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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Once again, I'll be at home all tomorrow if anybody wants to get some extra Smash practice in. I'm still not good enough for the tournament. I have to be able to three stock everybody and it's just not happening so far. Give me a call (613-829-6076)/PM if you're interested in coming over.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I feel the same way Harold, not ready for the tourney :( It seems like any time I'm free to play smash friends/family/girlfriend comes into the picture.

I'm not free Canada Day, but I'm DEFINITELY gonna show up for the Smashfest tommorrow. I desperately need the practice, especially with a few new chars I picked up.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I feel the same way Harold, not ready for the tourney :( It seems like any time I'm free to play smash friends/family/girlfriend comes into the picture.

I'm not free Canada Day, but I'm DEFINITELY gonna show up for the Smashfest tommorrow. I desperately need the practice, especially with a few new chars I picked up.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Screw beating Derek, I have to work on beating Orlando now. He was trashing Randy and I with, like, 60 wins in a row. Suo, it's about time you showed up again! I needs me some rematches against you. :)


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
You all suck, should give up now and hand over the prize money to me. It only seems fair, don't you think?

I'll try to make it to the 11th for some Smash seeing how the only time I seem to make it to Smashfest is when its a biweekly and I'm starting to hate getting two or three games in and loosing my money. Some friendly games would lighting my mood for sure. I would love to have a Landmaster battle, 4-way DeDeDe and some Old Manandof vs my Falco Punch.

Good luck to all in the ToS5 (Tourney of Suckers 5) and don't loose to the Toronto group and their falice looking CN Tower. And on that note I'd suggest we travel to Toronto and Gannon/Sparta kick the tower down.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Screw beating Derek, I have to work on beating Orlando now. He was trashing Randy and I with, like, 60 wins in a row. Suo, it's about time you showed up again! I needs me some rematches against you. :)
It's true, our Old Mannondorf's are not good enough for his Marth's, we need moar training.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
It turns out I'm not able to make it, today. Sorry about that, guess you won't get the chance to find out how to beat my yoshi, after all. =D

See you all at ToS. I'm glad I've got a handful of people to cheer for; makes it more fun!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Screw beating Derek, I have to work on beating Orlando now. He was trashing Randy and I with, like, 60 wins in a row. Suo, it's about time you showed up again! I needs me some rematches against you. :)
I have to work on 3 stocking you every match :p. It seems however that youve gotten better, it was alot harder to beat you and Randy this time around. Matches were too close for my liking :). If you get this in time, can you bring my bottle? I left it on your tv.

It's true, our Old Mannondorf's are not good enough for his Marth's, we need moar training.
You gotta work your way up from Falcon first :p.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
jus showin sum support for the gta group comin down. all our top players (minus me) is going. so im hopin to hear good things.
beware these guys are dangerous, do not take them lightly...

u guys gotta kill down there, show em wut gta is all about! i wanna see vids and hear stories!!!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Go Zangief *****!! And Guile *****!!

But the best of all was Ninja-dog *****!!!

(I finally joined out of sheer boredom)


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Screw Brawl, ToS5 is going to all be about the Arcana Heart. And no one is going to mess with the Ike *****.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ariel: It's about time you joined. You loser. :laugh:

Arcana Hearts does suck... it's just that with such awesome character designs and amazingly intuitive menus how could I resist it? Plus, Zangief-***** owns the universe! Boot to the face! Boot to the face! Boot to the face! Boot to the face!

Suo/Everybody else: where were you guys? Thanks to all the practice I got yesterday you guys are now going to be totally behind me at ToAH 5! Err, no, that's not right...

Cameron, will you be needing any help or anything tomorrow?

Ian/Kevin: Did you guys fill out an application today? My supervisor and I were looking for it so we could hand it straight to the woman who does the interviews but we couldn't find them. :confused:


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Ariel: It's about you joined. You loser. :laugh:

Arcana Hearts does suck... it's just that with such awesome character designs and amazingly intuitive menus how could I resist it? Plus, Zangief-***** owns the universe! Boot to the face! Boot to the face! Boot to the face! Boot to the face!

Suo/Everybody else: where were you guys? Thanks to all the practice I got yesterday you guys are now going to be totally behind me at ToAH 5! Err, no, that's not right...

Cameron, will you be needing any help or anything tomorrow?

Ian/Kevin: Did you guys fill out an application today? My supervisor and I were looking for it so we could hand it straight to the woman who does the interviews but we couldn't find them. :confused:
Circle to select character and then X to select full/regular makes perfect sense to me!

