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Ottawa Ontario Canada

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Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Shut the **** up!
What the ****? It went through my ****ing shield!

Dan! Yes! I was afraid I'd left it in Montreal. That be my coat.

The tourney was cool, and I really liked Brawl. I think once you play it some more Cam, you'll warm up to it. Just gotta adjust to the new techs like double pivot grab and easier power shielding.

And I want Ian's MSN, I wanna hook up some SC.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
What the ****? It went through my ****ing shield!

Dan! Yes! I was afraid I'd left it in Montreal. That be my coat.

The tourney was cool, and I really liked Brawl. I think once you play it some more Cam, you'll warm up to it. Just gotta adjust to the new techs like double pivot grab and easier power shielding.

And I want Ian's MSN, I wanna hook up some SC.
I don't ever recall saying I hated brawl, I said it would take a while to get used to. I only played 3 games, a lot of the time I kept trying to wavedash by instinct so I did pretty terrible. I don't want to judge it until I've played it more.

Also I'll MSN you Ian's MSN just in case he doesn't want it posted in here.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Ians msn is cbone38 AT HOTMAIL DOT COM. lol at all text...
will u be at cams on fri?
Unless my schedule goes through my shield, of course.

Lol Fogel, even after playing for over 20 minutes I still found myself randomly pressing Y -> Down Right + L trigger. Although, if you short hop and Air Dodge immediately, it's essentially a pseudo-triangle jump, so it does have its uses. I "wavedashed" to reverse grab in one of my games. 'Twas pretty cool.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
I'm glad to hear it went well over there, wish I could've attended (not like I really had naything better to do). After those smashfests, I think I've been playing a little better. I beat my friend 6-0 in a 4 minute timed match haha. On that **** yoshi stage, too, as soon as it popped up I groaned. I think it was the only one I played that whole night.

I'll definitely be at the next smash meet.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
So That Guy knows about the inside jokes eh? sweet. I look forward to the relase of brawl come March 9th, I always look forward to the smashfest. We should crews just for the sake of it. We should also have a 2v2 iron man round robin tournament.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Final Destination
Cam, does brawl look good for your smashfests? or is it gonna suck and all of us are gonna stick with melee?
and i MIGHT come on friday, iunno whats gonna happen but if i do come, i wanna do singles not team battles if thats kool with everyone even if it IS gonna be that crowded again... or just have one TV having singles...
Dan was teh tourney kool? what places did all of u guys place?


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Cam, does brawl look good for your smashfests? or is it gonna suck and all of us are gonna stick with melee?
and i MIGHT come on friday, iunno whats gonna happen but if i do come, i wanna do singles not team battles if thats kool with everyone even if it IS gonna be that crowded again... or just have one TV having singles...
Dan was teh tourney kool? what places did all of u guys place?
Brawl is different. it sucks badly for you melee players. stay old school, brawl sucks. sucks brawl. play that crappy brawl. quoted from PKM and bam who are so good at arguing on brawl vs melee -_-

try brawl without thinking its melee 2.0 and you are fine. look for something uber new with harder to do gimpin and you should like it.

play for its speed you'll hate. play to gimp every life at 30 you'll hate, play to kill at 100% youll hate.

play to mimic the same move over and over and hope to win, you'll hate (except if you choose olimar rolf)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Cam, does brawl look good for your smashfests? or is it gonna suck and all of us are gonna stick with melee?
and i MIGHT come on friday, iunno whats gonna happen but if i do come, i wanna do singles not team battles if thats kool with everyone even if it IS gonna be that crowded again... or just have one TV having singles...
Dan was teh tourney kool? what places did all of u guys place?
i played brawl and it was fun, me, daniel, and derek will all have brawl on saturday at midnight so we will have 3 wii's with brawl at each of the next smashfests. So we will bring it, but friday is melee. As for the tournament the results thread is here:



Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I'm glad to hear it went well over there, wish I could've attended (not like I really had naything better to do). After those smashfests, I think I've been playing a little better. I beat my friend 6-0 in a 4 minute timed match haha. On that **** yoshi stage, too, as soon as it popped up I groaned. I think it was the only one I played that whole night.

