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Orange And L.A. County Smashers


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
In your hot sisters room!! and in La Habra Califor
Wow Jovan, I'm on the top five list! *victory dance*
Thanks for the invite Joe, and thanks for letting me and Spence come Adam! We had a great time!

NOTE: At Spencer's complex there' s a big room you can rent for a day. It comes with a big-screen TV, kitchen (not food though) and a pool table. It costs $150 to rent, so for 15 people it'd be ten bucks a piece. It's a pretty cool place, and with three other TVs (I think Spencer has two portables, and I saw one at the tourny today) that'd be four matches going at once.
If any of you think it's a good idea let me know. For the food there could be a pot-luck thing...
AIM: Catmanlch
that'd b cool but theres many risks to that...being that people may not show up aside from that i dont think people would be happy that they payed $10 just to smash all day and get no prize money and food.

I should've went, cause first place is always fun. How much did NK win?
read it again..it was supposed to be a free tourney all they paid for was their food and all they earned was bragging rights... welll i dunno if thats what went down cuz i wasn't there but from what they posted it was meant that way.

Edit- i tried callng NES and he wasn't answering so i dont think we could migrate to his place... i might b able to host cuz my dad wont b home til like 12 in the night. so if anyone wants to come post here and/or hit me up on AIM, ill prolly b idle but just leave a messege. (like m/f i dont want random people showing up i only want people that post here and tell me if u are goin to come) ill prolly b able to host from 2p.m. to like 9 ish. i know this is late notice but if u wanna just come to play smash lemme know :) ill sned u my address through AIM or through a PM just lemme know (sorry for the really late notice yeah its 2day)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2006
La Habra
Wow Jovan that's weird. Must've been bad communication. Sat. morning i was running around trying to finish everything my dad told me so that I may go. So i went on AIM to see if you were on, you were and naturally said Hi. Then i just asked if everything was going as planned, and put let me know if anything changes, if not then I'll see ya later (meaning when you come pick us up). I had to go shower so I couldn't wait for a response. So i just hoped you were gonna come since nothing seemed to change. I apologize if I didn't make myself clear and you were waiting for us. We were allowed to go. Once again, sorry if it inconvenienced you and sorry I couldn't go.

Hey Elvis- Is this the Sunday smash fest you were taking about? My friend said she couldn't hang out (school reasons) so I up to go to something. Is Jovan coming to this? Maybe we could get a ride this time heh.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
In your hot sisters room!! and in La Habra Califor
i dunno if jovan is coming since he's out getting the wii :) if i can get enough ca$h ill b doin the same but he might i think he will he hardly misses the opportunity to smash yeah its 2day

i can actually start hosting around 1 pm but my mom said u guys have to be out by 7 at the latest


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
La Habra C.A.
Wow Jovan that's weird. Must've been bad communication. Sat. morning i was running around trying to finish everything my dad told me so that I may go. So i went on AIM to see if you were on, you were and naturally said Hi. Then i just asked if everything was going as planned, and put let me know if anything changes, if not then I'll see ya later (meaning when you come pick us up). I had to go shower so I couldn't wait for a response. So i just hoped you were gonna come since nothing seemed to change. I apologize if I didn't make myself clear and you were waiting for us. We were allowed to go. Once again, sorry if it inconvenienced you and sorry I couldn't go.

Hey Elvis- Is this the Sunday smash fest you were taking about? My friend said she couldn't hang out (school reasons) so I up to go to something. Is Jovan coming to this? Maybe we could get a ride this time heh.
I am truly sorry Nick and Nathen. I do remember that conversation we had that night. Miscommunication on my part I should have told you that I will be on AIM waiting for your response. My Bad guys. I hope you guys had a great time at Elvis's house I would have come today but I got invited to a Ducks game. I wanted to change it up a bitthis weekend.

Sorry again.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2006
La Habra
I am truly sorry Nick and Nathen. I do remember that conversation we had that night. Miscommunication on my part I should have told you that I will be on AIM waiting for your response. My Bad guys. I hope you guys had a great time at Elvis's house I would have come today but I got invited to a Ducks game. I wanted to change it up a bitthis weekend.

Sorry again.
Ah man, don't worry about it. It's cool dude :) There will be other events to go to. We're flexible for things like that.

Elvis: Thanks alot man for having us over. we had a good time :] Thanks again for the pizza and drinks. I need to practice more :]

The Grinch

Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2006
Anaheim, CA
yeah we should bring t.v.s and cubes...the tourney u had last sunday lasted till 9 p.m. O_o anyways yeah thats kool u can still host next time u c me and my crew... well go all out ^_^

To Forestsage- sorry man i didnt read the post... i read it when i got home and saw it was a no... so i didnt bother to look again till almost 9 p.m. sorry... if i had seen it sooner i might have gone... i hardly had homework so i could have stayed for a while... o wells.

