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Official Toon Link support thread, home to the Knights of the Drowned Kingdom!

Oct 12, 2007
So should we talk about a moveset?

Just to get started, a list of as many moves as I can think of that a Link using this design has used.

Mole Mitts - Can dig through ground
Gust Jar - Can pull enemies or objects towards Link and can be charged - the longer the charge, the stronger the pull; can also trap enemies or objects in it, and fire them a distance away
Hookshot - Hooks onto certain objects and allows Link to hang from them
Grappling Hook - Hooks onto grappling hook points, which allows Link to swim from them
Bow & Arrows - A bow which fires arrows
Fire Arrows - An arrow with a burn effect
Light Arrows - An arrow that harms evil especially
Ice Arrows - An arrow with a freeze effect
Sword - Slashes
Master Sword - Increased strength; only way to break into Agahnim's lair
Phantom Sword - Inscreased strength
Four Sword - Creates three copies of Link
Fire Rod - Shoots a ball of flame out of itself; can ignite grass and start a wildfire
Pegasus Boots - Allows Link to go at increased speeds, sometimes also giving him the ability to strike enemies in his path
Magic Armor - Protects Link from damage
Iron Boots - Allows Link to resist strong wind currents and sink to the bottom of a body of water
Bombs - Explodes after a few moments of being lit
Bombchu - Automatically moves forward and explodes after a bit; can climb walls
Hammer - Allows Link to do more damage or hammer down objects
Skull Hammer - Allows Link to hammer down stuck objects or do increased damage
Ezlo - Allows him to shrink
Hurricane Slash - Allows Link to spin around at rapid speeds, destroying everyone in his path (but making him dizzy)
Helmet Strike - Jumps into the air and slashes the opponent's head
Back strike - Rolls around the opponent and slashes the opponent's back
Shovel - Digs into the ground
Deku Leaf - Causes him to fly into the air
Warp Balloon - Warps Link
Tingle Tuner - Allows Link the ability to have Tingle help him
Roc Feather - Allows for one jump
Roc's Cape - Allows for a double jump
Magic Boomerang - Magic Boomerang, controllable by Link
Remote Bombs - Won't explode unless B is hit again
Magic Mantle - Makes Link invisible temporarily
Blue Bracelet - Increases defense
Bombos Medallion - Causes a ring of fire to appear around Link
Carrot - Can be used to make Epona go faster, or allow Link to ride Epona
Lamp - Lights Link's way
Power Bracelet - Increases Link's power
Quake Medallion - Drives his sword into the ground and causes bolts of lightning to fly everywhere in the ground
Mirror Shield - Reflects objects
Slingshot - Shoots one or more Deku Seeds
Magnetic Glove - Attracts metal towards the user
Cane of Pacci - Flips items and enemies over
Grip Ring - Allows Link to climb up rocky walls
Kinstone - A fused Kinstone will cause one of many possible events to occur
Ocarina of Wind - A wind instrument that summons a bird to carry Link to certain points
Spin Attack - A sword spin
Rock Breaker - A powerful sword attack that allows Link to break rocks with his sword
Roll Attack - A roll, followed by a swift stab forward
Sword Beam - A beam that is launched from Link's sword
Downward Thrust - A strong stab into the ground when Link is in the air
PictoBox - A camera
Telescope - A telescope which allows Link to see objects from great distances
Shield - A shield

So the obvious ones are Sword and Shield.

Sword represents his A attacks primarily, Shield is just there as the added feature of extra defense. Or should it be Mirror Shield?

For his first jump, let's just call it Roc's Feather, and the second jump be Roc's Cape - while his first jump doesn't visibly show the Roc's Feather, his second shows his cape pop out.

And his grab? Grappling Hook. Better reach than Hookshot, but can't hook onto walls, and has to land on a ledge.

Ezlo should be nothing more than a taunt - not the function of turning tiny, but simply Link's hat up and talking to him.

Now, before we go onto B moves, let's remove the ones that are copies, don't warrant inclusion, or would be awkward:


Hookshot (leave it to Link); Bow & Arrows (and by that extension, the elemental arrows); Remote Bombs; Sword Spin; Magic Boomerang

Don't deserve it:

Warp Balloon; Magic Mantle; Lamp; Blue Bracelet; Power Bracelet; Carrot; Slingshot; Magnetic Glove; Quake Medallion; Bombos Medallion; Grip Ring; Ocarina of Wind; PictoBox; Telescope;

Wouldn't work:

Tingle Tuner; Kinstone Fusion

So we're left with...

