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Ottawa Bi-weeklies, because illegal gambling is perfectly legal


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I've been completely off my game in the recent tourneys I've attended. It might be just me lacking practice, but I think it's the stress of Double Elim simmering in the back of my mind during the sets.

Nevertheless, reality did break because of that, Mike. Moses posted about an ******* (or somebody was able to hack his account; either way works).

It was really good to have you back for the weekend. You certainly lighten the air up.
Now all we need is "You're too slow!" every few minutes.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Sigh, well I did say I thought his account could be hacked...

Well, whoever hacked into the account is not doing a very good job of hiding. It's almost like you want to be caught...

The culprit wants to see where the trolling is going so badly, that he didn't even log off his account, and since you can't be on two accounts at once, that narrows it down a little. It's possible that he has thought of this, but considering he didn't even spell check his post, this isn't a very planed out crime.

The following people are devoid of suspicion because they were seen online today at the same time as moses' account (Meaning I do not think they did it):








Additionally, no effort was made to make the poster write in the same style as moses, therefore the writing style must be that of the hacker.

Getting back to that in a second, I can only think of a small amount of people who would get any pleaser out of trolling/pranking us like this. That number is severely diminished by the aforementioned list.

However, of the people on this list, I can only think of a few people who match the writing style, and they are...

DunDUNDUUUUUN Harold and Arial!

Both of you are offline during all of this. It can be easily assumed that you only have one access to the internet between you, so if either of you were on, most suspicion would be cast off. However, you aren't, so there!

You both have the habit of not writing in walls of text, but in carefully spaced posts. You both have humour similar to that of the poster, and you both have the ability with computers to be able to pull it off. Personally, I suspect it may have been a joint effort, but only one of you had... The motive! I will explain exactly what I mean by this in an edit in this post very soon. If the culprit fesses up before then... well, the law might not be so hard on him, then...

Edit: there have acutally been posts, so I will post it in a seperate post.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Dude, read what I wrote. I said that is a list of people who are NOT under suspision. I put myself on the list. If I suspected myself of this, why would I got through the effort of bringing it out into the open.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Alright then, have it your way! The one hiding behind the account is....


Unlike Arial, you actually have a motive for doing this "terrible" crime! More than any of us, you are always sorely disappointed when a smasher stops coming to the Biweeklies. You have even gone as far as saying players who only make it to one smashfest are like miscarriages to you. You could even remember 6 or 7 screen names of people who never came back.

But what does this have to do with anything? Moses hasn't been seen for a few weeks now; he hasn't even posted anything. Chances are he won't be coming back, after that tragic mistake he made... But you missed him, didn't you? A smasher quickly taken away from us as a community in his prime, without any warning at all. It must have broken...your...heart! In your grief you even made a (hilarious) missing poster on a carton of milk with Moses' face on it.

In your mind, posting on his account was your way to rectify the fact that he's gone. It might have even brought him back. We know you care. We all do. But no act this horrendous could ever bring him back. Nothing can. You'll have a long time to learn this... in prison.

(anyone who hasn’t figured out yet, I’m joking...)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Does anyone ever feel a burning sensation in their ***hole?
The ring of fire is caused by too much spicy food. Many have felt your pain and Johnny cash even wrote a song on it.

The culprit wants to see where the trolling is going so badly, that he didn't even log off his account, and since you can't be on two accounts at once, that narrows it down a little. It's possible that he has thought of this, but considering he didn't even spell check his post, this isn't a very planed out crime.
Number one rule if the interweb: Don't feed the trolls.

Additionally, no effort was made to make the poster write in the same style as moses, therefore the writing style must be that of the hacker.
Moses doesn't have a writing style. It is always "Sign me up."

However, of the people on this list, I can only think of a few people who match the writing style, and they are...

DunDUNDUUUUUN Harold and Arial!

Both of you are offline during all of this. It can be easily assumed that you only have one access to the internet between you, so if either of you were on, most suspicion would be cast off. However, you aren't, so there!

