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**Official Titans of Smash (ToS) Crew Thread** We Never Died

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
ok so i guess its not 100% ok, but i mean its almost definite. and the later scars goes, the more we can get done while there. this will be less of a gathering and more of just rankings. iv never seen in though, we do have a lounge downstairs at our dorm with a tv area like last year right? as long as we do it wont be a problem.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2007
i still dont agree with the way this is worked out. i might not go >_>


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
ok so i guess its not 100% ok, but i mean its almost definite. and the later scars goes, the more we can get done while there. this will be less of a gathering and more of just rankings. iv never seen in though, we do have a lounge downstairs at our dorm with a tv area like last year right? as long as we do it wont be a problem.
if we do the lounge it would be a LOT better. we can confirm everything sooner too. just have to talk to someone. i say we go for it


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
New Jersey
sounds alil iffy. i might not go to scar's either.

about tomorrow due to space limitations i can only allow the coolness crew, GOTM, chibo, and yayo, if he wants to come. esp wat happened last time when my couch got *****. we could start smashing from like 3-9 if u guys want. sorry for the others, ill let u no tomorrow if i can squeeze any more.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
update: smashpocalypse ends at 6pm so theres plenty of time to do a quick rankings tourney at the lounge in our building. its on 100%. we need one person whos driving to smashpocalypse in our crew to bring one TV though.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Tensai, You should see a change in Shakugan today when you guys play. He should do much better now


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Tensai, You should see a change in Shakugan today when you guys play. He should do much better now
What exactly are you able to teach someone through the internet? Even if you tell someone something they aren't able to immediately use it to their advantage without a real example. Also, just by telling someone something they don't automatically use it right anyway. If he did learn something you have to give him more time that a day to use it correctly, and to see that big of a difference.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
What exactly are you able to teach someone through the internet? Even if you tell someone something they aren't able to immediately use it to their advantage without a real example. Also, just by telling someone something they don't automatically use it right anyway. If he did learn something you have to give him more time that a day to use it correctly, and to see that big of a difference.
qft, i really cant see how talking to someone online in a short period of time can instantly make a person better to the point where improvement will be seen immediately. i can watch the mission briefing samus tutorial video (which is a video showing actual example which IMO is better than just talking, unless that talking also has video examples) as many times as humanly possible in a day but I still wont know how to use the techniques until I try them in a real battle, and CPUs dont count. especially when you learn new things you tend to get worse then better. you get worse at first because you will spend too much time focusing on doing the new techniques you learned that you will lose focus on the match and your opponent will pummel you. once you do it enough though and can start to do it second nature, you can then focus on the fight again while using your new technique plus everything else you learned which is when you get better than when you first started. and this process can sometimes take as much time as a week IMO, even more if you don't play consistently in that week. the only way you can instantly get better is with general hands on practicing when playing others, especially ones better than you. I can read samus threads on here and eventually get better but it will take time. However, I can also go to scars and play smash for a couple hours one night and safely say, I just got better. However I got better in experience, not tech skill as much which is what online text and video tutorials teach you. Tutorials can't teach you experience. Actual matches do improve your tech skill, but not without experimenting, learning new techs from tutorials, and even though it just can by itself somewhat, its no where as fast as a process as you learn experience from matches. It takes not only time to get better, but hands on experience. And Toushi and Tensai don't count for experience on Shakugan as he's used to them. Experience gained by those two will limit it so his experience can not surpass the two of them and can only possibly match it. This is why it is a known fact that going to tournaments gets you better as you generally play people you have never played before, and especially in a tournament set which means the amount of sandbagging is greatly reduced and both people take the match seriously, therefor giving each person the most amount of experience possible.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2007
lol i can kinda agree but me and tensai got good from just playing each other a billion times lol. i gave him more experience since i use everyone. he jus gives me marth experience lolol


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
he jus gives me marth experience lolol
You should play vs my Marth. If you want to MM that's fine, you can steal my money since Tensai's Marf looks way nicer than mine, but I'm just curious as to how I would do.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
lol i can kinda agree but me and tensai got good from just playing each other a billion times lol. i gave him more experience since i use everyone. he jus gives me marth experience lolol
while it is good to play against a variety of characters, i doubt the.... jigglypuff (?) skill you give him helps with someone like sliq or mango lol. the falcon practice you give him though is great. but not good enough to fight mexi! o l8r jk


