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Orange And L.A. County Smashers

The Grinch

Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2006
Anaheim, CA
Nah, Grinch, I'm not gonna have one for a while but if Jovan wants, only YOU, Jovan, and a few friends of Jovan or yours can come like 2 more. My mom is really mad and thinks I'm addcited to the game >__>, that's why I cant have many peopl over. EzynJAY, I wish I could house you but my mom and dad dont let friends sleep over and stuff. I probly wont be going to gencon...:urg:
I might actually just skip smashing this week since I'm so busy, but I'll let you know what's going down.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
In your hot sisters room!! and in La Habra Califor
hmm... well adam said he could have some people over his sunday.. well he told me on AIM... i don't know much after that... and catmanlch if u do form a crew... prepare to face ours and expect no mercy ^_^... now me and jovan just need to get NES and B.B. and the Grinch to participate... as for Frost i think jovan disbanned him. so if u do for your crew that'd b sweet.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
La Habra C.A.
Jovan should come to UCR tomorrow too along with Adam. No Johns and maybe Ill consider joining your crew ;) ;) ;) ;)
HA ha ha maybe I will come but I have to leave early for work. I"ll talk to NieghborhoodP tonight I came home on my lunch break to see the reviews for Sonic he Hedghog for XBOX 360. Gonna pick it up tonight!!! You shuld join Evil, we"ll be too good.

Oh yeah, I played the Wii it"s at my work.... It"s alright. Nothing special really the control is weird to play with. I hope smash will have the abiltiy to use the game Cube controllor like they said.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2006
La Habra
Hey Jovan, Sorry I didn't get online last night. My dad did let me get on the computer. And then this morning I tried to send a PM but the box was full. Hope I didn't inconvience ya dude.

Is thursday still your day off? Me and Bearboy can do something with ya if you want! yay! It'd have to be after school, so like maybe past 3:30 or so. Sound good?

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
hmm... well adam said he could have some people over his sunday.. well he told me on AIM... i don't know much after that... and catmanlch if u do form a crew... prepare to face ours and expect no mercy ^_^... now me and jovan just need to get NES and B.B. and the Grinch to participate... as for Frost i think jovan disbanned him. so if u do for your crew that'd b sweet.
loll, Adam said it;s gonna be saturday at 2pm. Expect no mercy from Team OC NooBs!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2006
Lakewood, California
hmm... well adam said he could have some people over his sunday.. well he told me on AIM... i don't know much after that... and catmanlch if u do form a crew... prepare to face ours and expect no mercy ^_^... now me and jovan just need to get NES and B.B. and the Grinch to participate... as for Frost i think jovan disbanned him. so if u do for your crew that'd b sweet.
In a nutshell dude, I'm meeting with my friends this weekend to discuss the idea. If we decide to do it, I'll let you know.
Questions for you...
*How many people do I need? Is four enough for a crew?
*How do crew battles go down? What if teams have a diff. number of people?
*When/where would we battle?
Thank ee' kindly homie g!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
La Habra C.A.
In a nutshell dude, I'm meeting with my friends this weekend to discuss the idea. If we decide to do it, I'll let you know.
Questions for you...
*How many people do I need? Is four enough for a crew?
*How do crew battles go down? What if teams have a diff. number of people?
*When/where would we battle?
Thank ee' kindly homie g!
Four is bear minumun.

crew battles down by challenges, represting your crew would help going to events getting noticed. beating well known crews.

Hit up tournaments and IM people to challenge them.

EDIT- No problem


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2006
Lakewood, California
Four is bear minumun.

crew battles down by challenges, represting your crew would help going to events getting noticed. beating well known crews.

Hit up tournaments and IM people to challenge them.
Alright so techniqually four will work...though I'll try and find a fifth (if this all works out). Thanks for the answers dude, it's much appreciated!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2006
La Habra
Sorry Elvis, my mom doesn't really want anyone over tomorrow. Sorry dude.. Hey Jovan, are you going to UCR? Or whatever that acronym is..

Do you have room in your car?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
In your hot sisters room!! and in La Habra Califor
NP man i didnt really feel like heading up all the way there...plus id prolly get lost :laugh: o well im gonna try to hit up Nes and see if he can host anytime soon... but it owuld few people cuz i dont think his family would like to have many people over... so ill let u guys know as soon as i have a response from him. o and Grinch.. my photoshop is still acting gey so i would have to make the banner from panit :urg: o nad jovan do your best to get evilnemesis on board oooh yeah


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2006
La Habra
My mom just changed her mind.. So you could still come over if you want to, Elvis. Jovan can come, so maybe hitch a ride with him?