Mole Mitts - Can dig through ground
Gust Jar - Can pull enemies or objects towards Link and can be charged - the longer the charge, the stronger the pull; can also trap enemies or objects in it, and fire them a distance away
Four Sword - Creates three copies of Link
Fire Rod - Shoots a ball of flame out of itself; can ignite grass and start a wildfire
Pegasus Boots - Allows Link to go at increased speeds, sometimes also giving him the ability to strike enemies in his path
Magic Armor - Protects Link from damage
Iron Boots - Allows Link to resist strong wind currents and sink to the bottom of a body of water
Bombchu - Automatically moves forward and explodes after a bit; can climb walls
Hammer - Allows Link to do more damage or hammer down objects
Skull Hammer - Allows Link to hammer down stuck objects or do increased damage
Hurricane Slash - Allows Link to spin around at rapid speeds, destroying everyone in his path (but making him dizzy)
Helmet Strike - Jumps into the air and slashes the opponent's head
Back strike - Rolls around the opponent and slashes the opponent's back
Shovel - Digs into the ground
Deku Leaf - Causes him to fly into the air
Cane of Pacci - Flips items and enemies over
Cane of Somaria - Creates a block
Rock Breaker - A powerful sword attack that allows Link to break rocks with his sword
Roll Attack - A roll, followed by a swift stab forward
Sword Beam - A beam that is launched from Link's sword
Downward Thrust - A strong stab into the ground when Link is in the air

Things like Downward Thrust, Sword Beam, Roll Attack, Helmet Strike, Back Strike, and Rock Breaker could all be A moves (Downward Thrust is his Dair, Sword Beam from the third strike in his combo A move, Roll Attack as his dash+A, Rock Breaker as his forward smash, etc.).

So for B moves, we're left with:

Mole Mitts - Can dig through ground
Gust Jar - Can pull enemies or objects towards Link and can be charged - the longer the charge, the stronger the pull; can also trap enemies or objects in it, and fire them a distance away
Four Sword - Creates three copies of Link
Fire Rod - Shoots a ball of flame out of itself; can ignite grass and start a wildfire
Pegasus Boots - Allows Link to go at increased speeds, sometimes also giving him the ability to strike enemies in his path
Magic Armor - Protects Link from damage
Iron Boots - Allows Link to resist strong wind currents and sink to the bottom of a body of water
Bombchu - Automatically moves forward and explodes after a bit; can climb walls
Hammer - Allows Link to do more damage or hammer down objects
Skull Hammer - Allows Link to hammer down stuck objects or do increased damage
Hurricane Slash - Allows Link to spin around at rapid speeds, destroying everyone in his path (but making him dizzy)
Shovel - Digs into the ground
Deku Leaf - Causes him to fly into the air
Cane of Pacci - Flips items and enemies over
Cane of Somaria - Creates a block

If we were to look at the likelihood of all these moves, I would definitely say that the Shovel, Iron Boots, Magic Armor, and Cane of Somaria are not interesting enough to be B moves, and I'd rather see Hammer than Skull Hammer. I think we can all agree that the Deku Leaf his is best Up B choice.

For his B, I was thinking that Hammer, Cane of Pacci, Gust Jar, Mole Mitts, Bombchu, and Hurricane Slash would be the best choices for it. If I were to say though, I'd say that Bombchu, while not too similar to Link's bombs, would really be a wasted opportunity with all of these moves. And with a move like the Hammer, it'd be better as a Down B; same with Hurricane Slash (although Final Smash as opposed to a Down B attack). So the competition for B is between Cane of Pacci, Gust Jar, and Mole Mitts. I think that Gust Jar best represents Minish Link, so I'd say it's the best choice.

As for Smash B, I really think that only Cane of Pacci, Pegasus Boots, and Mole Mitts are possible choices, and I definitely think Mole Mitts are significantly more interesting (I mean, Cane of Pacci, that's pretty much Mario's Cape, but from up to down instead of forward to backward). Pegasus Boots would be interesting, but it's certainly not a common item for his usage.

