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Omaha Weekly Smashfests!

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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2004
Omaha, Nebraska
XLR8.....$500 MM?!!?!?!

I ain't having 8 people come over to my basement on a school night you doofs. This is like 2 or 3 at most and we cant be makin a ****load of noise. Basically Mike needed a place to crash and shower and I'm supplying one.

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
I'm not as good as the rest of you!?

I guess that has some merit to it, but that's all the more reason for me to go. How do you expect me to get any better if it comes down to split decisions like that and you only let the best people go? I need alot more tourney experience than you do.

Like I knew that mike wasn't supposed to go. Sheesh.

Reguardless, I'm going. Just tell me where to be thursday/friday and I am so there.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
I think Omaha smashers suck. Discuss.
everyone thinks this until you have to play us. Uhh yeah I guess I'm not from Omaha but **** y'all its too much trouble to explain that I live in a different town.

This is my plan, Leon - call me on thursday. Thats it. :) kthx!

Big Burn

Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2004
well **** it then....then who else besides mike is allowed to come over then?.... and once those people are decided, would the people that can't go to mo's want to come to my house.... i don't live with a nagging parent so it should be ok.....


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
o man, u ruined my thursday!! i wanted to come with some people, play some games and RECORD some stuff T_T


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
Hey, I know how we can solve the car situation, I will go and both of the can stay home :p Nah, I am actually going to a husker game this saturday with the in-laws. But mike, one question for ya, why did you make your tourney the day after the wii comes out?? I was planning on just playing it straight for forever, but now I gotta take a break to go down and smash. Also, anybody thinking they gonna take carloads to Columbus? I am gonna go to that one for sure, and just thinking ahead of whos gonna be driving.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
it is, aarons just stupid :)
call me tomorrow if you wanna know wtf is goin dowwwn 402-910-6299


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2006
Lincoln vs Omaha vs Columbus vs ..........
My idea or "plan" is to find the best smash players in Nebraska. This is what I'm doing for Halo 2 also...I've already found the top 8 players in nebraska in halo, and I'm putting together a video of the top 8 in a 4v4 and free for all. It also want to make one for smash, top 4 in doubles, and top 2 in 1v1. These videos will be on every file hosting site, like youtube and filefront, any smash site that i can link to the file hosting service. Then the next step is Nebraska vs Kansas.... Nebraska vs Iowa.... California vs New York. You guys really don't know me very well, since I've been focusing on halo for the past few weeks. I live in Lincoln, go to southeastcc cause it's cheaper than UNL, but I'm at UNL a lot doing whatever. My major is in broadcasting, and my goal is to get you guys on ESPN playing other states. I went to MLG chicago and it was AMAZING and I love to watch the best in the US play each other, and I can't wait to see the first episode on USA on Nov. 11th, but MLG has problems that a more "local" feel can fix. For one, it's a "traveling circus" and if you don't live in that area you're screwed unless you want to spend all that money getting there. Another problem is it has people playing from random parts of the US, if it was state vs state it would give the audience someone to cheer for. There's a good chance that the people watching from nebraska know that person, and has had a chance to play with him/her before at a local tourny. What I want you guys to think about now is who you would want to have representing Nebraska for the doubles and singles. If you guys have any questions or ideas for me, since you guys know more about smash than me, you can post on here, email me at LegionXG@hotmail.com, or call my cell at 402-669-6623.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
I wont put myself to rep singles, our highest tournament places i think would be Mo and Mike, but personally I'd say Mo + Smeesh should rep, not only becuase Mo performs the best, but Smeesh is a much more technical player than Mike and can play a very wide variety of characters, to where mike can just play falco and occasionally fox.

For doubles, however, i'd have to say i'm the best. Argue with me what you will, but I can back that **** up. No Johns, son.

Thats good **** though legion you should get AIM alot more people use it :p if you do get it, my signin is ssbxecho, so you can hit me up on that.

As far as I know the next NE tourney is mine (see the sig)... but I heard yosh might be tryin to get a gamers one goin next month? Not sure. Smash > Halo :) btw traveling wouldnt be such a bad thing if we could get sponsered >.>


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2006
I'll be in columbus. The Rhyno told me that gamers is going to try to have a halo 1 tourney, then smash, then RPG 3 in November. One of my other ideas was to have a bus for the smash and halo crew to go to all the MLG 07' events., I've been scouting for sponsors, LAN locations...I have a LOT of ideas in preparation the explosion about to take place in the gaming community, this is sort of just another peice of the puzzle. You guys should feel glad since you've already started posting on a forum.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
Sioux City, IA
Buy what ive discuss with gamers. We should be getting the next tourney going on Dec 2. Reasons... Oct is too soon to avertise. Nov only has one week that they arnt booked with something and I believe thats the same weekend as Pp2. So frist weekend of Dec should be the date. Ill get more info later.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
anyway echo are u and whoever gonna be hanging out with me and my friends? we will only be able to hang out for so long before we have to go home bc school night!!!
good job yosh :D
legion i thought u had aim? my s/n is youlie1472 maybe we can play some games or something


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2005
Omaha, Ne
A yo I down for some games, but I got some bad news. IDK if i'll be able to go to STL got some **** to take care of so is a serious maybe for me sorry dudes :(


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
wtf. no dude. no. its just not a tourney without leon. ever since i have been in competitive smash leon has ALWAYS been at a tourney with me. **** it man that **** is special to me he needs to go.


