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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
...am i seeing melee talk?

funny, since the last 3 times ive played smash with anyone, they've all been melee, and that includes omar and taj, lol

and i agree with alex on brawl completely.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Not so much shield pressure as much as it is protection against shield grabs and for showing off. Besides, it's too hard to keep on double shining so it's not too practical for shield pressuring IMO.

Lots of players time their shieldgrabs vs pillaring after the shine, not before. When they see the shine come out, just double shine then combo from there. I find that method better at least than grabbing from the shine just cause falco's grab game kind of blows.
Ah, I see, so it's basically a punishment, and then I suppose you could switch it up once they begin to catch on.

Ok, so I've probably ranted about this before, but I have no idea what Sakurai was thinking when he decided that if there were only two people matched up in a "With Anyone" online match, the other two slots should be filled with computers, because that is the stupidest thing ever. I don't get why they're so intent on having four people play in an online match, because 1) most people who would play online would probably prefer a 1v1, and 2) having a FFA online takes out a significant part of the fun, because you can't see any of the people against whom you are playing, so there's no one to laugh with, and it just shifts the emphasis on winning and can get a bit frustrating when it's hard to do anything because of the lag, four players' worth of attacks flying around, tripping, and colliding bodies. It's like, how they made MKWii for up the twelve players now... well, that doesn't make it more fun, that just makes it more annoying, especially with the inclusion of even more "hit everyone" items.

What doesn't Nintendo get about the fact that Smash Bros. is one of the biggest "bragging rights" games out there? And I mean, you can make the argument that making it more loser-friendly helps them cater to the bigger audience, but I think that's kind of a dumb argument, because Melee turned out to be really competitive and it was the best-selling Gamecube title ever. Smash Bros. isn't an alternate Mario Party, it is a game in which people, even those whom we refer to as "casuals", are competitive and like to brag about being better than all of their friends. That was their one strong competitive, even in a casual sense, game series, and now they've kiddyfied and apparently broken it.

What we need is to steal a Wii SDK so we can have some nerd tweak Brawl's programming so that it's more competition-friendly.

Ah, I'm not really sure how all of that came out of a gripe about the WiFi system, but whatever <_<; The point is, I want to be able to readily play 1v1 online matches, dammit. And the entire point of going online is to play other people, not computers.

Oh but lol, there was this one online match that went to sudden death, and all four players were still in. I won, of course :cool:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2007
I usually just play Friends Mode for WiFi, rarely touching "With Anyone". I make a topic on GameFAQs or find an IRC room and quickly find an opponent. It sounds like work, but in my opinion it takes just as much time and is more tedious to wait on players in With Anyone, sometimes requiring a disconnect and reconnect in order to find players, and as a result have a less rewarding match where you have mixes of CPUs and players, or people so newby that you will not learn anything from the match.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Yeah, it is tedious to wait for a matchup in "With Anyone"... Nintendo's online system is, ironically, the most tedious in which to actually play because you have to wait so god**** long to get a match. I never see anyone online in "With Friends", though. Maybe I should find some people on forums or something.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2007
Yeah. That's what I do. I just go to GameFAQs or Allisbrawl or whatever, and just add someone on the spot, play them for several matches, then remove them from my list. I got used to adding friend codes. I do keep Friend Codes of most Oklahomans. I had an epic match against Darq the other day, my Marth vs. his Metaknight.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
I refuse to play online because im one of those people who can't get used to lag and play so horribly with it and don't wan't to adjust to it because then i'll get used to it and when i play my brothers i get screwed.

I still think that brawl isn't that unbalanced. The only stage you can really camp projectiles with is FD, and if your opponent is content with shooting you, just sit there, and down dodge until they get bored and frustrated and come to you. Usually people stop spamming after you dodge for about a minute or two and just decide to attack you afterward. But I usually have a projectile so I usually just sit at the other side shooting back and outcamp them. maybe i have a bit more patience than most people but once they start to come at you its no longer a boring game.

And tripping rarely happens to me and if it does it usually doesn't get you more than 10 or so damage at most.

I played Mario kart wii, and personally really like it, yeah you get shot randomly sometimes but i mean, its still fun for me.

I still prefer brawl over melee because i can choose some of my favorite characters and still have almost an equal shot of winning as almost anyone else. If they chain grab me then i'll just return the stupidity with falco and do nothing but shoot them and run away with his new almost zero lag side b from one side to the other until they agree not to chain grab anymore.

Its much harder to laser lock than everyone makes it out, and the only times I have done it is when my opponent fails to tech or for dumb reasons forgets to get up.

You can dodge foxes drillshine by simply continuously tapping the control stick the other way while holding the shield button.

And the only way youll get infinited against a wall is if your a ****** and pretty much find a wall for you to corner yourself in and sit their waiting for fox to come, most stages change a lot but many of them don't have a wall that you can infinite at.

