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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Nah, I'm playing Sheik vs you. HOLLA

Also, I'm gonna get an arcade stick today, but I have to pick it up from Best Buy cause I gots no moneys, and Credit Cards is the only thing going for me.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
I'm warming up to the stick, I've only really used it for two days. I can dragon punch better, now my main thing is that I'm not really able to get directionaly jumps out after command attacks in the right direction during jump cancel aerials like 4B, 9j. If I don't jump toward I drop the combo, but I tend to hit upward too close to the center or the back of the gate since I just had the stick as far back as it would go...its just going to take practice. I'm just not very good at these sort of technical face-off fighters, not that I don't have the reflexes but I'm just so used to using a separate button for jump in smash, that jumping correctil while also entering commands is quite a challenge.

Not ragging on chris, Scharlachot and Petra are legit zoners, thats why there are arcana to help counter! I'm just a sour old gamer who brags alot doesn't like to lose at anything, but its okay in the end were all cool (except for Bonougan)
Lets see the only person I didn't play lastnight in arcana was Pablo. I like that everyone is focusing on different characters, even odd unique ones like Nazuna (Bird is too good Gravity). Pablo was playing with Heart Aino who seems cool with her heartful punch, its like combining the best of peach, ryu, and captain falcon into a sexy package with a creamy center (which I'm really looking forward to penetrating with my Zahn.)

I'm looking at playing a little Eko and Clarice today. I really love this game. Since I started playing 2D fighters with any technical knowledge a couple of years ago, this one is by for the most interesting and balanced.

Cats has improved a ****ton with his Falco and Falcon, although he just ****ing jumps off the damn stage with falcon like 90% of the time he gets off the ground. I"m impressed with cats improvement, and thats coming from someone who has improved dramatically over the last few months. I used to destroy his falcon, and his falco was annoying, now both are major threats to me. I don't know if this is at the cost of sheik practice though, I really want to play your sheik more cats.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Found a good deal for sticks, 20% off right now, just waiting for my new card to come in to get it.

Also, I'm just excited to play melee with everyone again. I really wanna play and get super high


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Can't wait for ya to get back.

Also: Monthly thread is updated, spread the word.

There is still alot of tweaking to be done,
1. We think that later we might want to up the team entry fee, but its low now because we are trying to encourage team entry
2. I'd like to also have an amateur bracket, but working the math out correctly is difficult. Either way we need to encourage new players to be involved without feeling like they are paying 10 bucks every month to be trounced by 10 year vets. I'm a little apprehensive to not begin with this, because first impression make alot of difference, still there are just kinks to be worked out. If setups permit, maybe a losers tourney for material prizes that I have lying around (I have a ton of anime prize material laying around)
3. DFW dustloop wants to come play Arcana Heart, not this month but next month. AH3 fee will increase to 10$ next month after people have had a chance to learn the game a bit, alot of import players currently have the upper hand.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Yo, spam that thread on every other TO's page

Also, has anyone listened to that new OCRemix Pokemon project?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Oh I thought this was primarily local well IDK let me talk to alex because we don't have setups for a huge group even though I doubt people would flock this way in a week.