Hammer has the luck of being the only good choice for a Down B move. I mean, it's a pretty powerful technique - slow, but tough.

And finally, the Final Smash. It's between Four Sword and Hurricane Slash. Four Sword would cause him to split into four, three of which would go out on their own and fight against your opponents, but Hurricane Slash seems a lot more unique - imagine a Sword Spin, but it flies for longer, does more damage, and has great horizontal recovery, as well as giving Link very quick movement on the ground.

Well, that's my assessment. Anyone have any comments/objections/support?
Oct 12, 2007
...He's been in more games than literally every version of Link ever created

...He's the current Link

...He's been in multiple games

...Hr's the star of every single multi-player Zelda game ever made - basically, the only games to ever feature multiplayer: Phantom Hourglass, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventure, and Wind Waker - all feature that design, while no game featuring any other design has multi-player.

...He's also more popular than the Link currently in SSBB.

...He's not out-dated and last generation, like classic Link and OoT Link are.

Face it, the whole "if you let the most common, most popular, most up-to-date Link in, then every single less common, less popular, less up-to-date Link has to be in too!" is bull. No one besides WW Link haters have even implied that the only reason WW Link would get in is because of his different appearance. What can you provide that suggests any other versions deserve to be in?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
As Foz pointed out earlier.
What makes WW link more important than the other links such as the 8 bit link, and retro link?
All Links are equally as important as the other. But WW Link is the current version of Link and is the most popular, which is why he is the most suited for Brawl. He would also be representing games like WW and Phantom Hourglass. Just like how TP Link represents TP, OoT Link represented OoT and Young Link represented both OoT and Majora's Mask.

I don't know about you guys, but I am really interested in seeing WW Link in Brawl. :cool:


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
i think if WW link did make it in, instead of JUST having the alternate colors from the mp zedla titles, he should also have some of the classic link colors

purple hair brown skin link color for the win!!
and brown
and orange
and blonde
and color...

Deleted member

Is every game that includes the same style of Cel Shaded Link the same Link?


Smash Cadet
Dec 12, 2007
Not pointing my beam to the back of your head >
*Hits thread w/ "support of samuslord" stick*

WW link REALLY should be playable. He has such unique moveset potential *imagines link sending snake 7 yards in the air via skull hammer*. Especially w/ PH in the mix. *imagines a pk-thunder-style guided boomerang*

Btw, he should DEFINITELY have the phantom sword =D.

support 100% :bigthumbu


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
i think most of us can agree he at least needs to have the hammers

some want him to return the way he originally was
some want him to be an WW exclusive link, with no regards to the other games this character has made appearances in
other want him to have a completely different moves list, making use of items older link has not

when support is so strong it's self sanctioned it beings a tear to my eye...so proud


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2006
Toms River, NJ
Shweet, WW link movesets! I completely agree with you Fawriel all his b moves should stay generally the same. That's mostly what makes Young Link attractive. He's teh spammin machine! But with all the extra time Sakurai has as compared to Melee, he'll probably give him a completely unique move set. As long as he keeps the boomerang and bombs though, I'd be happy. Seriously, if those were the only two moves he kept from the previous game, I'd main him. As for his a moves, I can't really imagine Sakurai doing a pika like nair, it'll most likely remain a sex kick. And his uair attack duration should be cut in half like his nair was. I'm surprised you didn't mention his fire spike dair though. That should stay the same, including the small hit box, except that the fire spike should actually be a spike, unlike its Melee counterpart, and the bounce effect should be eliminated when performing the fire spike. The way I see it, if you take out the bounce effect for the fire spike, link can actually chase the opponent down and attack again with the regular bouncing dair before the opponent ever hits the ground. Unlike the way it was done in melee, where the opponent always had enough time to hit the ground and roll away before the attack reached. What do you guys think?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
You seem to have put a lot of effort into that post, A Link to the Snitch...

I object to the notion that everything WW Link does has to be different from the old counterpart, of course, but, you know that already. So I'll just go ahead and give my personal rating to those potential B moves you left over.

