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Official Toon Link support thread, home to the Knights of the Drowned Kingdom!

Oct 23, 2007
Rochester, NY
How's this for a special move set:

Young Link

Standard Special <Hero’s Bow>: This is identical to Young Link’s fire arrows in Melee. Can be charged (the strong pulled back) to increase speed and distance.

Side Special <Grappling Hook>: Tosses the Grappling Hook forward, and then pulls it back in. The metal end attachment damages enemies that it hits. If an enemy is holding an item when they get hit, the item is taken and then Young Link is holding the item. This only works on items being held. Items like the Super Mushroom affecting a player but not being held will not be taken. However, the Hammer and Golden Hammer will be taken.

Up Special <Deku Leaf>: Young Link holds the leaf over his head and is lifted up into the air. He can now float gently back down to the ground. This is practically identical to Peach’s up special; the Deku Leaf can even damage foes.

Down Special <Skull Hammer>: Young Link wields the Skull Hammer. It is held like a regular swinging item. However, it cannot be smashed; all attacks used with it have the same motion and strength. The hammer is slow, but very strong. If it hits the ground, the hammer generates a small shockwave that damages foes. It can be dropped and caught by other players, but disappears quickly if left alone.

Final Smash <Ballad of Gales>: Young Link plays the Ballad of Gales with the Wind Waker. The sky darkens and storm clouds form at the top of the screen. Then Cyclos appears on top of a giant cyclone that sweeps across the stage. It moves left and right, affecting all players except Young Link. The cyclone sucks in players and then shoots them off the top. Damage increases while a player is inside the cyclone, and if they touch Cyclos. This lasts for almost ten seconds.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Link uses explicitly TP-styled items, he looks like TP Link, sounds like TP Link, and I bet he even smells like TP Link ( Hylian with a hint of goat ).

The roster and style will be a lot different than what we got last time.
I must have missed the official statement that said that.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
im scared... and i say quick rapid fire slingshot over t3h hero bow
Oct 12, 2007
1. It's an okay list, but seriously, why use the Fire Arrows when there's sooo many unique moves that could be given to him?

2. No iteration of TWW Link uses the Slingshot.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
young if not preteen links in the past have

btw play four swords adventure... or does that not count?? is that ok?? he uses the slingshot if you pick it up and he's quite blond and has a nasty lil attitude lol
Oct 12, 2007
Yes, but those moves are pretty much based on a hodge-podge of Zelda games over the years. I'd rather see moves unique-ish to this Link's design.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
I'm all for it! I LOVED the cel-shaded style because of Wind Waker!

Thanks, WW Link!
*rubs his head*


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Well, the way I see it, it's a replacement for Young Link, who incidentally NOBODY USED.

Hopefully this Link can prove useful to some people.

WW Link for Brawl!


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
so most of the people who support THIS young link, support him as being similar in some regards to his previous incarnation or Link?


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I'd prefer him to have SOME differences, but I understand with Link that's hard as he has his trademark moves. 1-2 specials, all smashes being different and a different FS would make me happy.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York

-Something I randomly made whilst bored.

Oh, and about the moveset that was previously posted:

My comments will be in bold

Standard Special <Hero’s Bow>: This is identical to Young Link’s fire arrows in Melee. Can be charged (the strong pulled back) to increase speed and distance.

-Seems reasonable. Fits with custom!

Side Special <Grappling Hook>: Tosses the Grappling Hook forward, and then pulls it back in. The metal end attachment damages enemies that it hits. If an enemy is holding an item when they get hit, the item is taken and then Young Link is holding the item. This only works on items being held. Items like the Super Mushroom affecting a player but not being held will not be taken. However, the Hammer and Golden Hammer will be taken.

-I see this as a natural grab move.

Up Special <Deku Leaf>: Young Link holds the leaf over his head and is lifted up into the air. He can now float gently back down to the ground. This is practically identical to Peach’s up special; the Deku Leaf can even damage foes.

-THIS! Most definately a float tactic. It'll bring some originality to the style of Link.

Down Special <Skull Hammer>: Young Link wields the Skull Hammer. It is held like a regular swinging item. However, it cannot be smashed; all attacks used with it have the same motion and strength. The hammer is slow, but very strong. If it hits the ground, the hammer generates a small shockwave that damages foes. It can be dropped and caught by other players, but disappears quickly if left alone.

-This seems like a Side Special more. I can see Link using the Mirror Shield as a Down Special.

-And it does what it does! Reflect! Possibly projectiles or some attacks in Brawl.

