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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Lol Suo, I noticed your first post just after I posted. Anyways, I checked out where you live on Google Maps and you're just a few blocks behind Ottawa U, so that's about a 30-50 minute walk for me. I'm fairly certain I'm free this Sunday. Maybe sh0ck could come as well.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I'll be on Wi-fi tonight guys. I need some real opponents for my Sheik.

Everyone liking brawl? I have renewed enthusiasm.:bee:


Smash Rookie
Mar 16, 2008
Ottawa right now
Hey guys, I thought you might be interested in watching the movie we made from the Carelton Lan party tournament. I don't know if anyone here knows Orlando, but I met him there. He was talking about smashfests so I assume some of you guys know him. Anyways enjoy the video it has 3 parts, the tournament footage is in part 3 but I still encourage you to watch them all. Im on Ottawa U campus, if anyone wants to play sometime. (preferably melee, but brawl too). We got brawl, but no one is feeling it really :( still a great game, but melee always finds its way into the Wii. Anyhow, enjoy the video.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
There are guys at Carleton and Ottawa U? If you're in the neighbourhood of Ottawa U there's 3 of us near you. We should definitely hook it up sometime.

And that 3rd video is pretty funny. That Fox in the finals was pretty bad though (as was the Ness) ^_^ The music was cool.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
I'm just across the Queensway, near the Canal and Main St. Sh0ck lives a block behind me. And Suo lives East of the University, around Rideau St.

Suo's trying to see if he can have people over for this Sunday. I'm definitely going if it's happening and if I can talk to Sh0ck to see if he can come, it'll be up to Suo's plans if you could also come.

Other than that, I wouldn't mind going to Ottawa U to play some smash, feel free to PM me directions or a meeting place. I'm somewhat familiar with the layout of the place and I know how to get there.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hey guys, I thought you might be interested in watching the movie we made from the Carelton Lan party tournament. I don't know if anyone here knows Orlando, but I met him there. He was talking about smashfests so I assume some of you guys know him. Anyways enjoy the video it has 3 parts, the tournament footage is in part 3 but I still encourage you to watch them all. Im on Ottawa U campus, if anyone wants to play sometime. (preferably melee, but brawl too). We got brawl, but no one is feeling it really :( still a great game, but melee always finds its way into the Wii. Anyhow, enjoy the video.
Nice little documentary. Pretty entertaining. I'm an old friend of Orlando's and, in fact, I was supposed to come to your tournament thingy... until the ******** organizer completely changed the time for the Melee tournament last minute. Yes, I'm still bitter that my Roy didn't get a chance to murder everybody. :ohwell:

As for nobody feeling Brawl, well, the same thing happened with Street Fighter III so I'm assuming it'll just be a matter of time. Even better, both will have a fair share of tournaments.

By the way, out of curiosity (for the Brawl players), who's everybody's mains and secondaries and such? I main Lucas with Samus, Bowser, and Ike as my current secondaries (after my brother beats my Lucas too many times... with Donkey Kong. :urg:).


Smash Rookie
Mar 16, 2008
Ottawa right now
I've been using Lucas as well, secondary=Falcon. Glad you liked the video, you should come see how your Roy does against us sometime :) We've all been playing so much smash but don't get to play other skilled players. Would be fun


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Suo's trying to see if he can have people over for this Sunday. I'm definitely going if it's happening and if I can talk to Sh0ck to see if he can come, it'll be up to Suo's plans if you could also come.
Sorry guys, my girlfriend has coerced me into going with her to a friends birthday, so I cannot host this sunday :(. If I can make it happen another weekend, I'll be sure to let you know.

By the way, out of curiosity (for the Brawl players), who's everybody's mains and secondaries and such? I main Lucas with Samus, Bowser, and Ike as my current secondaries (after my brother beats my Lucas too many times... with Donkey Kong. :urg:).
Right now Im maining Sheik, with my second being Pokemon Trainer.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
By the way, out of curiosity (for the Brawl players), who's everybody's mains and secondaries and such? I main Lucas with Samus, Bowser, and Ike as my current secondaries (after my brother beats my Lucas too many times... with Donkey Kong. :urg:).
I'm maining Snake and probally secondary-ing Ike/Fox. In the melee scene, I might main sheik and secondary samus and roy. :D


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Aww, that's too bad Suo. Maybe Redline and Sh0ck and I can hook something up. Good to hear DK is owning some Lucas. PK Spam!

I main Ninjachu and looking at Lucario second or someone. I wanna main Random and now that I'm familiar with all the chars I might main Ninjachu and second random or somesuch.

In melee (which I still want to play) I main Falco and either I'll stick to that or I'll pick something crazy, like Fox or Mario.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I'm back from vacation :)

Smashfest is on this Friday for now, but there's an important meeting I have to go to which will be on an unknown day this week. If it ends up being on Friday I will have to cancel the Smashfest again.