I'll definitely be at the next smash meet.
We play pretty much every Friday, this week included :)

So That Guy knows about the inside jokes eh? sweet. I look forward to the relase of brawl come March 9th, I always look forward to the smashfest. We should crews just for the sake of it. We should also have a 2v2 iron man round robin tournament.
There were more antics this weekend, if you haven't heard about stuff by now we'll tell you all about it soon enough! Joel was in the car with us so he got to partake in said antics.

Cam, does brawl look good for your smashfests? or is it gonna suck and all of us are gonna stick with melee?
and i MIGHT come on friday, iunno whats gonna happen but if i do come, i wanna do singles not team battles if thats kool with everyone even if it IS gonna be that crowded again... or just have one TV having singles...
Dan was teh tourney kool? what places did all of u guys place?
It's too early to say what we will play at future smashfests, I think we have to play Brawl for at least a few weeks before we can judge it accurately. Damax is right, it's a new game and you have to treat it as such, not as Melee 2.0. Having said that, I think we will play both Melee and Brawl in some combination for a while. If we like Brawl more we'll play more of it and Melee will probably be phased out, and vice versa if Brawl ends up not being good competititely.

Also yeah, last week was probably the most crowded it's ever been, but I don't think it will be as busy this week.

As for SFF3 results, only Derek and Ian got out of pools. The rest of us did pretty well in pools but just barely didn't make it out (not sure about Mason though, I don't remember what he said about his placings).


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hey Fogel/Cameron, what's the limit on people? Anytime I show up it'll most likely be with Orlando (my spanish Marth-playing friend) but would it be ok if we bring our brothers next time (so myself, Orlando, his brother, and my brother) or would that be a bit too crowded?

I had a blast at your Smashfest thingy. It was certainly an interesting experience playing against people who easily swatted me aside (that Link dude totally changed my perspective on him). Do you ever have any smashfest tournaments or something (just for fun)? I greatly regret not having gone to them before; it rocked and everybody there was very humble. Good stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Final Destination
not sure if there was a person limit...hahaah
were u one of teh new guys there? if so, i ll verse u this friday! i was teh guy who used Ice Climbers and Marth on teh big TV...


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Hey Fogel/Cameron, what's the limit on people? Anytime I show up it'll most likely be with Orlando (my spanish Marth-playing friend) but would it be ok if we bring our brothers next time (so myself, Orlando, his brother, and my brother) or would that be a bit too crowded?

I had a blast at your Smashfest thingy. It was certainly an interesting experience playing against people who easily swatted me aside (that Link dude totally changed my perspective on him). Do you ever have any smashfest tournaments or something (just for fun)? I greatly regret not having gone to them before; it rocked and everybody there was very humble. Good stuff.
I think the limit is about 12...it's not set in stone, but you saw how crowded my basement was last week (which had 12 people at it's peak) and I don't think more than 12 would be do-able. It should be ok to bring all those guys most weeks, but maybe post first to check if it isn't too busy.

As for tournaments, no we've never really had those. Those of us who come often know where we all stand relative to each other (ie: SAUS would probably win) so IMO having a tourney is kinda pointless. We have had some crew battles though, those are more interesting. Last week I think we all wanted to practice for SFF3 though, so we didn't wanna spend time on a crew battle.

Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed the smashfest!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
not sure if there was a person limit...hahaah
were u one of teh new guys there? if so, i ll verse u this friday! i was teh guy who used Ice Climbers and Marth on teh big TV...
verse me please=(...i know it doesn't really matter but i had trouble with MARF at the tourney so i need to practice!=(! it's too late though haha

also derek, i have to bring you the news: as we have always suspected link is not one but TWO women.

http://www.dsfanboy.com/2008/03/04/female-duo-sets-the-standard-for-link-cosplay/ <----proof.

now i see why downthrow to scrah works so well theres ****ing two of them! haha ICs


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Link = anything serving to connect one part or thing with another
Girl does not = anything serving to connect one part or thing with another
QED Link does not = Girl.

anything serving to connect one part or thing with another = pwn
QED Link= Pwn


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
not sure if there was a person limit...hahaah
were u one of teh new guys there? if so, i ll verse u this friday! i was teh guy who used Ice Climbers and Marth on teh big TV...
I wouldn't mind versing you once. Everytime we played, it was on the same team lol.

I did a lot of 1 vs. 1 last time, though it was against the same people. I'm sure they were getting tired of kicking my lame *** over and over haha.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
I wouldn't mind versing you once. Everytime we played, it was on the same team lol.

I did a lot of 1 vs. 1 last time, though it was against the same people. I'm sure they were getting tired of kicking my lame *** over and over haha.
Nah, you were pretty decent even without the technical stuffs. Ness fsmash is too good.

Man, this schedule going through my shield really hurts. >_>
I won't be there tomorrow 'cause my parents want to have dinner with me. Dan, please leave my coat at Cam's thanks.

And I pre-ordered and fully paid for Brawl, so it's gonna be pure ownage (wink wink nudge nudge) come Sunday afternoon. (Grr Sunday morning Rapier practice)



Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Final Destination
verse me please=(...i know it doesn't really matter but i had trouble with MARF at the tourney so i need to practice!=(! it's too late though haha
No man, Melee will LIVE FOREVER! ITS NEVER TOO LATE! ahahha ye i ll verse u anytime...and get pwned every time too ahha unless if i got better over these weeks...

Cam, is there a brawl smashfest or a melee smashfest or a mixture of both?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
No man, Melee will LIVE FOREVER! ITS NEVER TOO LATE! ahahha ye i ll verse u anytime...and get pwned every time too ahha unless if i got better over these weeks...

Cam, is there a brawl smashfest or a melee smashfest or a mixture of both?
it's most likely going to be a mixture of both, if brawl is good more brawl! if it's not, more melee. It really depends, but there will be both for the next few weeks at least.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
im practicing not sleeping so i can stay up all night tomorrow and play brawl
You just need a good night sleep before-hand, and have some food (not sugary crap, just food) around. With extra people and stuffs you should be fine staying awake.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Mason, Dan dropped off your jacket at my place, so if you want it let me know. If you're going to Ian's on Sunday I can bring it there. Also I still owe you your $3 from Tim's :p


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Mason, Dan dropped off your jacket at my place, so if you want it let me know. If you're going to Ian's on Sunday I can bring it there. Also I still owe you your $3 from Tim's :p
Thanks Fogel, sorry for not asking if you minded if Dan dropped it off there. My parents have pseudo-kidnapped me and I'm in Val-d'Or for this weekend, so I won't be at Ian's on Sunday. No Brawl either for another day :(


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Thanks Fogel, sorry for not asking if you minded if Dan dropped it off there. My parents have pseudo-kidnapped me and I'm in Val-d'Or for this weekend, so I won't be at Ian's on Sunday. No Brawl either for another day :(
The jacket is no problem.

As for getting Brawl, I don't know how the storm is over in Val-d'Or, but it's pretty fugly here right now. You probably don't want to be trying to drive in Ottawa right now :p Personally I'm going to wait until sometime during the week before I get Brawl. I don't have a Wii right now anyways, so I can't play it even if I do get it.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
The jacket is no problem.

