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Omaha Weekly Smashfests!

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Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2006
I'm trying to find a regular place for anyone and everyone to smash. Starting in a month or so I'm hosting Halo 2 LANs in Lincoln and Omaha every other week. I would like to host smash every other week opposite the Halo crew. I live in Lincoln, so it's harder for me to find a location. I've been looking at local LAN centers as well as other places in Omaha, since I wanted to host the first couple in Omaha...that seems to be where there are more people playing more regularly. I want to host a few times in Lincoln, cause there are a lot of unkown Lincoln players. Maybe it would be smart to get a place on lockdown in gretna or something. I'd like anyone reading this to think of an ideal place for everyone to just go and play.


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2005
Omaha, Ne
Yo that would be real coo Legion, I play halo with about 30 guys almost every week. Plus smash so it will be real coo to find a place to lock down


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
So any of u guyz coming down next weekend or not. I would like to see some of u here cuz Oklahoma is coming here and I think that u would have a hard time against them.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
F U C K YOU MAYNE. I was just wondering if any of ur *******es wanted to come down here cuz we always come up to play u guyz. STFU!!


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2005
1. you never ****ing come up there to play
2. we woudl own the ****ing god **** **** out of oklahomoa
3. we are going to st. louis so we arent goign to go anywhere next weekend
4. you seriously ARE a ***
5. ever make fun of ***** leon again and i'll ****ing come find your ****in punk *** and slit your throat myself. gtfo.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
LOL Hard *** mother ****er u think that u r. **** u. I was just asking a ****ing question. I was just wondering, OK, ****er. I wish that u would talk the talk and walk the walk. U can talk all u want but u wont walk. SO **** U SMEESH. Yes btw we have come up there to play and I serioursly dont think that u would own them unless u have played them. They r just as good as Lawerance and they own ur ****ing ***. **** off ****er.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
****, maybe I will but I am too ****ing sick of u *******es think that u guyz r the best of the ****ing best to come down here at least once. **** u Leon.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
wtf mayne. U r *****in here it isnt me I just asked a ****ing simple question. Can u really deal with that man and we go on with our lives without being so ****ing hateful. **** I thought u guyz were a koo bunch of people but, boy was i wrong. **** man I really dont get it. I come in here to be nice and what do I ****ing get some smart *** like u and smeesh. WTF. Can u answer that for me????


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2005
Omaha, Ne
lol look dude I have nothing against you. I just really bored right now and felt like talkin some ****. so don't take it so personal ok just makin a little fun aight


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
Alright batsy I was taking a little out of hand but smeesh on the other hand is ****ing burning here. Jbm, have u played them, prolly not u dont know. I have and I have played lawerence and yes the arent as good but they r there. Texas and Oklahoma r rivals and yes I have played them both and Lawerence(of course Nebraska), and yes they r just as good. No this isnt drama it is friendly throw backs, F U C K U.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
F U C K YOU smeesh. I can talk in any thread I ****ing want to. Now calm ur ****ing jets. U come in our thread at times to but we dont say "STFU" or "GTFO" we like the conversation. Now STFU, OK pedro****.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2005
please both of you ****ing noobs GET THE **** OUT OF OUR THREAD you dont ****ING BELONG HERE this is for NEBRASKA, not only that but this thread is for GOOD PEOPLE, if you want to go argue then go get on AIM and cry or some **** god ****. Please stay the **** out. both of you.

Also, Dark coba, dont be scared of JBM becuase even if you planned out 100$ worth of MMs then he just wouldnt show up to the ****ing tourney anyway becuause he's a ****in noob and doesnt do ****.

I will 25$ MM both of you, JBMs Marth, and Dark Cobras ganon, and after i **** in you i want you to just stfu and learn your place and stay the **** out.


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2005
Omaha, Ne
please both of you ****ing noobs GET THE **** OUT OF OUR THREAD you dont ****ING BELONG HERE this is for NEBRASKA, not only that but this thread is for GOOD PEOPLE, if you want to go argue then go get on AIM and cry or some **** god ****. Please stay the **** out. both of you.

Also, Dark coba, dont be scared of JBM becuase even if you planned out 100$ worth of MMs then he just wouldnt show up to the ****ing tourney anyway becuause he's a ****in noob and doesnt do ****.

I will 25$ MM both of you, JBMs Marth, and Dark Cobras ganon, and after i **** in you i want you to just stfu and learn your place and stay the **** out.

Too good... Yeah I'll mm both you dudes when ever yall got the time.

:chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
LOL is that all u have smeesh. Ha I laugh at u. See I dont always use Ganon anymore. Ya he may be my main but I have smarted up and use some people that actaully own up. Even though I can make it preety far in a tourny with Ganon. Nothing less then a 7th place finish with him. Ya I am going to try out my new ones in our tourny and well c. Jbm, Ya I will take up that offer and no hard feelings toward u, i just dont like **** like smeesh intervening with my friendly talking to people.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
i go where i want smeesh. lol @ u calling me a noob because i don't have money to travel 2 hours for a tourney one time, and missing some smashfests just because i'm lazy.

quit hating smeesh, theres no hate from iowa.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
quit hating smeesh, theres no hate from iowa.

