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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Thanks for the tips, and of course I'll be open minded about the future activities for Japan night and who will be participating in it. Taiko is a definite in for next J-Night. Your right, they're the only traditional Japanese club on campus.

I'm well aware that the Animation Society is pretty big. And that will probably come in hand for many things. From my point of view though, It's a matter of balancing out the types of performances that will be appearing. I want to try and keep the content in the general direction of traditional and contemporary culture of Japanese "stuff". As a huge Zelda fan, personally, that sounds epic. However, for the sake of the Japanese exchange students, I don't want to give the impression that our image of Japanese culture is all Nintendo and Anime.

I've got no problem with the Cosplay part either. I just have one request. I don't really know the details, but I heard from the prior members that at one time there was some dude that cosplayed as a girl and wore some anime dress. From what I heard, the audience and a lot of the JSA felt extremely awkward afterward, (not blaming anyone, I'm sure he didn't intend to do that), but if possible lets try and stick to mainstream characters. No point in dressing like someone from Natsume Yuujinchou if no one knows what that is you right? lol

I'm not sure how much Nintendo I'll be able to put into J-night, but I do think I'm gona put in a mech fight. My bro is making some suits and laser guns for a Halloween party, so I'm thinking I might just use them as part of a skit robo-fight or something. lol


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Kevin I have to say that the story about Tommy's cosplay has gotten really out of hand. There was an entire Guilty Gear group, Tommy was Bridget, along with Faust, May, and Slayer. Faust and Bridget (James and Tommy, whom you know) Bridget is a MALE character that wears a HABIT (the symbolic apron worn by Nuns in catholicism). That is not a dress! I can also tell you that Bridget isn't a fringe character or a homosexual character, and is quite popular among gamers and otaku (and not just those idiot new age K-On loving otaku). Bridget was raised as a female since it was considered bad luck to be a twin of the same gender where he is from. He fought in Guilty Gear to prove his masculinity despite this fact. They were chosen as the best costumes by the JSA themselves.This shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone since there was plenty of rehearsal beforehand! What seems to have happened is some older homophobic viewers took serious issue with what was a perfectly normally and contextually relevant costume.

I spoke with some of the JSA leadership (the current pres & vp) about the issue once I heard the rumor. Well it turns out that said leadership lacked all resolve and all spine in confronting the university and said commentators as culturally ignorant and in denial of the diversity and creativity found in Japanese pop culture. Bridget isn't even a controversial or risqué character, and I've tried to get the JSA leadership to confront the issue multiple times, but to no avail. Despite being in an institution of learning, they believe that a lack of appreciation of craftsmanship, prejudice, ignorance, and cultural insensitivity should prevail here at the university of Oklahoma instead of appreciating fine costume making skills, the understanding of cultural nuance and enrichment, and an acceptance of the reality popular tropes in Japan. The costumes were well crafted pieces and happened to be the highlight of the cosplay and fashion elements combined! "oohs" and "ahs" were heard when they came on stage and did their routines including some fighting game moves and taunts and James (faust) LED light up baghead.

I would go so far to say that sexual ambiguity on the part of males is a distinct element of contemporary Japanese pop culture. (you yourself often style your hair in the effeminate japanese fashion) I'm not saying you need a damn Yaoi skit, I'm just saying that there isn't anything too weird about the costumes and its been blown out of proportion. Tommy worked really hard on his cosplay and it along with other guilty gear/blazblue cosplays at OU have been met with alot of appreciation and praise around the region. Its really pissing me off, hopefully this kind of intolerance won't be going on anymore, if it does then someone has to find out who is causing the problems because there I know there is some illegal discrimination going on on the part of the JSA. I was told by number of people attending JSA meetings that racism and discrimination against sexual orientation have been problems in the organization and that people have been denied stage time even when quality help was needed. And that there were plans to discriminate on the basis of race concerning Japan night casting as well.

Kevin Lam told me that Animation Society couldn't participate in the night due to the fact that "there aren't enough Japanese people in animation society" I know kevin isn't the brightest, he comes into a 50 minute class 10 minutes late, then leave to "go to the bathroom" with alot of noise and disruption for another ten minutes almost every damn class...but guess what? Last time I went to a JSA meeting there were 14 white people talking about anime and 2 japanese exchange students talking about...guess what? Loveless! yeah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loveless_(manga) Following that meeting I went to animation society to see 6 people of Japanese origin. My organization has the greatest attendance of any student organization on campus right now! But we get 1/3rd the money that JSA does! We don't even have a damn laptop to watch anime on.