Mole Mitts - Can dig through ground ( Not nearly iconic enough, seems awkward. )

Gust Jar - Can pull enemies or objects towards Link and can be charged - the longer the charge, the stronger the pull; can also trap enemies or objects in it, and fire them a distance away ( Not the worst item. Could also be used for recovery as well, and probably fits well into a large back of tricks. Not very iconic, though. )

Four Sword - Creates three copies of Link ( Potential Final Smash, I agree. )

Fire Rod - Shoots a ball of flame out of itself; can ignite grass and start a wildfire ( Projectiles are what makes Link Link... if he even gets several different projectiles with this ala Samus' missiles, it could be nice. )

Pegasus Boots - Allows Link to go at increased speeds, sometimes also giving him the ability to strike enemies in his path ( Not a projectile, but an interesting move that, for once, relies on speed. Yay. Potential recovery? )

Magic Armor - Protects Link from damage ( Eh. )

Iron Boots - Allows Link to resist strong wind currents and sink to the bottom of a body of water ( No. Making him a slow heavyweight would be the exact opposite of his concept. )

Bombchu - Automatically moves forward and explodes after a bit; can climb walls ( These could work well, maybe as an alternative to bombs... by which I mean both at the same time, in the same move slot! )

Hammer - Allows Link to do more damage or hammer down objects ( No. )

Skull Hammer - Allows Link to hammer down stuck objects or do increased damage ( No. )

Hurricane Slash - Allows Link to spin around at rapid speeds, destroying everyone in his path (but making him dizzy) ( I don't see it working as a Final Smash... could just as well be implemented into his A moves, or if we do keep the spin attack as his up-b.................. )

Shovel - Digs into the ground ( kbye )

Deku Leaf - Causes him to fly into the air ( I guess it's iconic and functional enough, especially if you count the gust of wind on the ground as a projectile... )

Cane of Pacci - Flips items and enemies over ( The funny thing is that this could almost work. )

Cane of Somaria - Creates a block ( The funny thing is that this would be awesome, but won't happen. )

So... yeah.

EDIT: Yay, a fellow semi-conservative!
Firespikes are cool, though I'm not sure how many people can actually pull them off willingly. Do they make sense, though? ...eh, why am I asking that?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2006
Toms River, NJ
I'd opt for the fire rod. I want to keep WW link very spammy and I found it very annoying that his arrows well, only gained range after charging which takes awhile. I really wanted something akin to Mario's fireball or Samus missals that came out instantaneously and had initial long range, so it could be used more frequently and effectively than the arrows. And his up-b should just be the hurricane spin, I'm a bit confused on the move though. Does he spin at rapid speeds just on the ground or does he also do it in the air thus having a recovery a la Bowser and DK?

Oh yeah, a few other changes, WW link should logically have a faster roll and since he's the hero of the winds, shouldn't he have more air mobility like Falcon, and be able to throw items farther with the help of the wind. And maybe just maybe, be able to throw the boomerang farther than big link since he is the hero of the winds. That might be asking a bit too much though.
Oct 12, 2007
You seem to have put a lot of effort into that post, A Link to the Snitch...

I object to the notion that everything WW Link does has to be different from the old counterpart, of course, but, you know that already. So I'll just go ahead and give my personal rating to those potential B moves you left over.

Mole Mitts - Can dig through ground ( Not nearly iconic enough, seems awkward. )

Gust Jar - Can pull enemies or objects towards Link and can be charged - the longer the charge, the stronger the pull; can also trap enemies or objects in it, and fire them a distance away ( Not the worst item. Could also be used for recovery as well, and probably fits well into a large back of tricks. Not very iconic, though. )

Four Sword - Creates three copies of Link ( Potential Final Smash, I agree. )

Fire Rod - Shoots a ball of flame out of itself; can ignite grass and start a wildfire ( Projectiles are what makes Link Link... if he even gets several different projectiles with this ala Samus' missiles, it could be nice. )

Pegasus Boots - Allows Link to go at increased speeds, sometimes also giving him the ability to strike enemies in his path ( Not a projectile, but an interesting move that, for once, relies on speed. Yay. Potential recovery? )

Magic Armor - Protects Link from damage ( Eh. )

Iron Boots - Allows Link to resist strong wind currents and sink to the bottom of a body of water ( No. Making him a slow heavyweight would be the exact opposite of his concept. )

Bombchu - Automatically moves forward and explodes after a bit; can climb walls ( These could work well, maybe as an alternative to bombs... by which I mean both at the same time, in the same move slot! )

