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Official Utah Power Rankings


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
So a couple people have mentioned this but I guess i'm the one who doesn't care what people think so I'm gonna say it. Why is Zack tired for 4th? When is the last time he did good at any tourney?


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Y'know, I wanted to know why he was tied for 4th as well. I figured there must be some **** good reason why he's tied, instead of 5th or lower.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Well, there are actually two potential images for the power rankings (hence the delay of it being put on the first post). Gojira has asked me to present both images, and have everyone from Utah vote on whichever one they like more, and the one with the most votes will be used.





Smash Ace
May 6, 2005
Sandy, Utah
The 1st one is much cleaner and, despite the font, is actually far easier to read. It looks more organized than the 2nd one. The title and the last updated info also would be in the first post, along with honoring Utah's best retired.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Btw, I'm making a ranking image as well. I'll submit it later tonight when its done.

Expect it to be like the second one, with a lot less color. :p

As for those two, I like the latter more than the former.

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
...It looks more organized than the 2nd one...
How is the first more organized? The numbers on the right are neither centered with each other, nor are they the same distance from the right edge. The names are either not the actual name (but shorten, which makes it less official), or have the wrong capitalization (not to mention the spaces in some places where there shouldn't be any...but that's a minor thing).


Smash Ace
May 6, 2005
Sandy, Utah
Spaces is preference. Junpei's font looks better with spaces. Brackets and results have 0 spaces (except with Ken Neth, I don't remember why I did that). Yours has inconsistent spaces. The bracket/results also has Hott/Devin and CdBobo instead of AHotlkjlksjflkjdfklsdfjsdlkjsdfksdklfk4Lovin and Cdbobo.

It takes much more effort to read the names for yours than Junpei's. I'd prefer being able to read the rankings than have their old rank being a few pixels unaligned (and fixable).

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
They appear that way on the brackets/results because YOU are too lazy to spell them the way they are in those things (so that's no excuse). And the only inconsistent spacing I have is with my mains, but it's either that, or smaller text, and the former is the better choice. And if you can't read the rankings, then you need a stronger prescription for your glasses.

And about the Power Rankings. Here's what I thought it should have been:
1: Perfect Chaos
2: FoxTheStampede
3: RagingAsian
4:AHotGreasedUpJigglyPuff 4 Luvin'
5: Rafa-Son
6: Fallen Prophet
7: Gojira
9: Xsyven
10: Cdbobo

The problem is, with laozy no longer being in the panel (since he retired), there are only four panelists. And gojira placed himself high (reasoning by stating his pros, but not his cons). FTS, being Gojira's best buddy, agreed EXACTLY with the list that Gojira suggested; and with two people voting for the same list, there was not possible way to out-vote them, and only to tie the vote (but RagingAsian and I didn't agree exactly to each other). That's why Gojira is ranked high: BIAS!


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006

The areas in red show inconsistency with respect to the actual character names (you call her Jiggs under your name but Jigglypuff under Devin's name?)

The text in yellow is of a smaller font than the rest of the names (again an inconsistency)

The text in blue looks pixelated (paint ftl)

The numbers covering the character icons makes the picture look cluttered.

Edit: Why do you have avatars if you're going to list mains anyways? Isn't that a bit redundant?

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Jiggs...Jigglypuff...since I have 6 mains, it can't be helped much (I can make the image wider, but it's not an issue big enough to do that).
Reducing the font size for this, but not for the former, was because it's more logical in this case, since the font size is big enough that the reduce in size will not have a big enough impact of the font's clarity. And having a smaller font in order to fit a long name is normal, and not a big deal; I've seen this done in official, business-related subjects.
The N/A for yours looks kind of pixelated, too. And the fact that yours is a compressed .jpg just reduces that. And I've done better in Paint than you could probably ever do on it; and I don't feel like stealing Photoshop.
The image isn't there so you can see the whole picture in all of its glorious details. It's just there is give the info of the primary main at a quick glance.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
You could consider not listing 6 characters as "mains". I never said you had to "steal" anything. There are plenty of freeware programs that will get you the same results as photoshop (like GIMP). The errors in my picture that you pointed out are as insignificant as the errors that I pointed out in your picture, which was the irony that I was kind of trying to imply.

And wtf? Now Colorado gets a say in what our power rankings looks like?


