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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Cadet
Oct 22, 2006
Ottawa, Canada
I got my Dazzle set up to record matches, so if anyone needs someone to sit in on a match (SD at start) and record give me a yell. Also Im down to fight anyone, but Suo is the only one who seems to wanna fight with me :/


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
I think we need to make a better system for figuring out who can bring a Wii. It's a bit of a hassle for me to be bringing a Wii to the smashfests and then to come home and set it up (the problem is mostly on my end though). Because of this I haven't played Brawl since Saturday morning, otherwise I would've been on to play Suo and Unexplanetory and stuffs. Maybe I'll just play Brawl on the Wii they already have here and beat the SSE all over again >_>

Hahahaha ThatGuy, we should definitely get some games in. Apparently I'm better than most people on B.net even though I've only played like 30 games in total. Playing 2v2's with Sh0ck where I 9-pool-**** some noob who goes forge -> cannon and then we double team the last guy, too good.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Less SC, More FD guys, the thread lately has been a bunch of starcraft.

Anyways, back on the topic of Smash. I played Daisy-Fan from Montreal online yesterday and he has some interesting tricks. Jigglypuff has some kinda weird sliding upsmash...it reminds me of a Luigi or ICs wavedash from SSBM but isn't actually a wavedash. He had a similar trick with Snake, sliding somehow into an upsmash. Anyone know how to do this? I guess I could read through the Brawl forums, but then I'd have to go to the Brawl forums and I don't want to go there :)

Also, his Sonic can forward-B -> jump cancelled fully charged neutral-B, which is very hard to avoid. I think a lot of characters would just auto-lose to someone who does this all the time; sure you can block it but some characters just can't reach Sonic. I could only win with Marth. I think you need either a disjoined hitbox of some kind to outprioritize it (ie: a sword) or good projectiles which can go upwards fast. Also, his Up-B trampoline can screw over people's recoveries (!). Just jump/fall off the stage and Up-B so that the trampoline will hit them as they try to recover. A Sonic that does all of these things is pretty hard to fight against.

edit: April 1 is funny


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2006
Kingston, ON
k like wtf is going on here? freakin smashboards is like changing what i'm trying to say with different words!

april fools ftw(L?)


Smash Rookie
Dec 1, 2006
Gatineau, Qc
Alright, guess I'll have to re-introduce myself since my other post got ignored pretty much when I asked if anyone lived near the Fournier/Portage area.

Name's Matt, I'm a friend of Wak's (who's too much of a poor **** to afford a Wii and mooches off mine for Brawl). I wasn't really serious in Melee because the speed usually ****ed me up and the game had matured too much for me to catch up to an actual skill level that mattered.

I live in Gatineau on the shore of the river, so I'm pretty close to Ottawa tho I'm not highly mobile (no driver's license, I'm a lazy ****). I can host stuff at my apartment pretty often, so if people want to come over and play stuff I'm usually up for it if I'm free for the evening or day.

So yeah, I'll try to not be a stupid **** again and post more.

PS: FC for Brawl is 1375-6956-4612 MSN is mattieu.savard@gmail.com if you want to add me to set up games more easily.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario

Anyways, back on the topic of Smash. I played Daisy-Fan from Montreal online yesterday and he has some interesting tricks. Jigglypuff has some kinda weird sliding upsmash...it reminds me of a Luigi or ICs wavedash from SSBM but isn't actually a wavedash. He had a similar trick with Snake, sliding somehow into an upsmash. Anyone know how to do this? I guess I could read through the Brawl forums, but then I'd have to go to the Brawl forums and I don't want to go there :)
Every character can perform that technique Fogel, it was discovered very recently. It's not useful for some characters, and some are very difficult to pull off, but basically it's a dash attack immediately cancelled into an up-smash.
So you gain the momentum of the dash attack, without the animation, thus causing the sliding, wavedash-like effect.

There's a thread on it in 'tactical discussion'

Still loving Sheik, Pokemon Trainer is my second now, for anyone who can deal with her. I've also been checking wi-fi a lot more often lately, usually around 3pm or after 9pm, so look for me guys! :D


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
Alright, guess I'll have to re-introduce myself since my other post got ignored pretty much when I asked if anyone lived near the Fournier/Portage area.