The auto snap function actually gives you a chance of making it back even with characters with crappy recovery, because in melee you might have well put down the controller if you were knocked off the stage cus edge hogging was so easy, and if you didn't sweet spot perfectly marth would tip you, or peach would downn smash an spike you down sending you facing the other way some how with almost no effort at all.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
I LIKE Brawl
Bravo, Kuni, bravo. I'm glad to see there's still a few OK peeps that enjoy playing Brawl. I didn't think there were any left because all you bums that have your FCs up ARE NEVER FREAKING ONLINE!!

Okay, but seriously, I'm not here to get into all of that Brawl/Melee crap, I just want to play someone IN BRAWL without hearing them whine about it. "Oh Snake is gay, Camping sucks, I FAIL AT LIFE!" No offense to anyone that doesn't like the way Brawl plays, but could you please say just that and stop with all the lame excuses?

I have yet to play a Snake/Pit/Metaknight/whoever-is-'whiney-god-tier'-this-week, that I couldn't out-play. Yeah maybe they were noobs, maybe not, all I know is there is NO unbeatable/inescapable tactic in this game, unless its somekind of infinite/wall infinite(and you have to get grabbed for those) or you play one of those *****es that abuse the Ness/Lucas grab thingie. Basically, if someone beat you in Brawl, you got outsmarted/outplayed, plain and simple, unless it was one of the above mentioned tactics, and if you got caught by one of those more than once, maybe you're not as smart as you think you are. ;)

Simply put, if you're 'PLAYING TO WIN' (c) David Sirlin, in Brawl, you better be in a tournament or a money match, otherwise you're doing it wrong. Brawl, much like Melee and Smash 64 before it, is NOT a tournament worthy game. Hell, I'd argue Pokemon's competitive viability before I argue any Smash game...

Yeah, I said Melee as well. Any game where only five characters out of 26 are actually going to realistically place in a tournament is NOT COMPETITIVELY DESIGNED. Any game where you can pull off broken-out-the-*** tactics such as unpunishable approaches, easy as pie gimp-killing, and the entire concept of Melee Peach and Marth's metagames is ****ed up. Period.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2007
Bravo, Kuni, bravo. I'm glad to see there's still a few OK peeps that enjoy playing Brawl. I didn't think there were any left because all you bums that have your FCs up ARE NEVER FREAKING ONLINE!!
I am available to play often, but I don't always have my Wii on (I usually play people on Allisbrawl or somewhere else). Maybe if we had some other form of communication I could play you more often?


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
it's not an excuse, it's a reason not to play brawl.
i don't play brawl because it is more broken than melee, which is already frustratingly unfair.
it's less fun to win tag than a fighting game, which is why more than anything i've been retraining tekken and getting into street fighter. melee is still fun for its pure novelty, though. i mean...double jump in a fighting game? wicked.

don't get me wrong, i'm glad there's a brawl community, and i hope there is a duelism in that people don't exclusively play one just because they feel they have to. i'm just saddened because brawl is not what i expected it to be, and i didn't even expect melee 2.0

edit: also...for the melee players out there, please go to this thread and show that melee is still alive ^.^



Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
Simply put, if you're 'PLAYING TO WIN' (c) David Sirlin, in Brawl, you better be in a tournament or a money match, otherwise you're doing it wrong.
But. . .if playing brawl to win is playing brawl wrong, then what is the point of playing?

I play every game to win. . .


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
So basicly you guys bought brawl but if it came down to it, the majority of u would play melee over brawl........?

Im sad.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
Yeah, it is tedious to wait for a matchup in "With Anyone"... Nintendo's online system is, ironically, the most tedious in which to actually play because you have to wait so god**** long to get a match. I never see anyone online in "With Friends", though. Maybe I should find some people on forums or something.
Hey omega ill play ya if you want ill add you the next time i get online, I need to play better people.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
I personally have never encountered any of the tactics about which I've read in Brawl, nor do I necessarily expect to, and I do still enjoy Brawl, but I'm just kind of frustrated that, instead of polishing and fine-tuning the game so that it was more balanced and competition-worthy, they completely blow off the competitive aspect and we get a game that is, evidently, even more broken than Melee in competitive terms.

I personally think that Melee is a competition-worthy game, though, because, while there may only be five or so characters which stand a chance at winning a big tournament, one still has to be good to be able to win, and there is a clearly-defined pecking order in player skill.

I'm not going to comment on Brawl's competition-worthiness, as the big name players do still win the tournaments and I don't really have much hands-on experience with the matter, except to say that I believe it is less so than Melee.

Also, Shade and I graduate today, *****es. It's tonight at the Cox Convention center from 8-10, if anyone just so happens to decide that they would like to attend (not that I'm expecting anyone to, however).


