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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
no u

nah, i took some last year, they were pretty lame.
Ah, but it is not at all the same as taking them for two consecutive weeks. I must say, however, that the entire experience is somewhat fun, in its own way.

did you guy here about the tounament in tulsa? over 200 cash prize
Ka-ching! Duelist Kingdom here I come!

Anyway, Mario Kart Wii is pretty fun, but it does have some drawbacks:
-The items are ****ing ********. It feels as though I'm spending 25% of a race getting hit by blue shells (!!!), bloopers, pow blocks, lightning, and red shells. I hate being interrupted like that. And they stun you for too long. And on that note:
-Blue shells are ****ing ********. Better items tend to appear when you're lagging behind, but blue shells target only the lead racer, so it will only help you advance one place if it all. It really just serves to piss off the person in the lead. I mean, punishing someone for being performing the best? It is an abomination of learning theory.
-The baby characters are ********, especially Baby Peach. I mean, I liked the use of Baby Mario in Yoshi's Island, but anywhere else it's just a stupid kiddy (yes, I said it) filler. Besides, in a world with talking dinosaurs, missiles with faces, and mushrooms that make you big (MARIO big), not even that makes sense. They're wasting the spaces of what could be cooler characters (though I don't know all of the characters and don't feel like spoiling it, so maybe some of the following are in fact in the game), like Dry Bones or ROB or Marth.

However, on the plus side:
-The Wii wheel is surprisingly fun to use, and is intuitive, as well.
-The midair-trick-to-get-a-speed-boost is a good system, as it gives meaning to taking jumps.

Overall, it is a fun game, but the items really need to be toned down, because they just really piss me off.

Also: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Fr1gVpoIcsM


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
My final epic post.

At least while in Oklahoma :p

First off lol @ GT

Secondly, thanks Oklahoma for the good times. I'm heading out to New Orleans in a bit, and Brett's already gone and left for Korea. I've had fun kicking it with all of you guys, and I'd love to make a big dramatic speech, but I'm pressed on time so I'll just say that spending time with you guys is one of the highlights of OU. The San Antonio trip will be recorded in history next to the Bible because of its epicness. And all the hijinxes in between will not be forgotten.

Good luck to all of you guys, keep repping what it is that makes OK smash amazing, and don't forget about your boy. I'll be back in a few months, and you guys better get stronger in my absence.

Chris, I'll beat you one day.
Brandon, old school for life
Pablo, you're not washed up yet
Marc, way too good
Andy, we need to for real money match
Bryan, get off the IB thing and do the Marth thing
Kuni, too busy chasing girls to hit me up?
Craig, what happened to you? Miss you dude.
Brett, I already talked to you
Alex, sorry we couldn't meet up one last time
GT, you'll come around and play more melee
Babac, skydiving. badass.
Paemon, I"ve only played you once like ever . . .
Coty, why am I including you in the list of OK smash?
Everyone else, sorry if I missed your names; but you know I have nothing but love for you.

See ya Oklahoma. It's time to rep the South East again.



Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
If anybody wishes to visit moi in AZ, they have until august-ish, im moving again soon, lol

and wtf, why is brett in korea? and why is yawara moving back to louisana? what have i missed?!


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
hey who is coming to the supercon so far? I know we have two from OK coming, it would be awesome if we could get some better players to the supercon.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Bryan, get off the IB thing and do the Marth thing
IB is my major, mayne. But this is my last week of testing, and after that I will be done with all seven (though just two, technically) years of it for good.

and wtf, why is brett in korea? and why is yawara moving back to louisana? what have i missed?!
Brett is visiting Korea with his girlfriend, who is Korean. Yawara is moving back to Louisiana to stay at his home over the summer, since that is from where he came to attend OU.

Anyway, uhh, where and when is Supercon? I guess I should look it up :ohwell:


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
Hey everyone to the oklahoma smash thread im new to smashboards in hopes of playing better people i have only played localy and i hope to expand my range of skilled players in good hopes to make me better.

Ps i hope i came to the right place =)