Sorry to pull this back to Starcraft, it'll be the last post on it, I promise :(

What gateway do you guys play on? I'm ThatGuy[uF] on USEast but I'm willing to switch over to West if you want. I'll be using the same account name.
I'm Fogel on USEast (currently maining Terran, if you care). Personally I think the Starcraft posts are all right, it's not like they are cluttering the thread that much!

Hey guys, I'm going to (when I get the time) try organizing a Brawl tournament at Algonquin College soon. What kind of information should I know before hand? Like, how much to charge, prizes, how many people, how many TVs/projectors/etc., how long they usually take, etc.

I've only ever been to one tournament before and it was pretty ghetto so I'm kind of in the dark.
Prizes are usually a split of the tourney cash pot, 60/30/10 or 65/25/10 for the top 3 placers is pretty standard. As for the number of people; for comparison, I ran all of the SWF Ottawa Melee tourneys and usually got low-mid 30s as far as attendance. However, Brawl is a completely new game and there are a lot of newcomers, so if more than that showed I wouldn't be surprised.

For TVs, most tourneys ask people to bring their own. Canadian tourneys (especially a 'small' city like Ottawa) don't have enough people for organizers to afford renting all of the TVs they need. At my tourneys we usually had 10-12 TVs, which was pretty good for the size. You usually need about a 3:1 ratio of people to TVs, any more than that and there will be a lot of people waiting around to get games in.

To get started, I'd suggest heading to the tournament listings forum, read some tourney threads and see what they're doing as far as rulesets. Those should give you some ideas for what kind of things you'd like for your own.

Just a heads-up, Montreal and Toronto smashers may be interested in this and if they show up, they could want overnight housing. You should check if people you know are willing to house any of them first.

Feel free to post in here if you want any other advice, a bunch of people who read this thread know what they're doing.

By the way, out of curiosity (for the Brawl players), who's everybody's mains and secondaries and such? I main Lucas with Samus, Bowser, and Ike as my current secondaries (after my brother beats my Lucas too many times... with Donkey Kong. :urg:).
To be honest I'm still not sure; there are a lot of characters I like. However, when I really want to win, I find I'm Marth or Fox usually.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Good games today Damax, How was the lag on your end?
it was somewhat bad... I still have a hard time with most things I try to pull while online. I haven't been able to do my Sonic Spindash combo. (Basically footstoolin someone after a spindash combo and then tech chasing haha too good)

Beside I feel you got better somehow than last time. You are still rather easy to trick though and you should try to adapt more quickly. you specially had a hard time against snake's wavedash


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
it was somewhat bad... I still have a hard time with most things I try to pull while online. I haven't been able to do my Sonic Spindash combo. (Basically footstoolin someone after a spindash combo and then tech chasing haha too good)
Yea same here, there seems to be persistent lag for me. I find it really nerfs my air game, and if Im not really focused, I fall into bad habits.

Beside I feel you got better somehow than last time. You are still rather easy to trick though and you should try to adapt more quickly. you specially had a hard time against snake's wavedash
Yea I think I have gotten better, Ive been playing a fair ammount of brawl, not enough against real players though. Yea one of my weaknesses is definitely mental, I notice that I become predictable a lot, and fall into traps. Yep, as of right now Snake owns my Sheik :(

Again, good games Damax, hopefully we can play again soon.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Yea same here, there seems to be persistent lag for me. I find it really nerfs my air game, and if Im not really focused, I fall into bad habits.

Yea I think I have gotten better, Ive been playing a fair ammount of brawl, not enough against real players though. Yea one of my weaknesses is definitely mental, I notice that I become predictable a lot, and fall into traps. Yep, as of right now Snake owns my Sheik :(

Again, good games Damax, hopefully we can play again soon.
I had worst with someone today. input lag was better, but there was spike lags, really weird.

actually it was funny about predictability. at some point I had sonic and was short hopping. it baited once, then I repeated 2 times and got free hits, then you changed and charged with a nair. got it once then I air dodge it haha. I'm not always like that though, I was focusing on seeing how you were reacting and teaching my roomate so I had to look cool and adapt fast lol :p


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hey Suo, have you ever gone to one of Fogel's Smashfests? I'm curious to know who you are. I'm still having so much trouble remembering people's names/usernames. I'm Harold, by the way (dude with glasses and long hair).


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Hey Suo, have you ever gone to one of Fogel's Smashfests? I'm curious to know who you are. I'm still having so much trouble remembering people's names/usernames. I'm Harold, by the way (dude with glasses and long hair).
I'm pretty sure he hasn't been to a smashfest yet.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Hey Suo, have you ever gone to one of Fogel's Smashfests? I'm curious to know who you are. I'm still having so much trouble remembering people's names/usernames. I'm Harold, by the way (dude with glasses and long hair).
I'm pretty sure he hasn't been to a smashfest yet.
No smashfest for me yet :) I really wanna make it out to one once my schedule cools down a bit.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Since we have quite a few people (4 lol) in the area, we should have our own smashfests or bi-weeklies or somesuch. If Redline has room at his dorm we could meet there.

