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Official Toon Link support thread, home to the Knights of the Drowned Kingdom!


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I'm afraid I'll have to defend vesperview.

No, it's just you're using your join date as proof. That's ridiculous. I didn't even really see you posting around here until July or August. You may have made a few posts back in December but you became most active back in July or August.
You either didn't understand the post or you're twisting his words. He didn't say "I'm older, so I'm right!", he said that his experience taught him that you're better off only posting when you can actually make your case convincingly.
And that is the case whether vesperview himself has good arguments or not.

No u dont understand its not about couple pages ago, its the thing inside the quote box (that black rectangle with your name in bold) that's the stupidest thing i ever read.
If that was the stupidest thing you've ever read, you must be very young.
As I said, it was actually the truth to some extent. If you go into a thread just to say "this character sucks" and you can't and won't back up your argument with good arguments, that's trolling.
Now I can't judge objectively whether Meta Sonic has any good arguments or not, but judging by the fact that he keeps getting involved in arguments in different threads that keep going back and forth with repeatedly the same old points, I'd say it's a possibility that he doesn't, really.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
I'm afraid I'll have to defend vesperview.

You either didn't understand the post or you're twisting his words. He didn't say "I'm older, so I'm right!", he said that his experience taught him that you're better off only posting when you can actually make your case convincingly.
And that is the case whether vesperview himself has good arguments or not.
You're right. I realized that I misinterpreted it soon after. It's just I'm pretty sure I've seen him do it before...:ohwell: Something about the post sounded arrogant to me as well.

My mistake, I've been in a bad mood lately. -_-


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Fawriel, so have u come up with any ideas for the club's name? if were making it that is...
Sorry... after having spent several hours today working hard for my Make Your Move! thread while procrastinating work for university, I can pretty safely say that I don't have the time to take responsibility for a club... unless you are content with a simple list of members in the original post.

I could ask around if anyone wants to create that club with a forum and everything... we do have a handful of intelligent, dedicated and trustworthy supporters here, after all.

As for a name...
How about "The Woodwind Orchestra"? ^^


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Lol its ok, it could be just a small club, nothing big like ridley is doing, just want to know the clubs name so I can do a sig for WW supporters...

How about Guardians of the wind?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Lol its ok, it could be just a small club, nothing big like ridley is doing, just want to know the clubs name so I can do a sig for WW supporters...

How about Guardians of the wind?
Oh, like that... darn, I really liked my name. It has the Wind, the music, the "WW" and is more original than some other names... I think. But it wouldn't be immediately apparent as a club name... or would it? Then again, neither are some others... *scowls*

...now that you brought up the idea, I would actually like a real club. Haven't been really excited for any character for a long time, that might fire up our spirits a little and stuff, you know!
Though we don't really have a lot of active supporters...

Everyone who supports Wind Waker/Cell-Shaded/Young Link raise your hands, please!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2007
Ottawa, Canada

Both of your names are awesome. Hmm, I don't know which I like best, though.. arrgh can't decide it only makes me dizzy:psycho:

Oh and nice sig Stryks.:bigthumbu


Smash Cadet
Nov 18, 2007
WW Link is one of the only sword-users i would use the other being Isaac from GS

However i would want him to be extremely different from regular Link with that in mind
I developed this B moveset

B-up -Deku Leaf- Whips out a deku leaf and leaps into the air using the leaf to glide around. Used for recovery if already in air
B-side - Hammer- Takes out a hammer and strikes the opponent down or creates a shockwave if it hits the ground
B- Spin Attack- similar yet different to older links- it isn't really used in the air and you can press forward or back to move around while spinning
B-down- Bombchu- takes out a bombchu and it rushes straight ahead

Shadowball Enthusiast

Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
London UK
You know how usually every character has an item from there series, i have the WW link one.

Bait: what happens is you pick up bait and try and throw i at you oponent if it misses it brakes on the floor, if it hit it stick and a flock of seaguls start pecking at him. If you are hit the more you move the more the bait crumbles off.

Smile Guy

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Hooray for Wind Waker Link. I am, too, a supporter (could you guess from my avatar) and fail to understand any of the "he's just another Link" arguments.

What I do understand though is how people want characters in SSBB to combine all their gaming appearances into one so their moveset is a nostalgic and awesome one. They say that Link represents every Link that has ever existed so putting another Link in there would not work.