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
I think we need to re-do the list anyways. We need to come up with a way to solve tie-breakers what with only 4 panelists.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
The current list is horribly inaccurate, both in terms of relative skill and tournament results. The list should look more like this IN MY OPINION:

1. Perfect Chaos
2. Fox The Stampede
3. Raging Asian
3. AHotGreasedUpJigglypuff 4 Luvin'
5. Fallen Prophet
6. C!Z
7. Gojira
7. Rafa-Son
9. Xsyven
10. Cdbobo

...yes you may have beaten his Jigglypuff with BOWSER ZOMFG!!!! but you can't use tiers to justify being higher than you actually should be when compared to tournament results.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2006
Pleasant Grove, UT
Pff, I'm 10th no matter who wins the vote, so I'm happy :). I do wonder though, why do you guys vote FP so highly..? I mean sure, from the one or two matches I've seen him play I think he's pretty good, but 5th or 4th..? How many tournaments has he been to anyway??

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
SoP4 - He placed 3rd.
SoP5 - He placed 4th.
SoP6 - He placed 5th.

Not as consistant as Chao's record of only 2nds and 3rds, but he has been to every tourny since his debut.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2005
They appear that way on the brackets/results because YOU are too lazy to spell them the way they are in those things (so that's no excuse). And the only inconsistent spacing I have is with my mains, but it's either that, or smaller text, and the former is the better choice. And if you can't read the rankings, then you need a stronger prescription for your glasses.

And about the Power Rankings. Here's what I thought it should have been:
1: Perfect Chaos
2: FoxTheStampede
3: RagingAsian
4:AHotGreasedUpJigglyPuff 4 Luvin'
5: Rafa-Son
6: Fallen Prophet
7: Gojira
9: Xsyven
10: Cdbobo

The problem is, with laozy no longer being in the panel (since he retired), there are only four panelists. And gojira placed himself high (reasoning by stating his pros, but not his cons). FTS, being Gojira's best buddy, agreed EXACTLY with the list that Gojira suggested; and with two people voting for the same list, there was not possible way to out-vote them, and only to tie the vote (but RagingAsian and I didn't agree exactly to each other). That's why Gojira is ranked high: BIAS!

Let me start off by saying that this is something you SHOUDL NOT be posting in the power rankings thread. That is why we have meetings. You and RA posting your "opinions" is basically saying this. "we had a power ranking meeting but we dont like how it went so we will post our opinions in the power rankings thread to get utahs vote even though we know it doesnt matter."

Secondly, I placed myself high based on how well i do overall based on the current people below me. Yes, the reason why I moved up to fourth and why bobo apeared as tenth, is because we lost Laozy and chao from the power rankings opening two spots. This gave bobo tenth, and FP moving up to 7th based on what the p[anelist thought he should be.

Rafa dropped to 7th because I overall beat more players in utah then he can. I have also beaten him twice of our last three meetings. Plus his attendance is not helping him any.

C!Z has no jusctifacation for being higher then me. Period.

Now onto Hott. Hott is very good. I see ALOT of potential for him to become third or even 2nd within a few tourneys. But at current, he should not even be tied with me because he placed 1st once. Did I move up to third when I beat rafa, and yamer (yamer TWICE) in the same tourney? Hell no i didnt, because overall i was still not 3rd spot quality. The same thing applies for Hott. He did good. If I recall he beat...me, PC, FTS, Junpei in that order. That is very impressive string of victories but they should not move him above me, he should be 5th at best. ONE good tourney doesnt give you a good spot.

Finally, this talk needs to REAMAIN in the power rankings meetings. You do not bring this IMO talk outside of the meetings. That is basically asking for another opinion because you think other panelists opinions suck. Me and FTS may be "buddy buddy" PC but that is not why we had shared the same opinions. We had the same opinions because Hott still needs to prove himself. If Hott is as good as everyone says then he will pull out the same performance again or one close to as good.

So one final time. THIS IS NOT THE PANELIST MEETING THREAD. THIS IS WHERE OTHER smashers look at it and discuss their opinions. Not where panelists say "well this is what is should have been so here is MY list"

One last thing. If anyone has not yet noticed somehow, we need a new panelist. I will be PMing applications to those I find worthy to be a panelist. so to name a few that will get applications


I will be PMing you all an application for you to feel out so we can get a 5th panelist before the next meeting.

ONE final thing. I will be hosting the December melee tourney. It is going to be the last full melee tourney so bring your best guns and Action replays if you wanna win. More details on that soon.

