A couple of things:
I updated the league site with results that I know of until today. Double-check and let me know if I missed anything.
I start a new job as of next week, but it's further from my house. It will take me longer to get to/from work, so there's no way I'll be able to be home by 5 anymore. As for now, start times for Friday nights are now 6pm. Sorry for those who have to leave early, but it's impossible for me to be home for 5 at this point.
Next, and most importantly, I'm going to stop hosting Smash events soon. When I do something, I like to do it well, and I can't say it's been like that for Smash for me recently. I haven't seriously been trying at Smash, either Melee or Brawl, for a few months now. I feel like I've been coasting along, not really participating on the boards, and being mediocre at best in both games.
The last time I was really serious was when I was practicing and playing a lot last summer. I read a lot of matchup and character threads, watched videos, went out of town for tourneys as much as possible, and played a bit online, all in addition to Friday night stuff. I've thought about it a lot recently, and I don't see myself devoting that kind of time to Smash again anytime soon, and I feel I should spend the time I devote to Smash right now on something else.
As a host, I don't think I've been that great recently either. I've had to skip things due to other events (due to me putting Smash at a low priority), I've been late responding to PMs from new people trying to get involved, and I don't even talk with you guys on the boards much anymore. The community deserves better, and I hope someone with more enthusiasm and motivation than me is willing to take over. Melee has Cman who can host sometimes, but I hope someone else will step up and host Brawl events as well.
I'd like to at least finish this season's league, and then maybe I'll host a final biweekly, then that'll be it for me. I may stop in periodically, kind of like Orlando does now, but aside from that I don't think I'll be involved in things anymore.