Final Smash <Ballad of Gales>: Young Link plays the Ballad of Gales with the Wind Waker. The sky darkens and storm clouds form at the top of the screen. Then Cyclos appears on top of a giant cyclone that sweeps across the stage. It moves left and right, affecting all players except Young Link. The cyclone sucks in players and then shoots them off the top. Damage increases while a player is inside the cyclone, and if they touch Cyclos. This lasts for almost ten seconds.


And as an extra twist, you have to input the sequence to get it right!

Either this, or something from Phantom Hourglass! Possibly a Phantom Hourglass version would be to stop time, then attack everyone until time runs out!

Deleted member

Now, I am not a WW Link hater and I really don't care if he gets in but:
"He is just another Link."
Most common one.
Cynical reply: Luigi is just another Italian plumber, Falco and Wolf are just more Space Animals, Zamus is just another Samus while Sheik is just another Zelda, and the Jiggernaut is just another puffball.
That's a terrible defense.

Luigi is just another plumber?
Ike is just another Swords man, so, you know, they relate so much.

Falco and Fox are space animals but at least they look different and don't have the same name.

Zamus IS Samus

Shiek isn't another Zelda. =| Shiek is Zelda's alter. They may be they same being but they're different people besides, Sheik didn't even take up space and the same thing is with Zamus.

Jigger is another Pink Puffball.
Jigger is also another Pokemon. Same Arguement above with Luigi.

The problem with WW Link (and Paper Mario) is that there's already a LINK and a MARIO.

Now, this is just me but, I do not look at clones by their moveset TBH. In my mind, Ganon was a clone but a whole different person than Capt. Falcon. Young Link was a clone because, not just because of his moveset, but he is literally another Link. Same goes for Paper Mario.

I say if WW Link gets in than so should OoT and 8-bit Link should get in too.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
honestly the way i look at link is completely different then how i look at the FE chars.

Even though they're lords, i see them as soldiers, not a lot of flash but what it takes to get the jobs done.
I look at link and i see a hero who makes use of his items. I think it's one thing to say they're all swordsman, in some respect they are, but they go about it a different way. I would like to see a true swordsman character in brawl. Someone who's game revolves around different technique, instead of our Strategy and Puzzle solving friends WHO I LOVE COMPLETELY...

can't wait to see the flames lol

perhaps link can have that much different about him, if only slightly. has anyone considered the roll counter as a possible up smash?? just a small jump instead. Movement in smashes have been done before, fsmash of sheik fox and even Ganondorf's if only slightly

F-Smash Jump Attack
U-Smash Roll Counter
D-Smash Spear Swipe--Alternates between Orca's and the moblins

F-Tilt Classic Thrust

D-Air Jump Over Counter
B-Air Flip Kick-- While moving back in a zelda game while z-targeting, press A
man this is so incomplete

F-B Grappling Hook catches opponents and steals items. Link then swings them in a direction to set them up for another one of his item related attacks...
EX. Uses them to swing himself up, after setting up a bombchu behind himself

Link does not pull them close, put gets item when he pulls the hook back.

I say if WW Link gets in than so should OoT and 8-bit Link should get in too.
i don't think anyone is against that, but they believe the concept of them gettin in would be in place of another zelda character. Piggybacking shamefully of your statement Paper Mario For Brawl


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
My own little world
I finally beat Phantom Hourglass, and I must say that the grappling hook was easily my favorite item from that game.

If young Link needs to be different than Link, I don't see why he can't have all fresh B moves. He doesn't really need bombs or a bow. Just give him other items from the series. There are several excellent choices, even if Young Link never used them.

Grappling hook, skull hammer, deku leaf, bombchus- these are all excellent choices. Remember the ice and fire rods? or the canes? What about that cane on Minish Cap that made everything flip over? Or the gust jar from the same game? Or maybe that weird grappling item from the oracle games that caused you to switch places with whatever you grabbed (That was a wierd item)? May we even grab from Twilight Princess itself? The Ball 'n' chain (AWESOME) or the spinner(LAME)?

There are many tools in the Zelda universe that could be easily (and awesomely) integrated into a character.

On a side note, does anyone remember Link talking in Wind Waker? That really wierded me out, but now I think it's awesome. Kudos to anyone who remembers what he says.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Wilkes-Barre, PA
so most of the people who support THIS young link, support him as being similar in some regards to his previous incarnation or Link?
Should be nothing like TP Link OR Young Link from SSBM. His moveset needs to be completely new, taking advantage of the Skull Hammer, Wind Waker, Deku Leaf, etc.

But sadly, lots of people want him to be like he was in SSBM. Not that Sakurai gives a flip though. :3


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Now, I am not a WW Link hater and I really don't care if he gets in but:

That's a terrible defense.

