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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Zinth, I think you have Po Pimpus's cube. Pimpus said his cube was in the front room next to my drums with a gray memory card, I guess you took his. Somebody did move a cube from the front room to the back, I think that was was yours, anyway, Po has your cube.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
RastaImposta said:
Zinth, I think you have Po Pimpus's cube. Pimpus said his cube was in the front room next to my drums with a gray memory card, I guess you took his. Somebody did move a cube from the front room to the back, I think that was was yours, anyway, Po has your cube.
Nah, the Cube I have is definitely mine. See, I labeled my Cube. Not only that, but my cube has a Broadband Adaptor installed in it. The Cube that's at my house fits both those criteria, so it's definitely mine. All is well in the world of Cube.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Lol, thats great Zinth, well anyway Zinth no one ever reaches their limit, not in anything, school, Marshal arts, video games is no exeption, "at least in Smash bros". So your problem is simply not knowing how to get better.

From what youve said the main thing is being able to do what you want on command. which means just getting used to doing it without thinking, if you try and just practice in a battle instead of just in training mode, youll improve much faster. I have a method to get you there, if by the next time we smash you havn't gotten it yet, but as soon as you get it youll be fine.

Any ways, If I have advice for any of you is watch alot and alot of high level smash player videos. I guess this is where you have it easy Rooster lol, see what they do then try mimik it, and what you cant mimic learn to.

I advise if you use Marth, Ken, Fox, either MOFO or Kunning Kit, Isai Falcon, Bombsoldier Falco, and Roy NEO, those are the main pictures of what you want your chararcters to look like, when they fight.

And KOS MOS could you send me the links of where you saw the videos of XENOSAGA I think there were three of them, two music videos and one of KOS MOS vs KOS MOS, I liked them all alot.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
I only have about 60 videos of top smashers along with some combo videos. They really do help, I cant seem to find any videos of Neo, though I have some of masashi. Zinth, Shade, you guys are welcome to come over with KOSMOS on friday to smash. Also, about the smashfest, I might be able to hold one every month or so, but the catch is I have to pay for everything. Saturday cost about $150, not really that much once you think about it. If you guys want to have one more often, Im going to need help paying for the food/drinks, unless you guys just want to buy your own stuff, then thats fine with me.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2004
Oklahoma City
Omega_Star said:
Eh, iono about that part; JesusFreak seemed to think Shade was about his level based on the most recent videos we have, which aren't very recent anymore. Do correct me if I'm mistaken JF.

I'm starting to wonder if I even have the capacity to get too much better. I feel like I've almost maxed out right now. Maybe that's just me being depressing though.
Well, I'm not going to comment on JF's standing, but you can take my quote lightly when I say "from what I hear". I was just basing that off of Po's and Fresh's recent experiences down in Texas. Either way, it was more of a hint for all the practice we will be needing. Sorry if I came off as doubting our abilities.

Zinth, from whom you played at Rasta's, who was the closest to your skill level? Playing oppenents of equal skill usually helps too along with learning from pro vids. We also need more local tournies.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Yah Zinth if you can play against someone past your level and hold your ground, thats a start, but unless you can figure out how to stand up to them you can battle all day and not make any progress, your best chances are finding someone equall level, "around" and focus on getting much better than them, then go challenge the one you lost to. Trust me it works better that way.

Any way it dosn't matter weather weather were around Texas level or not, "you practice till your as good as can be before MLG" after that all you do is walk in and bring it.

Any way sorry to disapoint you south paw but more than likely you wont be seeing any vids pretty soon. We seem to forget to record things alot lol. So yah, sorry, I cant believe we keep forgeting.

And I was just naming the big names that stuck out themost with those characters. Yes Kens fox is great, its simple and effecient, and if that works for you then great. I am just saying that I don't have many vids of his Fox lol.

If you host a tournament then I will show up Rooster. And you can just have everyone pay an entry fee, that will take care of everytihng. youd better be studying Japanese lol.

We really should have another tournament.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Vegafuse said:
Zinth, from whom you played at Rasta's, who was the closest to your skill level? Playing oppenents of equal skill usually helps too along with learning from pro vids. We also need more local tournies.
Hmm... I think my three closest matches are between you, KOS-MOS, and Scud. I know that KOS-MOS is definately the closest to me on a Marth ditto plane. I'd probably end up saying KOS-MOS, since he's close to me in skill and uses the top tier characters that I like to practice against.

