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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Cadet
Oct 22, 2006
Ottawa, Canada
Heya, Im new to the boards as far as involvement, but anyway I go to Ottawa U, so im here most of the year. If anyone wants a good fight msn at me mattyriggadaddy@hotmail.com

But aside from that, I was curious about everyones internet connection up here in Ottawa. What is everyone using and are you experiencing problems such as Button Delay mainly?

personally I use Rogers Extreme + the 18mbs connection and still have a hell of a time with button delay (probably because Rogers upload is awful) Anyway, if anyone is having no trouble with their provider could you maybe post here or PM me about who you use? As I would love to be able to have an enjoyable online experience with the game.

Thanks ^^


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Heya, Im new to the boards as far as involvement, but anyway I go to Ottawa U, so im here most of the year. If anyone wants a good fight msn at me mattyriggadaddy@hotmail.com

But aside from that, I was curious about everyones internet connection up here in Ottawa. What is everyone using and are you experiencing problems such as Button Delay mainly?

personally I use Rogers Extreme + the 18mbs connection and still have a hell of a time with button delay (probably because Rogers upload is awful) Anyway, if anyone is having no trouble with their provider could you maybe post here or PM me about who you use? As I would love to be able to have an enjoyable online experience with the game.

Thanks ^^
get the wii lan adapter from nintendo it helps drastically


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Regardless of who's perceived as top tier or not, I'd like to remind people to add everyone in Ottawa to their Friend List. You're only as good as your competition, so it helps everyone if we can get some good matches in.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2006
also mitch got sucha big head.
irony++ :p

We need a brawl tournament sometime soon, preferably after april at some point. Cam, is the church still good for tournaments? Because I remember you saying at some point that they keep upping the price.


Smash Rookie
Nov 17, 2005
Well hello there

Well im not new to the boards at all. I just don't say much. I went to one of fogels first Smashfests in 2006. which I was very humbled by all your play and techniques.

I have added all of your FC to my list and have had mine added to the Ottawa list.
I really can't promise you much of a fight. but its fun to screw around.

For lag and such I find the upload isn't the problem because wifi only uses 2KB/s
I set my wii wireless channel to 11 and my Wii to the Dmz. also turning off other connection to other computers helps a great Deal. I use bell sympatico Dsl which is plenty fast. the only thing I could do to improve my connection is move my wii closer to the router.

I have Yet to get a Green or blue connection. but I have had some lagless (with anyone) without button delay.

Well theres my 2 cents



Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
irony++ :p

We need a brawl tournament sometime soon, preferably after april at some point. Cam, is the church still good for tournaments? Because I remember you saying at some point that they keep upping the price.
LOL <3

many smasher stayed to melee. you'd have to make sure there would be enough people.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Added Hazza, Unexplanatory and TestRider to my friends list.

Im usually on Wi-fi at around 10pm for anyone who has me on their list.

I'd be down for a tourney, as would 2 of my friends.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
About all the metagame discussion we've been having recently, check out this thread, it's Brawl results from a recent Midwest tourney: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=156925

Last tournament we looked at had 2 Metaknights in the top 2, now it's 2 G&Ws! There's a lone Metaknight at 5th; no high-placing Marths or Foxes, which is interesting. No Toon Links either. Looks like the metagame is all over the place, I don't know what to say.

After playing some serious 1v1s last smashfest, it looks like Brawl is very very campy. I hope things don't stay that way, because I don't think I could take a tournament of all campers. I may have to go and main someone aggressive, because camping battles are really annoying.

You can pshield the downair and/or uptilt. You can grab the fox if he attempts ANYTHING (including the upsmash) after his drill. that's about all what he got to combo/do I guess you can predict what he's gonna try to do no?
And Damax is right, you can pshield anything after Fox's dair. It's also extremely easy, just hold L while you're being hit by his dair. It's not nearly as unstoppable a combo as people think it is.