Luigi is just another plumber?
Ike is just another Swords man, so, you know, they relate so much.

Falco and Fox are space animals but at least they look different and don't have the same name.

Zamus IS Samus

Shiek isn't another Zelda. =| Shiek is Zelda's alter. They may be they same being but they're different people besides, Sheik didn't even take up space and the same thing is with Zamus.

Jigger is another Pink Puffball.
Jigger is also another Pokemon. Same Arguement above with Luigi.

The problem with WW Link (and Paper Mario) is that there's already a LINK and a MARIO.

Now, this is just me but, I do not look at clones by their moveset TBH. In my mind, Ganon was a clone but a whole different person than Capt. Falcon. Young Link was a clone because, not just because of his moveset, but he is literally another Link. Same goes for Paper Mario.

I say if WW Link gets in than so should OoT and 8-bit Link should get in too.
WW Link is in Brawl, go cry more, then get over it.
Oct 12, 2007
And you compare old, retired Links to new, current, and most popular Link.

After TP bombed in Japan, you think Sakurai will ignore the Link that's starred in one of the only recent Zeldas to break 1 million there?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
@ AuraLancer: To my knowledge, the clones in Melee, weren't really meant to be clones. They were made that way since their characters were rushed and there just wasn't enough development time.

@ A Link to the Snitch: You are correct, unlike 8 bit Link or OoT Link, WW Link is the most current version of Link which would make sense of why he would be put in Brawl along with TP Link.

@ Foz: Technically WW Link and TP Link (or any other Link) aren't the same character. I haven't been following the Zelda series very closely, but to my knowledge all these Links come from different generations. In other words the same OoT Link is not the same Link we see in TP or WW (although that is pretty obvious looking at their appearance).

Deleted member

@ Foz: Technically WW Link and TP Link (or any other Link) aren't the same character. I haven't been following the Zelda series very closely, but to my knowledge all these Links come from different generations. In other words the same OoT Link is not the same Link we see in TP or WW (although that is pretty obvious looking at their appearance).
Like I said. 8-bit link would make a pretty cool character. If WW Link can get in, why can't he?

He's Retro
Sakurai likes Retro

He can have his own moveset. It's a good idea if we add in WW Link, so, why not have 3? Like everyone said, they are different so yeah.

8-bit Link for Brawl!
Oct 12, 2007

Wow. Please, you shouldn't be debating anything, ever, if you're just going to make ****y strawman arguments.

You're basically suggesting that if WW Link were to get in, every single iteration of Link ever created has to be in, too.

But if Wind Waker Link got in, it would be *gasp* because he is unique and because he is the most popular Link in Japan. 8-bit Link would be tall and closer to realistic, while Wind Waker Link is short and cel-shaded, which isn't covered by Link and certainly not by 8-bit Link.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
Like I said. 8-bit link would make a pretty cool character. If WW Link can get in, why can't he?

He's Retro
Sakurai likes Retro

He can have his own moveset. It's a good idea if we add in WW Link, so, why not have 3? Like everyone said, they are different so yeah.

8-bit Link for Brawl!
lol good point

Well I'm not saying he can't, I'm just saying why WW Link is more likely. 8 bit would be cool and retro, but by already having WW Link and TP Link, 3 would be a crowd 0.0 know what I mean? Well anyways I'm always for any newcomer Link for brawl. :cool:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
My own little world
lol good point

Well I'm not saying he can't, I'm just saying why WW Link is more likely. 8 bit would be cool and retro, but by already having WW Link and TP Link, 3 would be a crowd 0.0 know what I mean? Well anyways I'm always for any newcomer Link for brawl EXCEPT CDI LINK. :cool:
There, now you're in the clear.;)

Deleted member


Wow. Please, you shouldn't be debating anything, ever, if you're just going to make ****y strawman arguments.

You're basically suggesting that if WW Link were to get in, every single iteration of Link ever created has to be in, too.

But if Wind Waker Link got in, it would be *gasp* because he is unique and because he is the most popular Link in Japan. 8-bit Link would be tall and closer to realistic, while Wind Waker Link is short and cel-shaded, which isn't covered by Link and certainly not by 8-bit Link.

Sakurai: "Popular Characters. *yawn*"

This isn't a popularity contest.
Frankly, I don't care if WW Link is in I was just against that defense. WW Link is another Link. 8-Bit Link is just as unique. Maybe not as popular but oh well popular characters are boring. There is no point in adding another Link. As I said, he'd be a clone. Not moveset wise but appearance wise. It'd be best to save room for more original characters.