You both have the habit of not writing in walls of text, but in carefully spaced posts. You both have humour similar to that of the poster, and you both have the ability with computers to be able to pull it off. Personally, I suspect it may have been a joint effort, but only one of you had... The motive! I will explain exactly what I mean by this in an edit in this post very soon. If the culprit fesses up before then... well, the law might not be so hard on him, then...
Harold's humour consists of hyperbolic statements(I BELIEVE IN GOD! I JUST LOST MY FAITH! YOU'RE ALL GOING DOWN THIS TIME!). I haven't really analyzed my humour but you can tell from my style of prose that it's not me because I do put walls of text. Most of my posts are either one sentence or walls of text. I just try space them so that they're easier to read and therefore more accessible to everyone. I also aim for perfect spelling/grammar usually.

Also, Harold and I have no internet at home so it couldn't have been either of us.




*watches Ottawa Community crumble*
lol at your post count of 69.

Personally, I suspect it to be Carlos. He and Moses are buddies and one of them could have been at the other's house. While there, Moses could have logged on and Carlos would said said "hey let me troll!" to which Moses would have replied "yeah ok". Besides, since Carlos plays Smash to an extent and so going on smashboards doesn't seem to difficult to imagine. Also, what kind of person gets the ring of fire? Someone who eats spicy foods. Who eats spicy foods? Well, take the 'y' off of 'spicy' and replace it with an 's' and there's your answer.

Finally, read the posts again with Carlos' accent. Perfect fit? I think yes.

So that's my guess.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Meh, just having fun... As I said, I was kidding. But you must see my logic/thought it was funny, right? Well, how are you on the internet now, then?

Also, who is Carlos again? I don't remember if I've met him or not. Well you're probably right then. The spanish accent would acount for the spelling and grammer mistakes. Though you should look at the post times. One was at 2:45 in the morning and the other at 330 or so. I doubt Moses' partents would let someone stay over that long, so he would have to access it remotly, and it seems unlikely that Moses would give up his password... but still.

Anyways, Arial, with your leet skillz, I bet you could hack into an account, couldn't you?

Who was the last person do this again? I remember it happening before, with maybe Arsenic's account.

Actually, the spacing indicates that it was done from a wii internet, now that I think of it...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2007
Alright, Alright! I watched this go on long enough! You want to know who hacked into Moses' account?

You want the truth? YOU WANT THE TRUTH!?

The person that hacked into Moses' account was........



....... Moses.


*watches every ottawa smashers head explode*

Yes, it was me. You wanna know why? I tell ya why!

See it all started on a cold night in september a year ago. I was nervous, I was excited: it was my first

tournament. I showed up, I wrecked *******, and i came 3rd. 3rd! And if it wasn't for some silly,

ponytailed lucas main getting lucky in game 5 of losers finals , I would've went on to destroy Derek and

win in my very first biweekly.

So I thought to myself...... how can I get my revenge on Harold for costing me my dream?

And it came to me. I knew what I had to do.

So I showed up to Cams every week. Became a regular; make him feel like i'd always be there.

Then I snuck out of the city, quiet as a mouse, and made my way to BISB in montreal.

Nobody knew where I was. When they finally tracked me down, it was 8am in the morning and everyone

was scared ****less because they thought something happened to me.

After the Montreal Fiasco, I was not to be seen at Cam's for weeks. Was my mother grounding me? Or

would I never be allowed to go to Cam's again?

Tell me Harold... How did it feel?

How did it feel to think that I might just be another miscarriage, a statistic in the ottawa scene?

Did you worry? Did you panic? Did you never think you'd see me again

Well as to why I haven't been to bi-weeklies... I've been pursuing other interests.

But don't worry Harold.

I will be back. And better than ever.

And when I make my return, you Harold, as well as every other smash brothers player in ottawa will feel

my wrath and know first hand what it feels like to have a burning butthole.

Until then.....

Farewell, Ottawa.

*vanishes from ottawa thread*


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Wow, this has become increadibly epic! I love it.

Although I don't know if it really is moses or not, check this out!


Some of moses' longer posts follow the exact same format! I've only seen people type like this from wii's, so that just means whoever wrote the messages wrote them from moses' wii. But it could be him... I find it wierd that the poster knows so much about moses and the situations mentioned, though...


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
lol, if it is, I could see Arial throwing us off the scent like that, lol.

So who was responsible last time when someone made the dark arsenic account?