I wasn't saying DK now owns Marth, I meant that there are more tricks to deal with ranged attackers. SAF, easier pshielding, and Marth's drastically reduced range mean I don't think he's as blatantly top tier as he was in melee.
You guys are right, I tried using Fox a bunch last smashfest and it was pretty easy for people to pshield->**** fox out of the dair. The combo IS good when you get it in, though. I still think Fox will be up there in the tier list despite this; I'm sure people will find other ways to keep the combos going..

I'm from the Mtltd http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=35671
add me 2878-9333-2277.
@Ottawa people: You guys might wanna consider adding RaIph and the Montreal players, their FCs are all in their thread's first post. They're only 2 hours away so lag won't be bad. Unless you're sooooo e-popular that your friend list is full, it should be pretty easy to have all the Ottawa+Mtl smashers in the list at the same time.

the homing spin SUCK against a player with half of a monkey's brain. Seriously, worst edgeguard ever, never hit.

I'm mean and I throll were needed. also mitch got sucha big head.
At least you're honest ;)

Heya, Im new to the boards as far as involvement, but anyway I go to Ottawa U, so im here most of the year. If anyone wants a good fight msn at me mattyriggadaddy@hotmail.com

But aside from that, I was curious about everyones internet connection up here in Ottawa. What is everyone using and are you experiencing problems such as Button Delay mainly?

personally I use Rogers Extreme + the 18mbs connection and still have a hell of a time with button delay (probably because Rogers upload is awful) Anyway, if anyone is having no trouble with their provider could you maybe post here or PM me about who you use? As I would love to be able to have an enjoyable online experience with the game.

Thanks ^^
I've got whichever Rogers is the one under Extreme...I think Express? The connection is something like 5MB-7MB down. I'm using the Nintendo Wi-fi adapter right now but am considering getting the wired connection, since I'm currently getting half a second button lag. The only one in Ottawa who doesn't think online sucks is Jazriel, so it'll be interesting to see what ISP he uses.

irony++ :p

We need a brawl tournament sometime soon, preferably after april at some point. Cam, is the church still good for tournaments? Because I remember you saying at some point that they keep upping the price.
I need my Lunar 2 to help me run tournaments, it's like my support blanket.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
"Very, very campy"? Adam West Batman campiness or are we talking about something like Smokey Bear? :p

I wouldn't say that it's campy so much as slower. It's more important to pick your shots than it is to run in with a crazy offense, Melee style. It's like the differences between Marvel vs. Capcom and Street Fighter III (the latter being more like Brawl in it's importance of poking, mind games, and counters). I'm not sure who you were playing that was so campy but everybody that I've been playing has been very much on the offensive. Heck, I find that sitting back being defensive is a surefire way to get punished. Powershielding rocks but it cannot beat good spacing.

This is very much a game of spacing.

By the way, I love the thought of a Brawl tournament here in Ottawa. I'm itching to prove my Lucas against other players. He's slowly getting better. Sometimes very slowly but he's still getting there. Now if only his rope snake didn't take four seconds to come out... and another ten to get pulled back...


Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2005
Kanata, Ontario
Who exactly has stuck to melee? I can see Kage staying because he primed very late in the melee era. I've also heard pkm and bam dislike brawl so I see them sticking to melee. Other than that who isn't digging brawl? I just see it as separating those that played melee too seriously and those willing to make a switch.

I bought the wired connection for my Wii and I've had a few blue matches with my friend online and a general increase of speeds and little input lag.

Test and Chet: I'll add you guys for some online matches, but I imagine Chet's snake will either camp out in his box or try to hump my character's leg.

Rest of Ottawa community: No more arguments about tiers. Focus on getting good so we can beat Toronto this time around! Yah that's right T.O lurkers YOUR DAYS AS CHAMPS ARE NUMBERED.

And kirbykaze next tourney we're enforcing a strict no pajama dress code. Those were pajamas right? Man toronto's fashion's gone wacky.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Who exactly has stuck to melee? I can see Kage staying because he primed very late in the melee era. I've also heard pkm and bam dislike brawl so I see them sticking to melee. Other than that who isn't digging brawl? I just see it as separating those that played melee too seriously and those willing to make a switch.