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
What exactly are you able to teach someone through the internet? Even if you tell someone something they aren't able to immediately use it to their advantage without a real example. Also, just by telling someone something they don't automatically use it right anyway. If he did learn something you have to give him more time that a day to use it correctly, and to see that big of a difference.
qft, i really cant see how talking to someone online in a short period of time can instantly make a person better to the point where improvement will be seen immediately. i can watch the mission briefing samus tutorial video (which is a video showing actual example which IMO is better than just talking, unless that talking also has video examples) as many times as humanly possible in a day but I still wont know how to use the techniques until I try them in a real battle, and CPUs dont count. especially when you learn new things you tend to get worse then better. you get worse at first because you will spend too much time focusing on doing the new techniques you learned that you will lose focus on the match and your opponent will pummel you. once you do it enough though and can start to do it second nature, you can then focus on the fight again while using your new technique plus everything else you learned which is when you get better than when you first started. and this process can sometimes take as much time as a week IMO, even more if you don't play consistently in that week. the only way you can instantly get better is with general hands on practicing when playing others, especially ones better than you. I can read samus threads on here and eventually get better but it will take time. However, I can also go to scars and play smash for a couple hours one night and safely say, I just got better. However I got better in experience, not tech skill as much which is what online text and video tutorials teach you. Tutorials can't teach you experience. Actual matches do improve your tech skill, but not without experimenting, learning new techs from tutorials, and even though it just can by itself somewhat, its no where as fast as a process as you learn experience from matches. It takes not only time to get better, but hands on experience. And Toushi and Tensai don't count for experience on Shakugan as he's used to them. Experience gained by those two will limit it so his experience can not surpass the two of them and can only possibly match it. This is why it is a known fact that going to tournaments gets you better as you generally play people you have never played before, and especially in a tournament set which means the amount of sandbagging is greatly reduced and both people take the match seriously, therefor giving each person the most amount of experience possible.
You boys are right. I dont expect him to get it right away but he should be trying the stuff and and maybe he might just do it right and play better. if not, sure give him a few days as to be expected.

The level that I am now, sure it was mostly going to lots of tournaments and getting owned. But it was most likely From a so call sensai I met online. She (yes she) IM me out of random and decided to teach me some stuff to do. She watched nearly all my new vids when I had them, told them what I should do, what I did wrong, and always gave me large IM's of info. If I had a simple question, she give me this big azz advice on it. and very detailed. so I worked on it. some I got the hang of it quick, others took me some time.

I just did what I was told and worked on it. And no she is not from the US. She is from Finland. Her name is Samochan I still thank her for all that advice and teaching about Peach she gave me. or I would not be the player I am today. And that is what I am trying to do with Shakugan. What I deal time is not as beastly as Samochan's advice but it is in my taste as in how I play, what I know and how I do things. And my big brain on Peach overall. Somethings I dont expect him to get right away. Other things he just might. you never know. All depends how fast he can pick things up and how good he is.


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
i can definitely understand and get all that. the thing i was confused about was when you said look out for shakugan he should be better the next time you play him, which kind of contradicts everything you just said =/


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
i can definitely understand and get all that. the thing i was confused about was when you said look out for shakugan he should be better the next time you play him, which kind of contradicts everything you just said =/
True that.

But from what he said, he got better at all the stuff I told him thus far and his is better at FC and the techs behind it. When I got good at FC back then I played much better or different. Ya, it took me a while that day, but the end of the day I was playing much better and useing Peach FC to her advantage. which lead to great kills.

I'm just trusting in what Shakugan told me.


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
True that.

But from what he said, he got better at all the stuff I told him thus far and his is better at FC and the techs behind it. When I got good at FC back then I played much better or different. Ya, it took me a while that day, but the end of the day I was playing much better and useing Peach FC to her advantage. which lead to great kills.

I'm just trusting in what Shakugan told me.
aight coo. good stuff. we are now on the same page, lol


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2007
Drexel U. or Sicklerville, NJ
I get the best advice u can imagine from other people

how did u do that m2k...

m2k: im just good

how did u do that cactuar...

cactus: im cactus...i do cactus things


P.S. chibo....separate ur books into paragraphs or something...ive tl;dr like the last 20 posts of urs lol

*on a side note though...it might be cuz im really new to smash but half the time it seems not doing things right or not doing them up to par is just...not knowing how to do em correctly or the most proficiently in the first place...at least imo...once i know how to do things its just practicing it a lil bit...but the knowledge sure does seem to make a big difference


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2007
Vineland,New Jersey
hello everybody Dark pch has told me a few things. its basic help like FC [ Float canceling ] he told me new ways to approuch the enemy he is telling me the simple things i im missing.

Shakugan, i tryed to write something good

Classic Yayo

Smash Cadet
Dec 14, 2007
Brooklyn / Philadelphia
Some Suggestions

Aright crew, I've been thinking about some things and I want to throw out some suggestions. I know I'm an old man and keeping up with you goons is hard sometimes I honestly don’t know what’s going on or who’s doing what with who. I know we’re a VERY new crew and I don’t know how much teamwork workshops people have been to, but I’ve been to too many. So some suggestions:

1) I think we should all share phone numbers. I threw mine out a little while ago but other than GOTM and Chibo I have none. Toushi for example I would love to spam text messages to you all day about sandbagging and help with my Shiek but I can’t and that makes me sad :(

2) I think we need some type of weekly or bi-weekly or tri-weekly other then rankings I believe this will promote bonding and overall skill level. I know this is hard to do with schedules, but we should try. My apartment is open to anybody at all times, it's small and people would have to bring setups. My friend has a house two blocks from my apartment I can try to talk to him and ask if he could let us use their living room, still we would need to bring setups.