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Ok, Nintendo is ****ing stupid. They're some of the only ones who come up with good ideas, but they always **** them up with minor details. And they don't understand the difference between "frustrating" and "fun." Playing 150cc in Mario Kart Wii, with all of the rigged AI, is not "fun"; it is extremely frustrating. It is not fun spending what feels like half of the race being hit and affected by items. It is not "fun" when I've played a perfect race, am in 1st, and then a red shell, which I can do nothing to prevent, hits me before the finish line, causing me to finish to 3rd. It is not "fun" when I am in first place and then a red shell, a blue shell, a red shell, and then another red shell, none of which I can do anything about, all hit me in immediate succession in the latter portion of the race, causing me to drop to 7th and costing me any placing in the Grand Prix. And on that note, it is not fun when I realize that blue shells are almost never launched when a CPU is in the lead, but they are, of course, launched all the time when I am in the lead. It is not fun when a CPU runs me over with a star and then proceeds to dodge around the other racers. It is not "fun" when lightning strikes me or someone bumps me and causes me to fall off the track, and then the recovery time of flying off the screen costs me several places. It is not "fun" hearing Donkey Kong's new obnoxious voice. It is not "fun" taking an annoying character like Peach but then making her a baby so she is even more annoying. It is not "fun" when my success in a race, in which all four I must place high, two or three of the placings needing to be first, is determined by the luck of not getting ***** by the rigged AI. And it is not "fun" when I fail to come upon such luck and must do the entire ****ing thing over again, when they could have just added in a "Retry Race" option to save time trying my luck. AND I DO NOT WANT TO BE TOLD "TOO BAD!" WHEN I DIE IN A MARIO GAME!!!

They did not need to add in four more contestant per race and several new annoying items; the game was already swayed enough by chance. I have never had such trouble in any previous installment in the Mario Kart series; even IGN acknowledged the bull**** of 150cc. The correlation is very clear to me: at this rate, we'll end up playing "Mario Dice" in a few generations.

Now, as last I tried I liked playing Brawl more than Melee, but they (meaning Sakurai) still ****ed with that one too and made it much less than it could have been. Tripping is stupid and pointless. And I would have really preferred that dash dancing was still in too.

They always add in elements which either remove your control or waste your time. First off, while removing control may "balance" things out, what is the point of winning if you know that you won only by a fluke? People want to win because they are good at the game, not because their opponent's controller exploded. I mean, would you rather get completely dominated in a very competitive game by a very good player and lose, or win against a supposedly skilled player in a game of rock-paper-scissors? And what is the point of CPUs winning when you beating them has more to do with luck than with skill? And what is the point of losing if you know that it wasn't your fault and there is nothing to learn from it? When I lose, I want to know that it was my mistake, not some stupid fluke. Second, making me do a time-consuming thing over and over again until I get lucky enough to pass isn't going to make me want to keep playing-- it's going to make me want to stop. It says it all in learning theory: if Seligman can condition helplessness, then a tedious, frustrating, uncontrollable, time-consuming game will most certainly condition "**** this ****."

Now, aside from the item bull**** and 150cc, Mario Kart Wii is pretty fun, probably being even more so when played with others. However, Nintendo is adding into their multiplayer games too much "bull****" with not enough "option." Why not be able to activate or deactivate tripping in Brawl so as to cater to both preferences? Why not give an item switch in Mario Kart? Why not provide a more fleshed-out online option that can be deactivated with parental control, as well as the random friend code stuff for the kiddies? Nintendo comes up with some of the best ideas for games to which no other company can even compare, but they don't make them properly. So people like me are left stuck with the manifold of, gasp, shooters which are made competitively and then the games I like which are being increasingly designed as party games. I mean, Melee was on the top 10 selling list of the Gamecube, which wasn't one of Nintendo's better offerings success-wise, and it obviously made for a very competitive game, so instead of embracing that and making an even more successful game they water it down? And in the process missed very blaring errors that weren't even in Melee such as Falco's laser lock, Fox's easy-to-perform wall-shine infinite, and Dedede's infinite chaingrab against walls? Trying to make things more simple and "skill balanced" isn't going to help cater to the kiddies, because nowadays the kiddies are playing Halo and GTA.

Ok, sorry about that, but I just had to get that out of me, even if it was a long and drawn-out rant about something as trivial as video games.

And I remember near the time when Brawl came out, Coty said that Snake was horrible, but now it turns out that Snake is one of the best characters. Lol @ Coty.

Also, hello AfroTastic. This indeed is the right place, though not many of us live in Tulsa. You might want to try OK Gamers for competition, since most of those people are from Tulsa, but it is also more socially active here.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
I didnt realize people still played brawl even after realizing how much it sucks.

Melee is where its at, even though the last time I played it was when chris's ***** *** was at my house.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2006
OKC, Brawl Tag: Talo
<Block of truth concerning Mario Kart Wii>
I've noticed the same thing. Though I like the fact that online (for me at least) is a lot smoother than Brawl the notion that half the time my placement is due to stupid randomness is irritating to the point where I can really only play Battle mode. And even then it's like a cluster**** of insanity. If they end up making an F-Zero for the Wii and manage to not screw it up (Nintendo Exec. "Oh, I know! Since the game is all about speed lets add in a random element if you turn a corner you'll sometimes just fling off the track!" ) I will be playing the heck out of it. I've already been hooked on the GC one for a while though no one really plays. I dunno, the only games I can manage to play on the Wii anymore are gamecube games >.>.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2007
I mean, Melee was on the top 10 selling list of the Gamecube, which wasn't one of Nintendo's better offerings success-wise, and it obviously made for a very competitive game, so instead of embracing that and making an even more successful game they water it down?
Because Nintendo enjoys money, and want to keep the sales of people that moan about snaking and wavedashing.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
melee was 2nd to double dash in the end, twas quite amazing

yes snake is now considered one of the best... but he's incredibly boring to play against... its like, wander through the maze of projectiles and mines to get to him, get f-tilted away, then repeat >_>

also i agree with monshou, nintendo = company... companies want = sales... competitive scene sales < casual scene sales. not to mention that the competitive scene still buys the game in hopes that it will be good


