The Robo-PSIentist
Ness Doubles Discussion:

---"Henry Ford said:“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
Hello everyone. This thread is a discussion for Ness as he participates in Doubles. Here we will discuss various techniques he can use, who he works best with and what his role is in doubles.
The way we'll do it, is the traditional way of using the current Tier List to help discuss which partners are the best for a Ness to team with, and various Ness mains that have done well with their specific partners.
Having a good partner in doubles is essential. Ness is actually very helpful in doubles due to his high killing power, ability to heal himself through his partner, and his ability to set up tons of gimmicks. As we know, most of Ness' doubles teams will be gimmick based, but which ones are the best? Who can Ness team with that will be very effective to him and his partner? This is the thread for those questions. Learn a little about teams here!
The way the system will work for the most part, is out of 5 stars and 5 categories:
Discuss away!Offense will be how well your partner deals damage, rushes, for you. Basically, how aggressive that partner can be.
Defense will be how well your partner can camp and save you. Basically, can they stock tank.
Heal will be how well can your partner heal, and is it worth it. Basically, will you recovering percentages be significant in the match.
Gimmick will be how easy it is to find good setups in the team. Basically, is it worth it for you to set things up, or will you be fine on your own.
Overall will be how good is this partner. Basically, should you or should you not consider teaming with them.
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Well-Known Ness Partners:
Well-Known Ness Partners:
- Zero Suit Samus
- Lucario
- Snake
- Pikachu
~ ~ ~
Meta Knight
Meta Knight

For the Summary section, I have quoted what the MK mains feel was important. They had good reasons for choosing what they did:
.I'm gonna try and make this as short and sweet as I can
I play both of these characters (maining MK and fiddling with Ness when I can) so I can relate with both of them in dubs and as characters themselves.
Maybe aside from ZSS, MK is probably Ness' best teammate, and could probably be better than ZSS.
Let's face it, MK is the best in the game, in both singles and arguably in doubles as well.
Offense: MK should be the one doing the fighting here, we all know Ness is solid at offensive but MK takes it up a level here, he can rush down with speed, multi-jumps, quick aerials and grounded moves, he's the best at rushing down and at offense, so sit back and let him do his job while giving him support. - 5 stars on offense
Defense: This is Ness' job. Both characters can do this job really well but it's better to leave this to Ness, problem with this is that Ness can get gimped easily and isn't that heavy. Luckily though MK is great at saving his partner and can break up combos and double teams pretty easily, which is why Ness is better stock tanking and letting MK do the work. 3.5 stars on defense
Heal: Can't do it, 'nuff said. 0 stars lmao
Gimmick: Honestly, I don't know too much of what MK and Ness could pull off team combo wise. But MK can start something pretty easily from a PK Fire. I also had the idea if MK was far out and could pull off an early kill with an off stage SL that had no hope of returning, Ness (if able to get away from his opponent) could PK Thunder him to save him without risking going off stage. This is something that would take a lot of team cooperation though and knowing your teammate really well, along with something that would need to be practiced. You could also MK's Dthrow > Ness Dair > MK's jab lock or Dtilt lock > whatever. 4 stars on gimmick
Overall: I think a solid Ness and MK could cause damage. With Ness' killing throw (super gdly in teams) and MKs fast damage output I think they could be solid together. The two combined can rack damage very quickly and both can kill early. The problem with the team is the weight, both are on the lighter side and then there's the whole "gimping Ness problem", but if the MK can keep a good eye on his partner then Ness shouldn't be getting gimped. 4 stars on Overall
That's all I have for now, I may come back and add more later, or if people wish to expand on this I'd be glad to help ^_^
.I typically stock tank in teams because I suck at killing, so I'm aggro until they're at kill % then I let Ness handle killing unless I'm given an opportunity. So basically, it's like I just try to tack on as much % as possible without taking %( obviously ) and then I switch roles, and let Ness lead.
I have to disagree, it seems to me that the rolls switch at points, where MK is the defensive half, and Ness is Offensive, and that part is when they're at kill %. Anything that isn't a gimp for a kill, leave up to Ness. Like say for example one enemy is at high % and the other has a fresh stock, Ness goes after the Higher % person, and MK keeps the other back.
MK can actually play both roles in this team pretty well, and so can Ness, TBH. Why I have to disagree with MK having to break up a double team on Ness in the first place is that the other person will have had gotten by you, which shouldn't happen. Even if it does, if the other two are fighting, you can surprise nado or something on the other person if they somehow get by you.
Fair, PK fire, and Ness' throws are all good set ups for nado, although PK fire can also be a grab on either part, and as we all know, MK starting with a grab is good for the team.
Offensive: I'd say trade off depending on % once again. MK for lower %s and Ness for kills. Honestly, a 5/5 either way.
Defensive: MK can wall and protect Ness. Ness has great support quality, as well as MK. It should be really hard for teams to get in against them entirely, regardless of who is playing this role. 4/5 ( would be five if they both didn't die at **** low % )
Heal: plop shiz garbage. this team would be so much more amazing if MK would heal. =( my report card/5
Gimmick: Pretty much what P4 said. Their gimmicks are kinda a 2v1 flashy thing. Set ups would mainly be MK's dthrow, and probably Fthrow to... Ness aerials. Ness can do... Ness stuff(fair/nair) out of nado as well. Ness' Fthrow, Dthrow, and Fair are good nado setups. They can do some flashy 2v1 stuff, but their 2v2 stuf is all really standard. Also, the setups all basically revolve around Ness Dair to MK jab lock.( which is better than Dtilt in that factor ) so I'd say about a. 4/5
Overall: Good, solid team. Great damage racking, and decent killing, good support, and players can switch off on roles. The fact that both parts can be played by both characters makes this a remarkable team. 3.7/5 ( if only MK would heal =( )
<3 Ness
First of all, great thread.
Offense: MK would obviously be the damage-racking machine in the team. I mean, he can chase people around the stage, gimp incredibly easily (even easier with a little help from Ness with his Projectiles) and rack up damage really fast with... well, pretty much everything he can use, lol. Summing up, I think Ness can finish or helping finishing wounded opponents. 6/5lol.
Defense: MK has awesome camping skills and GTFO Moves, and can protect Ness with some of them, such as Dair camping and DSmash. Also, he can use moves like B to stop double teams and combos, like P4 said. The only downside of their defense would be their weight. Too bad. ☆4/5
Heal: What is that supposed to mean? Like, real heal? MK doesn't have one, lol.
Gimmick: MK can use SL more often off stage as Ness can save him with DB (forgot its name) and can set up double teams with stuff like dthrow and B. I don't really know if they can really combo well on 2x2, though. Summing up, they are a potential **** on 2x1 but average on 2x2. 3/5
Overall: Easy kills and damage racking with good support and double teams stuff. 4/5
Sorry if this was a bad review.
- Offense
★★★★★ - Defense
★★★★☆ - Heal
☆☆☆☆☆ - Gimmick
★★★★☆ - Overall
+ + +

The Summary will go here.
- Offense
☆☆☆☆☆ - Defense
☆☆☆☆☆ - Heal
☆☆☆☆☆ - Gimmick
☆☆☆☆☆ - Overall
. . .To Be Continued.