As for getting Brawl, I don't know how the storm is over in Val-d'Or, but it's pretty fugly here right now. You probably don't want to be trying to drive in Ottawa right now :p Personally I'm going to wait until sometime during the week before I get Brawl. I don't have a Wii right now anyways, so I can't play it even if I do get it.
I'm gonna brave the storm to go back to sherbrooke and then to the closest eb games tomorrow haha


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
I've got it pre-ordered at the EB Games down on Rideau, just did it today. My friend and I are going with our fully charged DS' around 7 a.m. to ensure we get a copy (as I'm pretty sure it's first-come first-served for reserved copies, anyways).

by 10 a.m. tomorrow, I should have it. Also, it was very brief, but next week may be my last Ottawa smashfest - I'm going to be moving back to St. Catharines on the 22nd, and the 20, 21, and 22nd are all packing/cleaning days.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
I've got it pre-ordered at the EB Games down on Rideau, just did it today. My friend and I are going with our fully charged DS' around 7 a.m. to ensure we get a copy (as I'm pretty sure it's first-come first-served for reserved copies, anyways).

by 10 a.m. tomorrow, I should have it. Also, it was very brief, but next week may be my last Ottawa smashfest - I'm going to be moving back to St. Catharines on the 22nd, and the 20, 21, and 22nd are all packing/cleaning days.
Awww, so gay. I was gonna camp out at the EB at Rideau (where mine is pre-ordered) at like 0600. And lolz at St. Catharines, like 1/2 my extended family is in that area.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
haha, seriously? most of the people I know have never heard of the place.

Anyways, I've got Brawl, add me to your friend rosters - 0473-7441-9982.

It's EPIC.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2006
now that brawl is here, the pwn party is back, I'll post up my brawl code at some point in the near future


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Have you guys tried Brawl online yet? I was playing a few matches against Orlando online and the lag was almost game destroying at some points. Like, my Lucas' PK thunder wouldn't turn in the curve I was telling it to sometimes resulting in several deaths. Outside of online though, it kicks *** and I'm hoping that it'll be picked up for the smashfests. Thanks in large part to you guys and the smashfests I've finally succeeded in my goal of six years of beating Orlando's Marth with my Roy. Therefore I'm totally retired from Melee now. :)

My Brawl online code number thingy: 0258-9960-1179


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2002
I played it online in both a random match, and several matches with people in my friend roster from both my hometown, and from Texas. The lag wasn't utterly horrible, but it also depends on what's going on in the background, how big the stage is, etc. My friend and I were fine on the Eldrin(?) Bridge, but the lylat cruise was so bad for him I four stocked him. I never experienced any utterly crippling lag (except for one specific match, where I just couldn't do anything and got really frustrated). I've heard it runs pretty smooth if you're closer together, but so far I haven't played anyone within 7 hours driving distance.

I'll write down your code and add you tomorrow, I've been playing obsessively since I got home, so I figure it's time for a break (and maybe some early sleep, since last night was pretty bad in terms of not being able to sleep).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2005
My brawl code will be uploaded soon once i figure out how the internet works. I heard the final boss was someone named gumbot...


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Smashfest on Friday as always guys, I think we will be playing Brawl for most/all of the time, so come ready for that. Also, if you've got a Wii/Brawl, please bring them!

I've got it pre-ordered at the EB Games down on Rideau, just did it today. My friend and I are going with our fully charged DS' around 7 a.m. to ensure we get a copy (as I'm pretty sure it's first-come first-served for reserved copies, anyways).

by 10 a.m. tomorrow, I should have it. Also, it was very brief, but next week may be my last Ottawa smashfest - I'm going to be moving back to St. Catharines on the 22nd, and the 20, 21, and 22nd are all packing/cleaning days.
I'm sad that you have to leave so soon after you started playing with us :(

yea, i've got brawl as does sauce so we will get our friend codes up ASAP. Sauce is maining link again >_>
Link for broken tier (again). I think every SSBM character got worse, except for Link!

now that brawl is here, the pwn party is back, I'll post up my brawl code at some point in the near future
Show up on Friday! Bring Brian and make him bring back Lunar 2, it's been like 3 months srsly.
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