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
The argument for five characters in Melee would be applicable if it's 2004.

Bum, Anther, Ka-Master, Neo, Azen, Green Mario, Cyphus, Hell even Hugs (only samus to win a tournament . . . and he did it this year).

The argument you have for Brawl is the exact same one we used for Melee when people complained about Melee being "BROKEN CAUSE IF YOU MESS UP ONCE YOU GET RESTED AUTOMATICALLY OR INFINITE COMBOED" when, like I said before, there's like three foxes in all of Oklahoma that's capable of that and none of them do it.

Brawl is lame because it's lame, the places where Brawl is most competitive is where the players are growing most sick of it.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Oh ****


We need to dance naked when I get back to OU. And BTW, I might have to come in for Summer School just to get more credits and so I can get part of my scholarship ensured for next semester cause I got a ****ing 3.24 instead of a 3.25. ****ing *******s.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2007
Again, I personally think Japan has a better handle on Brawl than we do. Judging from some videos I've seen, they have extreme spacing games in order to actually try to avoid a lot of the BS. Heck, a Samus I've seen would have beaten the Ice Climbers if, well.. Samus didn't suck so badly.

I think the goal of Brawl is to dish out your punishment as early as possible while combos are still possible, then as your opponent gets weaker and gets more knockback, the mindgames kick in more, and just try to avoid getting too close to the shield.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Oh well, I never intended on arguing with any of you about melee vs brawl, because every time I argue with people smarter than me I look stupid.

There will always be a part of me that loves melee since it is what brought all of us (despite or dramatic differences) together and the game we enjoyed some of my funnest times with.

I have just always been the type of person to get over the old game as soon as the new ones comes out, and i almost never have trouble adjusting to the changes they make cus im not a picky gamer, if its fun for me i'll play it despite what everyone else thinks. Which would explain my love for mech fighting games that no one else seems to like.

Id really like to play you in brawl po, even if its online, just because you are po and i'll deal with the lag because of that fact alone. Tomorrow is my last day of school, and if your on later today like, 10:00 pm or so we could play.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
The Japanese scene has always been about out spacing opponents, but the part that's consistently been missing in their game is the obvious lack of technical advancement. In Melee, that's where it's most apparent. They are amazing, yes, and they have all the basics down no doubt. Their sense of Spacing, DI, prediciton skills is phenomenal. But you'll never see a Japanese player beyond guys like Thunders or Rain do anything super technical (not DSW technical but just . . . technical). That's what hampers their game the most, and the same will happen with Brawl.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
I gotta stop doing this...

Everytime I promise myself to stop defending Brawl here, I fail and wind right back in the same argument... Okay, I'm the only one that still sees promise in Brawl, however, at the moment, even a Smash fan like me can admit that the current 'right way to play' Brawl is extremely, horribly, Lance Bass gay...

Anytime I look at a placing for a Brawl tournament and see Snake/ROB/Snake/Snake/Metaknight, I want to kick a kitten.
Of course, I feel the same way everytime I look at a Melee tourney placing and see Marth/Falco/Marth/Fox/Peach, but whatever.

I just had hoped that there were still some peeps left who just played competitively for the sake of competition and not just to win a couple hundred bucks that they will probably never see because they aren't as good as they think they are. Oh weeeellllll...

Okay, if I ruffled any feathers... GOOD. You guys were getting too comfortable without a regular kick in the nuts from the Pimpest. I'll see you all very soon hopefully, and will be sure to own you at Melee, Brawl, Pokemon, Tiddlywinks, Rock/Paper/Scissors, etc. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2007
The Japanese scene has always been about out spacing opponents, but the part that's consistently been missing in their game is the obvious lack of technical advancement. In Melee, that's where it's most apparent. They are amazing, yes, and they have all the basics down no doubt. Their sense of Spacing, DI, prediciton skills is phenomenal. But you'll never see a Japanese player beyond guys like Thunders or Rain do anything super technical (not DSW technical but just . . . technical). That's what hampers their game the most, and the same will happen with Brawl.
Yes, but at the same time, Brawl is heavily criticized as being very non-technical, so Japan may be spot on about focusing on spacing and positioning in Brawl since there aren't many technical things to do. If anything, Melee may be a very American game, and Brawl the Japanese game due to different approaches to how people play.

I'm not saying that Brawl is automatically more competitive than Melee. I know that will never be true, I'm just saying that if people do want to play it, they may need to take more of a positional approach. I know I'm trying to focus on this in my WiFi battles.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Yeah, I generally move on to the new game as well, and I have, to an extent, but I don't want to abandon Melee because it's just so fun to pull off those hardcore combos.

And yeah, I think it is a bit early to close judgment on Brawl.