Now, I ain't saying WW Link isn't original, it just wouldn't be original to add in another Link when we already have (and only need) one. I wouldn't be surprised if he got in. I wouldn't care either.
Oct 12, 2007
Wow, he has white skin, a green outfit, a sword, and a shield.

Completely different moves, completely different character, completely different visual style, and being the base for five games so far.

Twilight Princess' Link was used for TP, SSBB, and Link's Crossbow Training.
Oct 12, 2007
Great reasoning.

That's probably the best you could do, too.

And I'm totally serious. If you had said anything besides that, it'd be "stupid reasoning", rather than "no reasoning at all".

If your posts do nothing but waste space, don't make them.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
Great reasoning.

That's probably the best you could do, too.

And I'm totally serious. If you had said anything besides that, it'd be "stupid reasoning", rather than "no reasoning at all".

If your posts do nothing but waste space, don't make them.
face --this is about as bad as a halo-lord trying to convert a die hard fighting gamer to the realm of fps
Oct 12, 2007
If they can't contribute any worthwhile discussion to the thread, they shouldn't comment.

Saying "no, he won't be in because I said so" is not worthwhile discussion.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
so most of the people who support THIS young link, support him as being similar in some regards to his previous incarnation or Link?
I get the impression that most people want him completely and utterly different, which I don't understand. As I said, in my eyes, he should have the same basic b moves and, on the other hand, perfectly different A moves.
Of course, he has a huge library of moves to choose from, but the bow+arrow, boomerang and bombs are not only the most iconic for all Links, they work perfectly together. Three different projectiles with completely different uses. That's what made Young Link in Melee actually usable. You could throw so many different things at your opponent to keep them busy while staying at a healthy distance.
Items like the Skull Hammer just don't work with that. Slow melee attacks are the exact opposite of what he should work like in my mind.

Now, I am not a WW Link hater and I really don't care if he gets in but:

That's a terrible defense.

Luigi is just another plumber?
Ike is just another Swords man, so, you know, they relate so much.

Falco and Fox are space animals but at least they look different and don't have the same name.

Zamus IS Samus

Shiek isn't another Zelda. =| Shiek is Zelda's alter. They may be they same being but they're different people besides, Sheik didn't even take up space and the same thing is with Zamus.

Jigger is another Pink Puffball.
Jigger is also another Pokemon. Same Arguement above with Luigi.

The problem with WW Link (and Paper Mario) is that there's already a LINK and a MARIO.

Now, this is just me but, I do not look at clones by their moveset TBH. In my mind, Ganon was a clone but a whole different person than Capt. Falcon. Young Link was a clone because, not just because of his moveset, but he is literally another Link. Same goes for Paper Mario.

I say if WW Link gets in than so should OoT and 8-bit Link should get in too.
I understand where you're coming from. Link is Link. Can't argue against that.
Though, I see "Link" as more of a category of heroes of the Legend of Zelda franchise. They're different people who look similar and go on similar quests.

The whole counter-argument is based on the appearance of a character. Old Link is dirty blond, wears dark green clothes and is a tall, handsome young man. Wind Waker-style Link's color scheme and clothing and everything are similar, but I believe that their appearance is no more similar than Fox and Falco's.
Try imagining silhouettes of Fox and Falco, then imagine silhouettes of the two Links. The Links actually have a more distinct appearance. The same applies to the comparison with Kirby and Jigglypuff, and of course Mario and Luigi.

So, you might find it boring and unimaginative to add the younger version of Link as well because they're both Link. I found it very boring to have Falco in Melee because he's just another human animal with the same build as Fox, the same style, and so on. Even moveset-wise, if they de-clone Falco, he can't be a LOT different from Fox because there's only so much you can make out of the two before you have to start pulling things out of your rear-end.

I view Links as a sort of category, just like I view the Space Animals and Puffballs and such in a category. And within these, the Links are more distinct than these pretty much universally accepted other character pairs.
I can't exactly force this way of thinking on anyone else, but I can at least try to explain, I guess.


Sakurai: "Popular Characters. *yawn*"

This isn't a popularity contest.
That's a bit of a naive perspective. Sakurai will always try to please his fans. He will not add characters purely on the grounds that they are popular. A character has to be interesting as well. His retro love only extends so far as to make him include some characters purely because of their potential, like the Ice Climbers.
The question is whether Sakurai considers him interesting or not... but being so popular already increases his chances immensely.
Oct 12, 2007
*rolls eyes at Foz* I just laugh at the idea that Sakurai doesn't care about popularity.

He doesn't just throw in obscure characters to be cool, it's a careful balance, and he DOES pick characters based on popularity.
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