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
Official M/F Smashfest dates!

Hey guys, my parents finally told me they only want me to have people over once every month. I'll usually post the dates atleast a week in advance and it will probly be in the mid month.This month wont have any but possibly mid December is when I'll have another. Also, if people could always bring a cube, and smash taht would be fine. I have 2 tv's already so I just need someone to bring a cube and smash in it. If you guys want more time to smash, bring another tv( I can only have so many tvs) to help things move along aswell. If there is around 10 people, we'll have a tourny for singles and possibly doubles. All of the tournaments will be friendlies and for bragging rights:psycho: remember to stay tuned to this thread to see when the next fest will be! Also, this is only for my friends, basically everyone posting right now, and I only want these people. This means NO RANDOM PEOPLE ASKING ME IF THEY CAN COME!

Anyways, Adam wants everyone to know, he's really busy and has things to do so he will post videos on the weekend, all matches seperate I hope, and make sure you thanks him for his time and thank me for welcoming you into my house :lick:

EDIT: Is anyone doing anything at their place next Friday/Saturday? I wanna go somewhere next week cuz it's gonna be a long weekend for me. I wanna play some people really bad and I'm up for pretty much going to anywhere from my place to the Grinch's or Kanzaki's or anywhere near there.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
In your hot sisters room!! and in La Habra Califor
Hey guys, my parents finally told me they only want me to have people over once every month. I'll usually post the dates atleast a week in advance and it will probly be in the mid month.This month wont have any but possibly mid December is when I'll have another. Also, if people could always bring a cube, and smash taht would be fine. I have 2 tv's already so I just need someone to bring a cube and smash in it. If you guys want more time to smash, bring another tv( I can only have so many tvs) to help things move along aswell. If there is around 10 people, we'll have a tourny for singles and possibly doubles. All of the tournaments will be friendlies and for bragging rights:psycho: remember to stay tuned to this thread to see when the next fest will be! Also, this is only for my friends, basically everyone posting right now, and I only want these people. This means NO RANDOM PEOPLE ASKING ME IF THEY CAN COME!

Anyways, Adam wants everyone to know, he's really busy and has things to do so he will post videos on the weekend, all matches seperate I hope, and make sure you thanks him for his time and thank me for welcoming you into my house :lick:

EDIT: Is anyone doing anything at their place next Friday/Saturday? I wanna go somewhere next week cuz it's gonna be a long weekend for me. I wanna play some people really bad and I'm up for pretty much going to anywhere from my place to the Grinch's or Kanzaki's or anywhere near there.
yeah we should bring t.v.s and cubes...the tourney u had last sunday lasted till 9 p.m. O_o anyways yeah thats kool u can still host next time u c me and my crew... well go all out ^_^

To Forestsage- sorry man i didnt read the post... i read it when i got home and saw it was a no... so i didnt bother to look again till almost 9 p.m. sorry... if i had seen it sooner i might have gone... i hardly had homework so i could have stayed for a while... o wells.

Jovan- hows it goin? u planning on goin to the weeklies w/ NP?

BearBoy- WTF?! are you dead? lol jk man... but i havnt heard anything from you in a while

Grinch- err this is kinda hard to xplain..the new sig i mean... well apperently B.B. asked d20 to make a sig for us a while ago... before u joined our crew.. and he barely recently finshed it... and i know your not in it so ill request that you b in it... just b alittle patien..agian im sorry...i didnt know.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
La Habra C.A.
First of all, Bad *** sig. I like it a lot. second, yeah we have to get the Grinch in there., and disban Frost.

Yes I am going to this for sure. And staying till 10ish. Gotta get my weekly dose of smash

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
First of all, Bad *** sig. I like it a lot. second, yeah we have to get the Grinch in there., and disban Frost.

Yes I am going to this for sure. And staying till 10ish. Gotta get my weekly dose of smash
**** Elvis!! crazy *** sig! You guys should try and bring all of your crew members or atleast 3 of them on Saturday so we can have some crews! guys, this time, bring money for tournament entry and pizza. Jovan, just asking but, would you be able to bring an extra cube with smash in it incase we have one missing?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
La Habra C.A.
You guys are going to order pizza.. and I won't be there... think you guys can do it with out me this time..? Lol.
Thats what I was trying ot tell them on AIM. We really shouldn't have pizza.

Wow I'm confused... Who's having something this Saturday? I think I'm going though. :]
Your going with me and Elvis to this and get your brother to go too.

