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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Oh yeah Harold, can you yell at your brother for ditching me in teams, and while your at it, insults his older brother, because that is bound to stir him up :p.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
hey, so now that I don't have azreal as a teammate I'm looking for someone to team up with at ToS any local takers?

i'd rather play with someone once or twice before competing with them lol, but worst case I'll end up at ToS and find a partner...

I know I haven't played with any of you yet but my rob is on par with azreal and retlaf (andrew) for reference


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
Ya honestly I need a list or something with everyone's:

Real Name/Smashboard Username/Gamertag

I know a few of you but when you go on the boards I'm completely in the dark. I'm Andrew Jobin/eternalgamer/Jobin if anyone doesn't already know.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'll team with ya'. We'd definitely have to get together a few times and practice though (I'm not terribly stellar in teams...). PM me if you're interested. By the way, I live near the Coliseum theater near Bayshore.

Jobin: Haha, yeah. I had a lot of trouble with that as well when I first started. Just in case you forget: I'm Harold Sotomayor/IvanEva/Harold. :p


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
Andrew Willman / Retlaf

I still need time playing alongside my ToS partner, so Harold and Ben, if you decide to team, I'd be more than happy to participate in some mutual 2v2 practice. (I still think 8 of us should take him up on his offer for next week ^^)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
I wouldnt mind some extra practice. What day would be good for you? Preferably not wednesday as we wouldnt want a smashfest conflict. Where abouts do you live (area)?

For Jobin:
Orlando Melendez/Flash7/Fox

Harold, I believe your tag is Ivan no?


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Just so it's clear, the smashfest this week is still on Friday; the one NEXT week is Wednesday (because I will be busy with ToS5 stuff Friday night).

@Jobin: If you don't know who Fogel is yet, you fail!


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
so I'm Ben/buenob/JaGuaR and I don't think anyone other than andrew/retlaf has actually played me yet lol

evening/night works better for me because then the projector is useful, but i do have a tv so can host 1 tv stuff unill it gets dark and then 2tv stuff (provided an extra wii is present)

as for availability, i'm free tomorrow, and then thursday day then next thursday day and all friday (going out of town // canada day partying inbetween) so if you want to get together at my place any of those times i'm in (though i'll have to clean a bit lol)

ivan - i'd be happy to team with you, just know i want to win ;) you in for some 2v2 friendly practice with retlaf and his partner? if at least the 4 of us could get together tomorrow that would be good (but short notice + work the next day i know lol)... by the way who do you play as? lol


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Yeah, sure, sounds good. My only commitment for tomorrow is to watch the newest Zero Puncutation review. :p

Add me on msn if you use it: ivaneva at hotmail dot com (anybody else care to add me? I want to pretend that I'm popular). If not just give me a call tomorrow with directions and such 613-829-6076. Again, I live by Bayshore so I can only go as far as OC Transpo will take me.

I main Lucas with Samus as my backup (for dealing with Game and Watches and Marths). I'd like to get better with Yoshi as a third but after having just bought Yoshi's Island DS I'm not so sure anymore. How could they butcher it so badly!? Man, I'm never buying another Nintendo published game again...


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
aight, im' da_bune101 at hotmail dot com (again feelf ree to add me anyone)

i'll give ya directions over msn to anyone who cares :)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
If you guys want to get some practice in tomorrow, I have some people coming over to my house, but we could squeeze a few hours in.. maybe at 7:00? The only catch is that this commitment prevents me from going out. I live within 10 minutes walking distance of Bayview transit station.

Leave a note here if you plan on coming over (can't check my e-mail from work). A good plan might be for you guys to meet up at Ben's, then come over at 7:00? (Ben knows where I live) That's not important, but either way, let me know if you're up for it Harold, and I'll call you with directions around 5:30.

Or I'll give you guys a call if I end up being able to go out and/or if I can start things earlier.


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2008
Thanks everyone for identifying themselves so far. Orlando I didn't know and yes Fogel if I were ******** on top of downs I could still figure you out, lol!

If anyone wants to become my friend (please be my friend!) or just add me to their MSN me address is darkermoon @ hotmail dot com. I'm always up for some conversation on the latest fashion and celebrities (aka smash, bank loans and pron).

Ben, watch out for Harold's spikes and Up Smashes, he'll aim for you more than the enemy.

I need to win a Biweekly so that I can eat :( SAUS is now representing me!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Next Thursday sounds pretty good. As for today, I would like to come but having an odd amount of players wouldnt really work especially since youll probably be wanting to do alot of teams practice (Mostly for Harold :p).

Sorry if there was any confusion, I was talking about next wednesday. I also forgot about it being Canada day next tuesday. Which should be a day off to most people, so this could also be a viable smash fest day, one that begins and ends alot earlier. Assuming you and everyone else is free that day.

I can also help setup with Harold, but I dont remember if you have access to the church before Saturday or not.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON

I've had my Gamertag for ~6 years now ^_^ Amusingly enough, some authour has named the main character in her book Jazriel. Something about some lesbo female vampire or something.