No **** man there is none here either, I think u got a serious problem mayne.:mad: :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2006
Hey any of you guys know that Phatgamer guy? I think hte said that he was from nebraska...and his sheik *****. He got 2nd at the last gamers tourney didn't he?


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
Ok, DarkCobra, you know better than this. If I was a mod, I would at least warn you for all those posts. I have a few points to make for you.

First of all, there is a reason that all "dirty" and "bad" words are starred out, and it is not only to keep people from reading them, ala keeping the boards clean and wholesome, but they are there also to keep people from putting the words in their in the first place, since at least to me, seeing a whole bunch of stars instead of an actual attempt to come up with something at least witty, clever, or even inteligent, shows your laking in those departments.

Secondly, if you wanna get any respect in here at all, you need to show us some respect. This is the "OMAHA" smash page, not the Kansas one, so that means it is mostly for us. Were not against people coming in here, or at least I am not, but they need to show some respect. When smeash or anyone else goes into your forum do they just start spouting out curse words and insults and challenging your character and things along those line? I didn't think so. So, why do you come into our forum and do just that? It just shows a complete and utter lack of respect, and also says that you are in no way closer to anybody respecting you as a player, just based on your actions in this forum. If you wanna com into here in our area and post, feel free, that is whats great about discussion forums, they make it possible for people to discuss things. But, when you come in here and just act all high and mighty, and fill the page with F this and B that, then it just lowers not only the civility of our forum, but also the general inteligence levels of all of us.

And finally, in here, we do talk crap about each other, but its always in a light hearted manner, were all friends, so no one is going to get there feelings hurt or any other crap like that, but when you come in here and try to talk crap and all big and tuff, its not going to get you anywhere. The reason smeash talks a lot of smack is because he has proven himself. He is a very technical player, and a very gifted one at that. He has placed well in some very large tourneys, and has definatly proved himself around here, butt then you come in and say your all good because you never get less than 7th place at tournies, I dont get that. How many big tournies have you been to? How well did you do in any of them? Did you beat any big name smash players? Well, smeash has, and like I said, he has proven himself.

In closing, I would just like to repeat, if you come in here and talk like a civilized person, you will be given some respect, and people may even honor your opinion, but if you wan't to be thought of as some loser who basically comes in and spams up our forums, then keep up what your doing, because so far, your the best I have ever seen at that.



Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
Dragon.......................Shut up. I was in here to ask a simple question. Not to have ur input on this ordeal. I could care less what the Mods have to say. When someone burst out like that to me I have the right to burst back. I know we all talk shjt on each other but sometimes people take it to the extrem. One question was enough to burst into HELL. Now back to the other subject I recpect all of u but when poeple like SMEESH act like a dumb fwck and act out of ignorance that kinna blows the top off now doesnt it. I like to hold a good conversation with u guys every once in awhile but that is kinna hard to do when u get this type of crap that he does. Hmmmmmmmm let me think..................That doesnt show the "RESPECT" that u quote talk of. Get ahold of ur boy and this wont happen again. I act like a civilized person but when my buttons r pushed then I fight back. Get that. Well now that is kinna settled I will ttyl.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
Originally Posted by DarkCobra
So any of u guyz coming down next weekend or not. I would like to see some of u here cuz Oklahoma is coming here and I think that u would have a hard time against them.

Batman: STFU You are a ***

DC: F U C K YOU MAYNE. I was just wondering if any of ur *******es wanted to come down here cuz we always come up to play u guyz. STFU!!

Smeash: 1. you never ****ing come up there to play
2. we woudl own the ****ing god **** **** out of oklahomoa
3. we are going to st. louis so we arent goign to go anywhere next weekend
4. you seriously ARE a ***
5. ever make fun of ***** leon again and i'll ****ing come find your ****in punk *** and slit your throat myself. gtfo.

DC: LOL Hard *** mother ****er u think that u r. **** u. I was just asking a ****ing question. I was just wondering, OK, ****er. I wish that u would talk the talk and walk the walk. U can talk all u want but u wont walk. SO **** U SMEESH. Yes btw we have come up there to play and I serioursly dont think that u would own them unless u have played them. They r just as good as Lawerance and they own ur ****ing ***. **** off ****er.

Thats what youcall taking it to the extreme? Batman just jokingly said that to you, hence the use of multiple smillies, and then you respond to him like that? Take a chill pill dude, maybe even a vikadin. And I know smeash can be out of line sometimes, but when you respond to him like that, and not like a normal person, your just adding fuel to the fire. Why don't you just try and be the bigger man in that situation and not degrade yourself anymore? Just my opinion though. Guess thats just how I would react in something like this, its a good saying "It takes a bigger man to be the one to walk away", or in this case, it would take a bigger man to be the one to keep his cool and not go throwing out, and I repeat, F this or F you and bleepity bleepity bleep.


PS- If you wanna have a convo with us, like I said, thats cool, your free to do what you want, just dont go to their levels


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2006
im with Uli on that one.

I think Darkrayne was from Kansas too right? Kansas must be a real good state for smash, and I think California would definately be up there.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2005
lol you dudes are krunky...
i poop on you all ;)
i win...

now no more thinking of me, at me, for me, to me or in any other way of that matter. the last thing we need is to say that we were able to catch up to the MI thread cause some fools from krusty states were being *****es.

sides...peewee herman would take a deuce on you all...
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