Also do you mean the TOs personal pages or the regional threads?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
People cause threads is a bit too spammy where as people makes it more personal and allows you to network better.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
No one reads my long posts but anyway here goes...my philosophy on monthlies. I moved this response from the monthly thread so we can discuss it here.
not gonna lie.... adding AH3 to this and the facebook page really irks me.... mainly this tho. i feel if we are gonna focus on getting smash up and going here in OK there doesnt need to be any other games added to the monthly since this whole talk was about melee and brawl. just cuz a new game comes out doesnt mean we need to add it to monthlies. not sayin that AH3 is just another game but you get my drift. make a AH3 monthly on its own dont add to something already crowded. like u said urself forest ur wanting to make an amateur bracket on top of the reg one? thats gonna add to the day. idk.... im ranting and i feel like a smashboards monthly for SMASH should be about smash and have other games have their own day for monthly.
If you look at other peoples monthlies and regionals, you will increasingly see other games included in side tourneys, especially Marvel. AH3 is small and MOST oklahoma smashers are playing it right now. It wouldn't make any sense to have another tournament. Also, SRK people are already hosting monthlies, running 3 monthlies for OK per month is just plain ********. Its hard enough for me to even get them to talk to me or rearrange their damn events to not overlaop with mine. Also, its alot of work and stress to get tournaments setup and going, it would be unfair of you and everyone else to ask me to run separate monthlies for every game that comes off the shelf. Its pruely for convenience. SRK won't play anything but the 2 big capcom games, that means either I add these games or there isn't a scene. Also, if we actually want to have any player fund money, some other games would do us good, otherwise its just us paying our own gas money every month with the same 15 people. If everything works out, we will have enough community outreach going on here, and good enough attendance to help pay for OK people to go to larger events, I'm hoping we can make enough to get us to Genesis or Pound next year. The attitude you are espousing "SMASH" only is one of the reasons smash is so small right now. Melee should have more players than any other legacy title, and thats what I'm promoting here, by being elitist and EXCLUSIVE we EXCLUDE many potential additions to our scene. That attitude is the reason that no one plays anything but SSFIV and Marvel right now and its also why I can't get the SRK people to collaborate with me. Oklahoma has HUGE potential, we probably have 100 people that could be playing games, traveling hosting, representing nation wide, but because everyone is so ****ing focused on preserving their little piece of the pie we have like 4 crews of 10 people each, and when a new person meets one of the crews, he is usually excluded from it because he doesn't play "their game"

Dual Cats said:
I don't see anything wrong with AH3 being included in our monthlies, and, to be honest, I was assuming we'd also be seeing monthlies for MvC. If anything, I think it'd serve to synthesize the Smash and arcade-fighter scenes; especially with the addition of an amateur bracket.
One of the bad things about the smash bros community, is that many smashers are very hesitant to play other games. well thats understandable because Melee is so good, but there are many quality titles out there, and honestly, Melee and Brawl scenes aren't growing. We alienate huge swaths of gamers by running our little tournies of elitists, yeah smashers are friendly, but not necessarily inclusive. I also want to add a few more games, particularly non-capcom games. HxC continues to look for sponsors and is really interested in working with us. I know HxC doesn't have everything together yet, but Ricky is trying. He's buying EVO monitors this summer that we can use! Those are the lag free 1080p monitors for HD fighting games. Smash will be the central event, but I think that alot of fighting game players look down on smash, by letting people know that Smashers are great TOs and love other games as well, we can elevate the status of our game and really build a bigger gaming community in the end. It would be great to see new faces when Project M releases.

TL:DR Smash is going to be front and center at these, and the point is to improve our general gaming skills, focusing on smash, and make some damn money for us to goo OoS. There is no reason to do a separate monthly for every game that is released. 2 monthlys is already too many for gamers in oklahoma to keep up with. Irish you don't have to enter the side tournaments if you don't want to. Smash will always start first, and other games will probably wrap up later in the day. Smash brothers players aren't going to get stolen by other games, our crew is pretty solid man, so don't worry.

The monthlies are about community building, making friends, improving our game, getting our name out there, and making some player fund money. I talked to the Arkansas Fighting Game Network leader who ran ARKIII, and extremely successful event with multiple games, and he said the best way to build communities across multiple games is to host as much as possible and have a few side events to bring in new people and garner interest. We aren't going to get that much better without 1. Getting new blood at our events, and 2. traveling alot.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
I posted this in the monthly thread, but I'll repost it here because you noob-scrubs need to read this.
Now get angry and get better:

I totally agree with Forest here. Everyone always complains about how small the scene is, and how it never grows... How can it grow when you constantly shun and exclude anything(and anyone) that isn't 100% Smash?

You can't be the best if there's no competition to beat, and you can't compete without opponents with varied styles and techniques. Some of the best players in the world play MORE THAN ONE game.

Justin Wong is a master of various Capcom titles, not just Marvel or SSFIV. Heart Nana is such a beast because he plays every Neko-Desu-Kawaii-Anime-Airdash-Japanese-niche fighter out there, from Arcana to BlazBlue, all the way to Guilty Gear. Get this--Some of the best Smash players are very good at games that aren't Smash, wether its Neo and his love of SF, or Gimpyfish... Hell, it's practically REQUIRED to be good at more than one game in New York.