Just a heads up: This Friday afternoon I'm going with my mom to my family's cottage for ~1 month. I'm going to see if I she'll take me back to O-town for ToS5.

Nice playing with all of you guys, a bit of a shame I didn't meet the new guys, but mayhaps I'll see you guys in a month or so.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Who hear would make the journey to Toronto for a smash tournament (Melee guaranteed with pools can't say if we'd even have Brawl or not) *Pokes Cbone*


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I don't work Friday (the one before ToS5) and I, naturally, got the ToS5 day off so if you want any help with anything (setting things up, cleaning, etc.) I'm available.
I may take you up on your offer actually...I will have the key to the church this time so I may show up early on Saturday to set things up. If that's the case I'll ask you to come over early too.

Sorry if there was any confusion, I was talking about next wednesday. I also forgot about it being Canada day next tuesday. Which should be a day off to most people, so this could also be a viable smash fest day, one that begins and ends alot earlier. Assuming you and everyone else is free that day.

I can also help setup with Harold, but I dont remember if you have access to the church before Saturday or not.
The smashfest will have to stay on Wednesday; Canada Day is no good for me, I've already got plans. Also for helping me set up, see what I wrote for Harold :)


I've had my Gamertag for ~6 years now ^_^ Amusingly enough, some authour has named the main character in her book Jazriel. Something about some lesbo female vampire or something.

Just a heads up: This Friday afternoon I'm going with my mom to my family's cottage for ~1 month. I'm going to see if I she'll take me back to O-town for ToS5.

Nice playing with all of you guys, a bit of a shame I didn't meet the new guys, but mayhaps I'll see you guys in a month or so.
Lesbian vampires sounds pretty hot to me.

It's a shame you have to leave for a month, especially when we didn't even get to play you much this month :( Hope to see you soon!

Who hear would make the journey to Toronto for a smash tournament (Melee guaranteed with pools can't say if we'd even have Brawl or not) *Pokes Cbone*
It depends on the week; myself, Cbone, Phrozn, and Arsenic may be able to head down if the timing's good.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Jaz: :( I really hope you can make it for ToS5.

Everybody else: you guys all better watch out! Turned out that Benjamin and I made for a pretty decent team. Lucas and ROB are going to be pitching some tents and roasting marshmellows while they double camp the **** out of everybody! Ban Jungle Japes and we're going to Norfair! Ban that and Jungle Japes it'll be! We will single-handedly make the doubles tournament take the whole day! :laugh:

Now if I can just cool it with up-smashing my partner...

Edit: Retlaf, going to your place yesterday was definitely worth the price of admission. :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
I'm glad you and Ben decided to come practice with us in the end. Once again, sorry about the whole answering thing. If it happens again, it's totally okay (even encouraged) for anybody I've invited to come right in and head to the attic, and my parents know I tell this to people, so they're totally cool with it if they see you on the way up.

Regardless, I think the TRUE team to phear is Yoshi x Lucario... WATCH OUT!

By the way, is it alright if I bring my partner to the smashfest tomorrow? We would probably show up at around 6:30.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hey, what with the tournament looming over the horizen (and my needing to win it so I can buy some arcade sticks so I can dump Brawl for Third Strike :laugh:), is anybody up for some extra pre-tournament practice? Playing against Ben and Andrew showed me that I suck and that I really need to get better at playing against new people. So, if anybody is interested in getting together and playing give me a call (829-6076), e-mail (ivaneva@hotmail.com), or board message.

I'm available:
Friday 27th: all day except for Smashfest.
Tuesday 1st: all day since Canada Days no longer excites me.
Wednesday 2nd: all day.

I especially need practice against Marths (Orlando) since I'll be sticking with Lucas for the tournament.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Yes!!! lucas!! um, i'll have to get back to you, but me and derek may be interested to play some on the 1st. I'll have to see. But i'm baaadd at that game haha


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Fogel, what time would work best for you? We're looking at late August or September. How would the last weekend of August be for you guys?
I can't speak for the other guys, but last week of August should be good for me. I'll ask them about it at the smashfest today.

Hey, what with the tournament looming over the horizen (and my needing to win it so I can buy some arcade sticks so I can dump Brawl for Third Strike :laugh:), is anybody up for some extra pre-tournament practice? Playing against Ben and Andrew showed me that I suck and that I really need to get better at playing against new people. So, if anybody is interested in getting together and playing give me a call (829-6076), e-mail (ivaneva@hotmail.com), or board message.

I'm available:
Friday 27th: all day except for Smashfest.
Tuesday 1st: all day since Canada Days no longer excites me.
Wednesday 2nd: all day.

I especially need practice against Marths (Orlando) since I'll be sticking with Lucas for the tournament.
Just a reminder, there will be a smashfest on Wednesday the 2nd so you can get in some practice there.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
Im down for the 1st, I need the Yoshi(:p)/GW practice. I might be doing something later on in the day though. I can head to your house on Tuesday after work if you're not busy.

