To the members of ToS:
im asking everyone to consider a request i have for the crew. i dont want to command anyone to do anything as all of us as a crew need to come and act together to think of what is best for our crew. i just finished reading emblem lords big post on the tsa thread and couldnt help but notice one point he made stand out amongst the rest, the image of the crew. most of a crews image comes from here at smashboards. of course we have our tournaments we attend where people meet and play smash with us in person, but that is only once in a while. we are all here on smashboards everyday and multiple people read the posts we make and learn about us that way. and when they see that indication that you are a part of ToS whether it be by sig or what you may say, it not only affects your reputation, but the reputation of the crew. this is why i just want to make sure we all try to provide best image as possible throughout the boards. we dont want people getting annoyed with the individual members of the crew, or the crew as a whole. im not singling out anyone by all means, but iv recently seen many problems concerning our members and what they post on the boards. and dont worry, even im included in this and have posted things I wish i havent. obviously were allowed to have fun, joke around and what not, but we should try to avoid things that annoy people such as pointless double posting, spamming for the sake of spamming, and picking fights with people with no reason, especially ones that dont deserve it. All in all its just better forum etiquette. others will learn more to respect us as a group which in turn gets more to go to our tournaments and so on. even when your bored, why not drop a suggestion to someone looking for help in a character section or offer some insights on various topics in brawl? and iv already noticed a lot of members doing so, and thats awesome.
o yea, and next rankings tourney will be jan 12th right after smashpocalypse. more details on that later