I don't think I'll need any help tomorrow, but on Saturday if some of you guys could try to show up at the church at 11-11:30 to help me set up tables/chairs/setups that would be nice. Thanks!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
i grabbed a application but your ex ripped the pen away and i didn't have one so i'll be back...tomorrow MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Shes a huge *****. Next time jsut punch her in the face(might improve her looks a bit too).

And, you're applying? What? You need a job that badly? (it sucks there =S)

Oh and Harold, what about me joined? That didn't even make any sense... >_> (Ariel: It's about you joined. You loser.)


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Please. It was a a typo.

Ian/Kevin: if you do fill out an application tomorrow, give it to me on Saturday so I can give it to the right people. Going through the applications today (looking for yours) I was surprised to see that they have tons there. I can't believe so many people want to work at such a ****ty store. :p


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Hey Cam, will there be extra room in the car? If there is, we can bring Harold, he'll just have to come to my place by 10:30.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yea I'm a huge loser for not making it on wednesday, basically I'm working on three credits at home right now, my last three until graduation. My mom was unimpressed with my laziness so we got into a big fight at like wednesday 4:30-ish, by the time it was over I was too beat to make it out. Huge Johns.

Also true story, my first and only smashfest, on the way home fell asleep on the bus, and ended up way out somewhere in barrhaven, and all buses had stopped running, that was some traumatic ****! haha, I was too embarrassed to actually tell anyone :laugh:

Which leads me to my next point. THE TOURNEY TOMM. IS ONLY 30 MINS AWAY BY BUS!!! WOOOT, I'm actually close for once!

Btw Fogel, a couple of questions about the tourney tomm.
-is it okay if my friend and I register the day of?
-are setups TV's still needed? I could try to find a ride and bring a small tv+wii

Oh and some other random things, Arcana heart!?!?! You guys played it? I was reading about it on Shoryuken.com sounds hella cool. Also, Harold if you're going to next smashfest, I would take you up on a place to sleep, it'd definitely be a lot easier if I'm not scared of being lost in Barrhaven lools!


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Cameron posted something about it being ok to register the day of (I think...) and I think it's a safe bet that more set ups would be a good idea.

Arcana Hearts sucks... but Zangief-***** will destroy anybody who thinks so!

Yeah Suo, you're more than welcome to stay at my place. It's a bit... small... but it has a lot of... heart? (more like dirt, hair and mold but that's close enough).


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Despite what I said on Wednesday, it's actually looking like the smashfest right after ToS5 will have to be cancelled/moved again. Are you guys up for playing next Wednesday again?

Hey Cam, will there be extra room in the car? If there is, we can bring Harold, he'll just have to come to my place by 10:30.
That should be ok.

Yea I'm a huge loser for not making it on wednesday, basically I'm working on three credits at home right now, my last three until graduation. My mom was unimpressed with my laziness so we got into a big fight at like wednesday 4:30-ish, by the time it was over I was too beat to make it out. Huge Johns.

Also true story, my first and only smashfest, on the way home fell asleep on the bus, and ended up way out somewhere in barrhaven, and all buses had stopped running, that was some traumatic ****! haha, I was too embarrassed to actually tell anyone :laugh:

Which leads me to my next point. THE TOURNEY TOMM. IS ONLY 30 MINS AWAY BY BUS!!! WOOOT, I'm actually close for once!

Btw Fogel, a couple of questions about the tourney tomm.
-is it okay if my friend and I register the day of?
-are setups TV's still needed? I could try to find a ride and bring a small tv+wii

Oh and some other random things, Arcana heart!?!?! You guys played it? I was reading about it on Shoryuken.com sounds hella cool. Also, Harold if you're going to next smashfest, I would take you up on a place to sleep, it'd definitely be a lot easier if I'm not scared of being lost in Barrhaven lools!
That's pretty random, the 118 doesn't even go to Barrhaven. How'd you end up there?

As for ToS5, yes, you can register the day of, and YES more TVs are needed!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Having the smashfest next wednesday might not work for me. Like Harold has said, I might take like a week break from smash since I also plan on attending PGL even though its hella expensive (ill just pretend that its in out of town tourney). Although If I end up doing terribly at either tourney Ill most likely show up.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
That's pretty random, the 118 doesn't even go to Barrhaven. How'd you end up there?

As for ToS5, yes, you can register the day of, and YES more TVs are needed!
I took a different route on the way home, supposedly I can catch the 95 and take that like straight to Rideau Centre?

