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Orange And L.A. County Smashers


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2006
Lakewood, California
Hey guys well Catman if you want, I can have you over. Jovan, Elvis? Kanzaki? Wanna go? When should it be? Sunday? xD
Oh yeah Grinch, sorry to not come, I thought you were wiped out all day so I went with Jovan.

Jovan, thanks so much for driving me to San Fernando and back man, ur freaking awesome! I wanted to give you 5 more bucks cuz it didnt seem fair for me to just give you 6. oh yeah, I love this new line, "where's my money man?!" Lmao. Oh yeah, Im freaking happy, my 3rd win against your pikachu today man! Thanks for driving me again. Oh yeah, I hope McRusty walks back from LA alive >__>
Alright dude, thanks a lot! I'll be sure to bring my cube. What time works for you? Would you like me to bring Spencer? (up to you)

*hmm* An icon...


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
lol you guys ditched McRusty.

alex left? so it was just connor, jovan, pbody, and david? omar disappeared too huh? that guy is insane.

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
Alright dude, thanks a lot! I'll be sure to bring my cube. What time works for you? Would you like me to bring Spencer? (up to you)

*hmm* An icon...
hmm, sure I guess but just only Spencer. I cant have more than 4 people, maybe 5 but my mom said we gotta squeeze in my room. Who else is up for it? Jovan, Elvis? ;) Oh yeah, dont broadcast this smash thingy like last time, I didnt expect to have a fest, I just want a small little thing where we just chill and play games.

Yeah man no problem it wouldn"t be as fun with out you. So much happened today! For one thing this is the farthest and longest smash fest ever! 2:00 A.M. in the morning. But it was fun. Oh great line I should have said that to DSF when he was dodgen us. NK and Shmooguy why didn"t you stay all well you didn"t miss much DSF and Nenzumi left after home town and Mcrusty, Marth Falco Pro DC money and I decided to go to P-Bodys house in east LA. He is awsome his falco is too good. DC says he is the best Falco in So-Cal. Oh yeah conner I hope Mcrusty will get home alright tommorw I feel bad for ditching him. Good games Mencing Mike sorry for your mom kicking all of us out.
Haha, thanks, I had a really great time. We traveled for like 2 hours just to smash, thats crazy! PBody had a crazy Falco but I can almost handle most of his others like Marth, Ganon etc. I wanted to play DSF so bad! Oh yeah, TOILET OUTSIDE THE HOUSE!! XD Dont worry about McRusty, he'll make it back alive, maybe beat up, but alive nonetheless :laugh: I am a little worried but it was his choice to stay and play the wii but I wouldnt stay over night at a strangers house and play the wii and walk ALL the way back home from LA, especially since it's the ghetto part. Well good games in general Jovan, your PEEKS is still menacing but my Fox is almost a counter for it :p I hope to see atleast 4 or 5 people(tops) tomorrow! Hit me up on AIM!

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
You up for smashing at my house Jovan?

I hope McRusty died :laugh: only messin... but yeah thats a pretty stupid choice staying just to play a new console, man thats stupid. well yeah m/f if jovan can drive me i would go i just gotta b finished w/ my hmwk by then :)
cool, hope you finish that pesky hw. I know I live pretty far from you but you up for it? I'll do what I can to have the living room free. I dont know yet, there aren't any guarantees. I really want you guys to come over. You're just too funny! Jovan="where's my money man?!" XD Everyone is great fun and I wanna say you're all awesome friends and great guys to hang around. Our smash-addicted family is too fun! :) Anyway, hope you can make it Jovan.

P.S: No one invite anyone else, I dont wanna get grounded >__> There's only one exception for Catman. He asked first anyway. Also, can anyone bring a small portable tv?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
La Habra C.A.
cool, hope you finish that pesky hw. I know I live pretty far from you but you up for it? I'll do what I can to have the living room free. I dont know yet, there aren't any guarantees. I really want you guys to come over. You're just too funny! Jovan="where's my money man?!" XD Everyone is great fun and I wanna say you're all awesome friends and great guys to hang around. Our smash-addicted family is too fun! :) Anyway, hope you can make it Jovan.

P.S: No one invite anyone else, I dont wanna get grounded >__> There's only one exception for Catman. He asked first anyway. Also, can anyone bring a small portable tv?
Yeah man our smash faimly is awsome and funny I hope it never dies. Thanks for the props I respect that! As for me comming over...sure I will pick up Elvis. Ha ha ha it's funny how you mention the toilit in P-body's front yard that's the funniet thing ever but I don't excpect anything less in East L.A.

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
Yeah man our smash faimly is awsome and funny I hope it never dies. Thanks for the props I respect that! As for me comming over...sure I will pick up Elvis. Ha ha ha it's funny how you mention the toilit in P-body's front yard that's the funniet thing ever but I don't excpect anything less in East L.A.
Haha true about the toilet thing. I would find that very expectable in east L.A. too.Im so excited that you're coming over! It'll probly start at 12pmI hope our smash family never dies too. NO ONE QUIT SMASH!! lol just kidding. Hope McRusty finally came home, he must be tired and Im starting to think he's brave/crazy, I wonder if he got jacked :urg:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2006
Lakewood, California
cool, hope you finish that pesky hw. I know I live pretty far from you but you up for it? I'll do what I can to have the living room free. I dont know yet, there aren't any guarantees. I really want you guys to come over. You're just too funny! Jovan="where's my money man?!" XD Everyone is great fun and I wanna say you're all awesome friends and great guys to hang around. Our smash-addicted family is too fun! :) Anyway, hope you can make it Jovan.

