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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Hm, im not so sure about that cbone, i read online that my router should be giving my wii something like 3 or more green bars i think im at like 2 yellow ones... don't know if this makes any sense... But my lag seems to be pretty large in comparison to other people i've spoken with.
get the usb lan adapter from nintendo, purrfect connection fow sure. **** wifi.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2005
funny you should mention that because i think my parents got one by accident, ill go try and open it now........... KAMEHAMAYHA


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Ninjachu is too much ownage! And apparently there's an infinite regarding his Quick Attack, yay tech skillz.

Apparently Krilj didn't even know smashfests were happening, so I told him to come to the next one. Let's hope he does. :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Heeey guys, added everyone in Fogel's post on page 90, as well as you Jazriel,

is there some sort of Ottawa brawl tourney's? :D Thanks for the add's guys, FC in profile.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Hahaha, good **** Suo. I love how I beat you with every char but my main (Ninjachu, of course). Though that comeback in our last match was pretty epic. 0-death combo on Ivysaur ftw.

Good internet + Smash = Epic Win. No joke.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2006
....................................................................... Boom!!@!@!@!!!!


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I finally set up the Nintendo Wi-fi USB connector on my downstairs comp, so I've got an FC like all the cool people now: 3652-0327-6154. This also means that if other people want to go play online during smashfests, they can now do so.

Personally, I'm not really liking how laggy it is, so don't expect to see me online much. Out of 3 matches against random internet people, the first was so laggy it disconnected me after 20 seconds, the second was pretty badly lagged and it was impossible to time attacks, and the third was unplayably laggy and was like playing in super slo-mo mode. Do matches with people on your friends' list go any faster?

Subspace Emissary is freakin' long, I finally finished it after like 10 hours or so. That last boss was pretty **** broken, half his moves kill you in 1 hit.

Vlad you will be happy to know that I finished unlocking everyone now :p I'm probably still missing some stages and stuff though.

Brian, don't forget about Lunar 2 for next time!

Apparently Krilj didn't even know smashfests were happening, so I told him to come to the next one. Let's hope he does. :)
If he's still active, ask him to put all our FCs in the first post. That way we don't have to lose this thread!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Hahaha, good **** Suo. I love how I beat you with every char but my main (Ninjachu, of course). Though that comeback in our last match was pretty epic. 0-death combo on Ivysaur ftw.

Good internet + Smash = Epic Win. No joke.
Yea! great matches Jazriel. They were some awesome moments, you shoulda heard me in front of my tv! loools, the 0-to death was epic!

I'm still learning Pokemon trainer, my Charizard is getting there, but my Squirtle and Ivysaur are pretty lackluster (as you may have noticed)

btw guys, I'll usually be on early mornings, or around 11pm, because its the only times that my other sibs are off the comps, thus giving me pretty lagless play. :D

I look forward to smashing with more of you, and I'll add you Fogel.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Falcon Punch > Squirtle. Lol.

As for the lag Fogel, with Friends it's a lot better. Out of all my friend matches, only one time was there "bad" lag (not that bad, but to the point that it was hopeless to play seriously with timing and mindgames) and there was one other time where it was lag by like 1/5 of a sec, which was hella annoying.

Other than that I've had a 45 minute game Bowser vs Ike and there was no lag at all. And all my matches with Suo had no lag. I think it's just overloaded servers or somesuch. And I think that the later you play, the less people on, the less lag.

"With Anyone" mode is 3/5 times too laggy to play seriously, and 2/5 times Pika dsmash **** :D They're all noobs on "With Anyone" lawlz.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
Depdsn on how close you are, for all you know you were randomly playing with people in the states, Fogel. I know I've had seriously laggy matches where I just ended up disconnected, and I had about five matches this morning that ran as smooth as if everyone was in my living room.

I saved an epic replay of my Lucas getting 9 KO's in two minutes on these other three guys. Ho-Oh + Assist Trphy + Smash Ball + 3 KOs with a Soccer ball + picking up a Hammer = epic destruction.

Also, my Wolf has been getting way better. Target Smash level 5 in 19 seconds.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Depdsn on how close you are, for all you know you were randomly playing with people in the states, Fogel. I know I've had seriously laggy matches where I just ended up disconnected, and I had about five matches this morning that ran as smooth as if everyone was in my living room.

I saved an epic replay of my Lucas getting 9 KO's in two minutes on these other three guys. Ho-Oh + Assist Trphy + Smash Ball + 3 KOs with a Soccer ball + picking up a Hammer = epic destruction.

Also, my Wolf has been getting way better. Target Smash level 5 in 19 seconds.
target smash? you mean item target test? you can do it in 25 seconds with bowser -_-


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
target test, target smash, same thing ;P But what I mean is, I can complete it in under 20 seconds which means my timing's getting better with him. You can probably do the test in 25 seconds with any of the characters if you know how to use them, but I'm not sure if any old Wolf user can complete it in under 20 seconds, since each character does have what they can and can't do. I'm probably just setting myself up to be humbled, but so far I'm proud of it.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
target test, target smash, same thing ;P But what I mean is, I can complete it in under 20 seconds which means my timing's getting better with him. You can probably do the test in 25 seconds with any of the characters if you know how to use them, but I'm not sure if any old Wolf user can complete it in under 20 seconds, since each character does have what they can and can't do. I'm probably just setting myself up to be humbled, but so far I'm proud of it.
anyway who cares about target test. I'll squash you like I did with SUO online!


