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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
we really need to keep in touch with witchita falls. Those guys seemed really friendly and def have some potential!

I was talking to DFW homingcancel, and they said that they would be interested in meeting up halfway for some AH3 get togethers, we could make them melee/ash3 get togethers if Tanner or someone would host, that would be sick.

My summer plans include going to as many tournaments as possible with Bryan right? working on the weekdays hopefully.

But i have a few other things to do:
Monthlies on probably May 28th or thereabouts.
A wedding June 5th
A-Kon June 10-12
June 25 or thereabouts Monthlies again.
July 15-17 If I run into money by some miracle, Genesis 2. Otherwise, I'll be seeing FREEZEPOP at Tokyo in Tulsa! I might host some Smash and Arcana there if I can get AR up in the *****. HxC wants to have a big knock down drag out multi-game tournament in Jul/August or something so I want to have fliers to give out at TnT for that.
July 29th...well I'm probably going to Las Vegas with my girlfriend, but also going to Evo...but probably not entering, just be entering Arcana BYOC tournament which is gonna be big hopefully!
August.. ARK IV or whenever the put that together.
Monthlies in August very important because of school starting. Anime club booth should have some smashers and other game players at it promoting that ****.

Hazy wants to do something too? Intimikill III or maybe some MK9 at this HxC thing? Ricky wants to.

F-Tier Player

Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2008
Austin, TX
You guys should try and save up to come to DMT 7 on May 21st. It's after finals and before summer school, so there are no obligatory johns!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2006
Norman, Oklahoma
Uh, if DMT7 is this Brawl/Pokemon but non-Melee tournament, then **** that.

Pokemon would be so much cooler as a competitive game if it weren't for all of the randomness. Especially critical hits, which are absolutely stupid as a competitive game mechanic.

Sleep seems even more broken as a mechanic this generation, since if a sleeping Pokemon switches out the number of turns until it wakes up is reset to the original randomly-determined number from 1 to 5. Of course, the sleep clause limits this to effecting only one Pokemon on the opponent's team at a time, but this seems like a death sentence for a Pokemon that is put to sleep for 2-3 or more turns. That, or your sweeper will eventually have 1-5 free turns to set up. Of course, because the number of turns the Pokemon is asleep is randomly generated, this means that both players have to factor in more random chance in their strategies from that point forward.

And of course, other elements of chance create situations whose outcomes are different from instance to instance, i.e., paralysis preventing a Pokemon from moving, flinching, a move hitting or missing, a move's effect activating, etc.

Wait wtf I have a quiz in this class? Damn.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Wait, so if I had Curselax, use sleep, then switched out to another Pokemon, Snorlax will automatically be all right if I switch him back in after 5 turns?

That sounds awesome. Snorlax Blissey Team hurr hurr

Also, everyone hates Critical hits. **** has been hated on since Pokemon began. But honestly dude, there's like a billion ****ing pokemon now. Even taking out legendaries and non-evolved pokemon, just trying to fathom balancing them out across the board seems impossible.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
Man...you guys know a whole lot Pokemon. I'm just playing through the game and catching Pokemon. I know nothing about the competitive aspect of the game.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
When I play Pokemon, I just play up until I get the bike, and then I just ride my bike all day.

Not even trying to lie.

Also, I agree with Bryan lol Let's go to a melee tourney instead. I really wanna go to one of the Houston tourneys in the summer since they do put up monthlies. Also, I wanna play out in KS somewhere.

If another state hosts a big smashfest, we should go. Like Forest, you seem to like the AK guys, get one of them to house like four/five of us for the weekend and just play smash, go home or something.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
I just play to catch all the cool pokemon like Chandelure and Zapdos.

As far as competitive pokemon go, people actually have already calculated out balancing winning times in previous generations. Generation 5 has type combinations that negate the ability to make an automatic win-tier team, which people actually don't like because it adds more uncertainty.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Well, there's no real auto-win teams innately in Pokemon before anyway cause there's too many ******** counters, but at least that's better news for competitive Pokemon.

But then again, Pokemon mathematics, I feel, are always more flushed out with time, and seeing as it's been like a month+, making those kinda statements seems like early to me <_<


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Well there are two kids that play competitively in anime club so i'm just repeating what they tell me..but One of them is Logan Maingioni who you may have seen in the paper. He is OU's most insanely prestigious and intelligent student. He took 30 hours last semester just because he felt like he'd be wasting scholarships if he didn't use all the money, every summer he works at ****ing FERMILAB! He can tell you if it will be wednesday on the 30th of 2013 if you ask him. He's also Rubicks Cube player and helped run a national rubicks cube championship here at OU last year. Anyway he's good at pokemon.

Arcana Heart 3 in the union tonight as well as smash. I hope steve or andy got my gamecube!!! It has my controller with it.

2 new arcana heart kids coming to play, as well as a couple of guilty gear players, they might even smash with us a bit.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Well, I'm out of school so I can't read no school papers, but that kid sounds ridiculous.