P.S: No one invite anyone else, I dont wanna get grounded >__> There's only one exception for Catman. He asked first anyway. Also, can anyone bring a small portable tv?
Alright dude, I look foward to seeing you and everyone else! I asked Spencer if he could bring a portable TV and he's not sure, but I'll be sure to bring my cube.
And now to prepare to wait in line tomorrow morning for a Wii...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
In your hot sisters room!! and in La Habra Califor
dude don't bother waiting for a wii im just gonna wait until there is a good amount left, besides the only good thing on it is zelda and ive already promised myself to beat it in 2 days (wish me luck ^_^) aite jovan if u can take me ill go when are u planning on picking me up?

Edit- i cant bring a t.v. but i can bring a cube

to Catman- for some reason you remind me of this girl named brittney... i swear you guys are like twins 0_o (i know you're a guy catman)


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
No need to go crazy over a Wii. Nintendo is shipping 4 million, so there aren't going to be shortages. It has one great game, anyway, and that's a rehash.

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
Hey sir smashers im iori from planet memphis i was wondering how and were is the death by **** or dbr thread at any help may save your planet im in the insomnia in the atlantic south is the reginal zones but basically what im look for is the song to zelgadis shinded blinded bob money overdose and the king i have to have their songs its driving me crazy any help is appreciated

Ps Oh hey your my twin brother

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
Hey sir smashers im iori from planet memphis i was wondering how and were is the death by **** or dbr thread at any help may save your planet im in the insomnia in the atlantic south is the reginal zones but basically what im look for is the song to zelgadis shinded blinded bob money overdose and the king i have to have their songs its driving me crazy any help is appreciated

Ps Oh hey your my twin brother
Just ask Jovan man, He sent me the Shined Blind one already.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
when is the 4 million arriving? ^_^
Nintendo is mobilizing the largest worldwide video game console launch in at least a decade, with approximately 4 million Wii(TM) systems available globally during the six weeks between Wii's Nov. 19 launch in the Americas and the end of 2006. Although the largest share of that worldwide allotment will go to the Americas, Nintendo expects supply will be outpaced by demand, based on retailer orders, intense consumer requests and placement on numerous "gotta have it" holiday lists.

So if you just keep checking your local stores every week, you'll get one.


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
No need to go crazy over a Wii. Nintendo is shipping 4 million, so there aren't going to be shortages. It has one great game, anyway, and that's a rehash.
Rehash my ***. Do you even have the game? I bet you just read a few reviews online, and they were all harsh as hell simply because it reused some names and didn't have full voice acting. The game is nothing short of incredible.

dude don't bother waiting for a wii im just gonna wait until there is a good amount left, besides the only good thing on it is zelda and ive already promised myself to beat it in 2 days (wish me luck ^_^)
haha it's possible, but good luck, you won't be sleeping much. Nintendo claimed it took 40 hours to beat, but I'm pretty sure I'm on the last dungeon and I've played for a little less than 30. But I've played so many Zeldas I think I'm used to their formulas now, so I might've ran through it kinda quickly. Although there were a couple of times I just left the game on while doing something else.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Rehash my ***. Do you even have the game? I bet you just read a few reviews online, and they were all harsh as hell simply because it reused some names and didn't have full voice acting. The game is nothing short of incredible.
Actually, all the reviews love it because everyone's a Zelda fanboy. 3D Zelda's have all been the same. Wind Waker flopped, Ocarina of Time was one of the worst games I've ever played, and Majora's Mask was the only remotely solid 3D Zelda. Twilight Princess takes the same formula and adds a couple of changes that are cosmetic in nature, but ones that the fanboys will eat up. Nevermind that I can play Twilight Princess on my Cube on Dec. 13th if I really wanted to. (I don't.)

But I've played so many Zeldas I think I'm used to their formulas now
Exactly my point.

The Grinch

Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2006
Anaheim, CA
I got sick today :[

PS---Thank you Neighborhood P, it's nice to finally see someone else besides me who didn't think Ocarina of Time was any good.


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
Ocarina of Time was one of the worst games I've ever played
lol watch where you say that. those words could get you killed.

anyway im nowhere near as inclined to get into an intense debate as you are, but i liked all zeldas. wind waker was wayyy too easy and twilight princess could've been more challenging, but i liked them regardless.

and i'll money match anybody at wii bowling. $5, best 3 out of 5.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2006
La Habra
SOrry I couldn't go to wahtever was going on today, I went out with some friends.. Hopefully next time guys.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2006
Lakewood, California
Hey guys!
It was great seeing you all yesterday. Fun times, fun times. I probably won't be able to attend another until my break (the 18th) due to studying for finals. Plus I have jury duty after Christmas. >.<
Though I hope to see you all again before the year ends!
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