And where is Harold anyways?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Harold, last I saw him(earlier today) was playing starcraft on a computer without internet. I don't think it was Harold. I have also typed stuff on my wii a long time ago and I made it look normal. I also don't think it's Harold because he very strictly adheres to proper grammar/spelling. I don't think it's me because it wasn't me.

At this point, I have no idea anymore. It doesn't seem like it would be Moses, but then again, has anyone here really had a long talk with Moses? A feel for his personality? I know I haven't. I've talked to him a few times but he's mostly quiet. It could be him.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
I know what you mean, I never really got the chance to actually know him. This could be him on a hyperactive day. Though Strongly feel that if moses actually wrote any of these, he didn't write them all. Besides slang, there were no spelling mistakes in the last post, but the second post had a lot of mistakes (minegames) and some expressions where skewed (think about [it]) and it was a much shorter post. There was a lowercase 'i' in the last post, so it isn't the first person just putting it in a spell checker, either. Also, the only person besides moses who could write that post without the direct help of Moses himself would be Harold, beacuse of the knollege of events that happened between the two of them.

I'm going to trust you, Arial, and believe it wasn't Harold. That means that moses probably wrote that last post, while chances are Carlos wrote the first few. He used the information I gave in my post to 'get inside' Harold's head, but there was too much fundimental facts that only a few of us would know. Heck, I didn't even know all the facts stated.

I think it could be him, guys.

EDIT: Also, I'm having trouble with a computer assignment, guys. Can you guys help me out? In Java, is there such a thing as a testing class, which you use to test other classes? Part of the mark is testing, given here: - testing 3 marks (1 mark for proper definition of the testing class, 2 marks for having at least 6 different testing cases in a text file) does she just want me to test it, or is there something offical?

We aren't using objects in these programs, btw. They are really easy, questions. I'll post them below

1. Write a method for a class called BallPacker that prompts for three ints (one at a time) representing the dimensions of a box and a float that represents the radius of a ball. Then compute the number of balls that would fit in the box. Display the results in the Java console. Be sure to test your code with many different box and ball sizes. Assume that the balls are only stacked on top of each other neatly

2. Write a method for a class called CashRegister that prompts for five prices represented as double values and computes the bill, displaying the SUM, PST, GST and Total in the Java console. Make sure that you display the answer as follows...(blabla bal)

Thanks guys!


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
*dies laughing*

I'm not sure who's trolling who, but moses + jiggernaut = epic

also moses whassup

also cambridge scene is lolz, I won the brawl tourney yesterday
and I haven't even played since ottawa
you guys are too good :)
Good job, now post those results in Ankoku's thread to get Sonic 1st place points :)

@PND: Please PM me your address so that I know where to go for not Genesis :)

@Moses situation: Maybe Moses is just really bored, because he probably got wtfbanhammered from Brawl after that Montreal tourney incident. Either way, this is good entertainment, keep it up :)

edit: I think it is actually Moses! If you look at some of Moses' posts which are more than one line (hint: it's pretty easy to get all posts by a given person from their profile) he randomly double-spaces a lot of posts. The last big rant post is double-spaced in similar fashion. It's either that, or someone planned this out REALLY well.

Also, as far as his new, more verbose demeanour; they're also similar to the old posts. Plus, boredom due to parental banhammer, as mentioned above. I'm like a detective. I also learned some new Marth tricks from reading all those posts. Thanks Moses!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
I know what you mean, I never really got the chance to actually know him. This could be him on a hyperactive day. Though Strongly feel that if moses actually wrote any of these, he didn't write them all. Besides slang, there were no spelling mistakes in the last post, but the second post had a lot of mistakes (minegames) and some expressions where skewed (think about [it]) and it was a much shorter post. There was a lowercase 'i' in the last post, so it isn't the first person just putting it in a spell checker, either. Also, the only person besides moses who could write that post without the direct help of Moses himself would be Harold, beacuse of the knollege of events that happened between the two of them.

I'm going to trust you, Arial, and believe it wasn't Harold. That means that moses probably wrote that last post, while chances are Carlos wrote the first few. He used the information I gave in my post to 'get inside' Harold's head, but there was too much fundimental facts that only a few of us would know. Heck, I didn't even know all the facts stated.

I think it could be him, guys.

