Jiu Jitsu is made useless due to Bruce Lee(or whoever that particular asian martial arts master/actor is, not Chan)'s style he created; I think the name is Jeet Kune Do. Same with every other style of fighting. Karate is certainly more useful than Tae Kwon Do, for one thing, because it's about surviving no matter what, and using your entire body for maximum power in order to end a fight in one good shot. Tae Kwon Do is all about the art of kicks. I was in Tae Kwon Do for a good amount of time, and my friend stayed with it to become a 3rd dan black belt. He agrees with me. There are fighting styles much worse than Karate. Wrestling, for example, is complete bull****. Have you done your research on fighting styles before making such easily refuted claims?
Beside that, I only took Karate because it was the only martial arts course at UO that was still open/during time I had open. I was more inclined to take Jeet Kune Do.