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Rawr! Hopefully all this lag is just server issues and once they're updated we can all play lagless matches! Having Fogel and GPWN out sucks :(


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
It could just be that I'm getting used to it but I swear the lag is slowly starting to be reduced. I actually got to play some of those 'With Anyone' Brawls with other people (although they are terribly lame - it takes way more time to get it going than it does to actually play in those quick 2 minute matches), before it would keep disconnecting me.


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
Hey guys, I'm new to the forums, but been reading for a while. I'm looking to get some more serious games in, so I'll be adding everyone on the first page here to my friends list. I usually play late at night, around 11:30pm until 2-3am. My friend code is 0688-5035-5374. I'll be pm'ing to add to the first post, but I look forward to playing with you guys.

Also hit me up if anyone wants to get together to play lag-free (in the same room). I have an inhabitable living room downtown-ish (Lees), and I am also mobile.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Hey guys, I'm new to the forums, but been reading for a while. I'm looking to get some more serious games in, so I'll be adding everyone on the first page here to my friends list. I usually play late at night, around 11:30pm until 2-3am. My friend code is 0688-5035-5374. I'll be pm'ing to add to the first post, but I look forward to playing with you guys.

Also hit me up if anyone wants to get together to play lag-free (in the same room). I have an inhabitable living room downtown-ish (Lees), and I am also mobile.
Yo wait what?! Someone who plays seriously and actually lives near me? GG punks.

I live near Main St. and the Queensway, where specifically do you live in Lees? We should definitely hook up and play stuffs. This weekend is Easter weekend so I have 4 days off.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Smashfest (brawlfest?) is still on for Friday despite the holidays etc. I unlocked all the characters so we can play on my Wii now :p

I got Wi-fi set up and added everyone on the first post to my friends' list, I should just show up as Fogel. However, I probably won't be playing online unless the lag improves. I played against Mason and Ian (who lives only 4 or 5 blocks away...) last night and still had a half-second lag between when I pushed a button and when it actually registered on screen.

It's not possible to play seriously like this; to do combos I had to hit the sequence of buttons ahead of time and hope that the first move connected, or I was screwed. Anything requiring any kind of timing was impossible; there were many times I knew an attack was coming, and tried to sidestep/shield/air dodge but I couldn't react in time due to the lag. When/if more timing-intensive advanced techs are required, it will be impossible to play online as-is (imagine trying to play an fps with 500ms ping...not gonna happen).

It's pretty disappointing to be honest, hopefully it will improve somehow over time.


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
Yo wait what?! Someone who plays seriously and actually lives near me? GG punks.

I live near Main St. and the Queensway, where specifically do you live in Lees? We should definitely hook up and play stuffs. This weekend is Easter weekend so I have 4 days off.
PM'ed you. Look forward to playing with you!


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Again, good stuffs Suo. I like how you learned to SH my Thunderjolts as Squirtle. Keeps me on my toes ^_^
And Squirtle is hella broken until I can figure out how to powershield or somethinig his fair(?) to jab combo.

And I think we might be starting a tradition. At least one match you need to run into my Falcon Punch for the kill. :p Other than that good stuffs, and I suggest you work on your Ivysaur more :p

*Goes to check inbox*


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Again, good stuffs Suo. I like how you learned to SH my Thunderjolts as Squirtle. Keeps me on my toes ^_^
And Squirtle is hella broken until I can figure out how to powershield or somethinig his fair(?) to jab combo.

And I think we might be starting a tradition. At least one match you need to run into my Falcon Punch for the kill. :p Other than that good stuffs, and I suggest you work on your Ivysaur more :p

*Goes to check inbox*

Mhmm, it's nice to play you Jaz, as we both improve. It was a shame about the lag though, I had at least .3 of a second or something like that, Im thinking its nintendo's servers.

Yea Im definitely trying to learn how to get within that mid range of Pikachu, you play a great keepaway game with him. Yep, Squirtles Fair has almost no landing lag, so combined with his lightning quick jab, its definitely hard to defend.

YEA! hahaha, I thought it was the perfect ending to the night, Ivy getting owned by a Falcon Punch hahaha. My Ivy is definitely the weakest of the bunch, s/he seems almost tailor made for keepaway, which isn't really my style, but Im gonna try to improve with him/her.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
jazriel i want a hug >=(

also fogel who are you playing in brawl. is sheik any good this time around? i'd ask the brawl boards or gta threads but they suck.

locke) give me my hug dammit. also can we get married?

dice is still cute.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I can't really say that Sheik sucks, she sucks if you try to play her melee style. Come up with a new way to play and she might be kickass.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
PK Fire > PK Thunder > Shiek > Pikachu > PK Freeze > Sonic > Psi Magnet > ... err...

