gameplay/balance.

Needless to say, SF4 looks pretty solid to me.

Oh, and lol at the guy 'running' into the thread trying to stir up things. :laugh: I think I'm going to forfeit any type of response to him.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
In meele, if someone went Fox, you go Marth. If someone went Marth, you go Sheik. Hell, you could even go mother****ing Pichu if you were good enough with him. In meele, all characters were playable, and the potential to be good (ex/ Gimpyfish figuring out Bowser, Taj figuring out Mewtwo, PKM's Donkey Kong, KDJ's Pichu). Characters had advantages and disadvantages depending on the character match ups.

But in Brawl (at least for now since the comeptitive side is still young and developing) there appears to be no one in the game who has a significant advantage against MetaSnake so far, the two are the characters to go too if you want to 'play to win' (or you could forfeit matches, whatever tickles your fancy), and all those characters who are bottom tier looks like are going to stay bottom tier because of all the MetaSnake domination in the scene, which I really don't want to play (call me a whining baby if you must, it is not like I care :p).

Plus, all the good MetaSnakes seem to have the same playstyle, Snakes camp, Metaknights use alot of d-smash and specials. At least in meele you could play according to your own playstyle, you could turtle with gannondorf if you wanted and you might do decently well.

Well there goes my rant of the day...back to business:

Cam, when does the Lan start/end? I really need to know because of car avalibility, so the sooner I find out the sooner I can find out times I might need the car.
Saturday noon-ish until Sunday 4-5pm or so.

Just curious, what games do you guys play on Lan?
Mostly SC and WC3 mods (DotA, Battleships, Tower Defense maps) and various Steam FPSes (CS, PVK2 (<---- awesome mod!) ).

Oh, and lol at the guy 'running' into the thread trying to stir up things. :laugh: I think I'm going to forfeit any type of response to him.
:laugh: You won the Ottawa thread! Congratulations sir.
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