You guys need to stop being so close minded and expand your horizons. You might pick up some new skills and I don't know, actually IMPROVE... (He's gonna kill me for saying this) Next time you see him, just observe Chris for a minute or two while he's playing Smash. He's ****ing BORED OUT OF HIS MIND because no one is challenging him. He had to switch to friggin' LINK just to keep his mind occupied, because him going all out with Marth or Peach and maybe Fox is too much for this weak *** community.

He's playing other games because Smash is no longer fun... He has nothing left to learn from us. That's how bad you all are. Instead of *****ing about other games being included, how about you try them out, and maybe learn some new **** that will translate to Smash.
I mean, damn, if my old lazy *** can still keep up with the lot of you, maybe you all need a new approach?

BTW, I play games other than Smash too... Hmm, is that a point Po is making...?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
Just got done playing Arcana Heart 3 for the past 16 hours with my friend Matt and a bunch of other people...I'll catch up on everyone's posts tomorrow...too tired. Found a 70% combo with Petra that's balls hard to do and I was only able to get it like 2/74897497449 times...but yep, games good...

Going to main Petra and 2nd Scharla and Lilica.
Mar 18, 2007
EVERYBODY CHILL!!!! lol its not that i dont want to try new games cuz i plan on playing AH3. i just assumed with everything going on, having to split our attention and extend our time wouldnt be the best thing to do. also if our goal for"monthlies" is to extend the gaming scene, then when not just make that the "training day" that alex planned on having and that Southpaw and him have done in the past? i just dont see the point to throw all these differant games into one day when that days origional goal was to rank the smashers of OK. thats all :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2010
Solidus is right. If people don't like a certain game (like AH3), there's nothing forcing you (or anyone) to play it and if it gets zero interest, it'll die by itself. People should appreciate Forest for trying to get things organized and build the community. He's got a lot of passion, and I know from personal experience that it takes a lot of passion to do this sort of job since almost nobody will show their appreciation for the hard work TOs put into their events.

The ONLY way you guys can build your scene is by constantly looking for new people and getting people to come and play. If you don't... your group will only slowly start to decrease. Always be welcoming no matter how "scrubby" someone starts out. We have plenty of players in the Arkansas scene that started WAY after I did (in certain games) and now they're among the best.

Anyway, good meeting some of you guys at the tourney yesterday. Had a blast!

If you guys ever need anything, just hit me up. Always here to help neighboring communities and TOs.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Thanks Maxx,

I got my first 10k combo out with the stick in AH. I'm relatively new with the stick so getting the dragon punches out mid combo has been really hard for me. i'm proud of myself, the OCTOgate has really helped me alot, because its more like a gamecube stick IMO. The combo is extend force, its hard as balls for met to get the relaunches in this game.

And like I said Irish, Smash will always start first, so the ranking shouldn't be held up. If anything gets delayed itll be the other games, unless for some reason were waiting on a smash crew to show up or something.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
AM bracket is not really a good idea since our tounaments will be so small anyway. AM brackets in general have a history of not working. the only reason the west coast gets away with it for their locals is because they get 50+ people.
in order to not punish the people who are already members of the community while also not alienating new players...maybe we can adopt a swiss system that some states like AZ have been using recently? then we can seed a small 8-man bracket or so with it, while newer players still get in like 5-10 games. eh?
any word on brawl player planning to show up, btw? i haven't heard much but def want to see those guys show up, too! outlaw, are you coming? :)


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Yarr, I think everyone should just listen to Josh and chill cause I don't think he meant for his comment to be taken that far. The idea that Josh had in his head wasn't to exclude other players, if anything, I think his intention was to not distract other players by having too many different games going on simultaneously.

Now, before we take this discussion further, I'd just like to say that Smash, as a fighting game, usually isn't the one that's excluding other players. If anything, the fighting game community as a whole tends to exclude us. Everyone here's read arguments as to why Melee/Brawl aren't legitimate fighting games by traditional fighting game fans as well as casuals. Automatically, this game serves a very niche audience because of its unorthodox presentation and gameplay so actually attracting people tends to be insanely difficult.

Now, while I'm all for a utopian fighting video game monthly, even you have to realize that asking for that to happen is logistically incredibly difficult. Just running Brawl and Melee singles/doubles in a day is difficult enough so really, including too many games isn't going to have crossovers within games so much as it will garner extra exclusivity at least IMO.