See you around Mason.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
me and derek...
It's Derek and I! :chuckle:

Smashfest on Wednesday is good but I'll probably be playing all day beforehand (all the while getting fatter off pizza). I need to be so good at that Smashfest that when I go up against Derek at the tournament he'll just put down his controller since I'll have already proven how much I dominate him (i.e I'll be running away like a little *****).

Yeah Orlando, pop on in whenever. The only thing I'll be busy with next week is Smash! :laugh: (and after the tournament I probably won't touch it for a few weeks).

As a side story: I was beating my brother so badly yesterday that I got him to lose his temper. He actually tossed his controller away and was all pissy for a long while after (although, according to him it was partly due to my overly savage taunts while we play). My Lucas laughs at Game and Watches now! He's not taking anymore of that 2D bull****. I still need some Marth/Metaknight practice though...


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
As a side story: I was beating my brother so badly yesterday that I got him to lose his temper. He actually tossed his controller away and was all pissy for a long while after (although, according to him it was partly due to my overly savage taunts while we play). My Lucas laughs at Game and Watches now! He's not taking anymore of that 2D bull****. I still need some Marth/Metaknight practice though...
Did you yell at him for not showing up for the bi-weekly while insulting his older brother?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
It's Derek and I! :chuckle:

Smashfest on Wednesday is good but I'll probably be playing all day beforehand (all the while getting fatter off pizza). I need to be so good at that Smashfest that when I go up against Derek at the tournament he'll just put down his controller since I'll have already proven how much I dominate him (i.e I'll be running away like a little *****).

Yeah Orlando, pop on in whenever. The only thing I'll be busy with next week is Smash! :laugh: (and after the tournament I probably won't touch it for a few weeks).

As a side story: I was beating my brother so badly yesterday that I got him to lose his temper. He actually tossed his controller away and was all pissy for a long while after (although, according to him it was partly due to my overly savage taunts while we play). My Lucas laughs at Game and Watches now! He's not taking anymore of that 2D bull****. I still need some Marth/Metaknight practice though...
I think we said the same thing before we went to that melee tournament. Unless you come first im pretty sure youll still be playing :p.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Does anybody else think it's hilarious that when you type in 'Ottawa' on the search thingy (since I keep forgetting to bookmark this page) the first page that comes up is 'Gay Smashers'?

Cameron, how does pausing work in the tournament? If you accidentally pause does that make you forfeit? Are you going to turn pausing off? I need to know so that I can accidentally pause when my brother tries to do fancy **** while he's recovering. ;)


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
This is probably god's way of punishing Ottawa for that 7:00 minute match on Jungle Japes.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
If you think that's bad, wait until you see just how horrible my brother is learning to become. We've been practicing with timed stock matches, a la tournament rules, and we've learned a few new things. Primarily, how Gay and Watch is the king of lamo campers. He can up-air stall you for a while as well as double jump to parachute to slowly drift in the air. It's brutal.

On an irrelevant note, I'm going to be trading/EBGaying these games so if anybody has any DS game they're willing to trade for one I'll probably go for it:
- Yoshi's Island DS
- Yoshi's Touch and Go (I'm also never using Yoshi again in any video game!)
- Big Brain Academy
- Cooking Mama
- Final Fantasy III
- Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
- Marvel Nemesis
- Pac-Pix
- Sprung
- Viewtiful Joe


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2007
Harold! No! You can't give up on yoshi!!

Unless you mean... all video games ~besides~ smash?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Ottawa Ontario
How can you let Marvel Nemesis go? Its the best game ever.

Anyone here thats going to ToS5 in a car/van with extra room for me + tv (heck even just room for the tv would be good)? I wouldnt really want 2 stock pool matches and no friendlies. We need to step it up, 5 days left!


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Reminder: Smashfest is on Wednesday, 5-10:30pm. No Biweekly this week because we don't have time. Also, there is NO smashfest on Friday.

Does anybody else think it's hilarious that when you type in 'Ottawa' on the search thingy (since I keep forgetting to bookmark this page) the first page that comes up is 'Gay Smashers'?

Cameron, how does pausing work in the tournament? If you accidentally pause does that make you forfeit? Are you going to turn pausing off? I need to know so that I can accidentally pause when my brother tries to do fancy **** while he's recovering. ;)
c+p from the ToS5 rules:

No pausing during a match unless there is a good reason. If you pause repeatedly for no good reason, you may forfeit that match at the discretion of tournament staff.

How can you let Marvel Nemesis go? Its the best game ever.

Anyone here thats going to ToS5 in a car/van with extra room for me + tv (heck even just room for the tv would be good)? I wouldnt really want 2 stock pool matches and no friendlies. We need to step it up, 5 days left!
Provided I don't end up having to drive any out-of-towners around Saturday morning I can pick you up. However, some Toronto/Niagara will be driving here, others are sure they are coming but haven't yet told me how they are getting here/what nights they are staying. Since no one else is really volunteering to house/drive people it's my responsibility as tourney host to take care of them, so it's not 100% for sure that I can drive you.
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