3) No secrets, or very little. I’ve honestly logged onto the board only to see that members are going here or there or have gone here or there, on a day that I had nothing to do and could have gone. This relates back to the phones numbers! We need to stay in contact.

4) I know we say we don’t have a leader but I believe we should get one, or some sort of chain of command. It seems like a *****, but it actually makes things go a lot smoother. Everybody has a role and everybody does their role, believe me in stressful situations it makes things run smoothly. At this point I basically look to Chibo as my source of information because he seems to know everything and is the most outspoken when it comes to rules and setting up tournaments.

5) I’ve just joined this crew, so I want it to last a while, and with some of the comments I’ve seen that we post to each other are in some cases personal shots. We need to remember we’re men talking to other men show respect to each other. It’s a Smash board we should be talking about the game, tournaments and team meetings/smash fest and most importantly joking and having fun. I’m not saying don’t get mad, but handle it on the side, call or text or whatever you got to do.

Overall these are just suggestions and comments on things I seen, take it or leave it, it’s up to you. But I hope as time goes on we’ll keep all our original members and grow stronger and FEARED in the Smash community as BRAWL comes out. ONE


Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2007
Aright crew, I've been thinking about some things and I want to throw out some suggestions. I know I'm an old man and keeping up with you goons is hard sometimes I honestly don’t know what’s going on or who’s doing what with who. I know we’re a VERY new crew and I don’t know how much teamwork workshops people have been to, but I’ve been to too many. So some suggestions:

1) I think we should all share phone numbers. I threw mine out a little while ago but other than GOTM and Chibo I have none. Toushi for example I would love to spam text messages to you all day about sandbagging and help with my Shiek but I can’t and that makes me sad :(

2) I think we need some type of weekly or bi-weekly or tri-weekly other then rankings I believe this will promote bonding and overall skill level. I know this is hard to do with schedules, but we should try. My apartment is open to anybody at all times, it's small and people would have to bring setups. My friend has a house two blocks from my apartment I can try to talk to him and ask if he could let us use their living room, still we would need to bring setups.

3) No secrets, or very little. I’ve honestly logged onto the board only to see that members are going here or there or have gone here or there, on a day that I had nothing to do and could have gone. This relates back to the phones numbers! We need to stay in contact.

4) I know we say we don’t have a leader but I believe we should get one, or some sort of chain of command. It seems like a *****, but it actually makes things go a lot smoother. Everybody has a role and everybody does their role, believe me in stressful situations it makes things run smoothly. At this point I basically look to Chibo as my source of information because he seems to know everything and is the most outspoken when it comes to rules and setting up tournaments.

5) I’ve just joined this crew, so I want it to last a while, and with some of the comments I’ve seen that we post to each other are in some cases personal shots. We need to remember we’re men talking to other men show respect to each other. It’s a Smash board we should be talking about the game, tournaments and team meetings/smash fest and most importantly joking and having fun. I’m not saying don’t get mad, but handle it on the side, call or text or whatever you got to do.

Overall these are just suggestions and comments on things I seen, take it or leave it, it’s up to you. But I hope as time goes on we’ll keep all our original members and grow stronger and FEARED in the Smash community as BRAWL comes out. ONE
good **** yayo i agree with you


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
QFT Yayo.

at some events we're gonna try and start having some sort of a practice schedule or somethin to make things run a lot more smoothly and get better at the specifics such as counterpicks. you have no idea how much knowing a counterpick stage helps in tourneys.

we'll also be workin on secondaries and teams a lot too, once again, this helps a lot in certain cases.

my # is 609-226-7669. i believe most of you have it though. our apartment is gonna be limited for stuff come this weekend, so i mean, unless we get the common room downstairs, we might need another place to go to.

edit: as for the leader thing, we were really against this when we all started the crew, well..because..we ALL started the crew, not just one of us. if we eventuall decided it did have to happen, a vote would be the only way to do it. (and you wouldnt be able to vote for yourself, lol)

Classic Yayo

Smash Cadet
Dec 14, 2007
Brooklyn / Philadelphia
True I hear you on the leader thing, and I respect it, maybe we can just hand out jobs when we have events or whatever. I brought that up because I don't want certain memebers to be stressed feeling like they're doing everything and other doing nothing. Jobs will also keep people active, especially when the crew starts getting bigger.

what does gft mean? I see people posting it all the time.


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
True I hear you on the leader thing, and I respect it, maybe we can just hand out jobs when we have events or whatever. I brought that up because I don't want certain memebers to be stressed feeling like they're doing everything and other doing nothing. Jobs will also keep people active, especially when the crew starts getting bigger.

what does gft mean? I see people posting it all the time.
jobs is a good idea, i like it. actually, a very good idea, i really like it, haha.

QFT = quoted for truth.

or simply TRUE
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