Hammer - Allows Link to do more damage or hammer down objects ( No. )

Skull Hammer - Allows Link to hammer down stuck objects or do increased damage ( No. )

Hurricane Slash - Allows Link to spin around at rapid speeds, destroying everyone in his path (but making him dizzy) ( I don't see it working as a Final Smash... could just as well be implemented into his A moves, or if we do keep the spin attack as his up-b.................. )

Shovel - Digs into the ground ( kbye )

Deku Leaf - Causes him to fly into the air ( I guess it's iconic and functional enough, especially if you count the gust of wind on the ground as a projectile... )

Cane of Pacci - Flips items and enemies over ( The funny thing is that this could almost work. )

Cane of Somaria - Creates a block ( The funny thing is that this would be awesome, but won't happen. )

So... yeah.

EDIT: Yay, a fellow semi-conservative!
Firespikes are cool, though I'm not sure how many people can actually pull them off willingly. Do they make sense, though? ...eh, why am I asking that?
Really, if we're just going to reuse moves Link already has, why bother having him in the first place?

AFAIC, any Boomerang/Bomb move would just ruin the moveset. If you want to come up with an interesting replacement, do so, but don't make him a half-clone.

The Gust Jar's probably the best-known new item from Minish Cap, and would be the perfect representative of Minish Cap.

Bombchu could be a B move, what with it being an item from Phantom Hourglass.

And Hurricane Slash would be best for the Final Smash - I mean, in both Minish Cap and Wind Waker, the Hurricane Slash is his most powerful sword move.

And the Hammer is an iconic weapon - it technically originated in Zelda II as a means of creating a shortcut, but first shined as a frequently used equipment in A Link to the Past. It appears in Phantom Hourglass, Ocarina of Time, Four Swords Adventure, and The Wind Waker.

I think the moveset should be...

B: Gust Jar
Smash B: Pegasus Boots
Up B: Deku Leaf
Down B: Hammer
Final Smash: Hurricane Slash
Grab: Grappling Hook


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2006
Toms River, NJ
I'm not so sure about a PK boomerang. What if it only goes PK boomerang, when one holds the b button down?

Really, if we're just going to reuse moves Link already has, why bother having him in the first place?

AFAIC, any Boomerang/Bomb move would just ruin the moveset. If you want to come up with an interesting replacement, do so, but don't make him a half-clone.
OMG, those are only two moves! There are 16 other moves that can be completely unique.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
How about if your holding a bomb and you use your boomerang at the same time the bomb is attached to it? And I like the idea of a PK thunder like boomerang.
i'd just be glad to see that yellow boomerang--actually i like all of the wind waker weapons more than i like the original ocarina of time items... maybe more so than any of the other zelda series my only conflict comes with the ball and chain v hammer... im so conflicted!!

grappling hook over hookshot?? or grappling hook is air grapple??

since young link is the weaker of the two maybe he should compliment some of his moves with more than one item --like forward throw followed by yellow boomerang or down throw by use of bomb up throw and the hero's bow/awesome arrows similar to some of fox's throws
Oct 12, 2007
There may be several different moves, but that doesn't mean that the B moves aren't easily the most recognizable. We don't see any A move descriptions in their Trophies or the manual, just B moves.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Well, I think he should have the following as B moves:
Up-B: Deku Leaf: He pulls out the Deku Leaf like a parachute and a gust of wind blasts him upwards. He then rides it down like a parasol, which he can release like Peach. Pretty much just Peach's Up B if you think about it.
B: Wind Waker: I think he should have this, it could just shoot a gust of wind to deal almost no damage and moderate to heavy knockback. Gust jar would work just as well.
Side B: Whirlwind Slash (or whatever it was called): Kind of a mix between Spin Attack and Ice Climbers Side B.
Down-B: Skull hammer: Pretty obvious, swings in an arc and if it hits, the enemy gets smashed into the ground like DK's Side B.

Final smash?
I heard Ballad of Gales suggested some time ago. Sounds awesome to me, hurricanes shoot down from the sky and ravage the stage. Good stuff.