I must have either a) caught the wrong bus, maybe 85 without thinking

or b) caught the 95 in the wrong direction.

irregardless when I nodded off for what felt like one second, and suddenly the bus was empty. The driver called out last stop, I went up to him and was like 'WHAT!? I thought this bus went to rideau centre!?!'' He looked at me like I was crazy.

Anyway, I got off and went to this big deserted bus stop, checked the times and realized all the buses had stopped running. I had to call my sister and take a 45$ Taxi back to Rideau....Not a fun night.

As for the TV I'll bring one if I can find a ride. I'll try to show up at 11:30 if I manage to find one.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Suo: Wow, no wonder you never showed up again! :laugh:

Cam/Orlando: If there's a car potentially picking me up could it also potentially pick up my TV? I'm not too keen on bringing it to Orlando's place. It's not very big but I'm still not going on the bus with it.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I took a different route on the way home, supposedly I can catch the 95 and take that like straight to Rideau Centre?

I must have either a) caught the wrong bus, maybe 85 without thinking

or b) caught the 95 in the wrong direction.

irregardless when I nodded off for what felt like one second, and suddenly the bus was empty. The driver called out last stop, I went up to him and was like 'WHAT!? I thought this bus went to rideau centre!?!'' He looked at me like I was crazy.

Anyway, I got off and went to this big deserted bus stop, checked the times and realized all the buses had stopped running. I had to call my sister and take a 45$ Taxi back to Rideau....Not a fun night.

As for the TV I'll bring one if I can find a ride. I'll try to show up at 11:30 if I manage to find one.
That sounds about right, the 95 eastbound goes to the Rideau Centre on its way to Hurdman, and the 95 westbound can go to Barrhaven :p

Suo: Wow, no wonder you never showed up again! :laugh:

Cam/Orlando: If there's a car potentially picking me up could it also potentially pick up my TV? I'm not too keen on bringing it to Orlando's place. It's not very big but I'm still not going on the bus with it.
Well, I was originally going to pick you up at Orlando's place (as in, you would go to Orlando's place ahead of time and I would get you both at the same time). If you don't live too far from Orlando, and your TV can fit on your lap, I can manage it. If not, then just go to Orlando's without the TV.

Thing is, we will have 3 TVs (my 2 + Orlando's), 3 people, my PC, plus everyone's miscellaneous tournament stuff (wiis, food, etc.). I'm pretty sure Orlando's TV is big enough that it'll take up a seat, so it only really works if it's a tv that's small enough that it won't take up a seat.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Sorry for being out of touch guys, but Cam please check the tourney thread. Basically I'll be coming with my 3rd T.V. and my remote for the one you are holding (my 2nd T.V.). So please try to bring it, it's a good quality T.V., nice contrast ratio and sharpness whathaveyou.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Sorry for being out of touch guys, but Cam please check the tourney thread. Basically I'll be coming with my 3rd T.V. and my remote for the one you are holding (my 2nd T.V.). So please try to bring it, it's a good quality T.V., nice contrast ratio and sharpness whathaveyou.
Great, glad that you'll be at ToS5! I'll bring your TV for sure.

edit: Also, try to show up at 11-11:30am if you want to help set up.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Wait, what was the address? If Harold can't go with me, I'll have to fin it on my own. I'm *somewhat* familiar with Rideau area.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ok, so, here's what I'll be doing for tomorrow morning: Jobin, my brother and I will be leaving on our own fairly early on. A ride would be nice but since I'm taking Jobin and my brother there I'm assuming there won't be enough room. I'm hoping that you guys, Cam and Orlando, get this instead of expecting me.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Wait, what was the address? If Harold can't go with me, I'll have to fin it on my own. I'm *somewhat* familiar with Rideau area.
It's at the intersection of Bank and Aylmer, right on the corner. You'll have to use the back entrance (the one in the parking lot) to get in.

Ok, so, here's what I'll be doing for tomorrow morning: Jobin, my brother and I will be leaving on our own fairly early on. A ride would be nice but since I'm taking Jobin and my brother there I'm assuming there won't be enough room. I'm hoping that you guys, Cam and Orlando, get this instead of expecting me.
I got the message, I'll call Orlando and let him know.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Those friendly matches are alot more entertaining than any of the brawl final matches :/. The ones that took place anyways.

I didnt go to PGL so ill make it on wednesday.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Did anyone forget a grey Reebok sweater and/or a black jacket in my trunk somehow after ToS5? I have no idea how these got here but I know they aren't mine. I'm pretty sure they aren't anyone from Toronto's because they were never in my car, so I think it's someone who was helping me lift stuff at the end of the tourney. Anyone?
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