Aright crew, I've been thinking about some things and I want to throw out some suggestions. I know I'm an old man and keeping up with you goons is hard sometimes I honestly don’t know what’s going on or who’s doing what with who. I know we’re a VERY new crew and I don’t know how much teamwork workshops people have been to, but I’ve been to too many. So some suggestions:
1) I think we should all share phone numbers. I threw mine out a little while ago but other than GOTM and Chibo I have none. Toushi for example I would love to spam text messages to you all day about sandbagging and help with my Shiek but I can’t and that makes me sad
2) I think we need some type of weekly or bi-weekly or tri-weekly other then rankings I believe this will promote bonding and overall skill level. I know this is hard to do with schedules, but we should try. My apartment is open to anybody at all times, it's small and people would have to bring setups. My friend has a house two blocks from my apartment I can try to talk to him and ask if he could let us use their living room, still we would need to bring setups.
3) No secrets, or very little. I’ve honestly logged onto the board only to see that members are going here or there or have gone here or there, on a day that I had nothing to do and could have gone. This relates back to the phones numbers! We need to stay in contact.
4) I know we say we don’t have a leader but I believe we should get one, or some sort of chain of command. It seems like a *****, but it actually makes things go a lot smoother. Everybody has a role and everybody does their role, believe me in stressful situations it makes things run smoothly. At this point I basically look to Chibo as my source of information because he seems to know everything and is the most outspoken when it comes to rules and setting up tournaments.
5) I’ve just joined this crew, so I want it to last a while, and with some of the comments I’ve seen that we post to each other are in some cases personal shots. We need to remember we’re men talking to other men show respect to each other. It’s a Smash board we should be talking about the game, tournaments and team meetings/smash fest and most importantly joking and having fun. I’m not saying don’t get mad, but handle it on the side, call or text or whatever you got to do.
Overall these are just
suggestions and comments on things I seen, take it or leave it, it’s up to you. But I hope as time goes on we’ll keep all our original members and grow stronger and
FEARED in the Smash community as BRAWL comes out. ONE