Just my opinions, though. I bet they have all been expressed in some way before in this thread.
We'll just have to wait and see, though, as I for one am quite sure WW Link is in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
so consensus is

Up+B - Deku Leaf
Deku Leaf>Roc's Feather after all

most wanted side b??
i throw my vote in for the low startup lag

Charge/Pegasus Boots or the Skull hammer
Oct 12, 2007
Why do people keep insisting on a TWW-only moveset?

Not even using anything from Phantom Hourglass, like the Bombchu or Hammer or anything?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007

The second version of the Character Battle has begun... right now, Cell-Shaded Link needs some nominations to even make it into the game. Then a new battle shall start, without such Juggernauts as Mario and Sonic...

Who's with me in this battle?

Wait so were now the Knights of the drowned kingdom_ cool il lswitch my art and the sigs later on...

Knights assemble indeed!

It'll be cool when those images are done... I'll use one for the caption of the club listing in the main post then.
I could've drawn something spiffy, too, but I'm not really confident in my skills lately, and I'll leave for the holidays this Thursday...

I really don't want to call it WW Link I would call it more like Young Link. :chuckle:
Yeah, it's kind of hard to come up with a name. Young Link could cause confusion with the one we had in Melee. I kinda like calling him just "young Link", without the capital y, but that's not much of a real name.

I'm in!

WW Link, Young Link, Celda, call him what you want. It's all good.

No, actually, don't call him Celda. Please.
Hehe. Welcome home.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
are you guys going to make a banenr or no?? personally i think you can still be a fine club without it

Why do people keep insisting on a TWW-only moveset?

Not even using anything from Phantom Hourglass, like the Bombchu or Hammer or anything?
i don't get it either--i would like to see a moveset encompasing all the best items from all of ww-link's appearances PLEASE sakurai make him different from older link!! open the doors of imagination!!


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
I've decided to stop being anti-WW Link, and actually kind of support him.

Under one condition that is... He must have a COMPLETELY different moveset from the Link that's in right now. I don't want him "Luigi-fied" because than really not only is he another Link, but he has some moves from the current Link as well. With such an opportunity for a new moveset why not just give him his own moveset?


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
i wouldn't want him luigified--he has perhaps the most potential when compared to all the other characters

he has perhaps the most potential in developing a brandnes moveset, as he is also more directly influenced by old school link. not to diss the retro but as games evolves, so do the characters, and representing them in as best a way possible seems appropriate

melee started to realize this with two links--one who was ready for battle and on equal footing with rest of the cast and the other who displayed the most often seen form of link--the truth of the series-- the reason why he's the wielder of the triforce of courage

i'd love to see a retro link imbued into ww-link, but the reason i personally believe they would use ww over retro is because of the evolution of games. There is only so much resource material you can take from another game to make a fighter--FE Chars, Captian falcon, ice climbers. Using everything about a characters history from where he has come from to where he is now is vital.

also luigi doing handstands for brawl


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Seriously he doesnt need to be luigified, hell look at marth and Ike, they look so similair yet theyre moveset, speed, overall everything is diferent, so can WW link...


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
It's just when I hear people talk about WW Link's moveset (or at least a few months ago) they were keeping his up B like Link's, and also the Bombs, I just think that's pointless.

There's so much potential, as usual I don't want to see it wasted.
Oct 12, 2007
And they have a distinctively similar appearance. Put them next to each other, and people would definitely comment on that.

Are you trying to make a point?

I really hope you're not fighting against WW Link and for Majora, Zant, Banjo, and Smithy at the same time.


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
In Smithy's Factory Mains: Fox, Sheik Brawl Mains:
And they have a distinctively similar appearance. Put them next to each other, and people would definitely comment on that.

Are you trying to make a point?

I really hope you're not fighting against WW Link and for Majora, Zant, Banjo, and Smithy at the same time.
Actually, Im not fighting for Smithy Or banjo(they are just in my sig because i wanted them there) but I am fighting for majora & Zant.
I wasnt really big into the cel shaped link. the design just looks childish to me and i despise it. the only thing was keeping me playing Wind Waker was the story & gameplay. Sadly for me WW link seems likely now when i think of reps i rather have than a second link.


Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA
Ok, Ike & Marth do not look very similar to each other, they are 2 different people where ww link is link. Just wanted to point that out.
What, 2 blue-haired caped guys with swords don't look alike? I beg to differ.

On a different note, anyone here want to do battle mode on PH?
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