Name's Matt, I'm a friend of Wak's (who's too much of a poor **** to afford a Wii and mooches off mine for Brawl). I wasn't really serious in Melee because the speed usually ****ed me up and the game had matured too much for me to catch up to an actual skill level that mattered.

I live in Gatineau on the shore of the river, so I'm pretty close to Ottawa tho I'm not highly mobile (no driver's license, I'm a lazy ****). I can host stuff at my apartment pretty often, so if people want to come over and play stuff I'm usually up for it if I'm free for the evening or day.

So yeah, I'll try to not be a stupid **** again and post more.

PS: FC for Brawl is 1375-6956-4612 MSN is mattieu.savard@gmail.com if you want to add me to set up games more easily.
Is this the same Matt that plays Falcon and teamed with KAge at SFF3?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Alright, guess I'll have to re-introduce myself since my other post got ignored pretty much when I asked if anyone lived near the Fournier/Portage area.

Name's Matt, I'm a friend of Wak's (who's too much of a poor **** to afford a Wii and mooches off mine for Brawl). I wasn't really serious in Melee because the speed usually ****ed me up and the game had matured too much for me to catch up to an actual skill level that mattered.

I live in Gatineau on the shore of the river, so I'm pretty close to Ottawa tho I'm not highly mobile (no driver's license, I'm a lazy ****). I can host stuff at my apartment pretty often, so if people want to come over and play stuff I'm usually up for it if I'm free for the evening or day.

So yeah, I'll try to not be a stupid **** again and post more.

PS: FC for Brawl is 1375-6956-4612 MSN is mattieu.savard@gmail.com if you want to add me to set up games more easily.
yeah, the problem is none of us are really that highly mobile either. Thats why we usually meet up at camerons, because its within walking distance(for some of us). Sorry =(


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Suo, switching to Shiek? Nice. I like her too, we should have some Shiek dittos and stuff. I'll be bringing my Wii tonight (April 4th), I might be a bit late depending on what school has me up to.

UnclePepe, where is the Fournier/Portage area? If you're close to sh0ck and I, you/we should come over and get some games in. We're around Pretoria Bridge/Queensway or just across from the Glebe.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I'll be coming to the smash fest like always...but I convinced a school mate to come as well, so, just a heads up, he might not come at all. Oh yeah...Advance Wars kicks ***.


Smash Rookie
Dec 1, 2006
Gatineau, Qc
Suo, switching to Shiek? Nice. I like her too, we should have some Shiek dittos and stuff. I'll be bringing my Wii tonight (April 4th), I might be a bit late depending on what school has me up to.

UnclePepe, where is the Fournier/Portage area? If you're close to sh0ck and I, you/we should come over and get some games in. We're around Pretoria Bridge/Queensway or just across from the Glebe.
Fournier and Portage is just over in Hull (the area with the government buildings). Most STO buses (57, 67, 77) get near my place in around 15 minutes but I'm kind of far down the street so there's some walking involved to get to the apartment but nothing outrageous (20 minutes or so during the winter, maybe faster now that this isn't f'n Snowland anymore).


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Suo, switching to Shiek? Nice. I like her too, we should have some Shiek dittos and stuff. I'll be bringing my Wii tonight (April 4th), I might be a bit late depending on what school has me up to.

UnclePepe, where is the Fournier/Portage area? If you're close to sh0ck and I, you/we should come over and get some games in. We're around Pretoria Bridge/Queensway or just across from the Glebe.

Yea Sheik is so fluid, it almost feels like melee :p. Definitely down for some Sheik ditto's.

I won't be coming to the smashfest, I really wanna make it to one, but I've been soooo busy lately.

Wow, if you're just across from the Glebe we don't live that far Jaz, I live over on Rideau st. right near Rideau and Charlotte st.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Yea Sheik is so fluid, it almost feels like melee :p. Definitely down for some Sheik ditto's.

I won't be coming to the smashfest, I really wanna make it to one, but I've been soooo busy lately.