PS: IOZ, please dont come here and starting saying "i dont see how player X is at this location on this list" Last I checked you never attend UTAH tourneys so you have no clue who should be where.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2007
The Ghetto
The current list is horribly inaccurate, both in terms of relative skill and tournament results. The list should look more like this IN MY OPINION:

1. Perfect Chaos
2. Fox The Stampede
3. Raging Asian
3. AHotGreasedUpJigglypuff 4 Luvin'
5. Fallen Prophet
6. C!Z
7. Gojira
7. Rafa-Son
9. Xsyven
10. Cdbobo

...yes you may have beaten his Jigglypuff with BOWSER ZOMFG!!!! but you can't use tiers to justify being higher than you actually should be when compared to tournament results.
i still don't understand why fallen prophet is ranked over C!Z . . . .


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2005
Another meeting to be held, this list NOT final

I want to get together yet another panelist meeting. The rankings you see before you are not final. But feel free to continue to vote on the design.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
From what I can tell right now, these "meetings" looks like it's like this:




I think you should explain to everyone how EXACTLY rankings are formed. Some panels base their ranks off of tournament results (Gojira, FTS) some rank them off their pure opinion (RA, PC.)

There definitely needs to be a point system or something. The panelists shouldn't even have to explain themselves. They should just vote for what rank x player gets and whichever rank x player gets, they earn y points.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I'm sorry Gojira. Last I recalled, you were 4 stocked by LoVo, and Junpei and Hott were the ones that performed best during the crew battles (honorable mention going to the wobbler that we all know and love). Not only that, but, apparently, Hott beasted at that last tournament and EVERYONE he took out was high ranked. If it was just you, or just FTS, or just Junpei, I could understand.

BUT! He beat not only you (lulz), FTS (who has been losing to Junpei lately, no?), AND Junpei, but he also beat your #1 ranked player. Last I checked, making a clean sweep of the best players should at least place him above someone that hasn't taken out PC in... how long? Or FTS, for that matter. Hell, how about Junpei?

And, while the panelists have final say on something, what's the point of a thread with no discussion, especially when you guys lack a tiebreaker? CO's thread has always had open discussion. And we've never had someone that's performed poorly at numerous tournaments (recent ones, especially) at our number 4 spot. You should be moved down to at least 5th, especially since Hott owned everyone ever. Hott should really be 3rd, from what I've heard/recent results, but since it was his first tournament, MAYBE he got lucky in owning everyone ever. Or maybe you're just upset about some newcomer actually having talent in the great state of UT.

I dunno, though. Personally, I think you should just swallow your pride and admit that he's better than you. I had to do it when Ferdi surpassed me, same with Jeris. Suck it up, and buckle up and improve. Stop johning, especially about his attendance. He SHOULD be ranked #1 after that performance, but since it was his first tournament, I can understand him not being up there. Still, give the man his props, and stop disrespecting his amazing performance. Last I checked, 'Jira, there wasn't anything defining about placing 5th or lower on a frequent basis.


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2006
savannakhet, laos
i say u guys go with xsyven's idea. the point system works well. being an ex-panelist and all, i didn't like how rankings were done.

and i like junpeis list. well except ciz should be 1 higher. and devin should too....i dont wanna say where because it might be too high. (one more good placing from devin should be put him up there)



Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
If we're doing another meeting(which I'm all for) we definitely need to decide on a better system of voting that would eliminate ties, or a tiebreaker system (or even both)

This is one way that we could consider doing it:
Each panelist makes a list of 1st-9th, omitting themselves from the list as to remove bias. 1st place gets 9 points, with each subsequent rank getting one point less than the previous rank, all the way down to 9th place getting one point. Tally up the score, and make that the new list. IF there is a tie, we vote again on just the people who were tied, again omitting ourselves if one of the panelists is part of the tie.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
I'm sorry Gojira. Last I recalled, you were 4 stocked by LoVo, and Junpei and Hott were the ones that performed best during the crew battles (honorable mention going to the wobbler that we all know and love). Not only that, but, apparently, Hott beasted at that last tournament and EVERYONE he took out was high ranked. If it was just you, or just FTS, or just Junpei, I could understand.

BUT! He beat not only you (lulz), FTS (who has been losing to Junpei lately, no?), AND Junpei, but he also beat your #1 ranked player. Last I checked, making a clean sweep of the best players should at least place him above someone that hasn't taken out PC in... how long? Or FTS, for that matter. Hell, how about Junpei?