Which also begs the question, like, why OU?

Triforce Of Chozo

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2009
Norman, Oklahoma
Wait, so if I had Curselax, use sleep, then switched out to another Pokemon, Snorlax will automatically be all right if I switch him back in after 5 turns?
That's not it at all. What it means is that if your Pokemon is put to sleep for... let's say 4 turns and you wait out 2 before switching, then when you send them out again the number of turns they are asleep resets to a random number from 1-5. This means that on the extreme end of things (namely if you're just dumb) they could be put to sleep for 5, you switch them out after 4 and then send them back out and resets to the original 5 again, and you just leave them out there for those five until it wakes up, it will have been asleep on the field for 9 turns.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Oh, yea, I knew that. That's why Breloom + spore was ********, right?

I thought Bryan was trying to talk about something completely different.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
So guys, I'm officially appointed and will be taking the role of OU JSA president next semester. We got lucky this year and were able to raise three grand in charity for the Japanese red cross to help the Tsunami victims and I'd like to keep that going for next semester.

If I held a charity tournament for smash (brawl/melee/64) would anyone attend? Or do you think this idea is doomed to fail? I'm thinking 1 day for each game. Friday evening would all be for 64. Saturday for Melee. Sunday for Brawl. All would have pools for singles, duno about having time for team pools, and crews would be free and just if we had time at the end of each event.

It would be appealing mainly to as many "on-campus" people as possible, and it would mainly just be for fun. Because it's a charity event, it probably wouldn't be too big, but I think maybe if OK's best players *cough came, I could hype the "unknowing campus video game posers" to join. Venue fee would be free, and it would probably be five dollars for singles brawl and/or five dollars for singles melee. If we have time, crews would be free, but it would just be for fun. I'd be running it, so I'd make sure we don't have people taking up TV's with friendlies during tournament match times. It should be pretty smooth.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2006
Norman, Oklahoma
Holy ****ing ****, I won the robot competition final in my electronics lab.

Congratulations, Kevin! I would be all for a charity tournament.

I've also wondered why Logan came to OU, and I think it's because he got a full ride here. From what I understand, it doesn't really matter if you went to OU for your undergraduate education if you went to like MIT or something for your graduate education, since people supposedly look only at your highest level of education. But wow, I didn't know that he's worked at Fermilab. But yeah, a story about him is that during the first week on my freshman year, the orientation week, there was one point where there was a Brawl setup in the Union, and Chris was there and we were playing Brawl, and this crazy-looking kid, who turned out to be Logan, was there, and we all remarked to ourselves how crazy he looked and referred to him as "that kid." And now it turns out that he's a super-genius who has already done a lot with his life, and is in our Animation Society.

I think that being really good at competitive Pokemon would be pretty badass. There is a lot of randomness in the game which is a turn-off, but I think the developers have worked to make the game more balanced in every generation, and ultimate the better player with the better team will usually win.

Also, as for the sleep mechanics, I believe that if your Pokemon gets put to sleep and will be asleep for n turns, if you switch out that Pokemon within n turns and then switch it back it at any time after that, it will wake up in n turns. That is, the number is randomly generated once, and then that same number is used again if the Pokemon is rotated out of and back into battle.

And yeah, Breloom + Spore is a free Focus Punch, unless they switch in a Ghost-type. Even then, they'll have a sleeping Pokemon that they'll eventually have to switch back in which will get attacked or set up on for free.

But yeah, I won the robot competition final in my electronics lab. Wow.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Competitive Pokemon is an oxymoron of incredible proportions. Only competitive Brawl comes close to the levels of *********** that comes from the competitive Pokemon community. Sooo many rules, clauses, and bans, and yet it really still boils down to the RNG god in the end.
How the **** you gonna ban Blaziken, Swift Swim/Drizzle, yet Tyranitar and friends get to sit on their fat *****, waste fifty turns setting up Stealth Rock, doing nothing, and then calling in Excadrill and Garchomp to clean up the leftovers?

Blaziken=BAN HAMMER, but Latios is cool? See where I'm going with this?

Don't get me wrong, I love Pokemon, but playing by Smogon's ruleset completely drains any real fun that can be had with the game. I quite enjoy going up against some robot programmed by Smogon, with a bog-standard team using the same movesets as everyone else and watching them tear their hair out as I completely troll the **** out of them with whatever random mons I decided to throw out there that day.
Yet, there is so much potential for real fun that will never be had because for every one guy you meet who just enjoys the game for what it is, there's about 70 annoying mouth-breathers telling you how you SHOULD be having your fun.

I don't know who let the ******s at Smogon think they were the overseers of Pokemon, but someone needs to tell them(and their legions of Sheep) to fall back and eat a sack of baby penises. By the way, if you think its cause I can't battle, just ask Marc and Pablo about 'The Professor' and how Marc and I got my IP banned for over a year from Smogon's Server because we cleaned house with all of their 'gdlk' mods with some of the ****tiest, slapped-together teams ever concieved.