EDIT: Also, I'm having trouble with a computer assignment, guys. Can you guys help me out? In Java, is there such a thing as a testing class, which you use to test other classes? Part of the mark is testing, given here: - testing 3 marks (1 mark for proper definition of the testing class, 2 marks for having at least 6 different testing cases in a text file) does she just want me to test it, or is there something offical?

We aren't using objects in these programs, btw. They are really easy, questions. I'll post them below

1. Write a method for a class called BallPacker that prompts for three ints (one at a time) representing the dimensions of a box and a float that represents the radius of a ball. Then compute the number of balls that would fit in the box. Display the results in the Java console. Be sure to test your code with many different box and ball sizes. Assume that the balls are only stacked on top of each other neatly

2. Write a method for a class called CashRegister that prompts for five prices represented as double values and computes the bill, displaying the SUM, PST, GST and Total in the Java console. Make sure that you display the answer as follows...(blabla bal)

Thanks guys!
Testing for a simple assignment like that seems almost pointless, its supposed to prepare you for bigger problems but I just find it annoying. I hate when profs just throw that stuff in. For your assigment I would create a class that calls your methods (they seem to be static since you have no objects) and each call is just a different test case. You can do it such that you give the BallPacker method values to which you know that answer to and then compare the result that is returned with the theoretical value. If they are the same than your code passes the test. If not there is something wrong.
This similar to how junit (testing api) works. Im not sure what she means by having the test cases in a text file. Are you guys writing code in notepad?

Hope this helps, goodluck.

As for Moses. I dont really believe its Harold since 1 he doesnt have the internet and 2 it just doesnt seem like something he would do. At first I thought it could have been some one from montreal, maybe logged on and left his account on, but he seem to know about Randy. So that being the case it cant be a Montrealer, Carlos was a good second choice but wouldnt know Randy's last name (although its not wu). I would hessitantly agree that it was Colonel Mustard Andrew Wilman. Either way, it has been pretty entertaining.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I have not gotten a call, so either:

1) It is not Moses.
2) Moses wants to mindgame us more first.

EDIT: With that, I believe it is Moses and he is practicing his Meta-Meta-Mindgames (aka: Out-of-fest Mindgames)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2007

Is it not possible that maybe, just maybe, this is actually Moses?

Is he to quiet? Is he too nice? Is it because he never posts?

Well.... **** you all.

That's right I said it!

I would make another long epic post but I can't think of anything to else to say.

So good day to you all.





Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Is it not possible that maybe, just maybe, this is actually Moses?

Is he to quiet? Is he too nice? Is it because he never posts?

Well.... **** you all.

That's right I said it!

I would make another long epic post but I can't think of anything to else to say.

So good day to you all.



I believed you; check my previous post :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008

Is it not possible that maybe, just maybe, this is actually Moses?

Is he to quiet? Is he too nice? Is it because he never posts?

Well.... **** you all.

That's right I said it!

I would make another long epic post but I can't think of anything to else to say.

So good day to you all.



Like I said, no one really talked to Moses that much. I could actually believe it was Remilia tbh >_>

Also, Moses was never nice! He was the meanest son of a ***** I have ever met. One time when Infzy drove us home Moses beat the **** out of a cat. I asked him why and he said that it's because it had too many stripes. The cat looked like this:

EDIT: Yo guys! I figured it out. It really is Moses. The truth has been here all along. Think about it.



Still stumped? Fine then, I shall spell it out for you:


Now this is the story all about why,
Moses got banhammered out of our lives,
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there,
I'll tell you how he became the troll of a town called Bel-air

In westside Bayshore born and raised,
At smashfests is where he spent most of his Fridays
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing alright
And all mindgaming everyone all of the night
When a tourny came up, it was in montreal
He left town without a word which sucked balls
Some people got called cause his mom got scared
And said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air

Once there he was upset and began trolling. The end.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Alright guys, I know for a fact that it really is Moses. I totally believe you, man.

Think about it-how does one even hack an account? Tell me. How do you go about stealing a password? Especially when that account isn't used too often. The only reasonable way to gain access to another account is if someone leaves their account logged in somewhere, or you live in the same house as someone, or you own it.

It can't be the other Andrew, because if he was the one behind the dark arsenic thing and he had the ability to hack an account as he supposedly has done here, he would have taken over Randy's account rather than create a new one to troll with.

