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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Did anyone forget a grey Reebok sweater
oh man! I didn't realize it until I read this, but I'm missing my grey reebok sweater, it must be mine because I had it at the tourney. I believe the numbers on it are in yellow right?

Anyways I'll pick it up from you this wednesday/next smashfest I make it to, if that's okay Fogel.

Oh while I'm replying, tourney was awesome! Got my *** handed to me really badly by Vwins in pools, so the fact that he came in 3rd kind of makes it hurt a bit less haha.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I haven't said this yet because I just woke up, but thanks for the tourney Cam, as good as ToS's come.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Thanks for the tourney Cam! The whole Montreal / GTA&N feud is pretty lame, but I had a blast. It was great to meet and play so many good players, and 2 stock them with Jiggs :D For my first serious tourney, 3rd in my pool was beyond great, and all of my losses were close enough that I can come away with a great deal of pride. Top 4 advancing would've been nice, but the 2 cap was completely understandable.

When's the next Smashfest / BiWeekly? I can't wait to play all of you that I didn't get a chance to!

And by the way, I was Jigglypuff every single match. To all those who still say she's bottom tier: eat that! You're just jealous that my main is cooler. :p

And Team Camp: I loved our Wolf / Lucas suicide races in doubles. And the sudden death between Harold's Lucas and my Jiggs was epic!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I think there were a few amazing rollouts :p

Yeah, biggest costume nerf of all time though. To the point that I'm seriously considering modding my Wii to make recolours for her. The green hat as a Santa hat. . . The white hat as a black bowler. . .

I wish I could've made it past the pools so I could face you guys, but next time watch out!


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I think Jiggs should have a Rambo costume, I would definitly start playing her if she had such a thing :p.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I think the best Jiggs costume would have to be a pokeball, that would make games alot more interesting.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
You fools.

Jiggs straw hat is the loveliest of them all!
It allmost makes me want to play her in brawl sometimes..... (allmost...... sometimes....)
(This coming from a rambo Jiggs player)


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Cam: Yeah, I threw those two sweaters/jackets/whatever they are into your car since if I took them home I'd probably forget about them or toss them out or something. They were left lying there in the basement. I guess I forgot to mention it. :p

I used to think that Melee matches were really cool looking but now I find them too fast and the character's wavedashing looks ********. I guess it's just me but I prefer Brawl's slower pace. It's more like boxing or whatever: things are more calm and cerebral until the killing blows are thrown.

So, is the Smashfest still on for Wednesday? I'm dropping all of my characters except for Lucas so I can focus on making him better. He didn't cut it at the tournament and I just can't have that.


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
So, is the Smashfest still on for Wednesday? I'm dropping all of my characters except for Lucas so I can focus on making him better. He didn't cut it at the tournament and I just can't have that.
You should at least have a "team friendly" character as a secondary because your Lucas Up Smashes a lot of teammates, unless you focus on that aspect in your Lucas training as well.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
You should at least have a "team friendly" character as a secondary because your Lucas Up Smashes a lot of teammates, unless you focus on that aspect in your Lucas training as well.
Haze, my partner, is a very team friendly Lucas. As long as the partner avoids Lucas' smash range I find him a very viable partner. I don't think I've been friendly fire Usmashed by him once. . .


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
Haze, my partner, is a very team friendly Lucas. As long as the partner avoids Lucas' smash range I find him a very viable partner. I don't think I've been friendly fire Usmashed by him once. . .
But this is Harold we're talking about, lol. He has a long way to go before he doesn't Usmash his teammate. Sorry Harold but its true.

Harold I don't want you to leave your TV until you have successfully team battled without Usmashing, spiking, etc. your partner, lol.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
But this is Harold we're talking about, lol. He has a long way to go before he doesn't Usmash his teammate. Sorry Harold but its true.