I bought the wired connection for my Wii and I've had a few blue matches with my friend online and a general increase of speeds and little input lag.

Test and Chet: I'll add you guys for some online matches, but I imagine Chet's snake will either camp out in his box or try to hump my character's leg.

Rest of Ottawa community: No more arguments about tiers. Focus on getting good so we can beat Toronto this time around! Yah that's right T.O lurkers YOUR DAYS AS CHAMPS ARE NUMBERED.

And kirbykaze next tourney we're enforcing a strict no pajama dress code. Those were pajamas right? Man toronto's fashion's gone wacky.
I believe me and vwin are jumping, bam could jump but prolly won't. Kage is emo.

I wanna play you online locke, wired connection ftw. 2x wired connection for leetness

we neef ur friendz codez lockez


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
After playing some serious 1v1s last smashfest, it looks like Brawl is very very campy. I hope things don't stay that way, because I don't think I could take a tournament of all campers. I may have to go and main someone aggressive, because camping battles are really annoying.
I kind of see what you're saying here Fogel. My two friends who smash, and my main competition, play extremely campy. In particular with Pit, arrows arrows arrows, f-smash or d-smash, both are ridiculously quick for him.

For a while it was beyond frustrating, but 90% of the projectiles in the game can be shorthopped-airdodge'd right through, and once your in that midrange-short range, it's just about patience and baiting.

I think a lot of the early game will involve some expert campers, but I also think that it's only a mediocre strategy overall, it seems very effective, but breaks down under scrutiny and your own counter-strategy. (Took what felt like 2000 of Pit's spammed arrows before I started beating him.)

GGs Suo, I needed more experience against Pokemon Trainer. Thanks for your time.
Hey Testrider! The lag was terrible, But the games were good, your Lucas is really solid. I look forward to playing you and everyone else in any upcoming smashfests/tourneys.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Quick question for Jazriel: How did you do that thingy where Ninjachu does a little hop to the side after bringing down a lighting bolt? I couldn't find it on the Pika thread.

Oh, after getting disconnected online I've decided to never play online again (or at least until I hear of Nintendo buying more than one server :p ). That being said, I hope to play all of you at the next Smashfest.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Yo Ottawa, whats going on? Yeah, we got a tournament happenin' around late April. Probably GTA's first Brawl tournament within a proper venue. Y'guys interested? SCRAAA? KPP? NEW PEOPLEZ??

It'd be good to see some of you.

lol @ Locke. I admire your dedication to beat GTA in Brawl. Still play Melee KPP? I don't feel like reading back pages about other stuff said so yeah. I'm curious lol. Count me in that list of Melee lovers and Brawl dislikers. I'll probably come around when this game is actually competitively good lol.

Edit: Oh right, the link.



Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Next smashfest, if you have a Wii be sure to bring it. We did not get a second Wii until the end of the last fest, because everyone just assumed someone else would bring one.

If you are debating bringing a Wii or leaving it at home, just bring it, it's much better than risking sitting around not playing anything. I personally didn't get to play Brawl as much as I wanted to, due to a lack of consoles.

"Very, very campy"? Adam West Batman campiness or are we talking about something like Smokey Bear? :p

I wouldn't say that it's campy so much as slower. It's more important to pick your shots than it is to run in with a crazy offense, Melee style. It's like the differences between Marvel vs. Capcom and Street Fighter III (the latter being more like Brawl in it's importance of poking, mind games, and counters). I'm not sure who you were playing that was so campy but everybody that I've been playing has been very much on the offensive. Heck, I find that sitting back being defensive is a surefire way to get punished. Powershielding rocks but it cannot beat good spacing.

This is very much a game of spacing.
I kind of see what you're saying here Fogel. My two friends who smash, and my main competition, play extremely campy. In particular with Pit, arrows arrows arrows, f-smash or d-smash, both are ridiculously quick for him.