And yes, we definitely need more local tournies. I was hoping that we could have one two weeks from the Smashfest... but would that work?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
Yea Zinth me and you are fairly close in level. At the smashfest kos mos was a little better than me. He kept winning by a little each time and then i would beat him a few times. I really hope to get together with you guys soon. Also i plan on trying to have a tiny Norman get together with just a few people. I would hope some of you guys could come too.


Banned via Administration
Apr 17, 2006
Yo, this is RastaImposta on my lil bro's account. His name is paemon, so he changed his alias from marth killer to pay$. Anyway, I want to some how get a tourny started at my house, but I dont even know if it would be possible as of yet. Ill keep you guys posted.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2004
Oklahoma City
I don't know about you guys but how about we do some crew battles next time. Po, Fresh, Deck, a fourth person (Either Game or Po's cousin), and I V.S.:

Shade's Crew
Kosmos + Rasta's crews
Scud's crew (Norman)

I think that should be like 4-5 each, if not, then we can improvise.

Rasta, if you can get more get-togethers (more specifically tournies) started then that would be awesome. I just hope that we get enough practice before MLG..................... and for me, days like last Saturday are the only chances I DO get to practice, no joke.......

Hey Scud, when are you planning yours?


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Vegafuse said:
I don't know about you guys but how about we do some crew battles next time. Po, Fresh, Deck, a fourth person (Either Game or Po's cousin), and I V.S.:

Shade's Crew
Kosmos + Rasta's crews
Scud's crew (Norman)

I think that should be like 4-5 each, if not, then we can improvise.

Rasta, if you can get more get-togethers (more specifically tournies) started then that would be awesome. I just hope that we get enough practice before MLG..................... and for me, days like last Saturday are the only chances I DO get to practice, no joke.......

Hey Scud, when are you planning yours?
Ooo, I had that idea once, but I think I forgot to post it or something. That would be way sweet. We definitely need to do that.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
We really need to do that again. i need as much help as possible before mlg.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
Shade_ said:
And KOS MOS could you send me the links of where you saw the videos of XENOSAGA I think there were three of them, two music videos and one of KOS MOS vs KOS MOS, I liked them all alot.
http://www.labyrinthos.org/content/x3trailers.php has all of the trailers from Xenosaga III so far although trailers 8 and 9 are the best. The "Bring me to life" by Evanescense music video was on video.google.com. Just type in Xenosaga and you'll find it. Also the "Somewhere I Belong" music video I'll have to send to you through AIM or Email.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Heh, today I was practicing a technique that was so intense, I started to get caluses on one of my fingers.

But yes, we need to start tournaments as soon as we can.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Thanks alot KOS MOS, just tell me a time to get on Aim and I will be there lol.

As far as crew battles go, well.........hmmm It can be a good Idea, or it can not, some of the crews here, need to pull it together a little more, and I am not sure if scud is art of my crew or not I thought he was, but I am not sure, any way, the norman people were still recruiting.

It is a great thing were practicing alot, but we need to give our team battles some thought to. If your team battles are just spliting up the match to two one on ones then that is no good, and when you run in to high level players it works against you.

Every one needs to find a partner and start working your characters together, find two possible partners and work with them both. Practice just merging your fighting styles and attacking in the same area, while skillfully dodging one another.

We want to do good in both One on One and Team battles. Dont forget that.


Banned via Administration
Apr 17, 2006
Shade, Dart left his DS over here. Ill make sure nothing happens to it, Pay$ found it. Im sure he's noticed it has been gone. I dunno if you are going to be able to come over on friday, but if you are, Dart can come (if he wants to), and so can Ken.

EDIT: This is RastaImposta


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Alright thanks, Actually I think the DS is iether Mine or Kens, does it has a sticker on the back, does it look more like a Japanese symbol, or a streak.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Yeah, there is a sticker on the back that looks like a japanese symbol, I guess it is yours.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Oops I guess I left it over there. Well I guess I should go over there and get it sometime lol. Well I will see if I can get there Friday.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
If there is a tourny in like the oklahama city area me and a few friends would head down from kansas.....