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2006
i have aim but im never on i think my screen name is Leg10n10. you guys think it would be cool to play on ESPN for nebraska? I need some feedback on this, and especially ideas.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2004
Omaha, Nebraska
Hmmm I could prolly die happy if that ever happened. Well not quite die happy but about as close as you can get. It's definitely an interesting idea to get something like that going for all kinds of states and if it got some support, it'd be pretty sweet.

lol I was mainly only planning on Mike and Smeesh coming over....

Nice Aaron, my friend's got stellar seats he bought online for face value at the 50. Oh and December 2nd would an impossibility for me unfortunately unless Nebraska doesn't make the Big 12 titles game. Cuz I already have tickets.

Man oh man....I know I shouldn't say anything about this cuz I'm not going but I can't hold it in. Quen, you're cool and all but you're like a peripheral member of the Nebraska Smash scene. The people that put in the practice and made the commitment to take all those trips to all those tourneys are the ones that should have first choice in going to a tournament, all else being equal (which is the case in this case as far as I know). I mean everyone was asked equally and at the same time and the players who've put more time and effort into getting good at the game and going to many tournies should have the priority. Probably sounds mean as ****, but it's how I think, sorry lol....

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
I don't know about the time and effort part. Roy is a trash character as it is, and to even able to compete, I have to play harder than alot of other people.

That and I have a hard time getting opponents to play against, cause Leon and I know each other too well, and his cousin/brother aren't much of a threat, cause they both rely on rolling too much.

And Mo, **** off. Every tourney I could get to, I went to, despite the fact that I have very little money, and an overprotective parent who is FINALLY letting up and letting me go to these things.

Lastly; I said I would go before mike did, so first come, first serve.

Mean as hell is right. I can't believe you have the balls to say something like that to me, when I'm finaly able to want to go and play against others and get tournament experience. Just because you are better than me at the game, doesn't give you the right or the ability to tell me such. I don't appreciate it, and I honestly think you should retract the statement, cause it's ****ed up on your part.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2005
dude im sorry quen. but, your first statement about effort and all that BS is just...a bunch of BS.

we had told you time and time again to play not soo trashy characters, and aside from that, you make it sound as like your the only one having a hard time with such a character, trying to play soo hard in tournies.
people such as johnny, mike, even me cause we dont play such top tier characters such as fox, falco, or maybe even marth that can be played quite easier than a peach, yoshi, falcon, or samus.
we have to play hard if not harder than you cause i believe that if you really gave a ****ing **** you would not be playing that **** *** character such as roy.
now please dont put down anymore **** about playing **** *** characters because its really not worth the extra space on this thread as well as the time it takes to load it!

and im sorry...again, but first come first serve...GTFO with that.
like mo stated because of all the time and money that has been put into smash by others such as mexi, which of whom you speak, because of all that he has contributed, he has that priority that i believe can alter positions such as yours.
now in which case you had approached a topic such as wanting to come and completely reserving a spot maybe around the time the tourny appeared on the boards, showing any such kind of enthusiasm or showed that you really wanted to go ot this tourny, you could have brought up that there is a tourny going on and that to bring up the idea of us going to it would be a more convincing argument towards you saying you beleive that you deserve sometihng...
now, before saying that you quit this game completely, i dont care how long ago it was, it still will affect decisions based on wether or not you can attend...im sure of it.

now, putting that aside.
Legion what your doing sounds fantastic, uhh if theres anything you need help with just peep at me on the boards i'll see if i can help.

think about it...
clowns vs. mimes
dun dun duhhhh


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
hate hate hate hate hate

for real though people be calling me tomorrow i left my number in a previous post.

and yes legion all that sounds real good, maybe we'd actually be able to make the trips to MLGs and such, i'd be up for it. Maybe its time for us to finally rep NE.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
I don't know about the time and effort part. Roy is a trash character as it is, and to even able to compete, I have to play harder than alot of other people.

That and I have a hard time getting opponents to play against, cause Leon and I know each other too well, and his cousin/brother aren't much of a threat, cause they both rely on rolling too much.
Just gotta comment on these two things here for ya. On the first one, Roy isn't really a trast character, he is just harder to play and be good with than some other chars. Do you remember smeashes Roy? He would whoop some @$$ with that "Trash Char", and all it took was some time, effort, and skill on his part to make him a GOOD CHAR.

Now, onto the second part. Have you ever heard of Brown Mario? Even me or johnny for that matter? With me and johnny, when we were starting to get into the technical aspects of the game, we didn't have anyone at all to play against, because Johnny was in Souix City, and I was in Grand Island. And Brown Mario, he is a very high level player in Japan, who has NO ONE WITHIN A 3 HOUR DRIVE OF HIMSELF, so he learned to be as good as he is by practicing and just working on his skills on the computer.