Most importantly, while trolling here, moses has made other posts! And they are posts that are of the same style as all of his old AND all completely relevant to the material of his other posts. I don't know about you, but if I had taken over an account, I wouldn't make posts elsewhere in fear that someone would notice a difference.

So either someone was totally genius and was able to completely copy moses' style of writing, able to make posts that moses would probably make in the way he would make them (the new posts don't even continue old arguments or anything; they are mostly on new threads), and Hack into an account, or it's simply moses posting. Occam's razor, people!

There is no way someone could plan all that so well, so the only logical explanation is that it is moses.

So then, moses, how have you been? What have you been up to, anyways? When you say other interests, does that mean you weren't allowed to go, or do you have a girlfriend now? ;)

Testing for a simple assignment like that seems almost pointless, its supposed to prepare you for bigger problems but I just find it annoying. I hate when profs just throw that stuff in. For your assigment I would create a class that calls your methods (they seem to be static since you have no objects) and each call is just a different test case. You can do it such that you give the BallPacker method values to which you know that answer to and then compare the result that is returned with the theoretical value. If they are the same than your code passes the test. If not there is something wrong.
This similar to how junit (testing api) works. Im not sure what she means by having the test cases in a text file. Are you guys writing code in notepad?

Hope this helps, goodluck.

I know, eh? In this case, I can just put in some numbers and see if it crashes or not. Alright, thanks. I see what I'm supposed to do now. I just don't know how yet. What format do I use to make tests, or to call the method for that matter? I'm not sure what she meant by that either; we program in Jcreator. That's why I thought it might not be an actual thing, since I was supposed to just say what I tested by typing it.

Anyways, thanks for the help.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Sorry for the double post, but it's more than worth it!

I have an announcement to make. Guess what guys? I've found a use for Celestial Judgement! Awesome I know.

What am I talking about? Anyone who wasn't at the PND Off-weekly, Arial showed us all a new AT for Luigi he developed that was awesome! On Green Greens, he would throw a fireballs at one of the piles of blocks from the ground in the center of the stage. Eventually, once a certain combination of blocks was distroyed, the fireballs started changing 90 degrees in their trajectory. They may have gone downwards, but it was still awesome! It had to do with the corner of the blocks having no hurtbox and the reflectivity of the fireballs (YUM!).

However, I have discovered a way to make it awesomer!

Why am I posting this late at night when I have to wake up early tomorrow? I'm dedicated, that's why. Well, I was having a literal midnight snack and I was struck with inspiration while pondering the awesome that is Celestial Judgement. What if, using the fact that the corners have no hurtbox, the top blocks were destroyed first? Would the fireballs (YUM!) curve upwards? Being the nerd I am, I rushed downstairs to try it out.

So, I went to training mode as luigi and tried some crap out. Unfortunately, no matter what combination the block are destroyed it, luigi cannot curve the fireball up. :( However... On further testing, I found that if you are on either the left or right platforms, Luigi CAN shoot the fireballs upwards!!!!!

So starting with a full thing of blocks (no bombs for now), face the pile on either side platform, fire one fireball to break the first block, and there you go: a pathway to awesome! At certain distances, shooting a fireball here seems to cause it to reflect off of each of the, like, 5 corners present. What happens next is amazing. The fireball goes upwards! You can use it to camp like crazy here. You can stand close enough that you are basically in the same spot as the rising Celestial Judgement, and it can be done consistently. Awesome. At certain distances it doesn't work, though, and causes the block to break...

Well, there you go. Good night people. Sleep well.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
I told you guys it was the greatest and best AT ever. See, while you guys do fancy things like 'glide tossing' and 'pivot grabs' I do actual, useful AT's like Crawldashing and Celestial Judgment.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Most of you already know, but in case anyone didn't, there will be NO smashfest or biweekly this Friday since I'll be heading to Not Genesis.

For those who were interested in getting a lift there: I'm still not sure if I can get Friday off or not. If I can't, we'll have to leave on Friday at about 5 or 6pm. Otherwise, we can go sometime during the day.


Once there he was upset and began trolling. The end.
Wow...amazing! I'm impressed.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2008
Cam is there still space available in your car? I would be interested in going to not genesis but dont feel my car should be attempting such a journey
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