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
yes snake is now considered one of the best... but he's incredibly boring to play against... its like, wander through the maze of projectiles and mines to get to him, get f-tilted away, then repeat >_>
My snake consists of a bit more than what you're stating.
It's more planning than spam, not that the grenade isn't effective...
Knee-lock and snake-dash are where it's at


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2004
Oklahoma City
did you guy here about the tounament in tulsa? over 200 cash prize
Thanks for sharing that with us, a couple of us here are planning to go.

Good luck to all of you guys, keep repping what it is that makes OK smash amazing, and don't forget about your boy. I'll be back in a few months, and you guys better get stronger in my absence.
Take care man, it was sooo pringles having you over.

If anybody wishes to visit moi in AZ, they have until august-ish, im moving again soon, lol

and wtf, why is brett in korea? and why is yawara moving back to louisana? what have i missed?!
The better question is why the heck are you not living in OK?:chuckle:
Where are you moving, if you don't mind me asking?

Hey everyone to the oklahoma smash thread im new to smashboards in hopes of playing better people i have only played localy and i hope to expand my range of skilled players in good hopes to make me better.

Ps i hope i came to the right place =)
Welcome to the boards, AT. Most of the Tulsan smashers post on okgamers.com, but if you ever hit up Edmond/OKC/Norman, be sure to let us know!

Melee is where its at
I tried to contact you to see if you and you're friends (like Billy and Jeff) are interested in going to this tournament I'm planning. So... are you?


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i am home. who wants to smash with me starting monday? the offer lasts until august 20 somethingith so yay.
also, i'm learning how to dance this summer. if anyone else is interested in c-walk/freestyle/tecktonik lemme know, i need someone to learn with.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
well babac, ill come over and **** you in melee any day of the week that i dont work once school is out.
Its been about 2 months since I last played, I tried playing yesterday with Jeff and he was kicking my ***...except my fox. Anyway, it will take me a bit to get back on my game, youll be able to beat me for sure now.

As for pablo, it really depends (for me anyway) if chris will be there. Since he probably will, I wont be going. For all you saying I over react, you dont understand how ****ed I could have been, luckily chris never talked to my dad.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
Its been about 2 months since I last played, I tried playing yesterday with Jeff and he was kicking my ***...except my fox. Anyway, it will take me a bit to get back on my game, youll be able to beat me for sure now.

As for pablo, it really depends (for me anyway) if chris will be there. Since he probably will, I wont be going. For all you saying I over react, you dont understand how ****ed I could have been, luckily chris never talked to my dad.
I'm going to say one thing, then I'm not going to bring it up anymore. You are overreacting, as much as you try to deny it. If you don't want to hang around me, don't hang around me. If you don't want to game with me then you don't have to, but if your reason for not going is "oh someone that I don't like is going to be there so I'm not going" is childish. I'm not trying to bash you or make you look bad in anyway and I still think of you as a friend(even though you probably hate me).

YOU got YOURSELF in trouble, the only person that can get yourself in trouble is yourself. If you would have thought about what you did before you did it, you wouldn't have gotten in trouble. Also the consequences probably would have been worse if your parents had found out on their own.

I told your parents because I actually care what happens to you, because like I said, I still consider you as a good friend and I was trying to do was help. If I would have known you would have responded this way I probably wouldn't have said anything(I just don't want you to mess your life up, thats all I care about, but what you do with your life is your decision).

I've got to get back to work, if you want Babac I would like to have a reasonable conversation with you, but if you don't, thats fine and I understand.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
i am home. who wants to smash with me starting monday? the offer lasts until august 20 somethingith so yay.
also, i'm learning how to dance this summer. if anyone else is interested in c-walk/freestyle/tecktonik lemme know, i need someone to learn with.
We did tecktonik in French class :o I am always going to associate this song with tecktonic: http://youtube.com/watch?v=rNdvAe78TFM. Jey-Jey looks incredibly gay, but Lili Azian is cute as hell.

Also, I finished IB testing today. Yessssss.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
tecktonik is meh :/ It's like a more bendy and poppy version of crumping. I'm learning the NO Bounce atm, but I kinda suck at it. Same with c-walks and all that jazz and six stepping.