For a while it was beyond frustrating, but 90% of the projectiles in the game can be shorthopped-airdodge'd right through, and once your in that midrange-short range, it's just about patience and baiting.

I think a lot of the early game will involve some expert campers, but I also think that it's only a mediocre strategy overall, it seems very effective, but breaks down under scrutiny and your own counter-strategy. (Took what felt like 2000 of Pit's spammed arrows before I started beating him.)
I played against Arsenic's Snake, Cbone's Toon Link, and Saus' Link last smashfest. Prior to this, I played IvanEva's and Corin's Lucases. The Links spam projectiles until there's an opening which they can combo you from, then retreat and range spam some more. Lucas spams PK fire. Snake sets up traps and basically controls the stage, if you try to keep away he spams missiles until you approach.

Camping is perfectly beatable, but I just personally don't find it fun to play against. In Melee the pace is faster, so you can get in their face and cause trouble more easily; in Brawl it's harder to do due to the slow speeds. I find I usually have to go Marth or Fox to win; both are fast enough to rush in and try to combo. I like Diddy and want to play him more, but he doesn't have much against campers. I've been reading other threads about this topic (there's a good one in Tourney Discussion) and I think I have to just get out of the mindset that projectile camping is lame.

However, having just said all this, I played a few matches online and everyone I played was aggressive (MetaKnight, Marth, Sonic) :p

Who exactly has stuck to melee? I can see Kage staying because he primed very late in the melee era. I've also heard pkm and bam dislike brawl so I see them sticking to melee. Other than that who isn't digging brawl? I just see it as separating those that played melee too seriously and those willing to make a switch.


Rest of Ottawa community: No more arguments about tiers. Focus on getting good so we can beat Toronto this time around! Yah that's right T.O lurkers YOUR DAYS AS CHAMPS ARE NUMBERED.
Myself, Randy, and Ian played Melee a bit last smashfest due to a lack of Wiis, and really enjoyed it. I'll see how Brawl pans out; if I'm not liking it I may go back to Melee, or if I do I'll probably play both games. Personally, Brawl seems ok but I don't know if it's as fun as Melee is. I don't wanna speak for anyone else but I think Ian, Dan, and Randy have about the same opinion as me.

As for the tier arguments, I think they help us get better, since it gives more perspectives as to why certain characters are good. For example, I was talking with Mason about this a bit on MSN last night, and learned something about G&W that I didn't previously. I think it's helpful.

Also, get me back Lunar 2, seriously.

Quick question for Jazriel: How did you do that thingy where Ninjachu does a little hop to the side after bringing down a lighting bolt? I couldn't find it on the Pika thread.

Oh, after getting disconnected online I've decided to never play online again (or at least until I hear of Nintendo buying more than one server :p ). That being said, I hope to play all of you at the next Smashfest.
Just FYI, I've heard that online Smash is peer-to-peer, not server-based.

Yo Ottawa, whats going on? Yeah, we got a tournament happenin' around late April. Probably GTA's first Brawl tournament within a proper venue. Y'guys interested? SCRAAA? KPP? NEW PEOPLEZ??

It'd be good to see some of you.

We'll see, I'll ask the other SCRAers next smashfest since they don't read this thread much. My interest in playing in tourneys has gone down since SFF3.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2006
I'm not to interested in continuing smashfest if everyone makes the jump to brawl. I'd be fine with doing a bit of both if necessary but for now its not worth the trip to spend 6 hours chasing ppl and rolling around alot :S


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I'm not to interested in continuing smashfest if everyone makes the jump to brawl. I'd be fine with doing a bit of both if necessary but for now its not worth the trip to spend 6 hours chasing ppl and rolling around alot :S
I'm sure some of us will continue to play Melee at smashfests. Also, you forgot half a loaf of bread here, which I'm keeping in my freezer for you. You know you want your bread back! Smashfests aren't the same without Phil and his Ganon :)


Smash Cadet
Oct 22, 2006
Ottawa, Canada
As opposed to everyone playing the same 4 characters... They both have their ups and downs, Brawl just seems more balanced, thus makes it better. I guess that's just my opinion, I never got into the advanced techs in melee cause I dunno to me and my friends it seemed lame.

