Hey Joey told me to come here.
You must be the newbie I saw talkin to Joey, He talks alot of crap on the boards but a nice guy in real life.
I'm still a newb myself, maybe wanna do a money match? My Pichu has been gettin better
Joey, I know another Anime, maybe not as good as Bleach but short enough to hold your attention span...
Eiken! A Whole 2 episodes!
and Mikey, Espio, ESPIO! of all characters!
ever since he was realeased as a Ninja chameleon in Sonic Heroes, he is way overused.
and anyways, you and he are a disgrace to Ninja in general, now change your name or I shall taunt you a second time!
-( EDIT )-
BTW, Jeff, Tell Ms. Kahn to stop going places! and ditching our Smash League!
and Carlton, I need instruction for GC controller neckalace!