Jovan- hows it goin? u planning on goin to the weeklies w/ NP?

BearBoy- WTF?! are you dead? lol jk man... but i havnt heard anything from you in a while

Grinch- err this is kinda hard to xplain..the new sig i mean... well apperently B.B. asked d20 to make a sig for us a while ago... before u joined our crew.. and he barely recently finshed it... and i know your not in it so ill request that you b in it... just b alittle patien..agian im sorry...i didnt know.
No worries man, if and you when you guys can get me in it, I'll totally appreciate it but no rush at all.

Anyways I have work tomorrow from 3-9:30, and I'm gonna check my work schedule. I REALLY want to smash this week so is anyone hosting anything (And anyone want to offer a ride? :D)

Hit me up guys, peace.

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
No One Broadcast This!!! If A Lot Of People Come, Im Screwed!!!

Anyways I have work tomorrow from 3-9:30, and I'm gonna check my work schedule. I REALLY want to smash this week so is anyone hosting anything (And anyone want to offer a ride? :D)

Hit me up guys, peace.
How about this Friday at my place?! I cant have many friends over, 4 tops. Jovan, you wanted to come smash with me last Friday, how bout it? If you do come, then bring another friend along with Grinch and I'll help out with gas =P . I can basically only have....1 more unless Jovan doesnt bring anyone besides Grinch. I hope you guys can come, I wanna smash it up this weekend! Take advantage of the 2 day school week!! :psycho:

The Grinch

Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2006
Anaheim, CA
How about this Friday at my place?! I cant have many friends over, 4 tops. Jovan, you wanted to come smash with me last Friday, how bout it? If you do come, then bring another friend along with Grinch and I'll help out with gas =P . I can basically only have....1 more unless Jovan doesnt bring anyone besides Grinch. I hope you guys can come, I wanna smash it up this weekend! Take advantage of the 2 day school week!! :psycho:
That sounds tight, if JOVAN wants to give me a ride and I don't have work that day I'm all up for it =] I'll get back to you on my work schedule.


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
I'm a poor Asian college student =[ If there's a sale, I'm abusing it! using the rest of my money for car parts/school supplies ><

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
i dont think i can go to this :( o well....
Dang it Elvis! I wanna play you and your Falcon! I got crappier since last time, dont know why.
Wow, well. uh.. That sounds pretty gay.

As for me, I'm not sure about friday, it sounds likes there already gonna be too many people there though.
There arent too many people but it's just that I cant have many friends over.

Friday = shopping, so I won't be smashing =]
That sucks. If I ever go shopping, it's gonna be for the wii!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
In your hot sisters room!! and in La Habra Califor
i agree kanzaki does seem gay :laugh: im just messin man thats cool if u want to go on the girly adventure and shop for pants and blouses...err i mean shirts that fit you. o sorry m/f pro...imma b workin that day and yes i only shop for... game consoles and games


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
I say serious a lot? o.O And just cause I can out drink you, and probably half the people posting, put together, doesn't mean I'm a drunk xD


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
I say serious a lot? o.O And just cause I can out drink you, and probably half the people posting, put together, doesn't mean I'm a drunk xD
I'll take your challenge

Only people who have never drunk would call someone else a drunk.

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
You guys are random arent you? First you talk about shopping and being gay then drinking? xD. well anyways, I hope I get a response from Jovan. Grinch, I'll ask if he can give you a ride, I'll pay some of his gas. =P

The Grinch

Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2006
Anaheim, CA
Is anyone doing any smashing this week? If not, I suggest coming by my place earrrly Friday morning =] I wanna smash!!! This mostly goes out to those I know....anyone interested/free?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
La Habra C.A.
I don't post for two days and look what happens.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Give thanks for your blessings and pass the pumpkin pie!


Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
I don't post for two days and look what happens.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Give thanks for your blessings and pass the pumpkin pie!

Haha, Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Hooray for our smash-addicted/dysfunctional family!!

Jovan, you up for coming over to my place and picking up Grinch? I'll pay some gas for ya :p

Grinch, if Jovan can still pick you up, can you go?

Elvis+Kanzaki, You too are just too random xD

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
Happy Thanksgiving people, ill be sticking to my daily diet of beans and tortillas thank you very much :laugh: nah im jk... i get to sleep in!!!
haha, I already get to eat turkey and mash potatoes cuz my family had a thanksgiving dinner yesterday! We're weird, we know =D Leftovers for me!! Oh yeah, beans and I dont mix =/
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