Personally Online + Balance (At least so far) makes Brawl more fun, but I guess fighting spacies and Marth is always a blast too.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
if i've learned anything from debating online is that it is all a point a view. It's pointless to argue about it because typically the two groups of people want to get different things out of the experience. Of course...every one could quit smash and play Starcraft with me =)! haha Brawl is fun but i personally don't think i was ready for a change. Oh well. I'll play brawl or melee (or SC!) it's all good. Overall i agree with cameron, we should give it more time.


Smash Cadet
Oct 22, 2006
Ottawa, Canada
Brawl is fun but i personally don't think i was ready for a change. Oh well. I'll play brawl or melee (or SC!) it's all good. Overall i agree with cameron, we should give it more time.
Alright now I don't want to stir up a lot of **** and turn this humble gathering of Ottawa players into an argument but.. Was Brawl a big change from Melee? I mean of course it was but if you look at it from everyone else's point of view, disregarding all of the competitive players (ie: Wave Dashing, Canceling, etc.) was it a big a change? Everyone I have ever played and this being everyone i've played at some party at Ottawa U did not know techniques, we all just played it at face value. Now don't get me wrong because the Melee meta-game was really neat and im glad it happened, but do you think that if that game was released in any other platform that it wouldn't have been patched and fixed?

For everyone else Brawl was just an updated Melee with all the bugs fixed, granted it became realllly floaty and slower, but it was an improvement at least. The way everyones coming off seems to be they are already "good" at melee and do not want to get "good" at Brawl. Brawl leveled the playing field, it allowed for more people to come in and compete. More people competing sounds like a good idea to me, a bigger community seems like an improvement.

I'm not saying Melee is a bad game, I love Melee and always will since it is the only place Ill be able to play Samus and not feel like Gannon. It just seems like Brawl is going to allow those 20 player tournies to grow exponentially; I mean 8 of my friends want to go one now. But ultimately it's what you like better and maybe that's Melee, also I guess I can't really comment on it since I never did fully explore the Meta-game. Anyways just my thoughts, probably get flamed for this but oh well! Also I would love to play anyone in Melee who uses the Techniques vs myself without them. Ive always been interested to see how I could fare against them, even if it ends with my opponent at 0% no deaths.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Good posts guy, I haven't checked yet but make sure you PM Krilj your FC so he can update the first post of this thread. If you've done so and he hasn't updated, give me a holla and I'll ***** at him on MSN. :p

Ivan, it's fairly simple:

While Pikachu is moving Up: (Note: I'm pretty sure you have to be moving up, though I think I have done one where I was falling)
While Pikachu is moving Left or Right: (Note: I'm pretty sure you need to be at max horizontal speed for this to work)

Use Thunder, and then (not very, but very) quickly press the opposite horizontal direction you were traveling in. At first I thought it was a quarter-circle input, but today I found out you just need to put in the direction.

Tier lists are a fine thing to discuss, as long as people quit assuming dumb things. Of course comps can teach you things ABOUT A BRAND NEW GAME. Like how to escape D3's chain grab. Or to powershield Fox's dair. Or how to shield pressure with Jiggs perfectly. It's a new game and the comps are good, stuff can be learned from them.

And I think Brawl is campy because you just need to learn how to get past it. Try Pit arrow-spamming a level nine and watch them dodge them all. I know Ivan's Lucas was destroying my Pika with his PK fire alone until I got the hang of SH-air dodgeing his stuff, I also had to learn how to use Thunderjolt to counter it and how to get Thunderjolt's inbetween his PK fire.

I've also been learning that Thunderjolt spam isn't that good for Pika. I have to consider the approaches my opponent is using, I also have to consider the lag of the move. When can I use it? When will I know they're going to sit back?

There's also a TJ on the ground, and a Full-Jumped TJ, FJ'd TJ can be punished in its own way, as can TJ on the ground. It all depends on the mindgames and how skilled the enemy is. Noobs I can TJ spam all day, and good people I use it conservatively because it can be punished once people learn how.

