HEY obviously like every body else improved online play, but i think for online:
have servers and create games
let the games be customizable against random people like stock and items and stages plust other rules
when you are done you can add the people you played against to a rival list that will tell you when they are online and you can message them for a rematch
all of the characters from brawl and roy and mewtwo but make those 2 not clones or marth and lucario. also change up fox falco and wolf or just remove 2 of them. with ganondorf and capt falcon, try to change them up(why are they even related in attacks?lol) and for luigi change him up a little he isn't really considered a clone. i was suprised when fox falco and wolf had landmaster i mean seriously i could think of way better things. more characters basically
megaman(capcom it will be easy to get though)
Geno(square enix owns, but sakurai even said he considers him 1st party)
sora(square enix, gonna be very hard but they got snake in lol)
pacman(i don't know about this 1 guys but they would have to think for attacks lol maybe an assist trophie)
More sega from sonic(not gonna list them all but they could at least need 3 more)
naruto(don't hate for this 1 owned by shonen jump and viz media this won't be easy to get)
1 or 2 more pokemon only no legendaries lol! they just screw it all up
adventure mode like brawl but get a better story mode going on
It was easy to unlock them all in brawl am i right? in adventure you don't unlock them all lol.
better stage creater with the ability to make your own tile colors and stuff with rounded stuff and special things that happen
RANT RANT RANT RANT some more lol i am done for now

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