And finally, on not getting better cause you "know Leon too well", when me and johnny lived together, at least in the begining, we played a ton of smash, and it got to the point where we "knew" each other, but I could tell that even though he knew me I was getting better. And also, it is good to play someone who knows how you play because it forces you to change you style according to the opponent, which is one thing I got help with from Johnny.

Now remember Quen, I am not doing this and saying you suck, like people have before when you ranted, I am just giving you some things about these complaints to make them unneeded. You are becoming a good player, and you have definatly increased in skill from the first times I played you at murns house, to the last time I played you at the old apt. So your getting better, just remember that.



Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
And Brown Mario, he is a very high level player in Japan, who has NO ONE WITHIN A 3 HOUR DRIVE OF HIMSELF, so he learned to be as good as he is by practicing and just working on his skills on the computer.
doo do dooooo.... hey this sounds like someone i know... >_>'

btw aaron is quEn not quIn C'MON man you're smarter than this out of everyone in this thread you should be making the least typos :(


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
doo do dooooo.... hey this sounds like someone i know... >_>'

btw aaron is quEn not quIn C'MON man you're smarter than this out of everyone in this thread you should be making the least typos :(
There, I edited it :) And from what I heard your starting to turn into brown mario, last time I talked to mo he had told me that you were jsut getting tons better, so congrats on that. We'll have to have some friendlies at the tourney your having. Also, is anybody going to stay down in columbus that sat of your tourney then? Cause I am thinking there gonna be doing some midnight releases in omaha, and I may be at the door to get my hands on one of em.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
DRAAHHHMAAA, btw roy isnt trash at all, and smeesh im thinking of maining falcon, TEACH ME


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2005
Omaha, Ne
Wow man yall cats is crazy. Now Quen they do have a point. In a way you do too. But I honestly think what they are saying should stand. They have put in the work to get as good as they are. Yes we play eachother all the time yes. But you keep talking about how well I know you and how to beat you. Well you should also know me and how to beat me. But you never say anthing about that. You have a really bad time adapting to peoples playing styles. Its been proven time and time again that you have extreme trouble with this. (Example: At the resent Columbus tourny. The mewtwo that beat your roy , you could'nt beat beacuse he was simply sheild graging your arials and throwing you left and right. You did not adjust to his style after you saw thats all he could do to beat you. Then when I played him and he tried the same BS against my roy I beat him easily. I'm not saying that my Roy is better than yours. I just found the way to win. Now if you can't adjust to me as long as you have been playing me then how can you adjust to someone you've never played huh. Now dude I'm not being mean or **** like that. I want you to get better and beat me more often. But I've put much more work in the game than you have, I adjust to situations much better, amoung other things which is why I win 9 outa 10 of our matches. You always say I know when you are about to use Roys counter, well you should have that same kinda mind set for the things that I do and be able to exploit them. But you don't. You have to start beating me. I think thats the first step for you to move up man. And thats what I want. But coming to the forums and complaining about your problems is not going to make you better. When we play you gotta go all out, see the mistakes that I make and go after them. Just like I do when you make mistakes. So don't quit the game dude just let me help you get better aight

Sir Roy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2005
I am not saying Roy is a Trash character to explain why I lose. I said it cause I had to work hard with him to get him good. Telling me I didn't work as hard as anyone else kind of pisses me off.

The fact of the matter is that I personally don't care how much better Mexi-mike is over me, I said I'd go first. This isn't even a huge tourney, and everyone can agree I need the experience.

Leon, You know how this **** goes down well enough. I shouldn't have to explain diddly.

All I'm saying is that I need the experience more than Mike does, and that and I spoke up first. Is that a crime around here or something?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
Sioux City, IA
Yoshi is complete garbage. Everyone knows it, thats why hes like 5th bottom on the tier list.
Look at it this way. When I started I didnt have anyone at all to play for the frist 2 years. I was alone. I decied to chance this and find someone. The frist gig I found was in La Crosse, WI. An 8 hour drive. Since then Ive looked for more. They have all asked, "Why Yoshi, Hes sh*tty"
I have tought myself to play a goofy style with a bad char. It throws people off and am able to win. In between tourneys, I change a few small things in my game play. Then the next time I play them, Its like fighting a completly new Yosh.

Thats how I survive this game
Thats why I have a small little fan club ;)


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
Sioux City, IA
Crap, it was huh ^_^'
With JV3X3 and Lippton
Then La Crosse was the second with teflon and Yoshii

Ill head for omaha tomorrow around noon. So some one have a phone that I can call when I arrive.
Lets show St Louis what NE is made of


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Council Bluffs, IA
Well, if you got to omaha about noon, instead of leaving then, we could smash for 2-2.5 hours over here, and that would rock, so you should come early. Maybe pick up a smeesh. Make my day and let me play some smash
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