You just ain't supposed to sweep people when half your squad is weak to Ice Beam, and you damn sure aren't supposed to be able to do it against multiple opponents with varied 'teams' and 'strategies'... One 'Smogon Legend' even got his *** whipped TWICE in a row(he went and got a 'counter' team, and still got served, lol)

/end Smogon hate rant

So yeah, how's about that Smash Brothers?


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Nicely done Bryan! It's funny. My friend was just complaining how he got beat in the engineering competition. I'm gona tell him "Hey, I actually know the guy that beat you" lol.

And GG everyone tonight. Forrest, you're a good teammate. You just don't know how to team with me, and I don't know how to team with you lol. That's why we got rocked by Cats and Irish. I'm more of a supportive/(extremely aggressive when an opening comes) type player. I've always played teams in a way that my team mate doesn't need to change their fighting style around mine. My team mate should be able to just do whatever, and I usually make it my job to get out of my teammate's way while still being close enough to dance around them and back them up when I see a chance. That's why when Andy and I team you see us shoot at each other half the time. I'm confident he is going to get out of the way of my missiles, and he's equally confident I'll get of of his. You kinda just stayed away from me or stopped attacking completely when I was close, and that's the opposite of what I'm used to. Though I'm guilty of the same thing, so no worries lol. We basically died separately. My fighting style is weird, simple, dirty, and annoying. So I'd say you did pretty good considering we've never teamed before haha. Only reason Andy and I team well is because we've been teaming for almost 12 years now...dang, has it really been that long?

And cool. I'll go ahead and start planning for some smash tournaments next semester.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Its cuz I ahve to run away from bryan because he's like a bulldozer. I actually may do better with a samus because than a fox I've never really played with a fox so I figured if I got too close you'd **** me.

It took bryan and I about 2 or 3 months to synchronise, then we got really good, then school ***** us. Too bad we haven't had time to practice, maybe friday before the tourney.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Fox Peach ***** in teams too though. But ya, Kuni's a real good teammate. You rarely have to keep your eye on him as he provides so much all around cover support


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
We shined and dowsmashed at the same time a bunch, but shine is faster i think.

Also, I certainly hope everyone has invited their friends to monthlies. Just spam them to anyone that plays video games on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=193609344017039
Some kids are bringing GGXXAC friendlies after Melee bracket. Its a pair that also likes melee but feels that theyll never stack up, I bet they can learn.

AFTER 4 or 5 when things wrap up we will head to my place for more friendlies and maybe booze, i have a bottle but you can bring some more. (I owe gravity for the bottle still). Also Arcana Heart 3 scene is legit, I was told it couldn't be done, that it would die in a week, but its super strong. 3 new ppl playing this week (plus a little dabbling by Cats and Irish ^_^)! Bryan you should play with us your the only norman person not doing it, don't you want to be one of the cool kids? I like that everybody plays a different character, there is also a character with a red outfit and a long sword!

I can share the DLC with you.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
So I'm still the only Petra main? Woot!

Getting my friend Matt to come to this. He's really interested in learning Melee and I've been teaching him a few things. He plays Fox btw.
Also he LOVES Guilty Gear and he's REALLY good at it...

Also he plays the little girl with the zombie doll in AH3


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Is there GGXX:AC on the PSN yet?

I would love for me to get a stick + that game around the same time, that would be ****zzztastic.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2006
Norman, Oklahoma
Yeah, even if it was on PSN, there was a catastrophic security breach and all PSN user's had their information stolen, so I don't think it would matter anyway.

Also, Kevin, if you're talking about Khue or Zeidi, they were both there when I made my perfect run with my robot, and I'm pretty sure they know we know each other, since we've all studied together before, lol.


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2009
Someone left a backpack in my car last night. I'm thinking it's Steve's but I don't have his number. If somebody could text him or something, that'd be cool.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
"i don't wanna do the robot" - bryan hoke
"woody push me" - andy davis
gotta start compiling the rest of the greatest smash quotes of 2011 so far.

chris gets a bonus point. anyone who brings a new player to a monthly (whether it be melee or brawl) gets a bonus point. bonus points are redeemable by and to me. it's like recruit-a-friend.
Mar 18, 2007
so i already like AH3 better than MvC but.... how long has AH3 been out? also idk if ill get into it alot since i dont own a ps3 and i dont have time to play at peoples houses.... so where can u buy AH3 anyways? ima tell a friend to try it out. i wish i could make it sat... if u guys are still at it over at forests house 1030ish ill stop by.... ima try and play with pablo tmrw night tho if that counts towards anything


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Everyone likes it better than marvel. AH3 came out last tuesday but the PSN has been down all week because of a security breach so unfortunately its met with a bad start. Its PS3 downloadable content only in the united states, although it can be imported for xbox i dont know if its regionlocked or not.

Also still looking for setups. We also have an opportunity to bring in some funding and exposure that I would like to speak with the Smash community about (and the smash community only) as a whole this Saturday, its going to be a little contentious but I think its feasible.
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