Same thing with Thunder. I get 1/2 my kills on noobs with Thunder, but versus comps who DI in odd ways and ALWAYS :mad: Air-dodge through it, it's very rare for me to score a kill with it. Requires patience and mindgames. Predicting and punishing which way they DI. Predicting and punishing what they're going to do as they fall. Mindgaming them into using their air-dodge so I can punish the second they can't do it again, etc.

As you can probably tell, I like Brawl more than melee so far. But I'm up for stomping Phil's Ganon some more with Falco tech skillz. (J/k Phil, mad props for your awesome Ganon).

And Brawl isn't less technical by that much. Pika's auto-cancelled dair is near frame perfect (think DSHL with Fox in Melee). Pika's QAC is very interesting, and is quite technical. And teching is "harder" in Brawl. I think they cut the frames down from 20 to 15 or maybe even 10. A lot of techs that I would get in Melee I'm missing in Brawl. Rawr.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
And Brawl isn't less technical by that much. Pika's auto-cancelled dair is near frame perfect (think DSHL with Fox in Melee). Pika's QAC is very interesting, and is quite technical. And teching is "harder" in Brawl. I think they cut the frames down from 20 to 15 or maybe even 10. A lot of techs that I would get in Melee I'm missing in Brawl. Rawr.
Teching is different: it doesn't work anymore if you hold the shield button right after being hit. you HAVE to press it right before hitting the wall since holding doesn't work anymore.


Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2005
Kanata, Ontario
This thread just got CRAZY philosophical. It's nice to see everyone chipping in their opinion. Here's mine:

Look at the techniques brawl has introduced: Better powershielding, better side dodges, approach air dodges. In my opinion, even though this game has gotten slower in overall movement, its meant to keep you in there once you do get in.

Look at melee, it was just a **** load of running around. Very fast, very move..y but what did all the stuff accomplish? Brawl has shifted the mindgames from movement with wavedashes etc. to getting you in the fight more and kick some *** when you get in their face.

The one thing I don't like about brawl is the lack of cancelling. That's really it. Had l-cancelling been kept in, the speeds would have drastically improved, but I don't consider it a game-breaker.

Now you're all (not all, just saying) complaining about rolling and laser camping, well LEARN. Once Brawl's competitive scene kicks into gear, people are gonna be so pro at punishing rolls they'll get phased out.

Tech a laser, catch the roll, switch into brawl mindset. Or go back to wavedashes no one's making you play the game (It'll free up some internet speed for the rest of us..if that makes sense..not really)

p.s my advice for campers doesnt apply to online lag matches, but online campers are going to hell anyways after I plow em down with the pwn tractor.


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
For example, I was talking with Mason about this a bit on MSN last night, and learned something about G&W that I didn't previously.
I was playing GaW for a good chuck of Sunday against Mason; is this something he learned from me? Probably not, but if so, I'll sure be proud, since he managed to learn something from me while kicking my butt all afternoon.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Gah! I HATE Game and Watch! Hate him! He's my brother's main and it's because of him that I'm paranoid about throwing around PK Fires and such now. He's a perfect counter to Lucas (specifically to a projectile-happy Lucas like mine) if I've ever met one. My Lucas should be made permanently black considering how much oil has been thrown onto his face. That oil bucket has a HUGE unseen radius! I'll suck up anything energy based within three lengths of Final Destination!


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
I was playing GaW for a good chuck of Sunday against Mason; is this something he learned from me? Probably not, but if so, I'll sure be proud, since he managed to learn something from me while kicking my butt all afternoon.
A few things from you, yes. Mostly how annoying G&W can be. There were a few ways you defeated some of my advances and some of his shield pressures are definitely top tier material.