It sounds like JSA has alot of cleaning up to do to fall within the limits of the non-discrimination clause that all university organizations fall under. I hope you can be a part of the solution Kuni, because as someone who has dealt with that clause directly, I can tell you that it is not a trivial matter and your organization can be shut down and it will be if word of discrimination gets around. I'm not being a ****, I'm really trying to be helpful, and this has gone on long enough and its angering alot of people. I can say that being part of the most highly discriminated against (non)religious demographic in the united states as well as the president a huge student organization, I can attest to the seriousness of the issue. The ignorance of a few old geezers terrified of reality and a couple of kids that are immature shouldn't determine your policies nor should they encourage hiding interesting nuances of Japanese culture or encouraging discrimination.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
gotta fight for your right to crossdress. tommy is a hot girl
i'm hetero but always forget about the aversion of crossing gender lines in oklahoma...**** is whack to me. then again like 40% of my school is blgtta/etc


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Just relax Forrest, I'm not knocking on your club. No one told me Guilty Gear was the theme. And I know who Bridget is, so this all makes a lot more sense now. lol. I wasn't there, this is just what I heard. I generally take a very neutral standpoint to issues I wasn't a part of. So just relax.

If my club did/said anything that offended you in the past then I apologize on behalf of JSA. Discrimination of any sort is not something I support, and I'll do my best to prevent members of JSA from doing so in the future. However, I'm not about to start a movement to combat it either. I've got too many events, cultural dances, music, and performances to learn, choreograph, teach, support, and host on top of school, work, and making my own video games. I intend on focusing on the things that I am confident I can finish and accomplish quickly. So please forgive me if you don't see me in the fray of accusing previous JSA members for discrimination.

And lol at Kevin. I know what you mean, but he's a lot smarter than he acts, and he's a good guy. I'll let you know that from now on, if JSA makes a decision, it will do so for objective reasons.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Okay thanks Kuni. I hope the Animation Society and JSA can work together, and any rumors of anime club throwing crossdressers into japan night for the lulz can be silenced! Next time you hear about it just be sure and let people know we weren't trying to make the show gay, it was all in good fun and part of a popular internet-culture reference, then tell them to play Guilty Gear. ^_^

And as for Kevin, well he's my partner for a Japanese project and hasn't made a single practice with me so I'm pretty upset with him about that as well. We have to do the play tomorrow and I've been practicing my lines by myself. I know he isn't stupid because I've seen him doing physics, but he seems to have 0 investment in this class which is affecting my grade negatively!

Also, I was thinking you know the game you posted up last year about the bullet hell. Well if you plan to expand on that concept you should definitely play Space Harrier, which is the first game like that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo4omnPc_2o#t=3m27s
You could probably pick up some mechanics, patterns, and tips from playing it.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2008
Oklahoma City,Oklahoma
LOL Will. You still trash, son! Seriously though, good to see you again, and next time I'll try to get there earlier so we can play some sets. Glad you showed up after so long!

For shame, OK Melee, for shame... 'Why does no one play Melee anymore?' I don't know, maybe if half the damn community would actually show up to something, people might want to play it...

Forest, good **** putting this together. Fun times with you, Alex Ngo, and Bryan in Melee dubs. Hanson, I'll be brushing my Marvel game up so I can stomp you in that too, scrub, lols... Good to meet all the new faces, and hope to see you all again.

Congrats to Tommy, Chris, and GAY NASTY for repping that OK Pride.
Haha you save my number so i can get in some practice

Next time there is a arcana heart,melty blood,or mvc3 get together hit me up because i wanna learn and watch some matches before i decide to get a ps3 lol.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Lil Will's post inspired me to think about this.... yeah so ricky has this thing where he puts peoples phone numbers into this mass text system and it sends out a text to everyone when he has a tournament.

Well thats great and all, but I'm wondering if a Twitter would be just as effective? Then I don't actually have to collect numbers. The question is can I get people to actually USE twitter. I know that socialites use it alot, but I feel that many people don't actually understand what twitter is and may be apprehensive to sign up for it if they haven't already. Essentially I would add a facebook and twitter button to all the tournament postings. If someone subscribed, the next time I ran something or we were going to go out of state I could @groups on twitter to say hey were doing this heres the link.