Like, honestly, whenever I go to a tourney with more than one game, even if it's Brawl + Melee, I really don't enjoy playing too many games at once cause it's a real drag to both of those games. You just won't be as sharp as you ought to playing everything in one day, and if monthlies are to increase competition, that's only going to make me more single minded.

Now, I'm not using this as an introductory argument as to why we should or shouldn't have AH3 in our monthlies--rather, what I'm trying to call for is far from it.

In the monthlies thread, I asked that we didn't move the monthlies to preserve attendees looking to have fun, right? Well, tourneys, while they're great PR and great fun for many, in its nature can dissuade participants from returning especially when they get knocked out after two rounds. And if they get knocked out the first event, the chances of them staying through the entire event is unlikely, right?

So instead, what we should focus in our tourneys isn't so much just adding games as it is reaching out after the tourneys. Invite kids back home cause after every tourney, there's going to be a follow up smash fest or, in this case, a fight fest?

If you want to use tourneys as the medium to draw individuals together within the same place, then I say go for it, but don't expect people to branch out across games or for new people to stick around long since they probably will have a hard time playing through to the later rounds.

Rather, what we need to do is just kill the competitive atmosphere once it's done and just have fun with everyone.

Just my 2 cents after seeing what works and what doesn't.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
After perusing SRK, Dustloop, Homingcancel, and Miizumi I feel like there just isn't a place for games that aren't SSFIV or Marvel. As such I really think that niche titles, or otherwise good titles with small communities fit right in with Smash! Other communities aren't making a place for them, so I'm going to. I got this poor kid on SRK who asks people to play SNK games with him every damn day, and no one even responds to him! Same with animefreak and BlazBlue. I tried to share a smash experience there once and I was told no one gave a ****, then I tried to talk about AH3 and it was "anime crap". I'm not going to be like that. On and on, these one or two kids that just need a place to go to play their little games and share it with someone who doesn't scoff at them because they aren't playing SSFIV. Monthlies are going to be a place like that, where people are welcome to play what they like, and if a scene shows up around it, they can host it there. I'm not bringing in setups for all their ****, but they sure as hell are welcome to do that.

Am I going to play KOFXIII with any seriousness? No. Are any of you going to? Probably not. But if 8 kids want to have a ****ing Samurai Showdown 2 round robin while were doing Melee monthlies in my room, then have at it!

Do I plan on hosting other games at the smash monthlies, yes.
Will I host smashfests still? Yes. Will other games be allowed or even encouraged? Certainly. AH3 is a brand new title that alot of smashers are digging right now.
Do I plan on detracting from smash in any way? No. Smash will take place first. I agree with Yawara that there needs to be some way to keep the noobies around. Hosting them afterwards, becoming friends with them, and teaching them is a great way to do that, also letting players of all these other little titles know that smash is cool too will really help oklahoma overall I think.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
I'll be more motivated if Bobo and 999% are going as well.

Never played Afro, so I dunno what to think. Chuck makes me "oh god" though.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Should also get the MWC guys to show, and if Bryan wants to, I'll team with him in Brawl and practice seriouslies.
Mar 18, 2007
basically what sars said. lol i just had 2 min to get to work and it was dwelling on me for the last few days. i just felt if our goal was to get together new games and new people we should have a seperate day to kick back and tear it up. lol thats all. altho po's post irked me... i seem to be in an irked mood recently. 8-)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Its just not logical or feasible to run 10 monthlies. I would run a second one if SRK wasn't already dominating every other Saturday with their "for profit" tournament venture. I want to do it for profit, but the way to do that is with sponsors and big turnouts, not by taking your 10 best friends' money every month. If we don't get new people, we are just wasting our time and our money because we aren't going to improve and we aren't going to be able to afford trips.