Harold I don't want you to leave your TV until you have successfully team battled without Usmashing, spiking, etc. your partner, lol.
I can second Jobin, I remember being jab combo'd off the stage when we were edgeguarding both guys on the opposite team, then being upsmashed while trying to recover.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
See, that's what makes my Lucas so good: he keeps you on your toes. He keeps you honest. Like, other partners will let you relax a bit or something when both opponents are off the stage. What happens when you relax in a match? You lose. I, on the other hand, do my best to keep my partners constantly alert.

Ian: Did you ever hear back from Famous Players?


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
Thanks for the tourney Cam! The whole Montreal / GTA&N feud is pretty lame, but I had a blast. It was great to meet and play so many good players, and 2 stock them with Jiggs :D For my first serious tourney, 3rd in my pool was beyond great, and all of my losses were close enough that I can come away with a great deal of pride. Top 4 advancing would've been nice, but the 2 cap was completely understandable.

When's the next Smashfest / BiWeekly? I can't wait to play all of you that I didn't get a chance to!

And by the way, I was Jigglypuff every single match. To all those who still say she's bottom tier: eat that! You're just jealous that my main is cooler. :p

And Team Camp: I loved our Wolf / Lucas suicide races in doubles. And the sudden death between Harold's Lucas and my Jiggs was epic!
Lol, your off-stage rollouts got me every single time :D


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Lol, your off-stage rollouts got me every single time :D
Haha, yeah, it's the anti Turnip pillaring maneuver. I loved our match though, although the *almost* ending was pretty anti climatic. I'm glad you pulled out of that suicide, even if I lost the match. I didn't want to win a set because of it. Next time, you're going down!


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
I can buy the "keep you on your toes" crap and a few hits from my partner but not a full fledged Usmash or Spike that kills you and especially when it happens every match lol!


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
If you can buy the "keep you on your toes" crap... you scare me. :p

By the way Jobin, you, Jan and I need to get together for a Mario Bros. marathon or something one of these days.

Did anybody go to that PGL Brawl thingy?


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
edit: For those who are interested in Biweeklies, please read my most recent post in the ToS5 result thread. The kind of anti-cheating rules I suggested at the bottom will go into effect in future biweeklies. I know it's just a $1 tournament and nobody would bother trying to rig things, but I don't want any risk of the same kind of crap that happened at ToS5 to happen at tournaments in my house.

For those who are asking, the next smashfest is on Wednesday again as I have other commitments on Friday (and Thursday). Things should be back to normal next week. It will have to end at 10:30 again, and again no biweekly this week.

oh man! I didn't realize it until I read this, but I'm missing my grey reebok sweater, it must be mine because I had it at the tourney. I believe the numbers on it are in yellow right?

Anyways I'll pick it up from you this wednesday/next smashfest I make it to, if that's okay Fogel.

Oh while I'm replying, tourney was awesome! Got my *** handed to me really badly by Vwins in pools, so the fact that he came in 3rd kind of makes it hurt a bit less haha.
Yes, there are yellow numbers on it. I'm really curious how your sweater got in my car though...

Cam: Yeah, I threw those two sweaters/jackets/whatever they are into your car since if I took them home I'd probably forget about them or toss them out or something. They were left lying there in the basement. I guess I forgot to mention it. :p

I used to think that Melee matches were really cool looking but now I find them too fast and the character's wavedashing looks ********. I guess it's just me but I prefer Brawl's slower pace. It's more like boxing or whatever: things are more calm and cerebral until the killing blows are thrown.

So, is the Smashfest still on for Wednesday? I'm dropping all of my characters except for Lucas so I can focus on making him better. He didn't cut it at the tournament and I just can't have that.
I guess you and Suo will have to fight over the Reebok sweater. I suggest an Old Manondorf ditto.

When's the next bi-weekly, Cam? And while I'm asking, ToS6? ;)
Don't expect ToS6 anytime soon, if ever.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Alright Suo, looks like it'll be your Snake vs. my Lucas with the fate of your sweater hanging in the balance! Of course, since I put it into Cameron's car he'll have to play the winner and thus possibly win the sweater for himself. Of course, one of us could just forfeit so that the other would be guaranteed to play against Cameron and... oh ****, it's ToS5 all over again... :psycho:

- I had an Old Manondorf ditto in pools in which I lost. It cost me my third place in pools spot (not that that's anything to be proud of but still). Ganondorf has been blacklisted along with Yoshi.