And, while the panelists have final say on something, what's the point of a thread with no discussion, especially when you guys lack a tiebreaker? CO's thread has always had open discussion. And we've never had someone that's performed poorly at numerous tournaments (recent ones, especially) at our number 4 spot. You should be moved down to at least 5th, especially since Hott owned everyone ever. Hott should really be 3rd, from what I've heard/recent results, but since it was his first tournament, MAYBE he got lucky in owning everyone ever. Or maybe you're just upset about some newcomer actually having talent in the great state of UT.

I dunno, though. Personally, I think you should just swallow your pride and admit that he's better than you. I had to do it when Ferdi surpassed me, same with Jeris. Suck it up, and buckle up and improve. Stop johning, especially about his attendance. He SHOULD be ranked #1 after that performance, but since it was his first tournament, I can understand him not being up there. Still, give the man his props, and stop disrespecting his amazing performance. Last I checked, 'Jira, there wasn't anything defining about placing 5th or lower on a frequent basis.
Devin's not THAT good. I think 4th is good enough for now. I don't agree that it should be tied though. This debate is on pause until they make a new list.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
If we're doing another meeting(which I'm all for) we definitely need to decide on a better system of voting that would eliminate ties, or a tiebreaker system (or even both)

This is one way that we could consider doing it:
Each panelist makes a list of 1st-9th, omitting themselves from the list as to remove bias. 1st place gets 9 points, with each subsequent rank getting one point less than the previous rank, all the way down to 9th place getting one point. Tally up the score, and make that the new list. IF there is a tie, we vote again on just the people who were tied, again omitting ourselves if one of the panelists is part of the tie.
This sounds like a good system. There is one problem I can see though. If the panelists ommit themselves from their vote that means they will get one less vote for them than all of the non-panelists. So with the panelists recieving less votes, and possibly less points, the non-panelists will have an easier time of being ranked higher than the panelists. Hope that made sense, but other than that it sounds good.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Well, I guess we don't need to omit ourselves if we have a tiebreaker worked out. Whatever. We'll decide on something whenever we have the meeting probably.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2005

I'm sorry Gojira. Last I recalled, you were 4 stocked by LoVo, and Junpei and Hott were the ones that performed best during the crew battles (honorable mention going to the wobbler that we all know and love). Not only that, but, apparently, Hott beasted at that last tournament and EVERYONE he took out was high ranked. If it was just you, or just FTS, or just Junpei, I could understand.

BUT! He beat not only you (lulz), FTS (who has been losing to Junpei lately, no?), AND Junpei, but he also beat your #1 ranked player. Last I checked, making a clean sweep of the best players should at least place him above someone that hasn't taken out PC in... how long? Or FTS, for that matter. Hell, how about Junpei?

And, while the panelists have final say on something, what's the point of a thread with no discussion, especially when you guys lack a tiebreaker? CO's thread has always had open discussion. And we've never had someone that's performed poorly at numerous tournaments (recent ones, especially) at our number 4 spot. You should be moved down to at least 5th, especially since Hott owned everyone ever. Hott should really be 3rd, from what I've heard/recent results, but since it was his first tournament, MAYBE he got lucky in owning everyone ever. Or maybe you're just upset about some newcomer actually having talent in the great state of UT.

I dunno, though. Personally, I think you should just swallow your pride and admit that he's better than you. I had to do it when Ferdi surpassed me, same with Jeris. Suck it up, and buckle up and improve. Stop johning, especially about his attendance. He SHOULD be ranked #1 after that performance, but since it was his first tournament, I can understand him not being up there. Still, give the man his props, and stop disrespecting his amazing performance. Last I checked, 'Jira, there wasn't anything defining about placing 5th or lower on a frequent basis.
If you are going to base our power rankings on a half ****ing ***** crew battle, lets count the tourney where I *COUGH* beat devin. Thats right I BEAT devin in tourney, but that tourney was free and also half ***** so I did not count it. Or if you like counting crew battles, what about the crew battle at the last tourney where I took 9 stock (one of them Hott's) and hott took a measly 2 off of me and PC? BUT that was a crew battle for improving utah as a whole so I did not count that as well. Also if you didnt notice i said this "Hott is very good. I see ALOT of potential for him to become third or even 2nd within a few tourneys. But at current, he should not even be tied with me because he placed 1st once" did I not? Before he moves up he needs to show consistency. Not win one tourney by besting everyone and moving up that high.

Bottom line, You are from COLORADO and all the info you have is 1 half ***** crew battle, and 1 tourney result plus chat about the results. That is ALL you have to go by nothing more. The fact that you used that info to place him above me makes me laugh alot on me insides.
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