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
AttackstorM said:
If there is a tourny in like the oklahama city area me and a few friends would head down from kansas.....
Ooo, that'd be sweet. We'll have to get a tourney organized then.

In other news, today I...

...did this!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
Yea there isn't really a Norman crew right now. We havn't gotten together really to play at all, but it's a good thing i saw those guys at the smashfest (i even knew them! :)). I still kinda consider myself as part of Shade's group if that is alright. I don't get to play much with them though. Not many people take smash seriously in Norman from what we know. I'll try some to get together with smashers from Norman, it's just right now I am really busy.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2004
Oklahoma City
Omega_Star said:
Ooo, that'd be sweet. We'll have to get a tourney organized then.

In other news, today I...

(insert image of Fox acting cool)

...did this!
Impressive Zinth (well for me it is), if you're capable of upsmashing out of the final shine then I'll have to quit low-tier :p

Scud said:
Yea there isn't really a Norman crew right now. We havn't gotten together really to play at all, but it's a good thing i saw those guys at the smashfest (i even knew them! ). I still kinda consider myself as part of Shade's group if that is alright. I don't get to play much with them though. Not many people take smash seriously in Norman from what we know. I'll try some to get together with smashers from Norman, it's just right now I am really busy.
Well I hope you guys get a solid Norman-based crew up. I wonder how good you'll get once you guys are exposed to eachother's different playstyles. Lol, and if you're apart of Shade's crew, atleast you are apart of one. Everyone on my side is just a league of solo smashers formed ragtag-fashion in times of crew battles, or back then, state vs state. Once those were over with, we would recede back to our good'ol typical rival-ish ways....Well, until you guys showed up, now we are more like an actual crew.......almost........

To Kansas Smashers: We are most likely going to have another tourny soon, my guess is about 3-5 weeks from now. We'll just have to wait for Rasta to announce anything official..... Just be sure to check in every other day for updates.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Well Im going to start calling around, because if people From out of state are going to come, then there is no way my house is going to be big enough. I know of a couple places that will be big enough, I just gotta see how much it will cost before anything is final.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Just tell us the entry fee, and well show up, if it is from 10 to 15 dollars. I might be able to go to 20 dollars but nothing over that.

Alright guys, out of state is a important thing, so I guess its better to have a warm up tournament before we head to MLG.

Niiiiiice Zinth. and nice taunt at the end to lol.

Hey fues I was wondering if you and me could also make a AC team, If so I might try and get online play so that you and me can go compete on teams against other AC players. I am about as good at AC as I am ssbm, which isnt half bad, and I am sure that your not bad either. So yah we should try that sometime.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2004
Oklahoma City
Shade_ said:
Hey fues I was wondering if you and me could also make a AC team, If so I might try and get online play so that you and me can go compete on teams against other AC players. I am about as good at AC as I am ssbm, which isnt half bad, and I am sure that your not bad either. So yah we should try that sometime.
I'm in hands down!!! I would say I'm just as good in 9B as I am in Melee, but AC3 is where I am king, I completely destroy all foolish enough to use the op-I against me (didn't like SL much, get shot in the foot, and then a completely random part is destroyed -__-). I can't wait for LastRaven to come out, even though they'll have exploding parts again, this time it's accurate.

Just prepare for BrokenTrophy Shade, not only is it my trump card, it's THE AC to end ALL AC's. What's even scarier is that it's tourny-legal!


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Hahah, I have two AC's that are for different things, one is to just win one on ones, the other is to just to do a little more mind games, than have great parts lol. Any way, we need to get together with that.

Zinth is getting very happy about his new found technique, so I hope you can all learn the techniques that you have a hard time with. I still have a few, but I am going to be able to do them soon.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Vegafuse said:
Impressive Zinth (well for me it is), if you're capable of upsmashing out of the final shine then I'll have to quit low-tier :p
Hahaha. I'm hoping to be able to do that by the end of the month. But hell, who knows, maybe I'll be able to do it by next week =p


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2004
Oklahoma City
Hey Shade, you say you're learning new techniques, can you elaborate? You might know some that I don't.......... I finally got Smash back and now I'll finally get some games in against Deck (It's been like 4 months). He is probably the best sheik in the state, and has a mean Cpt.Falcon.

