Smash Champion
I never said Tails was better then Shadow what the hell?Wait nvm i just skimed thru the article of scourge..and then saw some of his skills...yea its basically Sonic/shadow moves so idk about scourge now..and i dont really like the color green lol..although he does look cool i his alt colors would be black/white or some other crazy mix but other than that..Shadow for brawl sitll top on my list..so far noone has convinced me that Tails is better than shadow srry tails fans =\ Knuckles should be playable too. Tails.. an AT lol u kno y? all tails is..is a AT for sonic in all his games...let me give u a ride with my plane sonic...ASSIST...let me follow u everywhere sonic...ASSIST..let me carry u with my tails that fly...ASSIST perfect assist trophy imo