Sure thing Marth/Falco Pro I will bring one and I will tell Elvis to bring his too.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2006
Lakewood, California
Hey guys, my parents finally told me they only want me to have people over once every month. I'll usually post the dates atleast a week in advance and it will probly be in the mid month.This month wont have any but possibly mid December is when I'll have another. Also, if people could always bring a cube, and smash taht would be fine. I have 2 tv's already so I just need someone to bring a cube and smash in it. If you guys want more time to smash, bring another tv( I can only have so many tvs) to help things move along aswell. If there is around 10 people, we'll have a tourny for singles and possibly doubles. All of the tournaments will be friendlies and for bragging rights:psycho: remember to stay tuned to this thread to see when the next fest will be! Also, this is only for my friends, basically everyone posting right now, and I only want these people. This means NO RANDOM PEOPLE ASKING ME IF THEY CAN COME!

Anyways, Adam wants everyone to know, he's really busy and has things to do so he will post videos on the weekend, all matches seperate I hope, and make sure you thanks him for his time and thank me for welcoming you into my house :lick:

EDIT: Is anyone doing anything at their place next Friday/Saturday? I wanna go somewhere next week cuz it's gonna be a long weekend for me. I wanna play some people really bad and I'm up for pretty much going to anywhere from my place to the Grinch's or Kanzaki's or anywhere near there.
Word dude. Thanks for the let-know.

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
Thats what I was trying ot tell them on AIM. We really shouldn't have pizza.
Your going with me and Elvis to this and get your brother to go too.

Sure thing Marth/Falco Pro I will bring one and I will tell Elvis to bring his too.
I think Adam's gonna make it really simple, just bring $5 minimum for tournament entry and pizza. Adam's just gonna take the money and just order something we can all agree on and we'll probly have it deliver. Last time was different because no one wanted to drive to get food and back. Lastly, unlike last time when everyone got a different amount of pizza (e.g: I got one slice because McRusty took 5 :mad:) we're going to see how many people there are and divide the slices by the amount of people that come. So if there's pizza, please dont just dig in, give Adam and I time to divide it up into a fair amount for everyone. Also, atleast bring $5 if you want pizza and in the tourny. I'm pretty sure there isnt a prize for the tourny but just bragging rights like last time.
am i invited to this? 2pm at adam's house, wherever that is.
I dunno, I dont think Adam knows you.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2006
La Habra
Cool, Me and Nathan (BB) can go, so long all of our chores are done, so yeah, thats a yes.. Hopefully my dad didn't give us to much work.

I'm Batman!

Smash Apprentice
Sep 26, 2006
I think Adam's gonna make it really simple, just bring $5 minimum for tournament entry and pizza. Adam's just gonna take the money and just order something we can all agree on and we'll probly have it deliver. Last time was different because no one wanted to drive to get food and back. Lastly, unlike last time when everyone got a different amount of pizza (e.g: I got one slice because McRusty took 5 :mad:) we're going to see how many people there are and divide the slices by the amount of people that come. So if there's pizza, please dont just dig in, give Adam and I time to divide it up into a fair amount for everyone. Also, atleast bring $5 if you want pizza and in the tourny. I'm pretty sure there isnt a prize for the tourny but just bragging rights like last time.

I dunno, I dont think Adam knows you.
McRustyJr took 4, same as Kira


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2006
La Habra
Alright, we're good for Saturday. We just need to do some chores and then we can go. I'll see ya guys later.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2006
La Habra C.A.
Good games today everyone. Sorry Elvis you couldn't come. Forest Sage what happened I was waiting on AIM to see if you were comming. Sorry man you couldn't make it either. But I did represent the Crew pretty well. Here are the results.

1. NK
3.Marth/Falco Pro
4. Blood Falcon
5. Catmanlch

For the Doubles.
1.NK and blood Falcon's little brother
2. Marth/Falco Pro and JOVAN
3. Shmooguy and Blood Falcon

All in all, it was a great turn out. Hope there is another one soon Blood Falcon and thanks for the Pizza every one!!!

Sorry again you guys couldn't make it.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2006
Lakewood, California
Wow Jovan, I'm on the top five list! *victory dance*
Thanks for the invite Joe, and thanks for letting me and Spence come Adam! We had a great time!

NOTE: At Spencer's complex there' s a big room you can rent for a day. It comes with a big-screen TV, kitchen (not food though) and a pool table. It costs $150 to rent, so for 15 people it'd be ten bucks a piece. It's a pretty cool place, and with three other TVs (I think Spencer has two portables, and I saw one at the tourny today) that'd be four matches going at once.
If any of you think it's a good idea let me know. For the food there could be a pot-luck thing...
AIM: Catmanlch
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