40% Tourney play
40% Friendlies skill bases
20% Vid performance
That's terrbile, dude. I honestly think, for Utah at least, that it's 100% wrong.
I think personal judgement is the way to go. There are 4 panelists, so that eliminates most biast. All 4 panelists are at every tournament, they friendly everyone, and they have a great know-how of smash. Not only that, but they're not allowed to vote for themselves.
As for your system, it wouldn't work for us. For example, Hott and I are 4 hours away from SLC, so we're never at the tournaments. Yet we're still better than most of Utah, and the panelists know that. We don't get to prove ourselves as much as everyone else, and luckily the panelists accomodate.
As for videos? Utah just simply doesn't record every match. And even if we DID, do you expect the panelists to watch every single one, and think "Cdbobo should be ranked above Xsyven because, in this third video, he lands three fairs and then dsmashes him to death."
Followed by a: "I disagree, though he's a maniac pill popper, Xsyven's desynching against this person on video 4, after 3 minutes, is a tad more impressive than his pills a plenty."
That's just too much work...
Utah, if you haven't noticed,
isn't Texas, Florida, or California... which are in fact the three most populated smash scenes in the country. It's sad to say, but Utah is one of the most smash desolate states in the US. So it's not as if it's a tough call.
You came too late into the argument. Since the new system was developed, I haven't heard any complaining, except from you, and you've only played me and Hott.
From now on, all OoSers need to stfu, except for Buzz, since he has a good grasp as to how everyone around here plays.