The problem you have with that is that even if you are a naysayer to "two Links" the fact of the matter is, is that the current Link we know of in SSBB has a moveset based purely on Twilight Princess. We have Barnes' Bombs, a Gale Boomerang and a Clawshot. This actually means that a Young Link based on the other half of the Zelda franchise is more than likely. It's borderline definite.

The other argument that I can't help but shoot down is that Zelda has too many other worthy characters. People on Smashboards seem to have got into their heads that as in Melee, no franchise had more than 5 representatives, then no franchise can have more than 5 representatives in Brawl either. This is just plain wrong! SSBB is obviously going to expand on it's predecessors and with the major franchises of Mario, Zelda and Pokemon (yes, Pokemon, get over it, it's a main franchise of Nintendo) there's every chance that we're going to see a lot more diverse representatives.

Look at Kirby, he's now got three times more representatives than he had in Melee. Could we be seeing 15 Zelda representatives? (NB: Please note that the 15 Zelda representatives was a jokey exaggeration, do not cyberbully me).

One thing that an anti-two-Links person argued towards me once was that you've got to try and think laterally... could another character fulfil the criteria that I would want fulfilled by Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass/Minish Cap Link. The only character that could get even close would be, yes, Vaati. I know moveset-wise he would have to be completely different but his look would be similar and he could still represent the closer-to-Miyamoto's-soul side of the Zelda series.

It would also be quite awesome to have two Zelda villains for Brawl (thinks of Zant and retches). A Ganondorf vs. Link vs. Vaati vs. Zelda/Sheik really does make my mouth water.

But still, I'd prefer Wind Waker Link AND Vaati to be in of course!
Oct 12, 2007
The problem with some peoples' movesets that I've seen (not necessarily any of those made on this forum) is that they're all Wind Waker-based (with some PH thrown in at times).

I mean, you can't just use Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, what about Minish Cap? Give him the Gust Jar, Mole Mitts, some of his sword skills, etc.

B = Skull Hammer
Smash B = Sword Rush (or whatever the roll+stab move is)
Up B = Deku Leaf
Down B = Gust Jar
Final Smash = Hurricane Slash
Grab = Grappling Hook
Taunt 1 = Wind Waker
Taunt 2 = Ezlo appears in his cap form and chatters
Taunt 3 = Swings sword and points it in air (ie, ALttP's boss defeat anim)

And the A moves wouldn't have to resemble Link's at all, which could use many elements from all five of this Link's game (this Link meaning this design for Link).

Pardon the lazy moveset.

EDIT: Although, instead of B as Skull Hammer, I could see Mole Mitts or Magic Boomerang (Mole Mitts automatically moving him forward with each B tap, Magic Boomerang letting the player make a path for it).


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
yes hammers and lesser respected items for the win [[his grad attack should smask them on the head with the bottle]] and who else will vaati fight

down throw step on his back with the iron boots!!


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2007
Switch FC
The problem with some peoples' movesets that I've seen (not necessarily any of those made on this forum) is that they're all Wind Waker-based (with some PH thrown in at times).

I mean, you can't just use Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, what about Minish Cap? Give him the Gust Jar, Mole Mitts, some of his sword skills, etc.

B = Skull Hammer
Smash B = Sword Rush (or whatever the roll+stab move is)
Up B = Deku Leaf
Down B = Gust Jar
Final Smash = Hurricane Slash
Grab = Grappling Hook
Taunt 1 = Wind Waker
Taunt 2 = Ezlo appears in his cap form and chatters
Taunt 3 = Swings sword and points it in air (ie, ALttP's boss defeat anim)

And the A moves wouldn't have to resemble Link's at all, which could use many elements from all five of this Link's game (this Link meaning this design for Link).

Pardon the lazy moveset.

EDIT: Although, instead of B as Skull Hammer, I could see Mole Mitts or Magic Boomerang (Mole Mitts automatically moving him forward with each B tap, Magic Boomerang letting the player make a path for it).
Nice moveset you've got there so far. I prefer the Skull Hammer, and think that controlling the Magic Boomerangs trajectory would cause some vulnerability just like with Snake's missile launcher.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Wilkes-Barre, PA
I was thinking about alt costumes for this character. They would be pretty easy, they would be based off of Wind Waker and Four Swords.

Four Swords:

Pretty simple, yeah? I can almost say for certain these will be WW Link's alt costumes.

Now, this last one is more for people who really loved Wind Waker like myself, and actually played through the game twice:

I loved this costume, and I sure hope they include it.