Not too interested in doing the whole pop/techno music scene, the hip hop dance movement's cooler IMO.

Yo Alex, Crump/Popping/Break/Bounce/Crunk MM?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
Well thanks for the warm welcome and about how many of your Smash crew are comeing down for the 200$+ tourny in june? JW

And do many of you guys play online much or is it all LAN?


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Well thanks for the warm welcome and about how many of your Smash crew are comeing down for the 200$+ tourny in june? JW

And do many of you guys play online much or is it all LAN?
I am planning on going to the tournament in June. Also, I haven't played online much as of late, but I won't back down from an online challenge.

Unless I'm in a hyperactive mood, I just don't really like to dance in general; it just feels meaningless to me.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
but playing competitive smash...?
Well, I just don't feel like I'm doing anything when I'm dancing; there aren't really any rules or objectives, unless you're doing a specific dance that you've practiced, I suppose, and I kind of feel like I'm just randomly waving my arms and legs around around. I just don't get the neuronal endorphin firings from dancing. On the other hand, DDR I can do, because there are rules and objectives and winners and scores.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
oh yawara, remember when kevin said he saw a lambo and we were like; no way?

well i was driving with him yesterday and there was a black lambo murcielago spyder. like 1 block from his house, go figure. there were also several corvettes and a viper srt 10.

and i had the biggest tires out of all of them.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
What you guys didn't believe me?! Im hurt....lol well i didn't know it was that rare of a car.

Anyway yeah bryan if mario kart is frustrating you then can I borrow it? I played it a chris's house and thought it was one of the best games I ever played.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Epic PO--st...heh...

It's ya boi Da Pimpest! I haven't been on much since the whole EVO ruleset debacle, but I've been extremely busy with work.

I don't know how many of you know this, but I was recently promoted to Store Manager, so I now run my own store and employees. Yes, Pablo that means I CAN actually fire people now. ;)
On top of that(52+ hour work weeks FTL :( ), I've had to deal with a corportate visit, and this week is my store's inventory... So yeah, no time for ANYTHING.

Somehow, though, I managed to pick up The World Ends With You. If you own a DS, I strongly suggest that you GO COP THAT ****!! It's seriously one of the freshest, innovative games I've ever played. It may seem like a lot to take in at first, but if you stick with it, it becomes soooo incredibly fun and deep.
How many games allow you to earn experience from TURNING THE GAME OFF? Yeah. I love it.

Also, I'm still the baddest man in OK Smash, don't anybody forget that. I've misfired more top pros than anybody, and I'll keep doing it until I fall. So no tourneys for me until at least June, but hey, that's when tourney season heats up anyway, right?

Yawara, sorry I missed your farewell, but we'll see each other again soon, yes? You better let all of Louisiana know just how great I am, or else!

Alex! Soon we shall meet again on the field of battle, and I will lose spectacularly!

Oh, and I've said this before, and I'll say it again, SOMEONE HOST A POWER RANKING (or anykind of ) TOURNAMENT!! OK's been without a tournament for far too long.

We gotta stay big! MARIO BIG!!


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
wow, congrats po. if you pay more than i earn im interested in a job lol. although according to sitcoms working with friends is a bad idea. im all for a power ranking too.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
you asked for it. i'm planning a PR brawl AND melee tournament in 3 weekends, june 6th or 7th. might be 64, too, but i couldn't set up a legit PR knowing tulsa isn't there. maybe i'll ask okgamers if they'd like to come.



Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2004
Oklahoma City
Alright guys, just talked to Hanson, and he's already taking the steps necessary to plan out a worthy Brawl tournament. He already has over 20 people confirmed to attend, but as you all know, it ain't no tournament without the legendary SWFers! Currently we're working on a set date, and we have decided to push it back until late June or early July. Part of the reason is we want to allow enough time for people to spread the word and prepare for it, and another is that we don't want to collide with any rival tournaments (like MGC), holidays, or anything else getting in the way, so giving us feedback concerning dates (heck, anything really) would be very helpful.

Obviously the main focus is Brawl, but we can also run a couple set-ups for various other fighting games. It's up to you guys to decide which ones will be selected though, but you can probably count Melee, Third Strike, and Arcana Heart as shoe-ins. Brawl itself will have both 1v1's and 2v2's, so it'll pretty much take up the entire day. Suggestions for the rule-set will be appreciated, since I don't know what is the tournament standard.

I don't know if Hanson & crew has it covered, but if it comes down to, we may have to volunteer set-ups to the cause. I'm sure this isn't really a problem with you guys, since in the past we've had generous support in this aspect. I'll have more info as it becomes available.

I agree with power ranking tournament as well!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Edmond, OK
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