And having a game where Counter and Oil Panic are actually usable certainly is interesting. My (noob) friend plays a counter happy Ike. Fun fun fun watching him stand in front of me countering 3 times in a row, just for me to grab him. :laugh:

[Edit] Oh yeah, at least G&W ditto's are fun to watch. Not like lame Falco/Marth ditto's in melee >_> lol

And GG, the hammer... 17% kills anyone? >_>


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
A few thoughts...

Loving Brawl, even the campiness, I love trying to beat it. So satisfying when you do.

Slowly getting better with Pokemon Trainer.

Online lag is game breaking for me right now, screws up my timing, hoping for a fix...eventually?

@Unexplanatory: I thought Mitch and I were the only Pokemon Trainers? Overall he's an underplayed character, his board is sparsely populated.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2006
What all the melee lovers need to know is that yes brawl is "slower" at the moment, and possibly more spam happy, but that all will change once the game is played for longer. People will learn how to use the moves with the least amount of lag to chain together attacks, new techniques will be found to get rid of lag (like with gdorf if you stomp right when you short hop off the ground, he will have 0 lag when he lands, allowing you do to "melee" like combos). So either keep playing melee or try and figure out the new techniques in a seemingly more balanced game.

And for the spamming/roll spamming. There is always a way around this, and if you can't find one against roll spamming, play brian and roll around all day and observe :p


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
Hey, if anyone is free this afternoon and/or evening and wants to play, send me a PM. I usually work evenings, but worked this morning instead, so I'll be home to check PM's around 4:30. And I have my car, so I am mobile. Hopefully I can get some games in (my house is also available).


Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2003
TestRider posting on Paty's account.

Hey Testrider! The lag was terrible, But the games were good, your Lucas is really solid. I look forward to playing you and everyone else in any upcoming smashfests/tourneys.
Was the lag really that bad? It says I had a blue connection with you, I didn't really get any lag myself.

If I may chip in my 2 cents about the Brawl camping argument...
People are being way too quick about judging the game, yes right now camping seems pretty dominating but then again people have yet to adapt to it, I played Suo for an hour or two and at first he was eating pretty much every PK Fire I would throw at him, but as we played he adapted and tried new strategies (spamming back with Ivysaur, air dodging them, powershielding them...). After an hour or so, only a slight fraction of the PK Fire I threw were actually connecting. Meanwhile I also had to adapt to his Ivysaur projectile spamming, learning that 1) PSI Magnet does not absorb it, and 2) Lucas's forward smash is awesome at reflecting projectiles, unlike Ness's forward smash back in Smash 64 and Melee there is no need to time it precisely now, simply hitting a projectile with it will automatically reflect it back. So anyway my point is, we both learned a lot within a mere 2 hours of playtime, if you guys wanna stop losing to projectile spamming I suggest you stop wasting your time QQing about it on boards and go play the game instead.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
TestRider posting on Paty's account.

Was the lag really that bad? It says I had a blue connection with you, I didn't really get any lag myself.

If I may chip in my 2 cents about the Brawl camping argument...
People are being way too quick about judging the game, yes right now camping seems pretty dominating but then again people have yet to adapt to it, I played Suo for an hour or two and at first he was eating pretty much every PK Fire I would throw at him, but as we played he adapted and tried new strategies (spamming back with Ivysaur, air dodging them, powershielding them...). After an hour or so, only a slight fraction of the PK Fire I threw were actually connecting. Meanwhile I also had to adapt to his Ivysaur projectile spamming, learning that 1) PSI Magnet does not absorb it, and 2) Lucas's forward smash is awesome at reflecting projectiles, unlike Ness's forward smash back in Smash 64 and Melee there is no need to time it precisely now, simply hitting a projectile with it will automatically reflect it back. So anyway my point is, we both learned a lot within a mere 2 hours of playtime, if you guys wanna stop losing to projectile spamming I suggest you stop wasting your time QQing about it on boards and go play the game instead.

Give me back my powershield!!!


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I never said projectile spamming was unbeatable, I said it was annoying to play against. Maybe if I play against it enough I'll stop getting annoyed.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2006
so are we just sticking to brawl for this weeks smashfest??? I think we should have a melee TV :D
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