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
In Smithy's Factory Mains: Fox, Sheik Brawl Mains:
I still really dont want ww link. Even though you(Fawriel) have support against the arguements such as "Clone" and "He is just another Link", They did not explain to me that much on why he should get in.
Well, you said that "Luigi is just another itlian plumber" Really, they are 2 different people. They(Mario & Luigi) both have different colored clothes, names, and personalties. How could they be both the same??
You also said "Falco & Wolf are both space animals" Well, Falco is a bird, and Wolf is a Wolf. Two different animals.
Where WW Link and TP Link are still both the same person no matter what.
This is why i think we dont need ww link.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I still really dont want ww link. Even though you(Fawriel) have support against the arguements such as "Clone" and "He is just another Link", They did not explain to me that much on why he should get in.
On the technical side, he'd provide proper representation of the two faces of the Zelda franchise with the old Link, and would come with a very unique moveset.
On the artistic side, he's a breath of fresh air with his cartoony style, his cheerful personality, his expressive face, et cetera, et cetera.

Well, you said that "Luigi is just another itlian plumber" Really, they are 2 different people. They(Mario & Luigi) both have different colored clothes, names, and personalties. How could they be both the same??
You also said "Falco & Wolf are both space animals" Well, Falco is a bird, and Wolf is a Wolf. Two different animals.
Where WW Link and TP Link are still both the same person no matter what.
This is why i think we dont need ww link.



Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!

anyway, WW link fights way diferently from TP link, not to mention diferences in items...

also WW link would rep the portable zeldas, which so far they have all used the cartoony style...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
Let me just say this. WW Link and TP Link are NOT the same thing. Even me, who's not really a big LoZ fan know this. Why? TP Link has completely different looks and has different items and attacks than the Link from WW. Sure you could say "Sure in that case add every single link from past games since they all use different items". Well no, WW Link is the most obvious choice since WW Link will represent a present generation of Zelda games such as WW and Phantom Hourglass; while TP Link obviously represents the Twilight Princess generation.

Back to topic, WW Link for Brawl!


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Actually, the thing with the pictures gave me an idea for a sort of experiment.

If you showed these pictures separately to someone unfamiliar with the Zelda franchise...

...I wonder how many would realize that the two are even related in any way...

Not so similar at all once you take away the green clothes, are they?

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Actually, the thing with the pictures gave me an idea for a sort of experiment.

If you showed these pictures separately to someone unfamiliar with the Zelda franchise...

...I wonder how many would realize that the two are even related in any way...

Not so similar at all once you take away the green clothes, are they?

Check this one out I found.


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
When are people going to understand that this is Smash Link and we don't need 2 of one person. Any character can have a unique moveset so don't give me that BS. There is no such thing as TP Link in Brawl. He's just model after the latest thing.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
When are people going to understand that this is Smash Link and we don't need 2 of one person. Any character can have a unique moveset so don't give me that BS. There is no such thing as TP Link in Brawl. He's just model after the latest thing.
If he was, he'd be Cell shaded because Phantom Hourglass happens to be "the latest thing".

Sorry, please try again.


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
If he was, he'd be Cell shaded because Phantom Hourglass happens to be "the latest thing".

Sorry, please try again.
Mr. Literate, you know what the **** I mean. So you try something else. It's Smash Link regardless, just updated looks and movesets, kinda how the game is updated in looks as well as the characters.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Unfortunately it really looks like Sakurai has made the current Link's moveset "TP like". So sadly, it really does look like the Link we have right now is representing TP. I still have hope WW Link won't make it, though.


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
Unfortunately it really looks like Sakurai has made the current Link's moveset "TP like". So sadly, it really does look like the Link we have right now is representing TP. I still have hope WW Link won't make it, though.
It's an updated moveset, just the same as Fox's is updated and other characters, etc. It's still Smash Link. Things are different in Smash and it just b/c someone's design and moves are updated to one of their latest games doesn't mean they're repping one game of the whole series.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Ok so the smash link represents the old link, just like in melee while the young link from melee represented the rest, the ones from the 1st zeldas, the GB ones, etc. so why cant we get yet again ANOTHER young link to represent the new young links that have comed out, which ironically are all WW link based...


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
Ok so the smash link represents the old link, just like in melee while the young link from melee represented the rest, the ones from the 1st zeldas, the GB ones, etc. so why cant we get yet again ANOTHER young link to represent the new young links that have comed out, which ironically are all WW link based...
B/c this isn't Melee and things with Brawl are completely different. The roster and style will be a lot different than what we got last time.
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