And ****, my iPod is full O_o


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
Monshou i have no idea how you could play ganon in brawl without L-Cancel, i find him more difficult to play in brawl IMO.

If anyone wants to play online hit me up with a PM.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2007
Actually, Ganon does have a sort of L-Cancel in Brawl that allows him to Thunder Stomp. You have to hold down then quickly press jump then A to do it, and it has less lag than just jumping normally and pressing down on C-Stick. Ganon does have some awful match-ups in Brawl though. I mostly play Ganon to work on my general gameplay since getting into a bad habit with Ganondorf is just plain suicide.

EDIT: Also, in every sense of irony I like to play Fox in Brawl. I probably wouldn't have touched Fox in Melee.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
Gannondorf has the best combo in Brawl:

Side-B to teabag!

It's real simple, you just side-B into someone on land, and then teabag them! I should make a video tutorial.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
Brawl, much like Melee and Smash 64 before it, is NOT a tournament worthy game. Hell, I'd argue Pokemon's competitive viability before I argue any Smash game...

The argument for five characters in Melee would be applicable if it's 2004.

Bum, Anther, Ka-Master, Neo, Azen, Green Mario, Cyphus, Hell even Hugs (only samus to win a tournament . . . and he did it this year).
agreed, not to mention taj, 3-stocking chu's ic's with mewtwo...

Gannondorf has the best combo in Brawl:

Side-B to teabag!

I hate you...

EDIT: Yawara, double-shining doesn't work to hit shield-grabbers, there is too much shield stun to be grabbed from a JC shine, the only applicable way to use this is to short hop out of your shine and shine again, keep in mind that grab beats everything though and its much less safe than you'd think, i would much rather just short-hop above their grab range, or behind them (if marth or a tall character)


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Why did Coty come in so late in my life? And I used to shorthop away also, but my friend started expecting it, and he's Marth, so naturally he'd just fair out immediately. And I don't really aim my dair well enough so I can't exactly aim to go behind him :/

But yeah, that makes sense, and I knew about the timing; but I thought including the shield stun, you'd get the shien off anyway since it'd take pretty insane timing wouldn't it? I don't know frame rates enough so I can't really say.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
yes, but there are people like alex, who have magic shield-grabbing ability (i have no idea how he does it, he could shield-grab me out of things that NOBODY else could, and ive played lots of peeps).

really, people only DON'T shield grab you because they dont want to risk it... even done frame perfectly, there is enough non-shield-stun time for them to grab you... but most people (nearly all of the better players) dont want to risk getting hit with the shine (especially falco's) that they dare not risk it, i personally get shield-grabbed much more by lesser players, but i also punish them for the bad timing more... BUT, if somebody IS risking it against you, just start grabbing a lot... then they start ground-dodging/rolling... then the game changes...

also, i predict kuni to be top-tier in brawl if he applies himself...

EDIT: yeah, its regrettable that you came late to the OK scene, but san antonio was worth quite a bit, lol... everybody runs into everybody else at some point, and ill be making a point to see everybody next time im down


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
You're in Arizona now, Coty. Get out of the Oklahoma thread. :)

But srsly: I was under the impression that you could only roll out of perfect jc shines. Can you really grab between shines?


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
I remember i sometimes accidentally grabed coty of of some shines before that i know i shouldnt have but cus i can't combo for squat it didn't really matter.

I dont know about that brawl prediction though coty, the only thing i was good at in melee was timing, and muscle memory of how long moves last so i can be ready for the next as soon as the first one was over. But the only things i could do that actually looked good were wave shine and super wave dash, cus I never pulled of any long comboes just short ones like wave shine to up smash and up throw and, fair fair with marth.

In brawl though most areal moves dont have lag anymore, so timing isnt that important, and power shielding is so not hard to time anymore either. I do apply myself alot in this game though, its just i never play many people online, so its just me and my brother most of the time.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
I want to give myself the credit for alex being able to grab in between shines since he used to always play me, and i was falco, not that i have a fast falco. I love you.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
So I saw Bryan and Kuni's graduation costumes and such on facebook and youtube respectively. Really dudes, congrats on that. I'll be glad to see you guys coming out to OU next year, serious respect especially to Kuni since I know how hard he worked. And wtf @ the everyone else being smart comment. When it comes to the game, you're just as knowledgeable as all of us like everything else. You made Andy and me look dumb by pointing out that Lambo, eh?


link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=B1pzWF-8tXY


And eyah sorry for the break in talks.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Lol, I know those *****es! I used to have a ridiculously huge crush on the white girl in 10th grade, it was sad.

And that is a pretty freaking sweet bike.

Also, M2K's playing scares the holy living **** out of me.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Good god sars! no I'm not that sly there just my friends. Thanks for giving me credit though, i guess when it comes to the game my knowledge is about the same.
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