Anyway its cool irish, we are focusing on smash first and foremost, please don't worry about that.
Mar 18, 2007
didnt say monthlies said get togethers. also, if we are wanting to get more people introduced and coming around more often, why charge a fee??? say we do this 2 days outa the month. 1 for serious monthlies and the other for non chargeable fun for everyone gamer days? i guess thats the thought i had. im not "worried" about anything. just tell me the last time something went smoothly and on time lol it happens


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Okay look...let me say again. BECAUSE THERE ARE ONLY 4 SATURDAYS IN A MONTH AND SRK IS LOCKING DOWN 90% of all the fighting game scenes with their monthlies one week, then 2 weeks later a get together, that means i would have to manage an event ever 2 weeks on top of casual get togethers. Not only is it stressful on me, but its hard for people to find that much time to play. For some reason, people in OKC are really not enthused about driving to Norman where I can get the ****ing venues.

Can you get off for 3 Saturdays a month? I never could at any weekend job I had. I'm trying to get a new weekday job right now and its really hard to work weekdays only when your in school. I've got so many cons and weekend trips to go on this summer that I'll be squeezing in monthlies on my only free weekend some months. Smokemaxx is right, I'm very passionate and please appreciate what I'm trying to do, and honestly I don't get alot of help with this stuff and no, tournaments never run perfectly smoothly. I spent 3 hours yesterday organizing the monthlies. I spent an hour at OU getting the room and making sure the tables were right. I spent all afternoon today talking with players and HxC about summer events. I'm talking with Dallas and Ar TOs to try to get some region wide stuff hosted, and no its not all smash, but I'm making sure Smash has a place in all of it!
Yeah sometimes I can be a ****, but I'm really a nice guy, and the nice guy in me is saying hey lets play a little AH3 or BlazBlue at monthlies and if little scenes build up there then thats great, I WANT that. I'm done venting here, I'm not trying to be EMO, but I can't believe that I'm being criticized for me to put ****ing AH3 side tournament in the room that has a smash bros tournament in it for everyone here!

No other community forum would be even half as understanding if I wanted to run smash at say an SSFIV or CoD tournament. This is the only place I can have Smash and its my number 1 priority, but I'm not excluding anything because its called smashboards.
Mar 18, 2007
no one is saying they dont appreciate what u are doing. u r def. doing a good job. i wish i could do it or help out but like u said. a job. :( just cuz i reiterate what i was thinking doesnt mean i disagree with wat ur doing. it can obviously work and its going to lol. just stating how i was thinking. im not against it. i was just asking y u didnt do it this way, and you answered me.

issue resolved. chain grabbed 0-death


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
It's not criticism for adding games, the advice is just to not get short sighted, right? But go and run the tourneys man, that's something everyone in Oklahoma wants.

I'll handle the party crew.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
You don't need to have a lot of tournaments either. Just a couple every now and then when it's convenient forever will be fine.

To be honest Forrest, I don't think you should be stressing out about this. Just relax. Playing games shouldn't be an obligation. I kinda like the every Wednesday thing. It's always at the same time and place and people just come if they want. Small things like that are fine.

If you wanted to actually have more of these things, it should be in a similar format. You say "Me and whoever else wants will be here at this time", and whoever wants will come. That's basically what a weekly or monthly fest is anyway. It doesn't have to be official or follow a structure. It would be nice, but I don't think it's very realistic for the OK smash community.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2006
Oklahoma (norman)
Even the wednesday thing is an obligation for me you know. if only 1 person shows up and I'm not there then its a failure and maybe Cats drove 40 miles for nothing, or irish just had a hard day at work and really expected to unwind. Maybe a kid I met the week before walked from dorms in the freezing cold to play, or maybe its the one day that Bryan was able to take a break from school..or even...the day Kuni shows up! As much as I'd love to find days to host for every game, or games in general outside of wednesdays and monthlies, I just don't think its feasible.

Anyway thanks for being understanding and being good friends. Yeah I'm super excited about Arcana Heart right now, and I really want that community to be strong, but I'm just as excited that I'm actually getting wave dashes out with peach more than half the time right now!


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
lol I was excited when I saw Kuni post for the first time in a long time, and it was a demotivational hook lol

Just do what you're doing man, I understand that getting these tourneys going is important to you long term, and when I get back, I'll support you the best way I can. But right now, I just want everyone else to put out a positive environment, make people want to play with us, and the best way for us to do that probably is for us to want to play with each other right?

So with that apologies to Forest if I offended you, apologies to Po cause I love you, and I'll be coming back soon, and I really wanna chill with all of my friends in Oklahoma.
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