Wow, if you're just across from the Glebe we don't live that far Jaz, I live over on Rideau st. right near Rideau and Charlotte st.
With the new Dash attack canceled into upsmash (the sliding up smash) I started playing sheik but only for fun. did you know you could down tilt, sh fair, into sliding upsmash at 60%? haha too funny


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Alright, guess I'll have to re-introduce myself since my other post got ignored pretty much when I asked if anyone lived near the Fournier/Portage area.

Name's Matt, I'm a friend of Wak's (who's too much of a poor **** to afford a Wii and mooches off mine for Brawl). I wasn't really serious in Melee because the speed usually ****ed me up and the game had matured too much for me to catch up to an actual skill level that mattered.

I live in Gatineau on the shore of the river, so I'm pretty close to Ottawa tho I'm not highly mobile (no driver's license, I'm a lazy ****). I can host stuff at my apartment pretty often, so if people want to come over and play stuff I'm usually up for it if I'm free for the evening or day.

So yeah, I'll try to not be a stupid **** again and post more.

PS: FC for Brawl is 1375-6956-4612 MSN is mattieu.savard@gmail.com if you want to add me to set up games more easily.
Hi Matt, I remember your posts from awhile back. Unfortunately, most of us live in the west end of Ottawa and can't drive :( So it will be hard to meet up.

Every character can perform that technique Fogel, it was discovered very recently. It's not useful for some characters, and some are very difficult to pull off, but basically it's a dash attack immediately cancelled into an up-smash.
So you gain the momentum of the dash attack, without the animation, thus causing the sliding, wavedash-like effect.

There's a thread on it in 'tactical discussion'
Thanks for the heads-up; I think I found the thread in question.

If anyone else wants to see what this is:

Thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=160782
Video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=l7Q2gfVEf0k

Seems pretty useful for quite a few characters.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
With the new Dash attack canceled into upsmash (the sliding up smash) I started playing sheik but only for fun. did you know you could down tilt, sh fair, into sliding upsmash at 60%? haha too funny
Interesting, I've yet to pull of Sheik's sliding upsmash, I find her timing to be very strict, considering how lighning fast her dash attack is.

Is that string un-escapable, or can you air-dodge/di out of it?

P.S. I'll be on wifi for the next few hours on and off.


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Sorry to pull this back to Starcraft, it'll be the last post on it, I promise :(

What gateway do you guys play on? I'm ThatGuy[uF] on USEast but I'm willing to switch over to West if you want. I'll be using the same account name.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hey guys, I'm going to (when I get the time) try organizing a Brawl tournament at Algonquin College soon. What kind of information should I know before hand? Like, how much to charge, prizes, how many people, how many TVs/projectors/etc., how long they usually take, etc.

I've only ever been to one tournament before and it was pretty ghetto so I'm kind of in the dark.


Smash Cadet
Oct 22, 2006
Ottawa, Canada
The Toronto bi-weeklies do their prizes 60% to First, 30% to second, 10% to third I think. Other then that I dunno. Also, do it at Ottawa U, pfft algonquin.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Sorry to pull this back to Starcraft, it'll be the last post on it, I promise :(

What gateway do you guys play on? I'm ThatGuy[uF] on USEast but I'm willing to switch over to West if you want. I'll be using the same account name.
We play on USEast, usually in channel "Brawl". I'm Jazriel and Cbone's Cbone on the realm.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Phil is liking Melee more still, and there's a dedicated melee Tube so far.

Btw Joel, I play Hamachi with my (noob) friend a lot, if you want the server and stuffs send me a PM.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Ottawa U tourney would be awesome, cuz I live right near there :p

I'll be on Wi-fi on-and-off for most of the day today, if anyone wants to play.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Ottawa U tourney would be awesome, cuz I live right near there :p

I'll be on Wi-fi on-and-off for most of the day today, if anyone wants to play.
You live right by Ottawa U? I'm close to that area, we should plan a day to play some smash in the same room :p


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Wow, if you're just across from the Glebe we don't live that far Jaz, I live over on Rideau st. right near Rideau and Charlotte st.
Hehe, from the top of this page :p

You live right by Ottawa U? I'm close to that area, we should plan a day to play some smash in the same room :p
Yea definitely, I live just over on Rideau St. I'd definitely be down for some smash. Lemme know sometime that you're free in the coming weeks.
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