In general I agree with the order. While I think Zelda should switch places with Captain Falcon, and I thought Zero Suit would fly up like a Version 7 Olimar, its mostly good.
I do not like these tiers. They seem pointless. Youre already listing them in order; why the A Plus and such? It seems overly complicated,and unnecessary. I know Oli is above Marth, the order says so. I dont think the tiers need to be divided up like that. pretty soon every character will have their own tier.
Speaking of, I think its silly Ice Climbers get a tier. I understand his gap was a bit bigger. However that point system is based on votes, not merit. Just because everybody votes you in second does not make you higher of a second, it just means people agree you should be there. It doesnt magically make a larger margin. Does that make sense? Anyway. The gap between Ice Climbers and Meta Knight is much bigger than the gap between Ice Climbers and Olimar. While I do agree they are second best, they can get shut down too easily with people learning separation techniques.
Why does bottom tier have so many people and only one letter. Its like you just blew off those characters. They are important to some of us. Its like upper tiers have too much unnecessary separation and bottom doesnt have enough.
One lastish thing. I really would have liked to vote. However, I did not know we were able to. I had no knowledge of that thread or even that a new list was being made. I thought we were waiting for the matchup chart. I go on smashboards frequently to check my alerts and various Character FAQs. Im sad I couldnt vote. Could this forum send mass messages to every member when something big like this is happening? That could really help organize it and get as much participation as possible.
For the record, I think a list based purely on popular vote is silly. It should be that character communities vote on matchups, then the list is made solely of matchup data. That way we dont have Marth mains trying to figure out where the hell to put Luigi. It would also be cool to send a mass message telling everybody to vote for their characters matchups.
Anyway. In general I think the list is good. I think the formatting was pointless and the method of building it through popular vote was flawed, even though we have such a great electoral college in the BBR.

Overall, though, solid work.
Im sure I will think of more to complain about.
Also sorry if this posts a bunch of times. My phone is annoying. I will delete any extra posts.
Edit: Oh lawdy lawdy fights about Peach and Sonic. I only fight a Peach, and hes better than I am, and we both agree that Sonic is terribad. Thats all I'm saying. I'm not joining this argument about garbage characters.