I'm considering this because not only do I want to expand the demographics that gaming tournaments appeal to, but last week I called 4 people asking them to come to monthlies and PMed even more across 3 different websites (facebook, srk, smashboards). I don't want to have to call King GT & Paymon while I facebook Bilal, and Witchitafalls, PM the Real Inferno on SWF, and PM Nilkam on SRK, etc etc every time I run something...

What do each of you think about twitter? And how many of you check facebook updates on your phone?


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Cool, cool. If you just memorize your part, I'm pretty sure he'll memorize his, that does suck though.

I'm actually working on a completely different type of game compared to the one last year, but I have messed with Space Harrier before. lol.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Even if everyone doesn't have smartphones now, they will eventually.

Might as well get a jump on it, build up a successful messaging system, and then tell Ricky/SRK/whoever else about it so you can constantly keep connected to everyone else.

Might as well make it an Oklahoma tournament info twitter account/lan party/fight night thing.

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
WTF Will showed up to that tourney?

OMG I'm so sad that I didn't get to go :(:(:( I love nothing more than to stomp will's *** every time he decides to show his face at a tournament!

Also, I frequent both twitter and facebook, so a group like that would be great.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Yo dudes, if Karl's thinking about going back to AZ anytime, we should see if he can take us so we can do a monthly there.

It'd be funnnnn~~~!


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2009
I definitely won't have room in my car for multiple other people when I go back. >__< But I'll be here for a good portion of the summer. Dude, when are you getting back?

Triforce Of Chozo

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2009
Norman, Oklahoma
Just sat down to practice Marth in training mode (Brawl) and realized that my controller is kind of ****ed up, and I didn't do it this time. The casing is loose and the cstick got jammed in. Finally an excuse to get a new one lol, but if anyone knows if anyone slammed a controller down or if one got accidentally stepped on, it was mine.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
I was missing dash attacks for a few months, yawara recommended I try a new controller since I miss dash attacks often, it worked very well, even though I couldn't feel my controller having any sort of physical looseness, it was just a few millimeters out of allignment between tilte and dash.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
That I'm coming back tomorrow probably. HOLLA

Probably can't play till Thursday though cause I'm gonna be tired as ****.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Bryan, have you completed the Housing application yet?

Or are you waiting for the next step after submission of the first step like this site is telling me?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
You guys aren't staying in university housing ripoff 9001 again are you? You can have a house like mine for less money...then you can actually have a place to play some smash.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Considering how much of a pain in the *** it is for me to get up, yeah, I'd rather be in close vicinity to the campus.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
hey if he can get up a little bit later for the simple price of an extra $800-1000 a semester. thats his business!

time to do some maths cause im bored

$30 application fee
going rate is $561/month

(561 x 4) + 30 = approx 2300 w/o the meal plan. although i think theres a buffer for your report card...or is that crimson park?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Thats pretty short sighted joshua. 5 minutes is the time difference, indeed there are homes and apartments that are closer to campus than Traditions, especially if you have classes on the north side. In fact, traditions is only slightly closer, maybe 1/10th of a mile than my house!

Save yourself 1000 dollars and stop living like a servent in housing quarters. Seriously Bryan don't let them fool you again!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
One of them doesn't play brawl and actually turns out to be a super douche. I'll let the other know though. Also university housing sucks don't get fooled guys, seriously I'm not just being my argumentative self, your ****ing yourself by staying in university housing. Your scholarships/grants/loans are usually all applicable to pay for any housing you please. The university just makes it seem like they are the only place to live so they can charge you exorbitant prices for their claustrophobic housing.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I actually don't get why Bryan's doing student housing again when he's admitted himself that it sucks ***.


Smash Rookie
Jul 10, 2004
Hey guys, it's Lucas from Facebook. Sorry for taking so long to find you. Just wanted to say "hi". Can't wait to hang out with everyone. :)


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I'm gonna go down to Norman at around 8 to play Andy, Karl should play me this weekend btw. So should Alex and Chris and Bryan and Forest and everyone else who wants to join in on the melee.

Also, Brawl peeps should show too. HOLLLAAAAA
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