- As for the implimentation of the new private bracket rules at the biweeklies (not that it's my call in any way but I'll give my two cents anyways), I'm not terribly keen on it. To me being able to see the brackets is like seeing yourself on the world map of a game. To visually see yourself progressing is very satisfying. The difference between the biweeklies and ToS5 is that since it's about a quarter of the size and it's all Ottawa guys, I don't think that there's any real risk of lame stuff ever happening. Orlando, my brother and I are probably a 'crew' as are PNDMike and his three buddies, but it's safe to say that everybody who has showed up to the biweeklies thus far is really just there for self-improvement/pride, not to make their 'crew' or whatever look good. I, at least, show up with the intention of destroying everybody, be it Orlando, my brother, my teams partners, Dereck, whoever. I think that the simple act of broadcasting what happened at ToS5 and stating that any such crap will result in disqualifications should be enough to deter everybody.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
- Alright Suo, looks like it'll be your Snake vs. my Lucas with the fate of your sweater hanging in the balance! Of course, since I put it into Cameron's car he'll have to play the winner and thus possibly win the sweater for himself. Of course, one of us could just forfeit so that the other would be guaranteed to play against Cameron and... oh ****, it's ToS5 all over again... :psycho:

I'm not sure if I can make tommorrows Smashfest, but Im definitely gonna do my best.
I had no idea so much drama went on towards the end of the tourney, as I left early, its a shame. :dizzy:


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Haha, yeah, I guess we kinda are a crew. :laugh:


Watchout y'all. We'll forfeit ALL of our matches! That'll show you! lol j/k

Anyway, we'll try and make the Smashfest on Wednesday, but we all (and by we all, I mean everyone but Haze) work weeks, so if we do show up it might be a bit later. I'll keep you posted. I want to rematch your Lucas, and I'm going to stage johns on our last match (I couldn't see your pk fires! j/k)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Yeah I dont really like the private bracket at the biweeklies, not that I even ever look at them, I just like to know who Im playing next which someone usually tells me anyways. I can see the need for them at the larger tournaments, but of course its your call. The main reason I dont like it is because it makes it seem like we cant trust each other which I would hope is not the case.

Anyways, anyone else interested in some SF3s? If its not busy we can try it out, if thats ok with you Cam?


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
I personally prefer the air and not having the private brackets. Biweeklies are mean to be fun and we basically know everyone there. Although I wouldn't trust that "Derek" guy and his Sausyness, lol jk. But again it is your call Cam.

So if I'm correct, this next Smash is a friendly? I need one of those. And at what time does it start?

Oh and me and the Joblincide Crew will Johns our way to victory... or total failure!

Pertaining to the Biweeklies, "We're going to have fun with this thing" so "Com'on", "Show me your moves" and "Fight me". "What's the matter, scared?"


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
You can add titles to individual posts? Neat!

Suo: my apartment is, as always, available to you if you need it.

Orlando: I ALMOST bought an arcade stick yesterday (stupid Arcana Hearts has rekindled my faith in 2D games). It's $30 on Play-Asia so I immediately jumped at it... until I saw that it'd be another $40 for shipping. :(

Jobin: From Street Fighter: The Later Years (which everybody who hasn't watched yet MUST watch - it's on Youtube): "Honda's men are no longer street fighters, they see this as a mortal combat and they have the killer instinct. If you do not help your friends, this may be their final fight... ... ... clay fighter."


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
lol more for shipping than the product. Samething happened to me when we needed a part for my 4th year project. Cost of item: $20, Cost with Shipping: $80. Brokerage Fee: Gay.

I remember that line from the later years, I lold so hard when he said clay fighter.

Are there are no stores in ottawa that will sell you a decent priced arcade stick?
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