Anyhow, I agree completely with Fogel about playing online. It's great not having to venture forth into the freezing cold to play Brawl with somebody but, yeah, online sucks! I'm too scared to launch my Lucas/whoever over the edge to edgehog ( is it still called that?) for fear of PK Lag interfering with my PK Thunder. As well, I find that starting a game with somebody on the list is hard if they're not already waiting for you.

That being said I'm still hoping that Nintendo will get better servers. Of course, we always have the infinitely superior Smashfests! My goal for this Friday: beat that Rimi guy with my Lucas. That or at least learn what I can from any Lucas/Falco/Marth/Samus (the only characters I use) players. That Rimi guy taught me Lucas' down throw -> up air and it's helped so hopefully I'll learn a bunch of other things from you guys (which I will then use against you :) ).

By the way, somebody mentioned last time something about how, with that many people, we should do a crew battle or something. I think that'd be a neat way of seeing how everybody else is playing Brawl. I only got to play against a handful of people last time.


Smash Rookie
Dec 1, 2006
Gatineau, Qc
Man, I haven't posted on these boards in forever and the only time I did was to know where to go and then suddenly choke up.

Anyone here lives near the Portage/Fournier area? Getting tired of playing online scrubs all the time and I like having an opponent I don't have to get up to go talk to over MSN. I'm not highly mobile (25 minutes to get to a bus) but I live in an apartment just past the Lady-Aberdeen bridge in Gatineau and I can host games at my place pretty much any time since I only have 2 days of school a week.

Hit me up or something, not like I have anything interesting to do this week.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Brian, don't forget the Lunar 2! if you are coming this week. Randy and I are going to do a Lunar 2 random Ironman speedrun no weapons MM so we're gonna need it.

also fogel who are you playing in brawl. is sheik any good this time around? i'd ask the brawl boards or gta threads but they suck.
I don't really have a main at this point. I play as Random a lot, though when I want to get things done I'm usually Diddy, Marth, or Ganon.

As for Brawl Sheik, to be honest, I haven't played Sheik that much at this point. She seems pretty much the same as in Melee, but some things have been nerfed (like for most Melee characters in my opinion). Here's a quick summary of things I've found though:

- Needles are more annoying to use; instead of hold-to-charge, it's now auto-charge, so to quickly shoot a needle you need to double-tap B. It makes aerial needle tricks somewhat harder to do now.
- Fair doesn't kill anymore :( It can probably be used in combos instead though.
- No more edge stalling, holding down makes you miss the edge automatically :(
- No more chain grabs (though that applies to pretty much anyone who used to be able to CG...although Dedede can CG some people I hear).

Again, I haven't used Sheik much yet so take what I say with a grain of salt.

PK Fire > PK Thunder > Shiek > Pikachu > PK Freeze > Sonic > Psi Magnet > ... err...

Anyhow, I agree completely with Fogel about playing online. It's great not having to venture forth into the freezing cold to play Brawl with somebody but, yeah, online sucks! I'm too scared to launch my Lucas/whoever over the edge to edgehog ( is it still called that?) for fear of PK Lag interfering with my PK Thunder. As well, I find that starting a game with somebody on the list is hard if they're not already waiting for you.

That being said I'm still hoping that Nintendo will get better servers. Of course, we always have the infinitely superior Smashfests! My goal for this Friday: beat that Rimi guy with my Lucas. That or at least learn what I can from any Lucas/Falco/Marth/Samus (the only characters I use) players. That Rimi guy taught me Lucas' down throw -> up air and it's helped so hopefully I'll learn a bunch of other things from you guys (which I will then use against you :) ).

By the way, somebody mentioned last time something about how, with that many people, we should do a crew battle or something. I think that'd be a neat way of seeing how everybody else is playing Brawl. I only got to play against a handful of people last time.
About the friends list, yeah, I noticed that too. Unless you're already talking to the person on MSN or whatever, you don't really have a way of telling someone you want to play with them. It would be nice if there was a way to click on them and ask to play a match.

Also, if you want a crew battle we can try harder to organize one for next time.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Shiek isn't that bad, she's not overpowered ****, but she's as good as everyone else. She's as fluid as she is in Melee, so while she can't "combo" she can tech chase/chase quite well. And uair is used a lot more.

[Edit] The online play isn't that bad. Once you get used to memorizing how many button presses are required you can use the little comment thing under your name to type out a quick message.

And good to hear you're playing Diddy Fogel. I think that Diddy, Meta Knight, and Toon Link are top tier, so a lot of people are going to be playing them. And of course my Pika ownage will prepare you for any crazy Pika mains at tourneys. :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Unfortunately, brawl isn't server based its all P2P. =[
i think what he meant was he wanted SOME servers because some decent servers are better than no servers...and servers > P2P, and yes i know we would maybe have to pay but it may be worth it for near flawless gameplay.

Cam we probably won't be showing up this week.

who will be the third DeDeDe along with me and SAUS? =(
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