Speaking of which, I didn't continue looking for people to smash with this past weekend because I became sick, but next weekend/Sunday we definitely need to schedule something. Sh0ck is moving on the 24thish so I don't know if he'll be able to come, but the three of us (Suo, Redline, and myself) and Redline's friends should be enough to have some fun for a few hours. I'm down for both Brawl and melee, so time will tell what's going to happen.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Since we have quite a few people (4 lol) in the area, we should have our own smashfests or bi-weeklies or somesuch. If Redline has room at his dorm we could meet there.
Yea it's a good idea, I have possibly 2 other friends who would probably be able to attend regularly.

Speaking of which, I didn't continue looking for people to smash with this past weekend because I became sick, but next weekend/Sunday we definitely need to schedule something. Sh0ck is moving on the 24thish so I don't know if he'll be able to come, but the three of us (Suo, Redline, and myself) and Redline's friends should be enough to have some fun for a few hours. I'm down for both Brawl and melee, so time will tell what's going to happen.
I'm super busy in the next two months, as Im cramming to graduate, but I'll do my best to try to be available for something. I've been on wifi a lot, whenever I have a spare hour or so.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
No doubt Jaz. I'm at school so I cant check that link.

I'm gonna try to get on Wi-fi tonight from 10-11, if anyone wants to play leave me a post here or pm :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I wanted to share this, not to say Brawl is good or not worse than melee, just for show:
That video is wicked.

So who's beasting brawl in Ottawa, who's playing what char? Is Eric still alive?
I'm having trouble playing Ottawa people consistently/lag-free, but some honorable mention for beasting: Damax (sorta Ottawa haha) and IvanEva
Jazriel was pretty good when I last played him too.

Right now Im playing Sheik, seconding PKM Trainer, thinking of switching to Toon Link, just cuz Phantom Hourglass is so awesome.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Smashfest is still on for Friday. I didn't get any emails about any meetings yet, and it's kind of too late for them to try and schedule a Friday night meeting now.

No probs Suo, I'm the last person to tell you to put something above school work.

I wanted to share this, not to say Brawl is good or not worse than melee, just for show:
Cool vid, looks like most of those combos were genuine combos too (ie: can't get out of them). I look forward to these kind of things becoming more commonplace in Brawl!

So who's beasting brawl in Ottawa, who's playing what char? Is Eric still alive?
Your feeble attempt to get competitive information on us fails. As for Eric, I haven't heard from him since before Brawl was released. I don't think any of the Gnewbs are into Brawl :(


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2006
Kingston, ON
but there's still me!
i'll play both. haven't i said this like 295745345 times? or do i not count as a Gnewb?

oh, and jazriel and co. i live in the glebe. well, i will when i get back from kingston that is.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Lovely, maybe the Glebe area can have it's own smashfests soon enough.

By the looks of it I won't be coming to this smashfest (the 18th), so that means one less Wii and copy of Brawl.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Anyone but me play a good Wolf in Ottawa? I'm looking for some competition.
Welcome to the Ottawa thread, if you're looking for the directions to our weekly smashfests send a PM to Fogel. As for competition, I'm sure you'll find most of us good if not excellent competition. I believe Saus's brother mains Wolf and the rest of us could probably go a few rounds with him.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I'm always up for both, and you know it phil :D. Oh yeah...I'll be at the samshfest in about an hour.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Is the smashfest an online thing?
As I said, if you're looking for directions, send a PM to Fogel. Fogel is the man who hosts the smashfests, which is a weekly event where we all gather Friday night to play smash at his house. As you can see by Mouse's post, melee is still played, albeit on one T.V.

Btw, I've been practicing my Falco in melee some so hopefully I won't suck so much :p Need to own your Ganon some more Phil :psycho:


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Is the smashfest an online thing?
As I said, if you're looking for directions, send a PM to Fogel. Fogel is the man who hosts the smashfests, which is a weekly event where we all gather Friday night to play smash at his house. As you can see by Mouse's post, melee is still played, albeit on one T.V.

Btw, I've been practicing my Falco in melee some so hopefully I won't suck so much :p Need to own your Ganon some more Phil :psycho:


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Is the smashfest an online thing?
As Jazriel said, if you're looking for directions, send a PM to Fogel. Fogel is the man who hosts the smashfests, which is a weekly event where we all gather Friday night to play smash at his house. As you can see by Mouse's post, melee is still played, albeit on one T.V.

Btw, Jazriel has been practicing his Falco in melee some so hopefully he won't suck so much :p Jaz needs to own your Ganon some more Phil :psycho:


Sorry, peer pressure. :p

By the way, Brawl's Rotation mode + Smashfest = perfection. It sucks that it's only winner/loser out but since we're all pretty much equal it works out fine. I can see it becoming the norm.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
i was there, because i'm pro at games XD haha jk. GGz Ivan. ***balls will be back...but this time with marths sword!!! ggz all fun times had. I will most likely continue to show up to smashfests=) they are fun. They are different from melee smashfests...eh mostly the same, i guess it was just different because saus wasn't there haha.
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