@Cam-Not quite to be consistent, but rather, I find that it interferes with gameplay less than Castle Siege. I'll say it before Harold gets here: Yes, that does mean more like Battlefield. I find that the main advantage of Lylat is that it tilts. Yes, this does gimp recoveries sometimes(Marth, G&W), but since it is constantly shifting, this makes camping holes just a bit wider. Camping is a very viable strat to some characters, but it is not the heart of any character(that I am aware of) and so it wouldn't interfere with anyone's strats on this stage too much.
Castle Siege does change, but isn't that bad. However, since there is ALWAYS the possibility of falling through the stage right as the transformations end, I think it should be moved to counterpick. Exceedingly rare, yes, but it is still a possibility.
And of course, CG-death is always an argument. It is not just on the middle transformation either. It is anytime the stage transforms. The game takes long enough for there to be a CG close enough to the blastline for a quick KO. I've done it lots of times. If you know the stage well enough, setting it up isn't too bad either(the first transformation is roughly 30 seconds in. I forget the other times it transforms though).
@Everyone-Randy brings up a good point with Delfino Plaza. I don't think it's as bad as Castle Siege since you can't fall through it(as far as I am aware). As well, CGs aren't as prevalent I find because going all the way to an edge is not as easy as in Castle Siege. If Delfino is to be swapped with something, I'd vote for Frigate.
-Friggin Orphanage?
-Final Masturbation
-Yoshi's Pen Island
-Lylat Bruise
Counter Picks:
-Castle Siege
-Delfino Plaza?
-Luigi's Pimphouse
-No fair/Whorefair
-Pirate Ship
-Pokemon Stadium 1
-Pokemon Gaydium 2(it is significantly gayer than PS1)
-Jungle Japes
-Rainbow Cruise[/QUOTE]
EDIT: I will not fight for my second proposal. I am jsut throwing it out there. But I assume we'd all go for Lylat of Castle? If we vote, then so far it is:
Switch: 3
Stay: 0