By the way, I have a request. I don't have a computer right now so I don't really have the luxury in watching smash videos. If somebody out there can make me a compilation DVD of ALL the Oklahoma matches ever put online, then I'll reward you $10 for your time and resources. You don't have to make it special, just where it will play on any DVD. If possible, can somebody capture some footage for tomorrow? That would make it even better.


Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2006
Well Vegafuse, I have about 60 videos of people smashing, but only 2 or 3 smashing in oklahoma, and thats just Shades group. I can get you a video of oklahoman smashers, but thatd be just shades group, I dont know of any other smashers in Oklahoma that put up their videos.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Yah its just my group, and it is pretty old. Though they are amusing to watch, we might have about 40 vids. And by new techniques some of it is mind games, the other are comboes.

Mainly with Marth, and Fox, and Falco

Things like Marth, Forward air, and backward Air in one short hop. Foxes Infinete drill against a wall exept with a short hop jump. Shooting faster with falcoes, short hop laser, Samuses super wave dash into a downsmash. Powershielding into a wave dash, better Forward grab comboes, and

Theres a new techniqe to it involves getting back to the edge quicker
but you need a character with a fast high second jump, Falco Fox, Shiek and shuch, Samus and Marth wont cut it.

What it is, is you grab the edge and right when you do you wave dash back on, while your invincible, they cant touch you and you can attack, but you have to be VERY VERY VERY fast.

Another thing is in team battles, if you killed of one guy, and the last guy to kill is a fast faller, C falco, Fox, Falco,

................one guy grabs them once, and the other guy is on the other side right away and the guy that grabed dosent throw.......he just attacks with the punch attacks when you grab, then when he gets you the other guy grabs him and grab attacks, and so on till the guy has as much damage as you want.

One more thing is if you are a character that has a quick grab, the length of your attack is farther, if you wave dash into a quick dash and jump cancle grab.

I am trying to master these. So yah.

And we are so seeing each other for AC fuse, we should practice making team matches with you and me on that to. And I will fight you with the intensify on AC 3 lol.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
RastaImposta said:
Well Im going to start calling around, because if people From out of state are going to come, then there is no way my house is going to be big enough. I know of a couple places that will be big enough, I just gotta see how much it will cost before anything is final.
looking foward to it ^_^


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
I will be coming down also if u guyz have one. Me and attackstorm roll every where and we want at least one here. If u guyz have one thaty will be awsome and I will be there


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Well in that case I look forward to meeting you guys, because I am sure that we are difenitely going to have one now.

Besides we were planning to have one anyway lol.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2004
Oklahoma City
Yo Rasta, if you're making it, I guess I'll go ahead and settle for a DVD with recent pro and music vids instead (basically the ones you already have). That would be sweet, but if you can, do you think you can fit the latest vids of Shade's crew and the OK tourny matches in there too? Sorry if it's asking too much for so little, but I'll greatly appreciate it.

BTW, I can help you find a location for the tourny, if you want.

Shade_ said:
Theres a new techniqe to it involves getting back to the edge quicker
but you need a character with a fast high second jump, Falco Fox, Shiek and shuch, Samus and Marth wont cut it.

What it is, is you grab the edge and right when you do you wave dash back on, while your invincible, they cant touch you and you can attack, but you have to be VERY VERY VERY fast.
Whoa, so you're saying you'll have the invincible property *while* you're on your feet, free to attack? See, these kind of new discoveries are what I miss out on. Time to practice..........

Yeah man we definitely have to meet up for some AC soon. I can't wait to see what kind of AC's you have. BrokenTrophy is a Mid-Weight Bi-ped class AC just to give you an idea of what you're working with. It's speed is so horribly misjudge as "C" rank. Trust me when I say that it CAN'T be flanked by a light-weight reverse-joint with the Pegasus equipped having speed and cooling ranked "S" and energy at "A".


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Oklahoma City
Yah my AC's are all Light mid weight, or light weight, with every thing tuned to less weight. All my AC's are ranked C but that is ********, My AC's names "the man ones" Forgotten Memory, and Fading Moon. Are both very worthy challenges form most annyone.

But I hope these teqhniques help out, I will get them soon to.
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